Oy, 3 months with no post. I guess that means that this blog is on its way out. Its been a slow long fight, hasn't it? I don't know yet if I'll delete it or just let it fade into the internet afterlife. My offline life just took over and I don't really feel the need to put updates online anymore. The people that matter to me are in the know and the rest don't really need to know what I'm up to, do they? Not like I really have any earth shattering revelations on here anyway. It was a nice way to transition from my America life to Europe life, but now that its harder to jump back to America life, this webspace has served its purpose. Besides, I don't think anyone reads this anymore.
But in the name of tradition, I'll quickly do an update. Work is at full force. We have our first sampling trip planned for next Monday if the river isn't too high. Then off to Lunz for a week of analysis. Then its to Dornbirn (YAYAYYAYAYAYYAY!) for another long weekend and to pick up furniture. Pirmin and I (maybe Margot as well) drive back to Vienna on the following Wednesday to unload. Thursday is Team Meeting at work and then on Friday Bigga comes back for a weekend 'o' fun. So busy. But thats good because then August is over. It really is the crappiest month of the year. Its just hot and sticky and I'm ready for everyone to come down from the mountains and back into the city so I don't have to watch too much TV.
I've come to the realization that my work is not my life. Its alright and its interesting, but it definitely does NOT define who I am. I think this is rather rare in the sciences. Its so easy to get all wrapped up in what you're doing and you think its so important because you have to constantly write funding proposals and justifications. But in reality, its just a job that isn't as boring as the others. I like my life outside of work too much to let this career take over.
So thats about it. I'm moving at the end of this month and I'll send via email the new address along with a proper email. As for the fate of this site, we'll see. If you feel like this is your only connection to me, then send me a damn email instead of spying on my blog! Or get on myspace or facebook and join the masses.
Right, so two months since a decent post. I don't know if anyone reads this, but just in case someone from high school stumbled across this, I should keep it updated so that everyone knows just how awesome life is.
Actually, things are going pretty well. Our project at work got funding in late March and we're set to officially start July 1. But that doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything. Rather, I'm trying to set the whole lab incubations up so that we'll be able to get reliable data this year. Yeah, thats the plan. Before the end of the calander year, we want reliable data coming from these incubations. So that might give you a hint as to how big a pain in the ass they are. Actually, once they are working, they're going to be fairly great. I'm using a newish method that a group in Denmark perfected (I want/need to go to Denmark in the near future) but no one here in Vienna uses, so I'm trying to figure it out myself. But, luckily there's alot of expertise around these parts so I think I'll be alright.
I've become a semi-member of the chemical ecology group at the University of Vienna (where I also have my 2nd office) which I really like. These working group things are funny. Each one has a very different personality. Our group is very modular. Although we talk alot and share information, its less a collaborative feel (except for me and my project partner...we're inseparable). The other functioning group in Lunz is very cool, but they have an information flow problem. The limnology group is a bit competitive and the chem. ecology group is a hangout group. I like them all, especially the differences.
In the life outside of work (it does exist!) things are going well. The flat search 2007 has begun. I can't wait to get out of my current flat. Not like I'm here very often (usually a few hours a week) but when I am here, I lose all motivation to do anything. Margot and I are driving Pirmin crazy with our constant talk of moving and how to organize it. But, with us 3 (plus Severin when he comes back) it has to be planned out or it turns into a clusterfuck. In case you didn't catch it, I'll be living with Pirmin, his brother (Sev) and his current roommate (Margot). All this will happen in September. So if you want to visit me in Austria, you're invited AFTER September.
The summer looks quite busy with work, but Pirmin and I will be in Finland from June 20-July 5. Midsummer's is going to be an Austrian reunion of sorts on the island. Margit, Jakob, Andreas, Mia (and Tim) will all be around Kuopio at the same time, so we're going to light the fire and celebrate together. I'm reaaaaallllllllly looking forward to this vacation. After that, I'll try and get to Voralberg for 2 long weekends (over my birthday for Eutra and sometime in August) but thats it. Its going to be a working summer (eek!). Conference wise, I already went to a great workshop that was being held in Vienna over Easter, but maybe I'll be in Ljubljana for a 3day meeting. I don't have much data to bring around, so thats why its a bit slim this year. Although, I'm still trying a way to fund myself for the Nitrogen Conference in Brazil. That would be so great.
