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In just under a week, we will be traveling as servants of God to the Fort Apache Reservation in Arizona. There we will be performing ministry to the Apache people. So far in these pages, you've read about the Apache culture, their pre-Christian beliefs and history, you've read about modern-day Fort Apache and it's history...

I would now like to present the Christian side of the Apache. Because there are excellent sources out there and my paraphrasing and using them only as sources would water-down their message and meaning, I've included text from other sites and other people with credits given. There are testimonies of modern Apache and even Chief Naiches. General Native prayers have also been included as well as testimonies from other missionaries to the reservation.

Short-term Missionaries to the WMAT in Arizona, 2000

Mike & Jamie Gulden

When we left for Canyon Day Arizona and the White Mountain Apache Tribe, we really did not know what to expect. We knew that we would be meeting up with a church from Roseville, California, and that we would be joining their team. I have to confess that we were a bit apprehensive, “What if they were very different from us?” or “What if they rejected the on goings of the current revival?” We made a decision that no matter what happened, we would obey the leadership and submit to their authority. We could not have been more blessed! The church group from Roseville was truly the most humble, joyous, loving spirit-filled people we had ever met. They welcomed us into their group with joy and affection. Within a matter of days we worked as a tightly knit group, powerful and effective for the Kingdom of Heaven.

This outreach was not so much about saving souls as it was about reconciliation and forgiveness. The Apache people, like many other Native American groups, have already heard the Gospel message and many are believers. The Apache mistrust and hold hatred towards the white race, and rightly so. What the Apache people needed from us was honest love and compassion. The words spoken by a young drunken hitchhiker on the reservation were sobering to us. He said it best when he said, “We don’t need the Gospel, we know the Gospel. What we need is your love.” So that’s what we did while we were there. We loved them. When they threw rocks at us out of hatred and anger, we loved them. When they cursed us and called us names, we loved them. When they ignored our greetings with a mistrustful sneer, we still loved them. It was in this love that strongholds came down. It was in this love that we stood before them naked and exposed.

There were major breakthroughs. We were asked to lead worship at an Apache tent meeting and God’s spirit fell with power. The typically stoic and reserved Apache lifted their hands in worship, whistled, honked horns and danced. When the Apache pastor then brought up his youth choir to sing for us, we danced and jumped, this seemed to inflame the Apache youth with confidence and joy as they sang and poured their hearts out to God. At that moment they were ministering to us and this brought down even more spiritual strongholds. The Apache were no longer the ones being ministered to, they were the ones ministering to us. They were empowered by the Spirit of God.

This is the Vision of the Apache pastor that we served, that not only would the next generation reach out to fellow Apache, but that they would go out into the U.S. and to the Nations. Praise God!

Apache Tears

At the head of the main street of Superior, Arizona, a mountain climbs from low foothills to a jagged cliff. It has been named Apache Leap.

Before the time of the oldest Indian now living, a party of Apache warriors was surprised by enemy forces. Some people say that the enemies were Indians of another tribe. Others think that they were from Spain and were hunting slaves for their mines. Whoever they were, they chased the Apaches to the top of the granite mountain. The Indians fought hard, but soon their arrows were gone.

Capture could only mean torture, death, or slavery. The braves had only one other choice. As a single mind they chose to leap over the cliff to death on the rocks below.

So torn by grief was the mountain that it shed tears, tears, and more tears. The tears hardened into black glassy stones. Today men cut them, polish them and wear them for jewels. They call them Apache Tears.

Tears could not bring back the men who were lost. But the tears themselves were changed into beauty.

Something like this happened to Jack. Jack was a Navajo baby whose mother rushed him out of the hogan to the rubbish heap when she thought he was dying. There his grandmother found him, slapped breath into him and took him home. She cared for him until he had to go to the army in the war.

He became a heavy drinker. He was afraid of the spirits of those who died by him and whom he had handled.

After he came home, he married June, a Hopi girl. His whole world was still confused and fear was always with him.

God sent Jack and June a little babe, and then took her away. Over the open grave of their little girl they heard that Jesus loves them and could take away their sins. Then and there they gave their hearts to the Lord.

