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the webmistress
I was born in U.S. I've lived in four different houses. I don't remember my first house at all, however I still remember my home in Sandy. My parents are seperated. They divorced when I was ten, and then I moved to my current I'm an only child, but I will have a stepbrother sometime soon. I've been web-building for about 4 years now. My first site was *blushes* a Pokemon fan site. My second site was a DBZ fan site. Needless to say, they both really sucked. *lol* Now that I look back on it, I have no idea why I made them. I was very dedicated to my third site, Mercury Empire, but I tired of it quickly. It is no longer updated, although it is still on the net. I was just too lazy to close it. My fourth site, Camera Shy was originally hosted on Angelfire. It is a fanlisting for the actor Joaquin Phoenix, and it is still open. *hint* Go visit it! After that, I became very involved in the internet and built several websites. Most of them are no longer open, but the ones I do have open, you can go see here.

Musically, I'm very open. I listen to bands and artists such as U2, Moby, Robbie Williams, Keith Urban, The White Stripes, The All-American Rejects, Third Eye Blind, Aerosmith, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Sting, The Police, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, R.E.M., Jason Mraz, etc. I guess you could say I'm trying to live the era I missed out on. I'm a huge 80's fan, and I always have been. (even before Bono) There's just something about that time that never fails to fascinate me. Music has always meant a lot to me. It's helped me through a lot of things in my life. Without music, I think I'd be lost.

I don't know if I can be really be sorted into your average teenager stereotypes. (that's really not for me to decide) I do occasionally wear a chain around my neck, but's it's very small, and I only wear it because most of the time I forget that it's on. :) I'm very passionate about my beliefs. I'm a vegetarian. (not a vegan quite yet, but I'll get there.) I believe that with a world as technically advanced as ours, it is possible to live a animal-cruelty free lifestyle. The people at peta are my heroes.

One thing I hate, more than any other, are age discriminators. I think it's messed up that there are people out there that judge a person by their age, rather than their personality. I can not tell you how many times this has happened to me. I've always been pushed out upon the little boys' and girls' table on the internet, and I'm sick of it. I will treat you like anyone else I meet, with respect. It doesn't matter whether you are 22 or 12. We're all humans, and we all go through the same things. To be blunt, DON"T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER.

Name : Heather
Birthdate :15 July
Height : 5'2-ish
Hair color :, brown, no...(stupid genetics)
Eye color :Brown.
How many siblings do you have : None, just an only child.
Heritage? : Scotland, Denmark, England, Ireland

love life
Do you date : No. Not until I'm 16. I want to honor my parents and my religion.
Do you plan on having children : Uh, yeah, I guess.
Do you want to get married : Yes, but to my dream husband, I think not.
What would you name a boy : Robin or Oliver.
What would you name a girl : Eh, girl...?

Book Quotes : "Oh sh-t on toast!" - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, "There aren't even names for some of the crimes we commit." - The Land Of The Blind
Movies : Gladiator, Inventing the Abbots, Sleepy Hollow, Say Anything, The Sure Thing, High Fidelity, Edward Scissorhands, Spiderman, The Bourne Identity, Signs, The Sixth Sense, The Ring, Forrest Gump, Titanic, Clay Pigeons, Entropy, The Shining, and Finding Nemo.
Chick Flick : America's Sweethearts
Music : U2, The White Stripes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robbie Williams, Elton John, Ewan McGregor, Moby, Aerosmith, Coldplay, R.E.M, David Bowie, Talking Heads, and John Mayer
Song : 'Satellite of Love (Danny Saber Remix)'- The Million Dollar Hotel Soundtrack
Comedian : Ryan Stiles, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller
TV Show : Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Actors : Joaquin Phoenix, Tobey Maguire, Matt Damon, John Cusack, Johnny Depp, Jason Lee, and Colin Farrell, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp, Bono (yes, he has acted)
Actresses : Julia Stiles, Reese Witherspoon, Christina Ricci
Voice Actor : Jeremy Irons
Books :'Jayhawk' By D. Keddington, 'The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon' - Stephen King, 'The Land Of The Blind'
, 'High Fidelity', 'The Chronicles of Narnia' - C.S. Lewis, 'The Memory Of Earth' - Orson Scott Card, 'Carrie' - Stephen King Anime : Cowboy Bebop, Inu-yasha, Ranma 1/2
Food : Mac & Cheese
Drink : Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, Red Fusion, Cherry 7up
Number : 18
Cartoon Characters : Juu-hachi-gou (Android 18), and Spike Spiegal
Colour : Emerald & Teal
Time Of The Day : Day? What day? I live for the night! Mwahahaha!
Day Of The Week : Friday
Season : Summer

do you believe in...?
Ghosts : Yes.
Fate : Yes.
Souls : Of course.

What is your greatest fear : The unknown.
What is your greatest accomplishment : Getting to this point in my life.
What is your goal in life : To be an author, or an actress. I don't know...I'm still waiting to find out. ;)
What do you believe in : Fate
What do you want to be when you grow up : An actress, or an author.
Are you afraid of death : No, I don't think I have to worry about that right now. ;)
Are you truly happy : Not until my dreams come true.
If you could meet anyone in the world (dead or alive), who would it be & why : Bono. Because :

# 1 : He's different than all of those cheesy pop idols.

# 2.He's done so much to help the people in Africa. Not to mention he actually DOES something with his fame.

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