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about expectations join crew codes fanfiction ideas coming soon sites www links clear

Welcome to Blu Ribbon Sky, one of the only nsync fanfiction collaborations out there. Read the fanfiction, join the crew, and have some fun while your at it.

Thursday the second

Back again!

I'm sick today, so i'm staying home :( i emailed a bunch more people and i'm hoping someone will come and join. No one that i know of has yet, but i haven't checked my email in a few hours so somebody might have. I'll check it in a minute.

Last night i got up the about, expectations, join, crew, codes, fanfiction, and sites pages. i took of the extras and i added www, ideas, and coming soon pages. I just gotta put up the layout and add the text into those pages. So gimme a while and it'll all be done soon. And plz, go join!! plz!!!

Jenni went crazy @ 12:21 P.M.

Wednesday the first

My first update. Oh the joy.

I'm slowly starting to get everything up. I lost my piece of paper that had most of the crap on it that i wanted on this site, so not everything will be as i expected. Most likely i will be updating that when i realize what i forgot.

I'm in the process of sending everyone on nsync fan fiction yellow pages and all other nsync fanfiction directories an email, asking them to join. If you're here you probably got an email, so please join and support Blu Ribbon Sky. I really want this site to be a success, unlike some of my other sites i have. Plus it will get some more publicity out to your site, because i'm going to link all the sites that belong to the crew members.

So please look around and join. I don't have any image codes yet, so please donate. I'll come back later!

Jenni went crazy @ 7:11 P.M.