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Obelus I

Robot Riots 1: August 2002

Obelus vs Twisted System
Obelus in the rumble(stuck in the corner)

Obelus II

Robot Riots 3: July 5th & 6th 2003

Robot Riots 3 took place on Yonge street, right in the middle of the road. There were large tents set up covering the pit area. Both days were hot, and the tents did little to keep the heat out as there was little ventilation. I was usually sweating profusely throughout the competition. That was ok, however it was not fun to have the batteries being really hot before I even used them. The battles took place within a 8' x 8' arena for the 3, 12, and 30 pound robots, and a smaller 4' x 4' arena was placed inside for the 1 pound robots. The competition was setup as a sort of round robin-double elimination type event. It seemed like everyone ended up fighting everyone at least once.

At the weigh in on Saturday, my Antweight, Katerkiller, ended up weighing in a quarter of an ounce overweight (with everything stipped down to the bare bones). Instead of forfeiting, it was advised to me that I entered it as a Beetleweight (3 pound). I knew it didn't have a chance, but I was just glad that it was working and I could compete with it. Its servo drive didn't provide much power, and it ended up losing all of its matches except with Rhymes With Orange on Sunday. Obelus 2 however, weighed in at about 10 pounds. I thought the bucket armour was fine as long as the spinning flail assembly was spinning...this held true, but not like thought.

Robot Riots 3 Battle Report

Obelus: The Return...

I wanted to try the spinning flail assembly weapon that I tried many years ago...I had a choice of two weapons, either the heavy 1 pound maces that I used 6 years ago (as pictured) or drill chucks with long lengths of chain. The weapon spun at a ridiculous speed, actually able to pull the 1/8" diamond plate blade completely straight from the centrifugal forces.