Jack began to tell others, his old grandmother included. She was the first one he won to the Lord. He not only studied his Bible, but he went to night classes to learn more about it. Weekends found him busy in the Lord’s work. Among those he saw saved was his mother, who had thrown him away thirty-six years before.

Tears—the tears Jack and June shed for their little girl—were the means God used to speak to their hearts. The tears did not bring back their baby, but sorrow was turned into joy when they met Jesus. Then He could use them for His glory. Their tears became Apache Tears, something of real worth.

Click here to read an Acrobat Reader file of a Youthworks Newsletter that interviewed a pastor who has worked on the Fort Apache Reservation.

The following is with aid from the website Regeneration Reservation...

An Apache Named Naiche

Naiche was the warrior son of the Chiricahua Apache leader Cochise and "chief" following his father. For 27 years, Naiches and other Apache prisoners were held until their release in 1913. During his years of captivity, Naiche found freedom. He learned of Jesus. He was weary of the broken promises of men. Instead, he put his trust in the promises of the God of the Bible. He learned of the love of Jesus Christ, the Savior of all nations. When Naiche put his trust in Jesus Christ, he received eternal life. He turned from his sin and received forgiveness. Naiche came to know the peace and power that only comes to those who have become one with their Creator. So sincere was his faith in Jesus Christ that he changed his name to Christian Naiche.

He was worried about his friend Geronimo, as well as other fellow prisoners. Naiche was greatful when Geronimo began attending religious services. Geronimo is said to have praised Christianity over the religion of his people. It has been said that Geronimo had become a reformed Dutch Christian, but it is known that Geronimo did not accept Christ and Naiche pointed him out as an example to the other prisoners.

(rest taken exact from site, question and answer)

What did Naiche gain by following Jesus?

Naiche received God's promise of eternal life. He found forgiveness of sins and harmony with his Creator. He had found healing for the wounds of his spirit. This healing came through Jesus who was wounded for our sins on the cross (see: Isaiah 53:5).

The Bible tells us that we have all sinned. Even though the cost of sin is death, God's gift to us is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (see: Romans 3:23 and 6:23).

John 3:16-18 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God," Romans 10:13 says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Why would Naiche accept the God of the Bible?

Naiche could accept Jesus because He is the God of all creation. He is not just the God of one people group. God wants all people to be saved form their sins (see: Romans 10:12; II Peter 3:9; Revelation 5:9).

What did Naiche lose by following Jesus?

He lost his anger, hatred, and bitterness. Jesus teaches us to love and forgive our enemies. Like Christian Naiche, we need to understand God's thinking so that we can live at peace with problems that we cannot change. Only God can help the wounded to win the battle over anger, bitterness, and revenge. He can bring the victory that is shown by love and forgiveness.

Ephesians 4:32 says, "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Matthew 5:43,44,46 says, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye . . . ?"

What if I do not choose to follow Jesus?

We can choose our own path. Our own path leads to hurt, anger, sorrow, and defeat. Satan, the enemy of God wants us to choose our own way. Satan is a murderer, liar, thief, destroyer, and a deceiver (see: John 8:44; John 10:10; II Corinthians 11:3,14-15; Revelation 2:9).

John:14:6 says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." What do I need to do to follow Jesus?

Believe and trust Him. Receive His gift paid for by His death on the cross. Talk to God in prayer. There are no magic words. Speak from your heart with Him. Pray something like this:

"Dear Father in Heaven, I know that I am a sinner. I have done many bad things. I do not like my life to be like this. I ask for your Son, Jesus, to come into my heart and help me change. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and heal my wounded spirit. I ask that I may be saved from Hell. I ask that I may learn more about You, my Father in Heaven, and of your love for me. I ask that I may follow your Son, Jesus. Let me learn more of how He gave His life for me and paid for my sins on the cross. I now accept the free gift of salvation that you offer me. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen."

Can I really live the Christian life?

With God's strength, we are promised the victory, but we must fight this battle with spiritual weapons (see: I John 4:4; II Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:13-18). The Apache taught their children in the warriors' tradition to be strong. We must be strong and learn how to say "no" to our spiritual enemy, Satan (see: Ephesians 6:10;II Timothy 2:2, I Peter 5:8-9, James 4:7).

