Mood: not sure
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Well after I'd got my bike clips off yesterday, I noticed a little package by the door. After checking for red and blue wires, I noticed the Met Police logo in the corner. My contact had delivered the goods.
Turns out that my window cleaning mate caused a bit of a ruckus in the BT shop. He'd gathered together a few fax machines, sneaked off into a corner, and was committing an act of "gross indecency" as the report puts it. Still no need to use the mysterious ID card with the Star Of David on it with this one. Even the current government hasn't brought in any laws about the sexual abuse of electronic equipment, so he's been let off with a few words in his ear, and told that if he plans to do anything like this in future he should either do it in the privacy of his own home, or failing that in PC World as nobody would notice anything in there. Hopefully we can keep it quiet until after the election.
My mention of Green Shield stamps bought in a flurry of e-mails eventually, and coincidentally two people mentioned the same thing which I'd been blissfully unaware of. I always thought that Green Shield had been destroyed by the fact that people realised what a con they really were. Well according to these sources, Green Shield's woes were brought about by their attempt to be ahead of their time and introducing saving stamps aimed at the gay community. These 'Pink Triangle' stamps could be used in much the same way, but only at exclusive shops called Blue Oyster. One of these sources is particularly scathing about how many books it took to get certain services performed. Needless to say, it cost a fortune to set up, and it was a little too progressive for its time. I think I'll delve into this one a bit more, could be some juicy gossip arising from it.
Anyway my trolley is gathering dust, and I'd better get it moving before someone starts sniffing round my Uzi.