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Longwire Notes
Walk the Talk...- AA Meeting
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Ham Radio
International TV News
Indian Country TV

Fri Mar 21 10:44:34 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Native American video's... 

Fri Mar 21 20:38:48 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y...  So another Friday bites the dust HA... An OK day... After the Library closed I walked with the bike some and sat 
at the Bus Stop... Got some fig bars and salami which I ate some salami after I went back to the Bus Stop... Salami was 
good just plain, nothing else HA...
Didn't do anything but twitter pictures and watched a Washington Dinner with George Bush and a impersonator speak... 
Was amusing... Watched some parts of movies on Live TV... Thought that to be an interesting website... Sorta random 
when you get into the movie and I don't linger too long... Guess I'll get out of here...

Sat Mar 22 08:42:58 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Got extra sleep it being Saturday morning and the Y opening at 7 instead of 5 am... Was too hot under my 
comforter so I slept on top of it with the thin blanket over Me... Slept pretty good... Legs felt a bit funky this 
morning... All the exercising and still FUNKY HA... Finished the cheese with bread awhile ago and some fig bars... 
Start off every morning with a full stomach so it seems... Overdid my McDonald's visits I think as I feel better not 
going so much... Something queer about watching other people's work while you sit and drink coffee, I suspect... 
I use the Queer word on occassion and I probably shouldn't... I'd find another word I suppose when I'm distraught or 
afraid or pissed off or something... You know a wrestler can be upset and swear and act insane and people leave Him 
alone while the average person or smaller has problems in that respect... But that's just life ta da... 
Freaking right arm I can't raise out in front of me in a normal way... Just no muscle to do it... That's the arm I 
wrenched falling off the bicycle... Tore something and thought it was getting better but now it seems it didn't heal 
right... Unattached or something maybe...? Not into Doctors anymore, probably an age thing... But I'm wrong in that 
area for for sure... But to enjoy life we must sometimes take things absurb or something like that... RANDOM...?
My favorite word so it seems... 
Not sure what to do today... Clothes are all dirty and smelly so that might be an idea to do something ..  o(~___~)o 

Sat Mar 22 08:53:30 2014
Submitting Host:


***Mon Mar 24 05:54:43 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Check this page out HA.... 

Well it was sprinkling as I got up and came inside the Y here... Good long rest last night... Snacked on Salami, corn 
chips, Brownies, and the last few fig bars... Made tea then hot chocolate... Left leg feels more loose this morning 
like more normal but that's a worry also if I only have 1 cruciate ligament...? But I eercised pretty good yesterday...
Think the cheating treadmilling is a plus...? Like the Grigory Leps and the Slideshow combo... Put a curser script on 
it so the computer won't go to sleep mode but not sure if it works...?

Have to do laundry and it's raining HA... Could have did it last night but I'm mucho Lazy... Said something outloud at 
McDonald's as I immagined someone said someting negative about me as I walked by... Now that's a bit flakey don't you 
concur ta da... O Well... Probably a bored crowd anyway....  O(~___~)O
Getting ne furniture around here... The computer desk here is bigger and new... The other one was falling apart... 
Also a new larger bookcase next to me for their books.. There's 1 easy chair there but not new... Also a table with a 
puzzle on it... Imagine people's working puzzles...

Showered already and the water wasn't real hot as usual...  Probably go to a movie today... Use the rain as an 
excuse... Figure I'll do that as I might not be able sometime in the future for some reason.. Well have a good day 

Mon Mar 24 21:52:00 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Was raining hard all evening while I was at the Largo Library... Asked for more time on the computer because I 
couldn't leave in the pouring rains... Finally I rode to the Bus Stop and waited in the shelter there... 
Rode the Bus back but it was pouring when I got off the Bus... But not too heavy... So i didn't get soaking wet... 
Worried more than got real wet HA... Rode up and got a pint of white rice to eat tonight... Had Tea earlier so I'm 
heating watr for hot choc... 
Saw "Divergent" the movie today and a long line at the theater too... But got in just as the movie was starting... 
Missed the previews... Had a free movie ticket also... Should use the free ticket on a expensive weekend day... Just 
thought of that now--too late HA...
Cost a dollar for the Bus ride but I would have been soaked for for sure...
Tired... Lot of sitting and my legs feel a bit weak... Wobbly maybe is the word...? Shot hoops this morning and did the 
treadmill and some light kettlebells... Life is sort of whatever but the line of people's shows I'm not alone in this 
boat ta da....
Was some stuff I was going to rant on but no time now... But the pesticides and cutting down all the trees is 2 of my 
complaints... Think I'll get out of here... Later...   o___O 

Wed Mar 26 07:14:54 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Well it got cold and windy last night... 50 degrees this morning and supposed to get even colder today... 
Just saw some mail on my hotmail that wasn't on my G-mail... Now is that not back up or what HA... Anyway interesting 
and will follow up on it later on a better computer... Will need to take a browser picture... Monitor picture...?
O well close enough... Tired... Swam yesterday morning 1st time in a good while... Was tiring though... 
I should cease this dialog as everyone knows my age which accounts for everything... I use the age card now for about 
all issues HA... 
Got bread and chedder cheese yesterday and ate that last night and this morning... A good feed bread and cheese... 
Writing... About your only real trip into the future I suppose... Saw on TV the Japanese were rescuing pictures of 
Sunami victims  but a picture doesn't really talk to you like the written word does... You can in a sort of way talk to 
the future from your keyboard... Like, HI, hows it going future person... HA
Of course He/She won't bother to answer... Probably think your flakey.... RAMBLING...
Cold so I'm thinking movie... But 1/2 my reason for a movie is sitting outside at Panera Bread drinking a coffee and 
enjoying the weather and the scenery... Not a good idea on a cold day... 
Everyone comes in and go full throttle here exercising and swimming and showering and I just sit, nap, eat, drink 
coffee, and of course sit here at the computer.... 
And the reason I'm writing which slipped my mind... Yesterday at the Library I sat down with a book about the Blackfeet 
Indians... 1st thing I read was that they took wild horses into the water to break them... I thought how much easier 
that was then the coyboy way of staying on a wild horse as it bucks and twists to get you off... 
Also said they taught the horse how to dance walk which made it harder to shoot at I guess... Anyway the book was 
interesting... Lots of pictures and sort of like a childrens book, thin pictures and explanations... 
Their buck skin clothing was white which they were skilled at plus making the leather pliable soft whatever...
They moved their camps a lot to insure their lands were occupied plus getting foods and materials... 
Before 1700's they used dogs to haul their tents and equipment but then the Horses arrived and they became their means 
of transportation... Those were the times... Plenty of Buffalo that  pretty much took care of all their real needs and 
the fresh airs and scenery and a Paradise to live in if I must say... But then the Europeans came and the buffalo 
ceased to be and they were forced to farm which failed a lot and they lived on rations from the government which was 
bad and/or rotten and they got diseases and died... A sad end for a free and grand way of living... Probably before the 
horses they were great runners for sure... And their way of getting foods was to guide the buffalo over a cliff...  

Wed Mar 26 20:17:21 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        Y... Well it's supposed to be 50 again tonight BRrrrr.... Must be really cold up North.. So an OK day... 
At the College Library twice... Went to look for the McDonald's on #19 but they moved to Nursery and Belcher so I went 
there  with a slice of Hess pizza and got coffee... Ate standing outside... Sunny but cool and brezzy... Then I went to 
Albertson's and got a JJ pie and ate at the Bus Stop... Got to go...

Thu Mar 27 06:54:49 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Good Thursday Morning, Thor's Day... Noah starts tomorrow at the theaters so I'll probably ride the bike to Largo 
Mall tomorrow... Nice weather and I can sit at PB and drink coffee and watch the people's... Can always get donuts if I 
want... Finished the cheese last night but lots of bread to go...  lAST NIGHT i GOT A PKG OF SALAMI AND DRANK 
mCdONALD'S COFFEE AND CAME TO THE Y, and talk about VOID... The salami and coffee really cleaned me out... So that was 
a plus... Like starting over HA... They have a new seat here at the computer and seems harder than the old one... 
I sit on my bones pretty much and the nerves and blood vessels causing me problems... Stood a lot yesterday and think I 
was getting around a lot better... But I need to do that all the time... Looked at thos live TV movies and there's a 
ton of video's on that website... Mostly young kids though so I pass... Movies are great though... Don't seem to have 
the time and/or patience to watch a movie for long on the computer... Also I can't seem to think to write much at 
Libraries while here I can rant my heart out HA... 

Ate some fig bars a popcorn and donated the rest of the fig bars to the coffee mess... Sense 1 person is happy when I 
do that...? Saw a video of an Ohio pow wow and there was like 1 or 2 families there sort of trying to Indian Dance... 
Looks to be a great exercise also... Lots of foot work and the drums are a grand thing also... That was their life a 
bon fire and drums and dancing.. No polutation then... No car wrecks... Father and daughter were killed in a small 
plane crash here the other day... You wonder how that can happen... Nose down crash... You can glide and land a plane 
with no motor... But there must have been other problems... Avoiding a car on a highway , maybe...? Or mechanical 
Wanted to go to a movie today... Used to want to go swim at the beach... Hence the difference AGE makes HA... 
Have lost that energizer Bunny feeling... Go go go ceases to be... Even leaning in that direction of nothingness... 
And all the signs seem to be against doing different... Should be sitting on a horse in Montana instead of trying to 
cope with a giant getto machine that is programmed to control everybody... You can't see or hear it but I'm sure it's 
here somewhere HA...
Rambling... Yea, saw a guy and a younger man dragging tree limbs out front from the rear of a house... Gone another 
tree... Even trimming takes years off the tree's life... But trimming is better than wacking the whole tree... 
Think of the years and years this plateau that sticks above the water, Florida, has been growing trees etc to make the 
land better than just a sandbar... All the trees are here to help keep the land intact etc... The cutting down of trees 
means the hot tropical sun helps turn the land to dust or sand and it is blown or washed away... And soon nothing much 
grows anywere anymore...  And the pesticides... Everywhere I see their trucks and every handyman had a bug spray... 
And to top it off the Luthern Church is covered with tarps to fumigate the Church... Good thing we get a steady breeze 
here pretty much... But this is a daily thing spraying bugs and has been going on for forever... Sure not like back in 
the Indian days... 
And I wanted to mention how I read they had housing for the indians, Canada, the Blackfeet and they said the cabins 
wearn't well ventilated and were cold and full of diseases... Imagine a tepii being better than a cabin... I wonder 
seeing the frigid weather that Canada gets... The Blackfeet used Montana for hunting etc... Guess they got better 
treatment in Canada... Here's a picture I just saw looking up how to spell tepii... 