How can I learn more?

Read the Bible. Spend time in prayer with other believers you know and respect.

The following can also be found on the website Regeneration Reservation...

The Search For Truth

Over one hundred and sixty years ago, four Indians from west of the Rocky Mountains traveled 3000 miles to St. Louis. Someone had told them "that the white people away toward the rising of the sun had been put in possession of the true mode of worshiping the Great Spirit; they had a book containing directions." Upon arriving at the doorstep of General William Clark, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, two of the Native men dropped dead from sickness and exhaustion. The two remaining Indians were treated with much fanfare and given a tour of the local sites. At the close of their visit in St. Louis, one of the Indians named Ta-Wis-Sis-Sim-Nim dictated the following.

"My people sent me to get the white man's Book of Heaven. You took me where you allow your women to dance, as we do not ours; and the Book was not there! You took me to where they worship the Great Spirit with candles, and the Book was not there! You showed me images of the Great Spirit and pictures of the Good Land beyond, but the Book was not among them to tell me the way. I am going back the long trail to my people in the dark land. You make my feet heavy with gifts, and my moccasins will grow old in carrying them, and yet the Book is not among them! When I tell my poor blind people, after one more snow, in the big council, that I did not bring the Book, no word will be spoken by our old men or by our young braves. One by one, they will rise up and go out in silence. My people will die in darkness, and they will go a long path to other hunting grounds. No white man will go with them, and no white man's Book to make the way plain. I have no more words."

These words were published in an 1833 issue of Christian Advocate and Journal. As a result, the hearts of many of God's people were stirred that Ta-Wis-Sis-Sim-Nim's search for truth ended in disillusionment and that such an opportunity to share the truth was so tragically neglected. As a result approximately one hundred laborers responded to the call to share the Good News of the Gospel among Native tribes in the West. Like Ta-Wis-Sis-Sim-Nim, Native people today, are looking for Truth. The answers they seek and the peace that they long for have not been found in tradition, religious rituals, or organized religion apart from Jesus Christ. Our loving Creator gave His Son, Jesus Christ to be the Savior of all people, including the Native American. New believers are rejoicing that Christianity is not a "white man's religion."

God sent His Son to be born among people who were a minority group (Deuteronomy 7:6-7 "you were the fewest of all peoples."). God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live as a member of a tribal people (Genesis 49:28) living in the ancestral home of their forefathers (Luke 2:1-4). The people that God’s Son identified with lived in a land under foreign rule. The Jewish people knew what it was to live in captivity. They experienced their own long walk of forty years in the wilderness (Acts 7:17-36). They survived against foreign aggression, dominance, and arrogant cultures that were heartless toward their cultural heritage. Their quest for survival continues today. Christ knew as well the wounds of rejection inflicted by people of His own community (Mark 6:1-6). He endured persecution at the hands of His own people who chose to put cultural tradition before Scriptural truth (Matthew 15:3,8-9) and chose to worship creation rather than the Creator (Romans 1:16-25). As the all-knowing and all-powerful God of the universe, He understands how we feel and wants us to experience His strength that empowers us in our weakness.

Unless the Native American people are able to know their Creator’s point of view, as recorded in the Bible, the injustices that have destroyed so many lives can turn into deep bitterness. Bitterness in our spirit is like poison in our body. It will infect our thoughts, emotions, and decisions. Seeing things from God’s point of view helps us to begin to experience God’s healing process.

Ephesians 4:31 "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and brawling, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.

This requires a relationship with God. The rituals of religion cannot replace a fulfilling relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The ability to forgive others and experience a joyful life, begins first with recognizing our own sin, confessing it to God, and receiving His forgiveness. Only when we realize that we have already been forgiven a far greater debt of sin is it possible for us to consider forgiving another. By our sin, we have wounded our Creator. (Isaiah 53: 5-6 "But he was wounded for our sin...the Lord hath laid on him the sin of us all"). The Son of God died on the cross to pay for our sin that we might be forgiven. He willingly suffered for us in our place to pay the debt of sin we owed. Though undeserving, we have been offered forgiveness! God desires that we accept His forgiveness, repent of (turn from) our own sin, and seek a relationship with Him.

