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My Mother's Estate

Family History Update ~ July, 2010

Update ~ (May-Jun-Jul'08..)

( <3 Mama Mia! <3 ) suffered a massive stroke following neck artery surgery after several ministrokes, resulting in her passing* just after her

75th birthday, while on Bankruptcy and GIS.

Mother Bankruptcy Return showing CPP, OAS and GIS.

The Barrie Hospital refused to release her to her home for private home care. She was so distraught she called the police. She screamed continuously for weeks on end.

Our thoughts and prayers are still with our angel mom after this crisis for the most part.

rvh admissions- august08

toronto ccac - sept08 {scroll down}

rvh 'alt level of care' bill

omhltc complaint - oct08

rvh mail - nov08

Heart&Stroke Foundation ~ Salt and Congestive Heart Failure*

legal precedent

in lieu of Christmas visit with mom

placement rejection

A Peaceful Transition - March 11, 2009


obit notice [printed - Barrie Examiner]

mom's original obit online - select Barrie then select March 14, 2009

mom's upgraded obit online - select Barrie then select March 14, 2009

mom's perfect memorial tribute (got hacked off as a contributor to sibling's site as of December, 2012)

grandparents' plot adjacent to mom's

sis at mom's memorial site

Scattering Ashes (filmed)

Angel Urn

mom's angel headstone

How Not to Die (How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive)

estate car insurance (oct'09 update)

update~ Wills for Ontario(Oct.30/09)

Mother's Will [alt exec]


Mom's Adverse Drug List

Also another exhibit as wrongful death evidence - according to the February 22, 2010 article [link was hacked!]'Suspicious End' in US Magazine Weekly: "...most of the drugs TMZ reported were collected from the house after [Brittany] Murphy's death (including antianxiety med Ativan, antiseizure [migraine] medication and narcotic hydrocodone)...!!}

Barrie Hospital emergency doctor Mackenzie and staff put mom back on meds that family disapproved of during a family and staff meeting - she was also OD'ed and recusitated during one of my absences (a day when I had a medical appointment - I returned that evening). Family friend Doris Biernath witnessed.

June 8, 2010 - Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved class action lawsuit for drug Zyprexa


Judges can make lawyers work for free (TorStar 03.26/10)

Medical Death Certificate ~ April 8, 2010


May 4, 2010 - (Estate) Car ~ 1995 Toyota Corolla [also needed for grocery days and sibling drives when she comes to visit] transfer to $1500 repairs and mandatory Auto Insurance [doubled first year to reinstate mature driver] - Car Value = scrap metal (now less than $200 trade in)

Family Benefits Act [Welfare Precedents]

Estate Tax Clearance Certificate [Rec'd August 25, 2010].


Schneider (Margrit) Estate Matters (maternal aunt/mother's sister)


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