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SWAT Editorial Page

The DaVinci Lie


6/6/06 & 666 Truths

The Lost Gospel of Judas

The $20 Bill Prophecy

What is Demonology?

Are Ghosts in Scripture?

Cursing God

Barbie Out- Witches In?!


Spiritual Suicide

What is Christmas Anymore?

Sylvia Browne: False Prophet

Nay on Halloween

Vatican Exorcism Classes

Virgin Mary- an Ungodly Idol

Are We in the End Days?

The 666 Mark is Here


Spirituality and Ignorance

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Demon Possession

Hurricane Katrina

Who is God?

What is God Like?

More to Come!
Check Back Weekly!

Welcome to the SWAT Editorial Page!

Here you will find ARTICLES written by Scott and Heidi Linden, Founders of the SWAT Missions Team. The articles are for your enjoyment, but we hope that you find the various spiritual topics educational and inspiring.
Please know that none of the content is meant to offend anyone, or to belittle any one person's faith. The views expressed are through not just opinion, but personal experiences, as well as time in research and study in the areas of religion, spirituality, the paranormal, the occult, spiritual warfare and deliverance, current events and Scripture. Please note that nothing on this page or within the articles is up for debate. If you are easily offended, we ask you do not read our commentaries. If you disagree with something we have written, or one of our pieces upsets you in any way, we apologize, as that is not our intent. We only aim to express our conceptions on certain topic-related writings to bring forth a different take on things we feel the media and others distort with false facts and mere opinions.

Meet Your Authors

Heidi LindenMMMMMMMScott Linden

Scott and Heidi are a married couple who lead a team into the missionary work of Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance. Their work in Spiritual Warfare and Truth (SWAT) consists of 5 other valuable members who Scott and Heidi could not do without.
But through the years, some members have come and gone, as well as the group's name, and even their beliefs. But their mission has never faltered- to help people with finding the truth and spiritual realities in our lives, and assisting in ridding their dark disturbances. It just so happened, on this exploration of the paranormal, Scott and Heidi found answers- and unbeknownst to them, they all all came back to the Bible, and Jesus Christ.

Scott Linden, 39, is a native of Racine, WI. His history includes the Air Force, sheet metal work, real estate and home maintenence/heating and cooling. But his passion always lied in God, and in finding truth. Never a believer in the paranormal, his witnessing a bizarre experience in relation to Ouija board use, left his mind open to the concept of other forces in this world. But not until he met Heidi did he realize how real those powers truly were. Scott has been involved with many different Christian churches, and feels strongly about seeking out a relationship with God, and not a religion. His journey began with experiencing numerous haunting type occurrences, and then joined a ghost hunting team in Wisconsin. He felt there was still more to be done other than just the investigating aspect. He sought to find the connection to God in all of that. He and Heidi began their own team, SEWPI (Southeast Wisconsin Paranormal Investigations). From his experiences with the team, his desire to find spirituality in everything only grew more, as he was plagued with not just his questions, but those of clients as well. Many supernatural incidents and spiritual encounters led him and Heidi to find a God they never knew. They knew of Him, but did not truly know Him or His Word. Scott slowly began to find the connection he always searched for- the truth about our Creator, and if the things people were experiencing in their homes and within themselves was connected to Him. As Scott's experiences continued, his apetite for answers and truth grew, and so did his knowledge. From all this, he wants to share with you all he has learned, and what he views and feels, hoping that those out there who are like him- looking for not just answers, but the truth, will read his words and hear his experiences, and learn from them as he did. Maybe they too, will find the excitement, peace and gratification in knowing one's past and fate.

Heidi Linden is well-known as "The Ghostlady" for starting and being exclusively featured on Milwaukee's 99.1 FM WMYX's "Paranormal Tuesday". But her work in the supernatural began when as a child, spirituality surrounded her, with abilities beyond the five senses we all know. Seeing much hypocrisy in churches, religion and God left a bad taste in her mouth. So she went the other way, to spiritual welcoming in new-age beliefs and meta-physical practices. She has done much professional psychic work and was actively involved with occult activity, but she soon realized that her life in the new age movement, created numerous personal experiences with the darker side of spirituality, and she found herself seeking help out. Being affected harshly in every aspect a person could be, she had no where to turn but to a God she did not know. Heidi realized her psychic abilities were not gifts, but a burden and pawn from a darker force, and sought to find reconcilliation with her true master, Jesus, and to find the spiritual gifts she was meant to have. Heidi has been doing research and study in the field of the supernatural and preternatural for over 18 years and her goal in life is to spread the truths about the hidden dark spiritual world most have now come to know as acceptable. She was co-host of WKRS's New-Age Radio, and has been featured in many documentries, articles, books and magazines. She is also author of the upcoming book, "Beyond What We Know". She has made her life work getting the word out to people about the truth behind the dangers of the new-age movement, false religions and false prophets. She has dedicated her time and energy to help people with their spiritual issues society has deemed as acceptable and normal paranormal phenomena.

Newspaper Article about SWAT *(formally SEWPI)

Listen to WKRS Radio Interview


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What do you have time for?

- From a Distance
Look at our world...


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