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So, you've decided to join us...welcome!!

We've already been given a cultural handbook by Forward Edge. I'm sure that with all the end-of-the-school-year happenings and personal schedules, not all of us has gotten a chance to really read that handbook. It's an eyeful of reading too, with all of it's "history report" type contents.

The Team Member Manual the kind folks at Forward Edge provided us speaks of "Four Modules" to help prepare us for this trip. The first and last module, Personal Preparation and Time Alone With God, respectively, has been greatly aided by the devotional book that Ray gave to us all. The third module, Working As A Team, I think is something that we're all going to have to "aid" each other on. I just thought I'd aid a little on the second module, Cultural Orientation. But let us not forget the greatest aid any of these can be given...prayer.

The purpose of this site is to provide a brief summary of that cultural handbook for those of us who have yet to touch it. We are not learning about "the Apache, a tribe of Southwest Native Americans..." We are learning about a people, a people that God created just like us.

Just a forewarning :) -
There is no soccer practice here.
No automatic windows or power steering.
No Starbucks.
There is no television.
Nor is there any reason why we can't live without these.

There's only one thing we need and if you're at this page, I'm sure you know what it is - or who it is. He never breaks promises, He doesn't mind being woken up at 3am to listen to what's on your mind or heart, He's always hanging around you so you're never really alone and He will provide.

Apache are a people very connected to the earth. All is Great Spirit's creation and He resides in everything from the rocks to the animals, to themselves. There is not really any such thing as "religion" - it is a way of life. Live by the Great Spirit everyday, worship Him as often as the sun rises every morning. Everything has a purpose and a place.

If any of this sounds familiar, smile. We've all listened to and joined in singing that song about coming back to the heart of worship. You know, where it's all about God. All about Jesus. Sometimes we get too wrapped up in clutter, too wrapped up period in the complexity of things that we can't see how simple it really is.

Now, this missions trip... After spending 2 hours one Sunday night complicating a very simple, very powerful message, I can't say I disagree with what was said at the end of that night. As it was put bluntly and plainly, it's not about us. Nor is it about "Turn Around" or any of the drama skits. It's not about the basketball games or crafts. It's not about spending a week in Arizona. All that stuff is just side-tracks and we're all guilty of it.

It's about God. It's about Jesus. He's everywhere, He's going to be right there with us in Arizona and I'm certain that no matter what, He's going to make this trip work in His way. Not ours. We are not there really to perform skits or drive-by games. We're there to be purposeful hands in God's work.

An Abenaki man once told me that there is a reason why the Creator gave humans two ears and two eyes, but only one mouth. The ears and eyes make us still so we can listen and observe while the mouth makes noise so we are deaf and blind. I even have to keep reminding myself about this, so please don't take this as preaching. :)

Now, to end this, I'd like to place a lyric here from Phil Joel, song "The Man You Want Me To Be".

I have swallowed lies
That tasted true
The plans I thought were sent from You

When all You wanted was for me
To be still

This web site was born of intentions that it serves as an added source for the folks of the South Congregational Church 2003 missions team. This web site was created with respect and deep reverence for the Native American people, especially the White Mountain Apache.

The contents of these pages were “borrowed” from various sites containing “free contents”, as well as from books containing information pertaining to the Apache people. Save for the “free contents” material that can be found at numerous sites, resources used are listed and given full credit along with a link to the original source or a place where the original source can be obtained through. The best has been done to ensure that permission has been asked where needed, link-backs have been made and credit given for everything used.

By absentminded oversight, mistakes may have been made and folks may have been inadvertently offended. These are not my intentions and I apologize for any offense or disapproval unintentionally caused. Please contact me and let me know how to fix any mistakes made. :)


Our Destination
N'dee...or the People
The Lodge
Apache Religion
Apache Christianity
Missions Trip Documents

last updated 05/24/05 -