Alright sports fans, I think thats enough for now. You can chew on the awesomeness that is my life until I decide to delight you with more news later.
Happy Earth Day everyone! Plant a tree or recycle and enjoy the day!
Funding. I need it. Badly. Whoever thinks that European countries hand out money by the bucket is sorely mistaken. I can't get a reduction on anything let alone get any financial help. I didn't get the NSF grant because I'm too advanced to be a beginning scientist. BS!! EVERYONE has a Master's. That doesn't give anyone a scientific career. Grrr.. Today and tomorrow are the committee meetings for our big funding proposal. I really hope it comes through. I'm at a loss. I was at the student help office today trying to get into the help given to Austrian students. But, being alone without any parents renders me void.
This studying abroad is a pain in the neck.
I thought I could get some mobility help. Apparently, not between Finland and Austria. Nor Switzerland and Austria. Nor America and Austria. In EVERY G-D grant proposal, they mention they want to increase international cooperation. But apparently, that doesn't include funding interntaional students. Is there a logic that I'm just not understanding? I'm very close to the point where I'm going to soliciting tattoo space on my body. Or maybe not. But at least I'd wear labels on my lab coat. Maybe I could strike a deal with Eppendorf......
This once a month updating seems to be the new trend. I'd been planning to write something in here for the last few days, since I had so much unexpected free time, but I never got around to it. Funny how that happens.
So anyway, I guess the big news is that now its offical that I'm a doctoral student at the BOKU. I got my acceptance letter today in the mail. It wasn't a big suprise, since I've been working there since Nov, but its nice that its all over and done with. That also means that its truly over with Kuopio. I got my diploma in the beginning of Feb. It only took 3 months. No biggie. But hooray for being a registered student again! I get to buy a CHEAP metro ticket, get reduced pricing again, and I'm insured!!! That last bit is the best part. Throughout my entire life, I've been insured. And stuff's come up, but because of insurance, no big deal. But, of course, the ONE month when my insurance status is a bit unclear I get whammed with something. OK, not whammed, since its been going on now for 5 weeks, but I finally went to the doctor. Now I have to wait until the next insurance term starts up so that I can go to the hospital to get my ultrasound. No, not pregnant, by the way. Just have to get this awful pain checked out.
Erm, I think that about wraps up this post. I'm moving into my flat in Lunz either this weekend or the next. We get the keys on Thursday. The Finns come to Lunz the first week of March so I want to be sorted out by the time they show up. Oh yeah! My dad is coming for a visit!!! Hooray. It'll be the same time that Pirmin comes down from the mountains and rejoins me in Vienna. Yippee in two weeks!
Ahhh, back home in Austria. Week one is under my belt. Being away made me realize how happy I am here in Vienna. Probably because this is where my life is. Atlanta was tons of fun, though. I got to see all the people I wanted to see (and most of them more than once!), drink the beer I wanted to drink (mmmm Sweetwater 420), eat the food I wanted to eat, and watch the TV I wanted to watch. The only problem with that last bit is that now I'm going through a Law and Order withdrawl. I don't have much to do today and it would be great to veg out in front of Primetime in the Daytime, but c'est la vie!
For me, I think the best part was just hanging out at home with no particular schedule. Last year I felt guilty about not running around everyday, but this year I felt like I better enjoy my vacation and be snuggly in the house as much as possible. It was probably the last time that I'll get to hang out in that house since my parents are definatly moving somewhere this year. With the death of the cats, my parents said that the house is really empty and now nothing holds them there anymore. I just hope they stay in Atlanta. We did lots of fun things while I was there; kayaking on Christmas, a trip to the Aquarium, and tons of cooking and baking. I don't know when I'll go back to America next. I'm not too keen about going back for Christmases and New Years anymore. Its just such a stressful time for everyone and I'd rather spend the money and go in the spring. But we'll see what happens when the holidays roll back around.
