Coming Soon...
In order to keep expanding and keep this small town newspaper alive, we must make some changes. Some of those changes must deal with content, and so you can look forward to the following changes:
1. New Features -- Two new features are coming soon! The "Where Are They Now" feature will spotlight Wood Lake High School and Lakeview alumni by running three of their returned questionaires per week, as space permits. Another new feature will be the "A Closer Look" which spotlights the programs and services that are available in The Messenger's coverage area with a more in-depth look than a person can get from reading a pamphlet.
2. The only way to go is up -- We started out covering the Wood Lake, Hanley Falls, Echo and Belview area, but as things go, we need to add more coverage area in order to continue to grow, and so we will soon be covering Cottonwood! Look forward to more Cottonwood stories and postings.