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Brian Calendine

Brian's review of the 2004 Triumph Rocket III...

Here's where I saw the picture of Brian....

Here's the Cathedral in Tucson....

A message of His on a forum about Aviation...

Did You Hear That?

Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Posts: 1,876  Alert - FAA - Notice Was Sent...   


...but, I didn't receive it - good ol' AOL...  

Anyways, I sent an e-mail to the manager at the FSDO again in Scottsdale inquiring about
 forwarding the e-mail from the LA regional office regarding the determinations made of
 doing RC AP, and this is the reply... Good as it's gonna get at this point...


I forwarded the message to you from our regional headquarters shortly after
the last time we communicated . I no longer have the message on my system.
The message said in part the small pilotless aircraft of the type, size and
design that you are operating need no special authorization. Operations in
airport traffic areas should be avoided but if necessary the operator can
coordinate airspace usage through the local air traffic control facility.
The rules do not prohibit small remote controlled aircraft in the airspace
but if the operator follows guidance in the advisory circular [91-57] and used
reasonable judgement there should be no conflicts.

The FAA is currently reviewing all current information and policy but there
is nothing new out at this time. If [this] industry used sound judgement
there should not be a need for additional rules. Large aircraft carrying
large payloads is, however, another story.

Brian Calendine 
To: Brian N Calendine/AWP/FAA@FAA 
07/16/2004 12:15 cc: 
PM Subject: Radio Control Aerial Photography

Hi, Mr. Calendine...

I know you are very busy... I was hoping you might have a chance to send me
the e-mail regarding the decision about my aerial photography from a radio
control airplane that was sent from the LA regional office a few weeks
ago... Thanks again for your help...

Kevin Vanderslice
Watt Noise Aerial Photography
Tucson, Arizona

Brian Calendine is the manager of the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) 
in Scottsdale, Arizona... The brackets [] are mine for clarification or spelling 

So, that's what we have to work with... 

Watt Noise?

Tina Turner was already on this page before I changed everything to add Brians picture etc.... But I liked Her song so I've left it here....

Brian taught me how to fly and wash airplanes....

And in truth, Brian was probably one of the best Person's I've ever known....