On the work front, I have a flat in Lunz now. So when I'm working there I don't have to sleep in the dorms at the station, but I can go back to my cozy flat shared by a collegue and our boss. I need to get some furniture there and our boss has to get the kitchen installed and then we're good to go. Its not so expensive so I think I'll be able to swing two flats. When this lease runs out I'll be moving into another flat share (biiiig suprises as to who my flatmates will be) which hopefully won't be so expensive. Then I'll have a luxury lifesytle.
2007 is going to be everyone's year. Last year kinda sucked for a lot of people I know, so this year is going to be rad for everyone.
I'm back in Atlanta. And going through culture shock as always. I always seem to forget how life really is when I'm here. I'm probably more nostalgic in my memories of Atlanta than reality when describing it to other people back home (Vienna). So its good to get the reality check. But there is nothing nicer than being able to hide out at my parents' place, eating good food and vegging in front of the TV with my cats. No one knows (well, now you do, but I don't think anyone really reads this much, so its ok).
But in exciting news, Mia and Andreas have a new baby. Tim Emil Deubner was born Dec 4th weighing 3.75 kg and 52 cm long. He has the biggest cheeks I've ever seen on a baby! So cute.
The week at the IAEA was really interesting. In a room with 20 experts and me. I was well out of my league, but I met some really interesting people and learned alot. I have a feeling this might provide some really interesting prospects for the future.
But right now, my future is to go and reclaim a TV somewhere and enjoy american culture.
I finished school. My thesis was finally accepted and now its all over. I just have to make some emails to get the printing organized and send off my grading form. I am so happy to finally be able to wash my hands of UKU. I would NEVER recommend to anyone else to study in Finland unless they really want to deal with all the Finns. I guess some people weren't so bad, but buearacracy is incredible.
Last night was the graduation party. I'm still recovering from it. It was great that everyone came down to the Kistl and enjoyed our drinks and food. I hadn't had such a good time in a while. Wait, thats not true. Thanksgiving was last Sunday which was just as fun. I (with Pirmin's help) cooked for 16 people. The turkey soup was made yesterday and if anyone is hungry come on over.
But, today is the first day in a while that I have nothing pressing to take care of. The last few weekends have been busy so today I'm taking the day off and staying in bed. Probably one of those nights where I'm just going to roll over and fall asleep for the night. Haven't even bothered to brush my teeth today (yes, I am alone). Its wonderful to be so lazy.
Work is going well. I've been back in the lab for the last few weeks and its been good to get reaquainted with everything and the protocols. Each lab is a bit different so I'm happy to have the time now of learning the ropes on Elisabeth's project and not mine. ;) Next week I'm all week at the IAEA for another stable isotope user meeting. I'm becoming fully entrenched as our group's biogeochemist. If only I had more than one biogeochemistry course under my belt........
T-minus 12 days to Amerika. Shit! I better start planning that trip!!
I'm getting lazier and lazier about writing in here. I guess its because I've managed (somehow) to get an offline life. How that happened, I have no idea. Probably getting a job helped. I've started at the WasserKluster now. Its just part time, but that means that I'm working full days and then have days off. I'm a BIG fan of working part time. I still have enough time to do everything I want and still feel productive. I wish, however, I was getting paid. I would be if my university in Kuopio weren't such dicks to me. If its not one thing, its another. I really don't want to go into it, but one would think that after 4 drafts between 4 people (equals to 12 times being read through) all the corrections would have been made and the graders would be satisified (esp considering that one of my graders is one of my supervisors who has been reading this all along). But, apparently, its more fun to stringing me along and keep me from registering and therefore earning money. Argh, Finland.
But, regardless, the graduation party is on its way. See above for the invitation [(c) Pirmin Hagen]. Come one come all!
I've also got my dates for my journey to America. I'll be in Atlanta from Dec 14th-Jan 3rd. Its fairly short, but long enough to enjoy your company if you're in town.
