Mood: not sure
Now Playing: Anything by Cliff Richard
Back pounding the streets today and it's the same old story, knock on the door and either get no answer or it slams straight in your face. As a highly trained Mossad operative, I am very skilled in the art of breaking in to places without being detected. I suggested to Benny that I'd do that to the houses where I got no answer, leave a leaflet and a chocolate and depart. Benny didn't think it was such a good idea...some people don't like chocolate.
Did see one strange thing while cycling around today, I thought I spotted the window cleaner driving a bus. At least it looked like him and there were a couple of ladders sticking out of the window. Once again Benny has quickly put me right. He said all sorts of things get carried around on buses, and besides if the window cleaner's Rolls Royce had broken down how the hell was he supposed to get his kit home. That makes sense I suppose.
One thing that has hit me is how many people have put up a Christmas tree. Now I don't want to be a killjoy but have these people considered what they're doing to the environment? Plus the way they've positioned them makes it a bit awkward for me to smuggle in the Milk Tray. People have some consideration for us secretive types who like to leave your wife a little something while she's in the shower. Move the Christmas Tree away from the window, give me some room to work.