Thu Mar 27 20:19:15 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Back at the Y... Drank 2 lg coffee's and ate a JJ Berry Pie... Got cheese and more fig bars... And got a popcorn 
also today... Snacxked on popcorn at the Largo Library... Saw the Muppet's movie and it's for kids... Wasted my monies 
as I napped but I was tired out anyway so that was part of the reason maybe... Had Spaghetti for lunch today and walnut 
sticky cake... Was good... Here early so that's why I'm on the computer... Noah, the movie, starts tomorrow... Should 
be good... Try and wait till next week for the cheaper prices... Gaining weight I guess... Scales tell me different 
weights at different places... Publex today said 164... The scales here said 158 I think..? Whatever... 
Can't think of anything to write... Could rant on the daily businesses but I'm the bad scene pretty much... Around 60 
tonight... Some clouds in the gulf heading inland but the forcast says cloudy few lingering showers... Was overcast all 
day but no rains to speak of...  

Fri Mar 28 20:39:00 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y....  An OK day... Did another movie, Sabatoge, with Arnold S. but it wasn't as good as Noah I'm sure... Had to wait 
another 30 min for Noah so I passed... See it next week for 5 bucks HA... Spending my monies but I figured I didn't 
need 7 bucks worth of GAS... 4 people killed in Plant City by a car going too fast... Sad damn thing for sure... 
But that stuff happened back in the 50's on 2 lane highways at night because someone tried to pass and the oncoming car 
was going to fast or something similiar... And booze was a big killer as it always has.. AA helped me but even that 
took forever the evil beer and liquor was so stong a hold on a person... Just checked my mail and got some so I'll 
answer tomorrow... Sat a lot today and even the heavy biking doesn't seem to overcome the too much inactivity... 
Got some heavy breathing in though... Pumping up hill a bit on the way back from Largo.... Also breathing hard on the 
treadmill... I don't linger on the treadmill but I am trying to do it more often... Helps as I take my weight off my 
legs by holding onto the handrails... Well have a great evening...

Sat Mar 29 07:57:41 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y... Saturday Morning and got some extra sleep last night... Not sure if that's good or bad though HA... Feel pretty 
good though... Long bike rides yesterday to Largo Mall and back... Saw another movie, my weakness... Be better off 
standing around for 2 hours... Not sure I could do that either... Bread and cheese last night and this morning... 
Tastes good and think it's also good for Me..? Will take it e asy here... 60% chances of rains today also... 
Can see heavy rains in the Gulf on weather radar but they seem to be North and South of here... 
Right shoulder seems numb a lot also... Like my left leg... Not sure that's good... I wrenched that shoulder awhile 
back falling backwards off the bike... A bit drousy I think plus my age UGH... Interestingly you don't know your old 
when your old.. It surprises you a lot not being able to do this or that... Saw an elderly woman fixing Her coffee at 
PB the other day and She was shaking and barely able... Thought She would drop something as She had Her foods with Her 
besides the coffee you need to put a cardboard heat absorber over the cup stuff OPPS... But I think She shook but still 
got it all done... I waited and She had a friend or daughter that didn't help.... Suspect She doesn't want anyone doing 
for Her as She needs the exercise etc... Likke riding a bike.. I'm pretty much OK now but when I started again at this 
older age I wasn't very able at all... Probably won't fall over backwards again, but I wouldn't bet on it... 
Started across a street going fast to make the light and a car arrived... They seem to come out of no where a lot... 
Anyway I turned back around and left the street until it had passed... I do that a lot avoiding evewrything like 
practice so in an emergency I'll be better off to cope with a situation... Did that make sense HA... So I see a couple 
up ahead walking away from me as I approach I go into the street to pass if it's clear, something not to do or I go 
thru a parking area if that's possible and/or I go into the grass to not bother anyone... Same with other bikes.. I 
leave the sidewalk unless it's to much bother... Getting close at my age is a hazzard ta da... 
Rambling... Can't think at the College.. Figure that out ... Out of here...  

Sat Mar 29 11:35:22 2014
Submitting Host:


Mon Mar 31 06:14:35 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        Y.... Hi... Just saw this picture place so here it is... Get enough pictures for sure... The Native American pages I 
was looking at the other day looked like every Indian got his picture taken ta da... Anyway here's this website... 

Also the Native American website...

Well I showered 1st this morning as I felt like I needed one... Slept ok... Ate a lot... Salami and th rest of the 
bread... Then chcken noodle soup with corn chips in it HA... Fig bars and a huge red apple... Stood awhile eating the 
apple... Think I'll go see Noah the movie today regardless of anything else... It's not good for me to sit in a theater 
for 2 hours nor for anyone else... Why I do it I don't know... HABIT I guess... I'm a creature of habit... Isn't that 
funny and I'm like that about a lot of things... Go to the same places etc... Eat and drink same ole same ole HA...
Rambling... Was picking up litter at the Bus Stop yesterday and I wonder if that didn't pull my hamstrings too much...?
And after all the exercising at the Y too... I don't squat to pick stuff up but bend over straight legged... So that 
might be the reason or part of it... ??
Yea, I'll ride down and get my PB coffee and sit outside and eat a TV meal and a JJ pie probably... Been doing this too 
long I suspect... Sure PB people don't approve of my heating a TV meal in their micro... 
I'd change all this but it's easier staying the way I am... Plus my monies grow slowly... Worry about that also as I 
feel I'm vunerable in bank matters, but not sure...? What did I just mean..? HA

Life is a deal... At least I feel it is... If it wasn't then I wouldn't be happy probably, hence me thinking about a 
good deal constantly... Important things I seem to be without any bother and I think it's in the best interest also... 
I see others I think aren't so responsible but I also see myself not being too responsible... Size and strength are my 
basic shortcomings and along with those are a ton of others because of them... Just something you don't deal with 
because it's a bother... Or a waste of time anyway... But being a clown sure wasn't in my mind either... So for what 
it's w orth I just was passive rather than flob everything... Close enough anyway HA...

OK, why don't they plant hot peppers around the Y...? And/or Basil...? Instead of all this crappy stuff they have 
that's worthless and useless... Pepper plants probably resist bugs...? They have these fast growing trees now that they 
trim and instead of letting them grow out like they used to they trim the new twigs off HA... So you got these leafless 
trees sitting there in the yard all the time... No branches either, just stubs ta da...
I'm out of here because this world is crazy....

Mon Mar 31 06:16:15 2014
Submitting Host:


Mon Mar 31 16:28:46 2014
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Mon Mar 31 21:39:41 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Well about 1/2 an hour before closing... Saw "Noah" today the movie... Was pretty good... Wonder what happened 
to "Ham" HA... Nothing much else... Ate a lot today... A Hungry Man Turkey meal and a Lean Cusine rice and beans meal 
and poporn and a JJ pie and fig bars WOW... Can't stop eating and I'm gaining weight... Have to kick the too much at 
night foods maybe...? Got a bell pepper and an orang/grapefruit...? Small like an orange but the color of a 
grapefruit... Got a McChicken to eat wit my coffee refill in a little while... Tired a bit... Hardness above my right 
knee from straining I think yesterday... Rough pumping the bike with that problem... Can't think of much to write 
tonight... Worked out this morning a bit... Treadmill and kettlebells light weight and BB... Suspect too much 
tea/coffee is part of my problems... Was thinking not to drink same after 5 at night and then exercise before coffee in 
the mornings... But probably just kicking the too toon much would be better... Free coffee starting tomorrow... Out of 

Tue Apr  1 07:53:50 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Well yesterday as I tried to keep sleep mode from working the picture scraper site ceased working... 
Suspect I caused too much activity maybe and messed with the owners server or His website...? Anyway it was a fun thing 
and I can drop it all now as it was just a project that however used someone else's work... Probably not a right thing 
to do... But I thought it would function without any problems... Probably not... So I'll remove everything for awhile 
and see what happens... Wondering if the vimeo stuff had anything to do with it... Wonder if blocking sleep mode will 
hurt anyone's monitor...? O Well... Probably not... Pool was full... Trying to get 5000 members in a 6 lane pool HA... 
Should go to the beaches every day and get a good swim in... Probably need more sunshine and vitiman D anyway... Trying 
to be white in Florida isn't my thing HA... I tan easy... And I keep getting darker and darker... O Well...
Funny thing is I never realized it all my life... Probably a mental block maybe HA... But wearing sunscreen all the 
time sucks... Probably OK for your skin as the tropical sun is no kid... Moistureizers are OK also I think..? 
Can really get dark and dried out if your not careful... Have seen people's dark and wrinkled from too much sun 
Rambling... Sat all day yesterday pretty much... Saw some people's running or jogging last night and thought that's 
how... Before everything people ran everywhere... Then came progress ta da... Saw a gal yesterday I 've seen before on 
the Buses or at AA meetings but She was in a wheel chair and was getting obese... Sad that that happens.. But I find 
myself overeating and can't seem to control myself... Ate a ton of stuff yesterday... Everywhere I went I was eating 
UGH... Finished off the popcorn at the Library a piece at a time... BYEeee...