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God". Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.." I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Have you obeyed God in this matter of asking Him to forgive you for your sins that have wounded Him? True healing begins when our relationship is restored with Him. Is His Spirit working in your heart? Have you prayed a sinner’s prayer similar to this? "Dear Heavenly Father, Forgive me of my sin. I accept your forgiveness promised in the Bible to those who repent (turn from their sin). Thank you for giving your innocent Son to be wounded for me on the cross. I receive your free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. I surrender my life to you here on earth until you take me home to your presence. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Apache People Testimonies

Rev. Carmen "Blue Sky" Ex-Club Dancer

Both Bill [husband] and I came from hard life styles. We share how Jesus forgave us. We are prison evangelists and missionaries sharing our true stories because you are special and created by God.

Before Jesus came into my heart, I was told I would never become anything. So, I let drugs and alcohol control me. When I was fifteen years old I asked Jesus into my heart. Eileen witnessed my salvation. Set free from abuse, molestation, drugs and alcohol, the pain went away. Then I walked away from Jesus. I allowed pride to destroy me. I became seven times worse with drugs, heroin and alcohol. The new crowd of people were even more dangerous than the first. I became lost with no hope. My life slid further downhill. A date turned into rape. I lost four children, spent two years dancing in the clubs, and had two car accidents. I was a victim of abuse that didn't know the word STOP for twelve years.

Finally in '84 I asked JESUS to forgive me. Forgiven by JESUS, He restored me with His word and Christian counseling.

I have been in the ministry since 1987 and my pastor ordained me in 1992. My testimonies are shared in prison, church, youth detentions and shelters. We are a simple married couple ministering the gospel, giving God all the glory.

On October 10, 1989 my son James went to heaven. He left his Book to tell his true story of how he left youth gangs and became a christian youth. James said no to gangs in his cell in juvenile hall, and cried out for JESUS to come into his heart.

After five years in and out of foster homes and youth institutions, he was released on one year probation in my care. Both of us forgave the five years of pain we felt from the courts. James ministered the Gospel to all he could, reaching many. He was a normal teen with normal pressures.One night James visited a girl, later her boyfriend jumped James. With two other boys holding him against the wall, Jay beat James up behind the Alpha Beta shopping center in Lakeside, California.

My son forgave Jay and told me, "Mom, forgive Jay he did not know what he was doing". So I forgave Jay also.

Three days later James' deformed right artery blew up impacting the right brain to blow up. All of the reports done by doctors said Jay was not the cause of death. The deformed artery was. My son believed Jay deserves to go to Heaven. I forgave all assaults done to me, so can you. Tears are for healing so you can let go. I let go and I am healed.

Apache People Testimonies

Franklin Gilbert
San Carlos Apache Reservation

Dear Friend,

We rejoice that you have taken the time to read the testimonies shared in this section. It is our burden that you come to know Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you already know the Lord, be encouraged that there are brothers in Christ that are standing for the Lord in difficult places. If we can pray for you or if you would like to share your testimony with us, please contact us. May God bless you!

My name is Franklin Gilbert. I got saved back in 1981, and ever since then I’ve been following Jesus Christ. I’m saved by His grace and through faith, not of myself lest I should boast. But Jesus found me in a bar called "Mark's". In that bar He taught me a lesson. He told me to look at all those people in the bar, and as I looked around that place it seemed that all I saw were skeletons and bones. I got the fear of the Lord in that place and went home to be with my wife and my children.

The next Sunday morning I started going to church, and about three weeks later the same type of thing happened in that...

One thing that the Lord revealed to me at that time was about comparing spiritual lessons. Comparing "Mark’s Bar" with the church was like comparing the evil spirit with the Holy spirit: life compared to death. Ever since then I’ve been walking and talking and preaching to my own people, the San Carlos Apache tribe. A lot of them have turned their hearts to the Lord and have been saved. I go around to a lot of churches and preach and bring them the Word of God. The Lord delivered me from all the sin, adultery, fornication, lying, cheating, murder, drunkenness, stealing, pride, etc., – all these things. My sins are under the blood to the praise of the name of Jesus Christ. It is by His grace and by His mercies that I’m still here.

