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Public Chat Crypt

No update for over a year!? You'd think the crypt is a disused shell of its former incarnations, and you'd be pretty well correct. Though past users do intermittently pop up, namely Canaris, DoD, Vezz, Eyeless, etc., there is not a semblance of the PCC that once gave haven to some of the most talented and idiosyncratic users ever to toy around on bnet.

At best, I can say that I have, or have had, ties to several old users within the last year and we all come to the same mindset. Waitin' for D3. At last announcement, the release date may be as soon as the last quarter of 2011, but this seems to be entirely speculative.

Anyway. Bones plays D2 pretty regularly, keeping a regular presence in the d2jsp trophy room, as well. Over the last 3-5 years of trading and illegal arms dealing, he has amassed an incredibly impressive collection of gear that would have dropped jaws 1.09. But I have always been, as Bones and most of PCC, a legit player, and have always shunned any sort of illegit' activity. But those days are gone in patch 1.12-1.13, and to be the best duelist you have to play as dirty as the others. The others. The grease-faced bottle-suckers. The Proactiv-subscribing cookie-jar huggers. Damn them. Oh well. Bones keeps them on their toes, and vice versa.

D3 will be an entirely new book to the PCC annals. More later.
- Tommy @ 6:66 PM CST - Evening of January 11th, 2011

Howdy. Quick update since last post. Around October 11th, 2008, the USWest servers were cleansed of accounts connected somehow to third-party program use. I think the official tally was over 25,000 accounts, but I am not sure. All I really focused on during that time was the fact that three of my main accounts were closed, as well as another account belonging to George, which I used extensively. In terms of items, the losses were profound and truly hard to stomach.

---I quit playing for about a year, managing to keep bots up every now and then to maintain the channel for those who didn't quit. Ken, Vezz, Jamie, and George played SCCL without me. DoD and Canaris showed up and disappeared around this time. Shinoobie also showed up and dominated the SCCL ladder. Skip ahead a few months; George regained my account names and most of the character names I lost, as well as many new names. I lost *Nec, not to mention the contents therein. And. Oh yea, that PCC user database, needles to say I didn't care to do that anymore. Might do it for Diablo 3. Skip ahead to today.

Jamie, Bones, Vezz, Larz: playing HCCL for funzies. Waiting either a ladder reset or sign of life on Diablo 3.

- Tommy @ 6:66 PM CST - Evening of October 1st, 2009
Right now the PCC community is experiencing predominantly HCCL (Hardcore Classic Ladder) play, with each active member having mention on the members page. At the time of this post the members section is not complete, but it is under construction. So any active members who read this should contact me, *Lars, ingame and request my email address so you may send a picture of yourself. This is for your member profile.

After our HCCL goals have been met or at least when we get our feet planted with a BO/Chanter and a few lvl 85+ characters, we are going to start playing SCCL also. This is mainly just to NvN, as it would be ridiculously strenuous to try and become wealthy and influential on both SCCL and HCCL this season; although not impossible or improbable at this rate. Let's just focus on HCCL at this time, though.

And lastly, Diablo 3 is coming. This is why most of the old PCC members have come back to round up old friends with which to play D3, thereby reviving the PCC community. We want to try to stay in contact as much as possible 'til D3 is close at hand so's to play together, most likely in some "non-clan" group or guild nominally under the tag PCC. Or perhaps OTC. It is undecided at this point. We will see.

- Tommy @ 7:02 PM CST - Evening of September 2, 2008
Guess what niggas? PCC revival! I work 40 hours a week, run and work out every day, and still manage to play hccl and hcxl and LLD on scnl three or four times a week. Why? Because I have an unhealthy physical addiction to Diablo, that's why. And so should you! PCC Revival, niggas!

- Tommy @ 10:46 PM CST - Evening of August 10th, 2008


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