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Stories I wrote

Below are some hardcore stories about badass people. These are the kinds of stories that can be turned into one of those really kick ass movies with awesome soundtracks and where really pissed guys just break stuff and fuck shit up.

The tale of the megabadass

There once was this badass named Justin. He was this real hot guy and all the chicks liked him and wanted his body and he was all up in to some Godsmack and KoRn and Linkin Park and shit like that. Well one day he was cruisin' in his sweet ass ride and this hot ass bitch was like "hey hot cakes let me cruise in your pimped out vehicle and i'll have sex with you" and so Justin was like "hell yes, bitch, hop and and the back and let's roll down the strip." Well they got going and Justin saw this big rap lovin guy and he was beating this real fine young lady and so Justin got out and kicked the dudes ass and asked the hottie to ride with him and so now he was pimpin with like 2 hot ass bitches in his sweet ass ride. THE END


When Johnny woke up in his bed on Sunday he was real pissed off. So he went to his sweet wheels and just rolled around in his really pissed off mood. He was playin Godsmack on his 10 thousand dollar system. It was a badass system. Well he was really pissed off and just felt like breakin shit so he got out at this old lady's house and just started knocking over her lawn decorations and screamin shit. And then the cops came and arrested him and that just made him even more pissed at the world. Well it was the easiest 4 months he ever did and when he got out of jail he went home and just listened to some Limp Bizkit and that hardcore rockin music got him back in a bad break-shit mood. So he went to this crackheads house and just started throwin shit all over the place and just breakin windows and like stealin shit and like smokin all the crack. MAn, what a badass. THE END

Grand Theft Pimpin Sweet Ass Auto

Jimmy was out in vagas stealing some sweet ass automobiles. He just got himself a ferarri and it was 100% dope. So he rolled down the Vagas strip and just gambled and gambled and he was totally rocking the tables and to his surprise, Godsmack was playing at the hotel/casino he was staying in and life was sweet. So the next day he went out and stole like 16 sweet ass cars and just chilled for the rest of the day. But one day as he was stealing televisions from Radio Shack some punk cop gave him some shit like "your arrested" and so jimmy was all like "i'll give you 100,000 dollars if you don't arrest me." The cop shit his pants and took the money and Jimmy lived the rest of his life just stealin shit and living like a king and fucking ass loads of bitches. THE END