Mood: lazy
Now Playing: God Save The Queen
I've been sitting on the bog for the last five minutes, not only am I suffering from writers block, I also suffering from constipation.
Now many years ago, I would have put this down to my Mossad training. One of the things we were taught at secret agent school was the ability to not go for a dump for a week. However I haven't been using that stuff for a while so my expert opinion is that I'm bunged up.
Still it's not as if I'm busy so I can spend a bit of time sitting here trying to will something out. Problem is I've got nothing to write about, the hospital is running smoothly, there are no weird patients hanging around, and I've got no international crisis to comment on or deal with, and this time of year there is no Milk Tray to deliver as everybody keeps their windows locked.
So today I think I'll keep this short and try and concentrate on the business in hand. If anybody has any ideas how I can speed things along, let me know.