The joys of no job. Its actually been pretty darn great. The weather here has been good so I've been sitting in the Museums Quartier reading plenty of papers and drinking lots of coffee with my fellow unemployed friends. But now my main drinking buddy has done and got herself some gainful employement so I'm out on my own. And today its gray so I have no desire to sit outside. No money to do anything else (like go inside of a museum instead of sitting outside of them). I'm out of CSI episodes to watch...one movie left on my computer, but I'm trying to save that for the 8 hour train ride on Thurs. So what I'm getting at is that after a month I've finally gotten bored. My essays for my National Science Foundation (that always makes me think of 3.2.1 Contact on PBS...wikipedia of 321 Contact and all other great Children's Workshop shows just took an hour) and my thesis is in final review in Kuopio.
I'm proud of myself for taking a whole month before getting really bored. I've been busy. Two weekends ago Pirmin and I went to Innsbruck for his friend's birthday party. It was a great weekened of drinking and funny people. Around Vienna there's been enough going on that I've needed the time. Last weekend Johanna and I scouted out places for our grad party on Dec 2nd. No decisions made yet, but we'll have to decide before Thurs.
I'm going home with Pirmin for a week an half. I'm looking forward to a holiday in the mountains. It won't be so hectic now as it was in the summer, so perhaps me and the parents will have time to get to know each other better. We've already been promised dinner at Pirmin's brother's place (hooray for great food!).
I too, though, will start working in November. I'll probably be working part time at the university on another PhD project running sediment samples until my project picks up in the beginning of next year. And I'm a nanny as well. Twice a week I've got a 6 year old to watch. I'm looking forward to that. He's a spunky kid, so I don't mind. I get to be the english nanny as I'm supposed to speak as much english with him as possible. And the money will be very useful since I'll just be partime at the university. I do get to go to Graz for an isotope conference in Nov. Only bad thing is that it conflicts with a Saturday Thanksgiving meal. So that means I'm cooking on Sunday (scary proposition because no stores are open for emergency butter runs).
I've started thinking about my dates to go to Atlanta for Christmas. I have a meeting tomorrow with my group so hopefully then I'll know our Christmas schedule and I can book my tickets. It'll probably be a short trip (2.5 weeks at the most) so it'll probably be booked up with lunches and dinenrs before I even arrive in the country. I'm looking forward to being in America again and seeing myfamily and cooking and eating their food.
Speaking of food, I think I might go out and buy some bread to fortify my own stomach. Or knit.
Today is my one year anniversary of moving to Vienna. I can't believe that a year has gone by. Its just whooshed past me. And what a great year its been! I have a much different feeling here than I did in Kuopio. I think its because I know I'm staying here. I've put down roots of my own here with people I know are going to be around for a while. Slowly, the city is feeling like a real home to me and I'm not intimidated by new things anymore. The cheese man at the Brunnenmarkt remembers me now whenever I walk by. I know where to go for pretty much anything I want. Making the decision to be here permanently changed my attitude towards everything. But, I wouldn't have been able to make this decision without all the amazing friends I have here. They have provided me with so much love and support that I don't know how to really express it. For the first time in a long time, I feel secure and whole. Its a great feeling.
I just can't wait to get out of the limbo I'm in right now professionally. Then everything will be in place.
I'm back in Vienna. The dust has settled and I'm finding myself back in the world again. My mom's visit was good, but for the past 3 weeks I've had no time for emails or internet things. Just enough time in Finland to get my thesis to a point of being done and then it was off to Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Switzerland with my mom. But now I'm back for good (at least till the next trip). I've moved into the new flat and I'm still getting settled. I've got a long list of things to do and oddly enough, I think I have enough time to get them done! Amazing. It is good to be back.
Apologies to everyone that thought I fell off the planet for the summer. I was just too busy and stressed out to take the time needed to write decent emails and not just dumb myspace crap. I'm back now and you can be sure of my presence in your inboxes. muwhaha
Something to waste your time
MySpace blog
You can read my old posts here
Map of Finland
How the American govt works
Laser Show Spectacular Information
Map of Austria