Add Your Soldier To Our Tribute Site
We LOVE to add new Heroes to our pages!! Today,
you can add your hero to ANY hero page within this
site! This feature is offered to everyone at a low
cost of $5.00. Proceeds from this cost will go
towards the purchase of a care package for a
soldier currently serving or for a soldier who has
been wounded in the line of duty! Along with the
information you provide, your hero will have the
added bonus of a care package link! YES!! Your
soldier will be eligible to receive a care package
from the United States!! You can choose from one
of two methods to add your hero to a page.
You can have your soldier
added within hours of received
payment using the new STORM
PAY which allows you to use
credit cards and or your
checking account! Feel free to
click the link and follow
threw the instructions. Once
you hit the send button for the
payment, you will be redirected
back to a page to enter your
soldiers information.
you can send money orders or
checks via snail mail to me.
Please note that checks must
clear before any page will be
uploaded for viewing. Along
with your check or money order
please include your name, email
address, your soldiers name,
rank, unit number and a summary
of what you would like to appear
on his or her page. If you choose
this method, click on the email
link to request a postal mailing