Jesus loves you just the same way He loves me. I hope He’ll call you and save you before you end up in that destruction called Hell that was made for Satan and his angels. And the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way, because in the Bible He says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by Me."

Apache People Testimonies

San Carlos Apache Reservation

My name is Joseph, and I am a San Carlos Apache. I’ve been born again for seven years, saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ, "the white man’s God." He came over and saved me. I used to be a drug addict, a cocaine addict, a crack addict, a weed addict, and a Coors addict. Alcohol is rampant in our tribe. I see it everywhere. I see it in my family, my parents, my brothers, and my sisters. I became the same way – a drunk and a "druggie." But one day the Lord came into my heart and saved me and changed me. He is the only One Who has ever helped me. I tried it by myself many times to stop this bondage. I could not do it alone, so I had to pray. I called on the Lord Jesus Christ to come into my life and change me and help me. Suicidal thoughts were on my mind. I had not been a good parent. I had not been a good husband. But the Lord Jesus Christ changed all of these, and if He can change a crazy person like me, He can do it for you or anybody who wants to change. That’s what He did for me seven years ago, and I have not had a drink since that time. And one by one he took my bondages away in Jesus’ name. He is the One and only God Who helped me. No medicine man, no eagle feather – none helped me.

Why are there so many drunks on the reservation? When people see Indians they always think of us as drunks, which is true. We don’t really want to admit it, but it is true. But there’s one Person, One God, Who can help us walk away from that, and He is Jesus Christ. The One Who died on the cross and gave His blood at Calvary, the God of Israel , is the One Who came from the Father and died for us and rose on the third day. He is seated on the right hand of God, and "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Hallelujah!

If you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that He is God, then you will be saved. He will change you and make you a new creature and give you a new life. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the answer to all your problems. He will work everything out for you. He is with you during your good times and your bad times. He is Lord. He is in control. God is in control every day. He is in control of all the nations of the earth. So, as an Apache, I’m a servant of Jesus Christ. I walk in His power. He’s the one Who I serve, and I’ll serve no other god – only Jesus Christ. And when things get tough and rough, and it looks like there’s no hope in your life, then turn to God. Turn to Jesus. He’ll change you into a new creation, into the image of God’s Son. May God bless you!

Apache People Testimonies

San Carlos Apache Reservation

Hi, my name is Calvin, and I am a San Carlos Apache Indian, a Native American. I’d like to share a little story with you. Up until eight months ago, I used to sell drugs – cocaine. I used to drink, fight, and run around with different kinds of women. I was on the road to death and destruction, but I found Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour. And now I’m saved and delivered from sin and evil . And I even was baptized. In those eight months, He has healed me; He has answered my prayers; He has helped me pay my bills. He has not forsaken me. And now, for that, I love Him because He loved me first. I’m here today telling you about the Lord Jesus Christ since He is the only way. He saved me, and He can save you. And back in the days of Hitler, He could have saved Hitler too, if he had repented. God bless you.

Apache People Testimonies

San Carlos Apache Reservation

My name is Eric; I am an Apache. In Galatians 6:14, the Bible says "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."


"Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain
Free to all – a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary’s mountain.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory every;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river."