Tue Apr  1 12:00:34 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       So I came across this article about MIT and a suicide... Seems a big waste and you wonder why...?
Didn't read it all but enough to see the senselessness of a lot of things in this here World... 

Tue Apr  1 12:16:10 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Not interesting enough as i haven't the time to listen but it's about aging in the beginning anyway... 

Tue Apr  1 12:19:47 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Webcams Iceland....  

Tue Apr  1 12:40:06 2014
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Tue Apr  1 12:49:14 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Numberwang.... 

***Fri Apr  4 06:12:30 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Good Friday Morning... My used to be movie day... But Monday's are cheaper ta da... Well I got Leps singing on 
Animal Planet TV Live HA... Have to adjust volumes depending on what you want to hear though...  
Walking slow this morning... As I get miminumal walking at night... Watched the young people playing BB last night as 
my tea water heated... They're fast and fancy passers too HA... My private joke, sorta... As foe me I'm an old man and 
sense a bitterness if I shoot hoops around young people's... But that could be just my age thinking... You get flakey 
up here HA... Should be sitting on a Horse like sitting Bull.. No offense but Sitting Bull's picture looks better than 
Custer... But Custer had a bad day long ago for sure... He would have maybe tried to run for President if He hadn't of 
got destroyed at Little Big Horn... Our past's will always be with us... In some places History is wiped off the face 
of the Earth so no one will ever know... But not here, at least not yet... Being an American in the year 2014, you 
would think times have changed since when I was born during WW2... But not really so... Today different issues arise 
that surround you every day and to your dismay or discomfort... Of course these things are probably different for 
different people's... Your wondering what they are...? And I'm really not sure...? A person shot soldiers at Fort hood 
the other day killing 2 and wounding a lot of others... This is the 2nd time in a short while... 

So I fooled around and got Animal planet TV on a page with Leps... Mentioned that already HA... Anyway just looked and 
this computer is slow and the TV is stopped on a frame of a plastic gold pan[?] with a small nugget of Gold in it... 
I'd look at the Gold price but this computer is on crawl and always is UGH... Hope I can post... Sit there 5 min 
waiting to see if it posts... Gosh I got donuts and already ate the fig bars so I'm full HA... Donuts aren't healthy 
and I don't know why I bought them yesterday, mindless sometimes... 
Need a movie I think regardless of it costing an extra 2 bucks... I do this now but wouldn't years ago... But still a 
bad habit for me... Here's what Leps is singing right now and He's OK.... o____O

Fri Apr  4 06:13:40 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Animal Planet/Leps... 

Sat Apr  5 16:50:38 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        Latest...

Sun Apr  6 16:43:09 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        test

Sun Apr  6 17:00:38 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Well I wrote 4 times here and got a time out... So I wrote test and it worked... So I'm going to write this and 
then copy it and refresh the page and paste and post and see what happens... Lost all the good stuff I had on my mind 
HA... Ate a salad at Wendy's for the 1st time... Got the 1/2 Chicken/Ceasar Salad for 2 something... Was OK...
Was tired of the Lg Burger for sure... Swam awhile today so I feel I did something OK HA... Sat at the Bus Stop this 
morning and picked up litter and then ate a JJ pie and a brownie with a coffee refill... Had a sausage muffin before 
that... Spiderman should be a good movie... Liked the previews and the line, "Now isn't that the question of the 
day"... HA
So have a great day and hope this one finally posts.... o(*___*)o

Sun Apr  6 17:03:31 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        Well the time out message came on and I refreshed the page and a popup said try again so I clicked that and it got 
posted... So I didn't know how 3 out of 4 times butt we got the job done finally.... Trial and Error, my waterloo....

Mon Apr  7 06:29:51 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Well I'm wasting my time here this morning not being able to get into my hotmail account... Had this trouble 
before... Lots of rest last night... Ate chicken noodle soup with corn chips in it and that was good... Finished up the 
bread and salami... Get this big loaf of French or Italian bread for 1.18 at Wallmart... Lasts me all week ta da...  
Swam yesterday for awhile... Surprised the pool was almost empty... Needed a good long swim... That was 2 days in a 
row... Tried BB last night while my tea water was heating... Legs were in bad shape and the left knee was a bummer... 
Tried to run like my shoes were untied HA... But it was better than just sitting for 20 min waiting for the water to 
get hot... 
Waiting on the spiderman moie... Liked the line, "Now isn't that the question of the day" HA... Anyway something to 
look forward to... The simple things in life these days... The other bow legged guy was up at the Belcher Bus Stop 
across the street... Picked up litter before I noticed Him... He uses a walker now... And noticed He could hardly get 
up and down... People brought Him foods anmd 1 gal had a sandwich bag and a drink... He'll get fat... 
Thought swimming every day would be good... Wondering what it is that causes your muscles tto tighten up so you can't 
even walk...? 
Got a lot of mental issues here but that's my natuure I guess... Worry worry worry... And it's a waste of time too... 
So last night I slipped a shirt around my ankle and stretched my quads for a time and did this a few times on both 
legs... Right away I felt I was walking better... Think the stretching the hamstrings causes me problems while 
stretching the quads helps me with problems...
Well I hope I can post this now... Refresh and then hit the retry on the popup... WHO PUTS THIS HERE...?

Tue Apr  8 18:02:15 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Wrestling Robots...

Wed Apr  9 08:34:34 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y.... WOW, been dragging around here 3 1/2 hours or so... Overslept 40 min HA... Was toast warm with the 2 blankets... 
Place is busy today and last night there was only 1 guy in the GYM... Anyway I ate too too much yesterday and last 
night and even this morning... So i'm stuffed and feel unable to do anything much... Pool is full full also... UGH 
Wendesday's HA... So I don't know... Fiddled around with webcams yesterday... And Leps of course... Over done it with 
Leps but something I listen to while looking at a webcam HA HA... Anyway the chat is back on the Ham website... But 
it's a lame chat so to speak... Like what's the noise on 3774 Kilohertz UGH... Whatever... Went to Tarpon Springs 
yesterday... Then rode the Bus back and got on the bicycle HA... Was raining yesterday morning hence the Buses... 
Ate Chinese, Shrimp/Chicken Combo... Was good too... But like I say I overate as I got donuts last night and also fig 
bars... No 98 cent fig bars so I got the 1.68 one's and they tasted hard or stale like... Also mentioned about the 98 
cent fig bars not being on the shelf a lot plus that there were about 4 green wallmart carry out hampers laying at the 
Bus stop across the street and down a ways towards Clearwater at the Bus Shelter... Have a good day...  o____0


Thu Apr 10 18:17:43 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        Blackfeet and Lewis &Clark Video...

Fri Apr 11 07:31:56 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y... Well it's Friday... Saw the movie "God isn't Dead" yesterday at Seminole... Good long bike ride to there... 
Computer was even slow at the Seminole Library... Tired... Napped a bit and of course slept OK  last night... 2 
blankets and I slept well... Tons of foods I have... And remember a few days ago I had nothing much left to eat... 
Still have some bread and cheese... Fear my bread will mold as I've been eating onion rolls the last 2 days... 
Got a Tony's pizza which was on sale... Too much bread dough though... Totino's seems to be my best choice on 
Pizza's... Keep going to McDonald's for coffee but don't feel comfortable there anymore... Must have over done it... 
Not sure what to do today... Probably go to the College Library... Totally misspelled College... Of course the keyboard 
doesn't always do what you want it to... 
Was watching the Lewis/Clark metts the Blackfeet video last night... Nice scenery... They have a reservation next to 
the Canadian Border in Montana... Probably a reservation in Canada maybe if they have those...?
Sort of loud all the feathers etc but I suppose that's their thing... Like what else is there to do sorta, but, Indian 
Dance... Great for the children I think and the elderly get some much needed exercise also... 
I would like to dance like that also but decline all the feathers... Maybe a head band and 1 feather... Easy to please 
here HA... Rambling...
Was wondering about ponies horse hoofs and horse shoes etc... Did the calvery have an advantage with their horses 
having iron shoes...? And vice versa...?
Here's this website but I can't look at it on this slow computer... So later...

Sat Apr 12 17:45:32 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... Nice weather day for sure... Ate at Wendy's a burger and a coke... Down again to 158 and I feel good, not 
bloated... Put my dance video on the iceland page HA... I'll clean stuff up someday... Think when you get shut down is 
when everything gets cleaned up--you lose everything... Your evolving years... o___O
So Almost time to get out of here... Tons of stuff to lug around hence I don't go anywhere... Watched the Dublin Pub 
Webcam and they're all walking around all the time... And that's a healthy social group of people's I would guess.. 
There's the Mall walkers also... They walk and drink coffee everyday like a job... It's all good... But sitting 
constantly is a Waterloo... I beat the same drum beats all the time ta da.. 
Tired... My shoulder isn't right... Thought it would heal and be OK but not so... Probably a long drawn out deal... But 
I live with it rather than not... If that makes any sense... Making sense isn't so easy up here in the twilight 
years... I supposed to wear rags and be a public disgrace so younger parents can look important to their Children... 
I though why try.... UGH 

Sun Apr 13 12:33:17 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y... So an OK day I guess... Got my coffee and sausage Biscuit and ate at the Bus Stop after picking up the litter... 
After a time an older spanish guy asks about a shoe store... I told Him of the one 2 blocks down the street... He 
started that way then came back past Me and talked to a spanish guy that was hanging around with a small bicycle... He 
continues on and the spanish guy comes over and I say He asked about a shoe store and I told Him it was 2 blocks down 
Gulf to Bay... And the spanish guy says He asked about Camillion St or something and goes on talking about a bar fight 
and says the F word often amd After He walks over towards the drug store looking for His friend I get up and leave... 
So I go on down the rode towards the Y but it's early so I sit at another Bus Stop in the shade and pick up some litter 
and soon a white guy comes walking up slow with a couple of bags and sits down sideways facing towards Me... I sort of 
felt a bit intimidated and just got up and left... Probably not the right thing but I had had enough of Sunday Morning 
crap for sure... Exercised in the GYM a bit and tried some BB... Feel sort of dizzy at times plus short of breath... 
Wake in the middle of the night and can feel my nose stuffy and the back of my throat feels funny like I breathed acid 
or something... Sort of raw maybe...? Sensed it was the bug spray as I can see where they sprayede and recently and I'm 
sure where my head was there was bug sprey...  Of course it's my own fault... And of course everything else in life is 
the same deal... Could rant on similiar stuff but it's all a waste of time... Had the shoe been on the other foot I 
would be guilty of stupidity.... Then again who says I'm not... UGH.

Wed Apr 16 07:03:02 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y... Well a tired morning here... Was cold this morning... Should have stayed under the covers another hour... And I 
over ate... Finished the lunch meat and roll and a JJ pie with the Y coffee... So I'm stuffed... Was 158 the other 
evening and now I'm 165 UGH... Seems to be the trend now, I eat a ton then finally void same and then eat till I'm 
stuffed again... Need to slow down maybe.. Went to Seminole yesterday... Rained and I rode the Bus back.. Sure saves a 
lot of pedaling plus you keep dry too HA... Nothing in my mail box and I can't think of anything worth writing... 
This sitting constantly is taking its toll on me I believe... Left knee is funky as usual and my right shoulder... 
Can't hold my right arm straight out for very long... Still need to do laundry... Well enough of this crap... 

Wed Apr 16 08:43:17 2014
Submitting Host:


Wed Apr 16 13:46:10 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Food Stuff...

Wed Apr 16 21:44:48 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Y.. Well I was at the Library most of the day... Like sitting there for 4 hours pretty much... Twitter pictures take 
up most of the time... And I had a lone computer that is slower than the lab one's... Ate too much today... The 3 
muffins I had left pretty much filled me up... Plus I ate a pkg of salami to clean me out... Now I'm really stuffed... 
Think I put too much effort into this eating stuff... Back to snacking on potato chips might be better HA...
Got some cheese to go with all the bread I have... There were onion rolls for a dollar when I got the salami so I 
grabbed those...  Got some mail but I'll wait till tomorrow as this computer is a bit flakey... Was looking at foods 
which are healthy... Already taking the cayenne pepper and Tumeric which are supposed to be good... Higher fiber is 
also something to eat... Well I'm lame as to what to write... Tried looking for the Crowe/Cruz movie that He say's , we 
made a disgusting amount of money today, but I couldn't find it... Seemed like google kept throwing up the same hits no 
matter what I wrote... And cruise was in there a lot... Wondering if google confuses Cruz with Cruise....? O well...

Fri Apr 18 06:54:57 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y... Well a slow start as usual... I sit down with coffee and I just don't wish to get back up UGH... Except I need 
another coffee finally HA.. Got some walking in yesterday a bit... Took Buses, a lot of sitting though, but walked 
every where I got off... A good hike from McDonald's to the Seminole Mall also... Was limping because I tried hopping 
at the Bus stop I think...? Foods, Bread and cheese last night... A few potato chips also got finished... And new pkg 
of fig bars and almost gone this morning... 98 cent pkg and they are so fresh and tasty...  Soups are rather expensive 
in my opinion... But 50 cents for chicken noodle or rice soups is OK... Was thinking shrimp and chicken combo rice meal 
but was already full... That's a heavy meal as there is a lot to eat... Nothing much else... Saw The Busipest Hotel and 
it was an OK comedy... A bit slow as I napped but I'm tired a lot... Think I slowed down too too soon... Lost the 
reasons to go go go I'm sure... 
Need to do laundry UGh... Got a ton of quarters I carry around so I'll be OK with the laundry machine.... Sat in the 
GYM and watched 3 young guys shoot hoops while my tea water was heating... Takes about 20 min to get piping hot 
water... Could see my days at playing BB are over HA... I just exercise with the ball and usually mornings when no one 
is around... Tired big time and yawning some also... Guess I'll pass for now and have a great Friday everyone..  o(^v^)o

Fri Apr 18 13:53:07 2014
Submitting Host:

.:       Scraper...

***Mon Apr 21 21:46:10 2014
Submitting Host:

.:      Y... Well I rode Buses today.. Too much sitting... Noticed at the Library this evening my bottom was tingling and 
uncomfortable from sitting... Scab on my left elbow from bike fall Sunday... My Easter thingy UGH... Anyway a bit 
red around it so I hope it doesn't get infected... Nothing on the computer... E-mail that's all... Leps is a bit 
yelling on the computer right now HA... So I can't exercise much till I heal up some... Elbow scab and a spot on my 
right palm wich would hinder BB and weight lifting... Read about stretches and it said that animals stretch from 
instinct and that we should also... As we age things tighten up so stretching helps... And another opinion was that 
dynamic exercising was better... Jumping and kicking whatever... So I suspect a dose of both might be OK...?
Ate at the Chinese Buffett today... OPPS, 7.50 plus tip, steep... But I sampled a lot of things for sure... Nothing 
special except soup at the end was savory and spicy... Then I buy a lot of foods not thinking I was already full to the 
hilt... But I needed the bread to go with the salami and I might just eat a small amount...
Tired and I got plenty of rest... Left knee was bothersome all day... And on a not so sane note I wonder if I'm being 
targeted... Suspect I'm not well liked... Then who is at 72... WAs in the sauna this morning awhile to kill any bugs on 
my scab which had opened from being rubbed... Razor doesn't cut close anymore... Tooth paste is supposed to sharpen 
it...? Got more fig bars also and only 1 pkg there on the shelf... Of course I take that personelly...
Tipi's for as far as the eye can see.... A thought I had... Tea water must be about hot or real hot... So I'll get out 
of here... Later..  o(^v^)o

Wed Apr 23 09:51:40 2014
Submitting Host:

.:        Panarama webcams Germany...

Fri Apr 25 16:01:15 2014
Submitting Host:

 Grigoriy Leps - Vodopad 

Powered by
*** Sun Apr 27 17:52:28 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Heating Tea water and an OK day... Weather is great.. Wrote a ton in my e-mail so I won't linger here very long.. Got a crispy chicken sandwich from wendy's to go with my tea... Ate beef stew last night with bread in it and it was great... Tasty and food texture... Tried some BB today and my legs were toasted... Like staggering around almost... Thought I was improving but like always I get a setback... Used to it by now... Think I'll never get close even to back to normal... Voided so I'm OK in that dept... Keeping my guts on low food content if possible... Volume isn't the same on different youtube video's... World want's me to quit playing around every day and do stuff that I don't want to do and at 72 HA... Anyone else at 72 cares much about the way things are going and coming...? Even if we did we can do next to nothing much period... BS is BS... And the post I wasn't able to make on CBS about something was this... "Some people don't know right from wrong"... "In fact, they don't know what right and wrong IS"... *** Tue Apr 29 06:09:54 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Tuesday Morning... Just adjusted the sizes of stuff on the slide show page... A silly website pretty much but something to pass the time... This computer has a small monitor while other have a large monitor [screen].... To large a picture [ Ctrl - ] might help... Sat in the library all day yesterday... Took me forever to get stuff working like I wanted... Even had a misprint a couple of places... A 2 looked like this @, HA.... So now what.. Watched a person walking around the park and not in it making for a long walk... Saw Him 3 times before I left... I should do more walking for sure... Riding the Buses I walked more than I do now... I walk some with the bike but not like the hikes I did with the backpack to get back to the Y on time or something... Remember walking from the Mall because I missed the last Bus... UGH Rambling on same stuff a lot... Had this dialog I was thinking about the other day somewhere and knew that in the library I couldn't think or write it nearly as well for some reason... Maybe lack of fresh air and sunshine... Tempted to walk with my camera to the park and back... And actually walking around everywhere with the camera... Also going to the beach is another thought... Get dark brown and take some girlie pictures... Put them on the scraper site instead of the bears HA... Need the salt water and the Vitamin D for sure... Not having much luck with long sleeved shirts, hat, sunscreen, etc... Go back to looking like I did in my younger days... A bit amusing to myself so to speak... Private pun... Can't think of stuff to write... Traffic is a problem... Saw another biker almost get creamed by a car... I need to be extra careful as I'm slow and unagile etc... Think I'll look at ham radio website chat... Have a good day.. *** Wed Apr 30 08:16:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Well it's wednesday... Saw a movie yesterday, The Other Woman... Was OK but not really that good... Something wrong w ith movies today...? Or I'm just getting too old...? Anyway the Bogart talk isn't in the movies anymore... Remember watching a movie where no one said hardly anything... Just action... HA Tired... Yesterday morning I was watching the BBC world news channel and it was about factory strikes in Cambodia... Seems they work for like 100 a month and one gal making 61 dollars a month and never having enough monies... Someone said after I mentioned the 61 dollars a month that well the cost of living isn't high... I replied yes thats true... Then later I thought 2 dollars a day UGH.... So they're going to South Korea where they can make a 1000 a month... And of course the cost of living will e high... About ready for some rice... Think of how cheap rice is yet a rice meal costs 5 bucks... Then again all meals cost anymore except the fast food places... So I'm out of here... Need a place to stand... Constant sitting and on TV I'm watching somewhere in asia I think and peoples are walking in and out of this building and some guy is just standing there.... Thought He might have been on a cell phone but saw that He wasn't... But everyone is walking around another item I don't do with the bicycle... I do walk with it some but not much... Had a swearing fit yesterday for no reason... Started by saying outloud, "Say something spicy..." Then I said outloud, cayenne pepper... Then I started yelling baby face, Turmeric, Hore Frost, and so on... I don't know, had this rage about people's ganging up on me or something... Like at the movie I get up to leave and there's someone a couple of seats behind me who gets up also and leaves ahead and the movie isn't yet over, I just wish to get to the restroom before the rush and I can hardly walk after sitting so long and the movie sucked and so forth.... Also see someone I had words with because He doesn't do what's right and I imagine He may have caused me harm over the years and I've experienced some crap... Wrote most down somewhere here or in e-mails or in a notebook I used to write in which I'll dump somewhere someday... Yea, I have issues HA... But I try and avoid misery... Was thinking I should go to the beach and take a lot of pictures and get a dark tan... Interestingly I look in the mirror and I'm not at all happy with the tan line from wearing a hat... All that sunscreen every day and still no difference... But I'm less dark maybe... Well enough of this crap... Can't remember when I was happy anymore... Have som better days like riding the bike and thinking of something amusing... Usually it's a sort of insult but funny... Then of course you can't ever say that stuff to anyone... O Well... Maybe my mind is a bit warped...? Out of here.... o(^v^)o *** Thu May 1 20:07:05 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat May 3 14:48:52 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat May 3 15:22:32 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat May 3 17:52:08 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Hi.. Tired... OK day... Just came from the Library and put some pictures on About time to go... Couldn't void and forgot to try this evening... A ton of water would have helped... Have 2 BLT's for as soon as I get out of here... 1 with tea and so so later... Time to go I guess... Maybe a few more minutes.. Put the addresses of scraper stuff and the guy who wrote the code for the scraper for flicke... Anyway he said He only used 4 lines of code... Was talking Ruby but not sure what the scraper is in...? Can't think of the one I think it was HA... Making nonsense here... Knee is a bummer... DID MY LAUNDRY TA DA>>>

** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Tue May 6 07:46:31 2014 Submitting Host: .: Scrapers... *** Tue May 6 14:40:15 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue May 6 14:51:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: Type in a word and get some pictures... *** Wed May 7 07:17:58 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed May 7 07:19:29 2014 Submitting Host: .: ** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Thu May 8 11:22:36 2014 Submitting Host: .: Seeds... *** Thu May 8 11:37:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: WEBSDR... *** Fri May 9 07:23:10 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Was 72 Wednesday the 7th of May... Ate Chinese food with Mom yesterday... Was good... Ate Bok Choy, a 1st time maybe...? Tired... Lay under an oak tree on my mat yesterday chinking this was what Indians did... Who else except some street people's ever do such a thing... Sort of like they can't... What a cross to carry all your life doing what others think is OK... Or not doing what you want... Detour because of sagging overpass [sic] so bumper to bumper cars everywhee like you wouldn't believe... All these people's sitting in their cars... All these people's not doing what they really want to do... Can't this can't that pretty much... Or rather, I don't do this or that... I sort of ask myself why... I see a few people that walk everywhere and not because they have to but because they want to... They don't end up in wheel chairs or obese etc... And before the Horse, Car, and bicycle the Native Americans walked everywhere... Ran for for miles also I believe... But of course those days are blong gone... Stood at the coputer... 1st thing in the mornings I really need something to lean on to stand up for awhile... Which I did awhile ago... Full from yesterday's feed at the China Buffett... Friday... Go to the Library as usual... It's closed tomorrow and spring break hours next week 8 to 4 I think..? Bike is doing fie... Got a new tire was 13 bucks and 10 to put it on the bike... Was on threads and afraid to go any further on it HA... Mom looks good for 91 and drives well also... Me, I have no reason or desire to drive agin... dislike even riding in cars I've seen so many accidents and also those on TV... Carnage ugh... Was a Jack London book at the Library on a display rack and He was sitting on a Horse... Wonder if I should go ride a Horse as I have never did that much... Once maybe and I can't remember... One time with a date the Horse knelt down not wanting to leave because it was near Supper time maybe...? Listening to Leps... Isn't it funny how you can make something your thing.. Leps is my thing right now... Just a choice more than anything else... Have a good day... *** Mon May 12 14:17:52 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon May 12 14:24:11 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon May 12 14:34:08 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon May 12 15:29:34 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue May 13 15:45:37 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue May 13 21:49:43 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Time to go actually HA... An Ok day... Looked like rain to the South... Should check the weather .. Book I saw at the Library is online so I can read it here... A Native American and short and seems interesting enough for sure.... Already, rice with butter anmd Honey HA...Guess I'll get out of here... Tired a lot anymore... Not active enough... Slouch ugh... Have a nice evening... *** Wed May 14 08:14:55 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Wel I overslept an hour on purpose and napped inside with coffee and popcorn and a brownie... Tired as heck and my left knee feels bad and of course my right shoulder is weak and unable to raise straight up and out... Hopeing for exercise to improve it all... Knee seemed ok yesterday after a lot of morning exercise and stretching... But after the movie I felt run over as usual and hardly able to get down the steps of the theater... But the knee seemed ok until I left Albertson's here in Clearwater with salami... Knee felt puffy [swollen a bit] and not ok anymore... Even walked before that on eastbay looking for something to fix my break cable... Got a plastic washer again but it looks like a fail... But I figured better than nothing until I get what I need... Part I lost when the break cable broke I never thought about or I would have found it and saved it to use... Think I need a swim... Dislike being brown but this is Florida... Most of my life I never paid any attention as I didn't realize I was as dark as I am... Ranted on this before... O well... Not alone in this issue... No mail this morning.. Sort of all shows at once I guess...? No spam until during the day and of course I delete it HA... Into Native American a bit because I like their lifestyle somewhat... A teepee, a Pappose and a Horse HA... Rather than a Crown Victoria, a sick bathrobe and a Riding Lawnmower ta da... Personel Humor Here... Wednesday... Think I'll avoid the Largo Mall... Get bad vibes after being there pretty much... And the Largo Library seems to distraught Me sometimes... WAs OK yesterday pretty much... No Librarian showed up next to me with a patron and talked loud etc... Sometimes they brush against me even... UGH But yesterday wasn't without something... I had OJ and Popcorn which I ate in the lobby... A young muscle and an older guy sat nearby and talked... I see young and healthy with nothing wrong with them doing nothing and/or bothering people etc... Anyway a grey haired big guy comes in with 2 toddlers and sits them in a chair a couple of chairs away and goes into the book store there... The kids are active and He returns and talks loud and slaps one for getting their feet onm the furniture... That morning on the news a black guy beat a child to death here in the area... So I instantly felt anger... The urge to threaton Him even though He was big and strong was great... But I passed as none of my business and I would be a trouble maker... Then later after the computers didn't work right, one wouldn't download my camera pictures and the other I forge what it didn't do OK...? So I go outside and walk the bike a bit looking for a metal washer for my break problem... So I sit on a bench and use my rug I found to sit on and enjoy the day and here comes the muscle guy who was talking to the older guy... So I figure I must be His next older guy and sense He won't pass by without bothering Me so I got up and left before He got to Me... Looked like a convict and shaved head like mine HA... Enough of all this crap... Got a neat vimepo/Leps playlist... Idea is to watch the vimeo and listen to Leps... Was cool as a skating doubles movie was on and Leps singing... But I usually watch a bit then move on to something else but listening to Leps... Better than watching the same music video's over and over... I Think...???? Have a good one... O(~___~)O *** Thu May 15 07:03:30 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Thursday Morning everyone... Tired as usual... Yesterday I stopped on the way to the Library and got a foot long cold cut combo Sub at Subway... Got everything on it and it was good.. Ate 1/2 there and later on in the day 1/2 at the Mall with a 2 liter Lemonade... Plus some potato chips... So I got ome healthy veggies... Nothing much going on... Sort of wing it every day whatever that means... Get these silly amusing thoughts all the time... But other's might find them offensive... Sort of Bar talk and language I guess... Heard that in my younger days and it probably stayed in my head... I'd share some of these thoughts but it might be a problem so I'll pass... Payed 5 bucks for that silly OZ movie UGH... Pathetic for something to do is what it was... Looked in at the pool and a couple of empty lanes but I passed... Shot hoops OK yesterday... Good exercise... See someone that rides Buses and walks a lot... Passed Him yesterday and He must have rode the Bus to where He was about and started walking...? falling asleep here HA... Later... *** Fri May 16 06:08:19 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Slept OK... Looked like rain but none... Someone left a jacket at the bike rack and I tossed it over against the building in case it rained... Rode Buses hence I walked some too, so it was an OK day... Saw the movie "Neighbors".. Wasn't so good... But I just wanted to waste some time... Even said outloud to myself that I'd rather sit outdoors and watch the weather and people's etc than sit in a movie theater... But bad habits... Had a slow leak so I patched it last night... Unable to find the hole so I used one of the drains in the yard with some weater in it to find the hole... Not sure about the patch yet as I didn't pump it up... Was cool last night and I wanted a hot day to seal the patch better... But not going to get that I guess... Listening to Leps... The 1st song was an intro with His band that I really like... Should have saved the address for here... Had Santa Fe Beans and Rice yesterday with PB coffee... Also Cinnamon rolls for a dollar... Got spanish peanuts for a dollar at Dollar General... Also chips... Tired as usual.. Walked from Missouri to the Y with my backpack on... Good exercise for my legs, I think... Laundry time again... Well enough here... *** Sat May 17 07:56:15 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Sat morning so I got extra sleep but still dog tired UGH.... Looks like a nice day... Someone left there jacket at the bike rack... Been there a couple of days... Heavy warm looking jacket HA... Went to Largo yesterday... Head winds the whole way back UGH... Other time I had head winds all the way down to Seminole a real UGH... Ate vegetable soup last night or rather at 3 in the morning... Was OK... Beef Stew is more tasty and greesy... Right away they set up for a photo shoot in the teen room right next to me... A bit of an overdose I think but they're pro's at it all... Got the equipment for sure... Need to do laundry this morning I think... Not sure what else... Reg's in here to work out... I sat down with coffee as usual and almost spill it as usual... Have spilt it on occassion... Did I mention I saw a guy at the Largo Mall with a grey T shirt with Iron Horse on the back HA... Feel like doing nothing much for some reason... Should like swim all the time but others do that... Then I imagine they sense a take over bid or something... So I don't bother as they might be a bit freaky or something... Hate writing this crap but it turns and turns in my head all the time... Tried thinking about Indians and Pow Wows and Appaloosa's etc... HA Computer is slow as I checked spelling on google and it took awhile... Have a nice day everyone.... *** Sat May 17 16:57:40 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well a slow day and I did nothing... Felt run over and sat in the park a long time... Walked a few times back and forth a bit... Finally rode to Wallmart and got a corn dog and a 98 cent of crushed pinapple with a poptop... Ate in the Bus Shelter and 2 guys showed up but I was almost finished and did so standing... As I wasn't catching the Bus... And I stood a ways up the street in the shade a good while talking outloud to the traffic... Random stuff out of context just to make noise I suppose...? Not good behavior but I use the 72 age card HA... The other bowlegged guy was across the street with a walker... I walk with the bike like a walker... Was thinking of Africa and Kenya and they winning marathons and over there they walk and run a lot... Was like that in England before the Romans showed up with Horses I think...? And of course here in USA the Indians walked and ran before the Spanish brough Horses over... Why I mention this I don't know...? Except I have a walking/running problem anymore... That I'll be normal again without problems isn't even possible again... Was lucky for a long long time considering my injuries... Into myself as usual HA... Took and copied images from twitter to a webpage and then hit the back button instead of saving the page... Could of hi forward and it might have still been there but I didn't think of that... And with people's beside me I don't think well anyway... Think I'll post this and write some more maybe...? Got plenty of time before closing... Got a McChicken to eat plus some sweet rolls from yesterday... Passed on laundry I was so utterly tired out... O yea the pinapple might act as a laxative so I might be in trouble after I leave here... Voided some already here though... Read about how great pinapple is for us... Only fruit from this family of plants... TA DA... *** Sat May 17 17:45:08 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Tired... Heating Tea water... Almost closing time... Had syrup with my sausage muffin this morning and then the can of crushed pinapple this afternoon, so I'm looking at too much sugar... yuk... Think my insides are churning... Be miserable if I get the shits tonight UGH... Can't even go to the Sally porta potie as they have a fence and lock I think...? Construction...? Writing crap... All the time HA... A bit in a loony bin at 72 here... See no passivity about me being anywhere... Like a stranger in Jerico, whatever that means... Probably a sur but not sure... Not going to look it up now. either... Think I'll look for a picture... *** Sun May 18 17:21:17 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... And this computer is so slow it makes a person go almost insane... What if an animal sits down here... WHY WHY WHY, can't people do things right... So much sick insanity on the tube news every day... The ads for the network show all the tragic events like that's what people want to see... They want to see the news not a hoprror movie every day and night... Look at the traffic go by every day from where ever I choose to watch it and I think this can't be OK... Humanity sitting in a metal can alone mostly in bumper to bumper traffic a lot and smoking and texting and everything else... Guess it has to be this way...? I look at the awesome power lines going overhead that make noise on a damp day and spark s make the noise... Well I could go on but I won't today... Was thinking of regeneration amplifer as in my long ago short wave receiver and amplifaction was infinity in theory but of course not in reality... And I heard background noise and was thinking it was from the atmosphere and maybe space but was also probably tube noise...? Anyway looking at the glowing tubes was a fancy... *** Mon May 19 07:47:27 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... And good monday morning everyone... 1st thing this morning after the Y opened was ride the bike up to McDonald's... 2 senior coffee's then a buritto with 3 hot auces and a 3rd senior coffee... Place was mostly empty while I was there... Sat at the Bus Stop a short time but saw a person coming that was a Bus rider so I left... Saw the Bus was coming also so I would have been OK there ta da... The jacket someone left looks new and has many pockets and heavy like for up North... A hood also... Thought I should maybe catch a Bus North and take the jacket with me as it looks abandoned... But of course I won't HA... Would do more walking up North with a heavy jacket and no bike for sure... Got an e-mail from 1 of my sisters to answer at the library... This computer is ungodly slow ugh... Mumbo jumbo all the time here it seems... Left knee is bothering me as usual... My stretching efforts of no use... And a lame shoulder still... Swimming would help but I dislike being in a crowded pool withpeople waiting or wanting to share the lane... Can't think of much to say... Might read the Indian book some at the library... Could also go to Tarpon Springs and ride the bike back... Pair of pants I failed to wash yesterday are the tight pants and I'd rather chuck them for a new pair... A thin summer pair of slacks, maybe... These shoes I have I like but the soul is loose on 1 shoe and will flap loose soon so I need another pair of shoes... Try and get the 3 dollar shoes at the Sheriff's Thrift Store... Tired as I sit here and I was 11 hours sack time... Fixed rice soup about 3 in the morning... Put the rest of my popcorn in it mostly the crumbs... WAs good... Figure I'll do pinapple again... Need to do it early as I might get laxative results from eating so much of the pinapple... Rambling... Have a nice day... O(~___~)O *** Mon May 19 21:53:09 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just looked at my sent e-mail and all the copy paste images wern't there... So I don't know... Usually there are a couple showing but only 1 showed HA... Silly pictures anyway just to get a smile or impress... Heating Tea water... Overate today... Like there's nothing else to do but eat UGH... Pineapple today and a corn dog... Then bread pudding and milk... Stuffed... Voided some so that helps... Watched some Rango today plus looking for another animation... Was laughing as the Hawk was chasing Him HA... Thought it was a very good movie and I still do... But I guess there will never be a sequel...? Almost time to go... Talk later... *** Tue May 20 07:12:19 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Looked at my sent e-mail and wonder why the pictures didn't show up... Suspect I put to many there... UGH Think the morning e-mail sent, the pictures were ok but not the evening... Anyway it's a shame in my opinion... Of course I've had this probem for forever but I still copy/paste a picture to e-mail... Back to the drawing boards HA...

** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Tue May 20 13:50:00 2014 Submitting Host: .: Must See... *** Tue May 20 21:51:01 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Went to Tarpon Springs on the Bus and rode the bike back on the Pinellas Trail... OK... Took my time and even stopped and lay down on a bench for awhile in the shade looking at a J bird in the trees above and using the mat for a pillow... Was dog tired and that helped... Got bread for 60 cents at Wallmart and a bar of jalapeno pepper cheese for tonight... Was something I wanted to write but forgot it I guess ugh... Was at the Tarpon Library and sat for 1 1/2 hours I think...? Rear was sore all day from sitting and biking... Got peanuts at Dollar General at the Causeway... No Spanish peanuts though... Thought I'd write here more often as I have a lot of e-mailers and I write double pretty much if I write here... Plus sometimes pictures show ok and sometimes they don't on e-mail... No big deal though... Gosh almost time to go... Shot some hoops this morning but was dog tired and barely able with no energy and I feel weak all over pretty much... Not enough work I suspect... Got to go... *** Wed May 21 07:27:34 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Tried looking at Facebook on this computer and it just locks up it's so slow... Lucky this page isn't impossible I guess... Bad accident yesterday at Belcher /Gulf to Bay... I had to detour on the bike and walked it to the intersection... Real bad one and I just saw on TV that the crossing guard was killed... Often I stopped there and He would push the button and step out blowing His whistle to let Me cross.... Sad thing for sure... Black Man speeding seems to be the reason it said... Was a car seat on the ground so I wondered about that... I turn the TV down to avoid ear polutation so I didn't hear all the details... And tired and lazy this morning so much I didn't even turn the volume up UGH... Lots of accidents at that intersection... So busy, busy... Went to Tarpon Springs yesterday as I mentioned last night... Really bushed this morning... Left knee seems out of kilter... Had a looseness in my pedeling and it was a loose nut on the pedal arm... Much more and it would have came off HA... Bread and cheese this morning plus some trail mix... Dehydrated from sleeping out I guess... Got a teriffic charley horse last night that took forever to stretch out some... Think it was the bug spray I was breathing but of course not sure... Wanted so bad to go back to sleep this morning but I wasn't able... Almost used the rest room to sack out in HA... They're clean from the cleanup crew in the evenings... Shower in there also so it's roomey.. Rambling... Watched some powwow dancing yesterday on the Indian TV station... Seems a good exercise routine for sure... Guess I'll sign for now... Have a good day... *** Wed May 21 17:53:31 2014 Submitting Host: .: The Aviator... Story of Howard Hughes... *** Wed May 21 19:00:49 2014 Submitting Host: .: Indeed.... ** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Wed May 21 21:51:53 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... STORY..? So I'm up at Tarpon Springs yesterday and I go to the thrift store after Wendy's... And no tennis shoes plus they're not cheap... So i see ball caps... Brand new one and it has Fish and Game on it and under a picture of fish jumping is the quote... Be a Hero for a Day... And that's it... I passed on it and my ball cap is watermarked but still functional... But for a dollar....? Let someone else be cool ta da... So a long day... A bit stuffed... The bread pudding last night with tea was good... AND... Yesterday I went to Wallmart and got some bread and cheese and a corn dog... So I'm going to McDonald's and I see Checkers has smoking sausages for a dollar HA... So today I stopped 3 times at Checkers and got a Sausage Dog HA... And they were great yum... Stood at the computer twice today... Works the legs... And I sure need to be on my feet more often as I sit everywhere... About closing time... Tea water might not be hot enough as the fountain water is cold... E-mailing 1 person at a time anymore as I sort of overdid it before with pictures and tons of text... So have a good evening everyone... *** Thu May 22 06:25:56 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Tired.. Doing the toe heal walk like at the powwow's.... Think it sort of changes my leg stuff a bit...? Napped in the TV room an hour just sort of energy empty I guess... Gosh nothing to write HA... Fixed noodle soup during the night and added bread to it... And a brownie this morning with coffee... Thursday.. *** Thu May 22 21:44:23 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just wrote a long post and did something wrong with the keyboard and lost it... Was finishing with a smily and UGH... I don't know... Same old stuff... Saw Godzilla... Rode the bike down to the Largo Mall and Library... Rode the Bus back as I tought it was Friday HA... Went outside with my stuff at 9 and saw no one else was leaving... Made tea and came back in... So I was alking about scrapers for pininterest and sense you can't get anything unless you pay... Not even sure that works...? Well I think I'll go to the other side of the building as they painted here I'm at today... Not wishing to smell paint all night.. Was a nice day today... I sat at the Bus stop awhile... Also found a piece of hard plastic with a small hole in it and fixed my break... Adjusted the other one also... Stood at Thornton's and drank a mug of choc/coffee... Let a young black kid use my pump to try and put air in his bike tire but it must have been a large hole.. Well enough... O(~___~)O *** Fri May 23 06:41:19 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Tired as usual... Bread and cheese last night with tea and popcorn and a guava drink later as I heard a noise and they were towing away a car from the parking lot... OPPS, Monday is Memorial day... Have to check and see what the Y is doing...? Google says 7 am till 6 pm... Get some extra sleep Monday night... Been sitting 1 1/2 hours already while everyone else is busy... Think I'm a loser HA.. Nothing to write either... Have the smoking sausages at Checkers for a dollar and had 3 Tuesday ta da... Think of going to the beach as the pool stays pretty busy all the time, but it's a long bike ride... Remember going over on the Bus and changing in the restroom there and walking out to the water and taking a swim... Early no one is around muchexcept the walkers and the sand racking people... Worry bout sharks though with no one else in the water and the fact that they might feed early along beaches...? Fixed my breaks yesterday with a piece of hard plastic with a small hole in it... Works great... Later... *** Fri May 23 06:52:15 2014 Submitting Host: .: Probably shouldn't put this here but I started laughing so you might also... O(~___~)O

** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Sat May 24 15:14:50 2014 Submitting Host: .: Scraper... *** Sun May 25 11:48:46 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Saturday Morning... pool is busy so I'm here at the computer... No mail... Was thinking of an electronic sign thing possibly on e-bay to type in quotes or something.... For Instance.... "Did that make you a better person...?" "It must have...." Yea silly I know... O well I decided to just make a cardboard sign and stick it in the ground along the busy street and put a new sign there every day... W ill see... No worse than the garage sale signs... Thing some thoughts are good... Sat at a picnic table next door at the Sally and ate a can of tuna in oil and bread and a 2 liter Lemonade... Poured out most of the oil... Was OK and finished with some popcorn... Was eating same last night and a crow landed in front of me... So I tossed him asome popcorn and then He crowed for more and I slapped my hands and He flew to the roof... So I take a walk and return and there's tiny pieces of apple on the ground and a hole in my apple HA... Worried about them pecking my eyes as I sleep UGH... Probably not a problem...? But not sure... Enough... *** Mon May 26 07:40:49 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Monday Morning... 13 hours sack time pretty much.. Had beef stew last night and that was good... Milk carton is leaking and suspect the crow HA... Showered 1st thing to get the stink off... Pool opened early, Holiday, but I didn't feel like doing much... No mail and facebook takes forever on this computer but think I'll look at facebook anyway... Saturday I downloaded the scraper again but couldn't get the slideshow to work UGH... Just kept trying everything to no avail... Lady beside me probably felt sorry for me HA... Feel full plus I have the milk for cereal... Hae to eat that before the milk is too bad if not already... So another sit at the Bus Stop day so it looks... Taking the mug and getting service station coffee seems better than McDonald's... Also have tired at looking at the people's there pretty much... Plus I get more coffee with the mug and can add choc etc... Did a lot of stretching last night as this left leg just keeps tightening up... I sleep on that side pretty much as I breathe bug spray on the other side against the wall... Hazzards of life... Think I mentioned planting chestnut trees as a hedge on the future... Of what value is an ornamental tree or something compared to a chestnut tree...? Well enough... Was going to send a picture along in my e-mail and the 1st twitter picture was of a 3.5 oz steak for a dollar at Dollar Tree HA... *** Tue May 27 05:33:36 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just got up... TV was blank so I put it on auto program which takes awhile... Be OK if no one touches it... Big rat last night like twice the size of another rat I've seen, was sitting on the window ledge looking at Me HA... Watched Him run up and down the aluminum parts of the windows.. Big guy too... Doesn't look so afraid as the smaller one which runs like the wind... My legs keep tightening up and I keep stretching them... Catch 22 probably...? Cream of chicken soup last night and it was good... A bit hungry this morning though... Library day again... And I've nothing to do much... Answer e-mail mostly and I'm not writing every day as I used too... People only check their mail on occasion and there's a ton of mail... It bufallo's them and ruins there moment maybe... Tired... Believe that... GYM is open again so I should do some exercising... Need to do Laundry... Passed yesterday and I had the time but wasn't a bit energetic... Notice people slowly walking yesterday and here I am sitting on a bike.. The walking isd necessary for good legs I'm sure... Bonko's on what I write HA... Have a good day... *** Tue May 27 19:58:46 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue May 27 19:59:24 2014 Submitting Host: .: TA DA... *** Wed May 28 19:52:10 2014 Submitting Host: .: And a new picture video... Been standing... More I stand I think the better my legs get... But they were bad today with hard lumps above the knee... I do OK but it's a bit uncomfortable... About time to go... Chees and onion rolls tonight... Cheese is from last night but was never opened... No exercise except standing and biking... Was beat and rested in the park for hours UGH... Have a great evening... O(*___*)O *** Thu May 29 06:45:40 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Geez I can't seem to get going anymore... The gop go go is stop stop stop these days... No +'s to mention... Looked into the pool and 2 lanes were open and I wanted to strip and shower quick and go jump in but I didn't... My chance and I passed... I'll feel worse all day for it too... You wonder how the heart and arteries get stopped up well I'm living it and it's like I have no say about it... Lost that ability maybe...Rambling... Ate tuna in oil last night with onion roll and fig bars and tea... Was OK... Wasted time making video's of my own pictures I scraped but the movie maker isn't so good or the screen recorder is too simple or something.. Not much to the screen recorder except that it works... Not sure if it's the problem though as I can't remember if the fluttering was before or after the movie maker... Use the MM to add music... My own pictures are 900 pixels wide so they look good in the scraper and in the video... So I would need to put pictures on the w ebpage and then scrape them to get large good pictures on the video... but no one want's to look at it anyway.. Why look at pictures you've seen... A scraper lets you see new pictures depending where you scrape... Need practice with it... Like the Flicka scraper the guy put together... Works great also... Have a good day... O(+___+)O *** Fri May 30 06:28:07 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Friday Morning... Slow start as usual... Sat with coffee and onion roll and cheese HA... An hour sitting and napping... Interestingly, I seemed a bit more able this morning than other mornings... Less stiff and difficult... Swam last night before the pool closed.. Not much just a few laps and the pool was empty TA DA... Also was kicking the bike a couple of times on the way back from Largo Library yesterday... And to the point I stopped and stood in the shade a couple of times a bit tuckered out... Also walked with the bike a few times too... Sure need some more walking... Saw The X-men yesterday at the movies... Was OK... I seem to cuss outloud on leaving the Largo Mall for some sick reason... Not ever happy there for sure... Just aggravation or fear or something... Micro wasn't working at PB but the gal was there to ask me if I wanted Her to heat my stuff in their micro in the back... Of course as I didn't need to be tuck with 2 frozen TV dinners... But they were OK... Suspect I feel a guilt thing because I use their micro to zap the store bought frozen meals...? Gets to you after awhile... Rather not is the results.. They had 6 cream filled long donuts for 1.99 also.. But I passed as I didn't have my back pack to store the remaining ones in... Would have been great with coffee, sugar much or not.. This is a new wide monitor and is a sight better than the other one... Friday and Mom's birthday... Think I'll mail Her now before I forget... Later... *** Sat May 31 13:11:49 2014 Submitting Host: .: ** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Sat May 31 15:51:12 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sun Jun 1 12:45:59 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK morning... A problem with my shoes but nothing big deal... Just wondering how the pieces of my shoe dissappeared HA... Suspect I'm like a kid here for others... Sure that's nothing new... Good thing no one seems my opinions HA... Nice day... Sat at the Bus stop with a mug of coffee from 7/11.. Ate the rest of my salami and a JJ Pie.. And some popcorn.. Finally dug the camera out and started taking pictures of everything... Guy who always goes for coffee at the service station there always waves and says HI... Took His picture from across the street after waving.. Enough... *** Sun Jun 1 15:03:28 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Can hear the rain on the skylight now and it just started... Good thing I didn't leave HA... Got soaked the other day and I don't need that again... So I notice the toe flap is loose again... Think it was the other shoe as I saw glue on the fixed one... Also a part of the sole was loose and figured I'd glue them when I got back to the Y... So I go to the Y and right away I go to the pool taking off my shoes etc... Then I go to my locker and leave shoes etc and take a shower... Afterwards I notice that the toe flap is missing... Looks like it was torn off plus the loose part on the sole was also gone and on the other shoe as well... So figure that... Possibly came off riding the bike or somewhere but I don't know for for sure... So I did the treadmill a bit... Stood out front twice awhile... Also had a soda and potato chips which I ate in front of the desk on the benches after my swim... Gym is rather busy lots of youngsters... 3 pm so I might ride somewhere and have coffee...? Take my mug I can stand if I want or not... Don't hear the rain now... That's usual a short rain and it passes over... Going to put this GIF here because it's cute HA... Have a good day.... O(~___~)O

** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Mon Jun 2 21:51:58 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Surprised the form window got so large with the new wide monitor... Maybe using percentage..? Have to look... An OK day I guess... Windy and dark clouds around but I rode east on east Bay to 19 and up 19 to the Hess Station... Got a slice of pizza and a mug of coffee... Was Ok 2.75 but I felt a bit sick after eating the pizza and a muffin and drinking the coffee... Too much maybe... Got celery soup HA and tater chips for tonight... Have some cheese and bread peanuts popcorn also... Tired as all get out... Good workout this morning... Used a 25 pound plate for most of my exercising... Just holding it awhile is a workout... Plus some BB... Was really lousy at that... And of course I sat all day seeing a movie etc... Million Dollar Arm, and it was OK... Showed the tons of peoples in India... Got to go time... *** Tue Jun 3 05:48:52 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Form has columns but I guess the wide screen makes the difference... Slept OK... Wasn't hungry much... Cheese and bread a bit then potato chips and that was about it... Sampled the peanuts... Ate the last choc uffin with coffee minutes ago in the easy chair next to me... Going to get another coffee and sit an hour HA... Be the College Library today... Rainy season so I can just get a Bus Pass and ride all day sorta.. Remember riding around and we got to the end of the Bus Route and the Lady Driver says this is it HA... I say WHAT... What do I do now as this was the last Bus... So She directed me to walk over a good ways where I could catch another Bus going back to Clearwater ta da... Memories... Well have a good day everyone... *** Tue Jun 3 14:49:37 2014 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Well this is the best I can do so far on this HA.... Where it says adam write in anything you want, hash tag, letter, maybe a number etc; then copy and put into the address bar and see what you get... *** Thu Jun 5 06:16:01 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Listening to Leps and He's yelling something to a catchy tune HA... Nothing much to write... Glued my shoes some more and got glue on the floor... Tried wiping it up HA... So there's a bad spot in front of the easy chair... Stretched my knee last night and seemed to walk better after a bit of a warmup before walking in here... Ate some cheese and bread... This bread is wallmart's and is dry but it is wet for some reason... So I don't know.. Rode to Largo Mall on the bike and saw the movie, "A Million Ways to Die in the West"... Was OK but vulgar a lot... think that was the movie, vulgar.. Scenes from Monument Valley were neat to see... Amazing place I guess... All the times ouit West and I missed that... Saw the unamazing scenery a lot though HA... Remember riding the 200 across Texas... Talk about a sore bottom... And super cold at night too... Took for forever, 1000 miles... Thursday, Thor's Day... Library I guess and watching traffic... Really need to walk walk walk... Took my signature off my e-mail as I would change the address but the signature would still be the link... Better now I can put in whatever I wish... Took Ulmerton Rd down to Belcher and up to Clearwater... Better ride when you change the route... People's should do that to m,ake their trip more pleasant... On bikes I remember the picture of all the Chinese riding their bikes across an arched bridge in the rain fender to fender and some holding umbrellas... Never find that picture again probably... Later... *** Thu Jun 5 16:33:56 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Jun 6 11:48:22 2014 Submitting Host: .: Radio Short Wave.. *** Sat Jun 7 07:36:55 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... An OK night... Saw the rat climbing around at closing time and with cars and people's in the parking lot... Getting tame HA... The smaller rat too... Not doing anything... Thought I might try and swim but before I get thru the pool will be too busy... Not open yet... Legs are tight so I stretched some... Think my sleeping area causes the tightness... Whatever... Might have lunch with Mom next week... I eat better then ... Got a Checkers cheese pub burger which was OK but I wasn't pleased... The cooked onions maybe...? Wished I had got a sausage instead... But at least I wasn't over eating with fries etc.. Then later I came back and made chicken noodle soup and added the rest of my popcorn crumbs and ate outside here at a picnic table... Was good, better than the burger HA... And I had some potato sticks which are tasty... Later on after closing I had Tea and Tuna and Bread and a Brownie... So I do over eat a bit... Tired per usual... Sit at the Bus Stop and nod off... At the Y I stood at the computer then I went and sat in an easy chair to rest and closed my eyes and then my head bangs against the wall behind me... Without the wall it feels like your head is coming off UGH... Bad habit sitting and napping... Should take walks... Worry my left knee problem is going to get worse... Then if I can't walk I'm doomed... However at these ages if it's not that it's something else... Look at the scar on my arm for just tripping and falling while walking to McDonald's UGH... Enough... *** Sat Jun 7 07:42:09 2014 Submitting Host: .: ** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Sun Jun 8 12:14:59 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Sunday and a nice day... Lay outside looking up at the clouds and watching wood storks circling around... They fly high too... Swam but not for long as parents with toddlers came in so I got out... Plus the pool was already full pretty much... You have to give it to people that just come in and do what they want and leave... Me, I'm either too tired or too crowded or just not in the mood or something.. Got chicken strips at Dollar Tree and they're not half bad... Got a date with Mom tomorrow for lunch... All I'm about is the food and the cost... Anyway I can't think of better than the China Buffett... Like the idea of having many choices... Saw frenc fried green beans yesterday, frozen at the Dollar Tree I think...? Sat at the Belcher Bus Stop after picking up litter and drank a mug of coffee... 7/11 coffee and some gal that looked like She was from India says just black no cream or sugar and I say right HA... Probably didn't say Right but close probably... Watched the rat last night on the palms across the yard.. Need to do laundry so I'll have clean clothes for tomorrow.. Around 14 hours sack time last night.. Came back early and my watch was 1/2 hour fast, and fixed cream of chicken soup with some bread tossed in and it was tasty good... Well , listening to Leps... Singing the stuff He sings... Only 1 song in English HA... Talked outloud at the Bus Stop sorta getting all the trivial stuff out... I always look up at the power lines and say we need to do something about these things... Eye sore plus just not a high tech looking mess... Must be a better way to power homes... Probably the heat pump or something... The Native American TV station has reruns all the time like Public Broadcasting... The Live Indian TV station isn't online... Think the embeded TV Channels I have I should get rid of as no one will bother for sure not even ME HA.... If your last name begins with an A, that's 1... B that's 2... C that's 3... So you drive on your day... Even last name drive on an even day... Odd ditto... Mostly for seniors who drive when they want and not for job reasons or other important stuff... Prom night etc... Over eating... Lets face it the 3 meals a day is an antique... OK for showtime maybe but lets just eat a bite when we are hungry and not a ton either... The Indians, and I'm just using whatever positive I find there, only ate when hungry... And probably not to excess... Taking Tumeric/cayenne on everything daily... Just figured a good idea after reading everything about them... Nothing, I see nothing around me that's sick and on their way out etc... Then I think why not... Rambling... This Leps thing is probably about Him being a Drunk and in Recovery... I know the hold booze has on someone as it held me for forever... And like others I still don't know if there's another drunk inside me... See the walkers around and although this bike is awesome for me I really need to walk more more more... So I have issues to deal with and like others I don't... Perfect, we are not... But that direction is best for sure.. This is a long post.. Well have a great day... Like the poem above... I put it there for the gals that might read it here... Catchy anyway... *** Sun Jun 8 12:41:26 2014 Submitting Host: .: My Short Wave radio look alike when I was a kid in Ohio... Great sound too... Base was good..

** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Sun Jun 8 16:21:07 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Did my LAUNDRY YEA.... So I've clean stuff again to wear... Place was busy but I got a slice of pizza and a mug of coffee/choc and ate in front of the Laundry... Was good... A fresh cheese pizza slice too... Feel tired... Shot a few hoops before going to the laundromat... Less than 2 hours before closing... Got some chicken strips left but no tuna or soups.. Bread is actually wet for some reason... Wierd.. Probably ride up and get a soup and tuna as the chicken strips might be getting bad...? Cold in here but I was outside for forever last night and this morning... Feel like sleeping after a bit of doing anything... Running out of steam so it seems... Enough and have a nice Sunday evening... O(*___*)O Mon Jun 9 11:25:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Jun 9 21:45:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I had lunch with Mom at the China Buffett... Very happy with the foods there... Guess it's the choices you have... Was going to get the tender beef and rice and gravy but no tender beef today... Got some chewy beef instead HA... But everything was OK... Ate 1 chicken leg which was tasty as I haven't eaten chicken for awhile except in a sandwich or the strips... Got off without paying again... Next time is my turn... Went to the College Library before and after Lunch... Nothing much to do though... A few websites I look at and listen to Leps and that's that... Was looking at tweets I made back in 2008 ta da... Saved some video's etc... Ate too much I think as I felt a bit that way... 2 plate fulls... Had a bottle of lemonade before we went to lunch as I was trying to hydrate and void.. Got a gift of a inflatable sleeping mat but I won't ever use it... Should have not taken it but I didn't want to rock the boat or anything... I'm guilty of saying stuff wrong all the time pretty much... Not all intentional HA.. Did some weights this morning but not much... Leg extension machine but was barely able to do anything even as I cheated... Use my hand to help move the weights with my legs... Can feel the knees popping rubbing and bumping etc... Think it's a good thing to do though as I seemed to walk better after... Time to go... *** Tue Jun 10 18:27:36 2014 Submitting Host: .: American Chestnut trees for sale... *** Tue Jun 10 21:37:59 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Went to Largo Library after sitting at the Bus Stop at Belcher for a good while... Stopped at McDonald's on east Bay and got a senior coffee and a sausage muffin and a syrup... The pancake treat for a buck twenty three HA... Then after the Library I went to Largo Mall and sat at Panera Bread for awhile then got popcorn and a lemonade at the movies for free and saw Edge of Tomorrow... Was pretty good I thought... Think Blounte's voice is a big attraction at least it is for me... Ate all the popcorn as I was hungry... After I went to Panera Bread again and got a coffee and ate it with a peanut health bar and a fruit bar... On the return it started pouring rain... I stood under a tree but was soaking wet then it slacked off and I rode on on the bike... