Mood: irritated
Now Playing: The Tony Blackburn Show
Disappointing trip down to B&Q yesterday. Turns out they reckon there isn't much call for landmines and barbed wire at their store. The spotty faced oik I spoke to reckoned I'd be more likely to find that sort of stuff at one of their branches in Baghdad, or on their website. I must admit I was a little stunned by the initiative shown by B&Q to actually branch out into Iraq, the whole place is having to be rebuilt and I'm sure the Iraqis' are into DIY as much as anybody, and if their record building IED's is anything to go by they would be pretty good at it. So looks like I'm going to have to go back to my mail order place which I think I may have mentioned was based in Jerusalem but has now moved to the Gaza strip. I used to get regular mailings from them, but I must have dropped off their mailing list since the move. My sources told me there has also been a change of management and my old mate Yassar is no longer there. I don't really like dealing with them - they have this thing about liberating Palestine - but they are pretty reliable although their shipping is a little erratic, and they don't deliver to your door, instead you have to go and pick up an unmarked box in a disused building somewhere, and as for returning faulty items...well forget it, it's not like dealing with I can tell you. That's the problem with these specialty stores.
As I was a little down I thought I'd stop off at the discount music place and pick up something to listen to. Well in the bargain bin I uncovered a real treasure trove, some recordings of The Tony Blackburn Show, and a well worn copy of Englebert Humperdinck's greatest hits. I am no fan of either one by the way, but I've had dealings with both in the past and like to make sure they can count on a few shekels heading their way from time to time. I've seen Tony on the TV a few times although he doesn't seem as keen on tennis as he once was. He had a unique style let me tell you...hang on I remember now...that was him at the hospital last month, good to see he hasn't forgotten his effective backhand.
Today I'm going to sit back and listen to my new purchases, then I'll sort out my order for the anti tank trench.