Jesus Christ of Nazareth found me and saved me in prison ten years ago. For ten years the Lord Jesus has blessed me to see His love, His power, and His mercy. Ten years ago I was in prison. Satan (Lucifer) was my god. Budweiser was my god. Jack Daniels was my god. Geronimo was my hero. Cochise was my hero. The medicine man was my high priest. My fist was my god. My booze was my god. Then Jesus came and said, " Eric, I love you. I love you, Eric. I came that you might have life." Jesus told me who He was – the Son of God. He came to save me and give me a new life. He told me that Satan was the enemy. Satan is the father of all lies. Satan was sending me to the eternal lake of fire, to burn and die in hell. But Jesus saved me from going there. So today, praise God, for the love and mercy of God , I am what I am. I’m born again, filled with the Spirit of the Lord God. The old Eric died and has passed away. There’s no more of the old Eric now. I am a new Eric, born again to love and forgive and have mercy on everybody, as my Lord God has forgiven me and loved me. The Holy Spirit of God reminds me to go and tell the people that He loves them and wants to forgive them. And I pray for you that you would get this new life, that you would be born again, that you would meet Jesus Christ. There’s a place called heaven for you and me. I thank the Lord that salvation is not through "Ussen", the Apache god. Salvation is not through the medicine man. Salvation is not through a church or a man or a woman, but it is only through Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord that there are many people who tell us the good news; many people love Jesus Christ. There are many people who are born again and who bring the good news to tell us that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, so that if we believe in Him, we will not perish but have everlasting life. I am thankful for the many saints who are still out there doing the same thing, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I look to the cross. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto life for everyone who believes. So I thank the Lord when I look at the cross and remember that this is where Jesus died for me. That’s where Jesus took my sin upon Himself, and from there I confess to Him as my Lord and Saviour that He gave me life. That’s open for you, so just call upon the name of the Lord, and you shall be saved. God loves us all – all tribes and all nationalities. The Lord Jesus loves you. God bless you.


~Grandfather, Great Spirit~

Grandfather, Great Spirit,
you are older than all need. . .
you are older than all prayer . . .
you are the life of things.
by unknown

~Great Spirit, God, Creator of All~

Great Spirit, God, Creator of All
I welcome You into my heart, mind, body and soul
There is always room for You here.
Grant me the wisdom to heed my inner voice
And the strength to stay grounded while I sing my sacred song.
Guide me down my chosen path and give me the courage to pursue
what is available to me.
I am thankful for the lessons and grateful for my struggles;
I have not forgotten what has brought me to where I am today.
Open my heart to the healing wholeness of nature;
We are all related, and through this I will find serenity.
Great Spirit, God, Creator of All
Cleanse my spirit and wash my soul.
There is always room for You here.
Laurel Singing Water Cat

~The Lord's Prayer in Apache~

NohwiTaa' yaaké'yu dahsíçdaa hç, Nízhi'íí dilzîhgo
bígózîh le'. Nant'én nlííhí bee godówéh. Haago
ét'áágo éçdiiyú yaaké'yú bee nagowaahí k'ehgo
ni'gosdzéç biké'yú a£dó' bee godoldii£. Díjîî
daahidââ dolee£ hí nohwé égoç£sih. Hadíí nchô'go
nohwich'î' édasdzaa hí bighâ baa négodeçt'ââ hí
k'ehgo nohwíí a£do' nchô'go édaasidzaa hí bighâ
nohwaa nédaagodiç'aah. Nanohwída'diçtaah yúde'
onohwódíí£ hela', éné' nchô'go ét'ááhí bits'ä'zhî'
hanénohwihí'dii£. Déhaazhî' déwâ bé naçt'éé £a'íí
ninawodí itisyú ét'ááhi, £a'íí ízisgo éçt'ááhí
bee síçzîî dolee£
Dolee£go at'ee

~Native American Prayer~

O' Great Spirit,
Who's voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life, life to all the world, hear me!
I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every rock and leaf.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy which is myself.
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
So, when life fades as the falling sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame...

~A Prayer For Eagles~

And he will raise you up on Eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun and,
Hold you in the palm of his hand.

~Apache Scout Prayer~

Grandfather of all Scouts...
Teach me to be the eyes of my people.
Teach me to move like the shadow.
Allow me to become the winds, the rocks,
the soils, and the life force in all it's forms.
Allow me to suffer for my people and take away their pain.
Honor me by allowing me to die for my people.
For I love my people beyond myself and I will
sacrifice my all for my people, my earth, and for you.
Test me beyond all hardship and pain.
Create me as you would forge a tool, and
if you find I am worthy, then bless me
as your servant - your Scout.

Any prayers you have that you think would go here, or that you would like to submit, just email me - you can do so by clicking on the wolf at the bottom of the page.

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...more credits can be found on credits page...

last updated 06/28/03 -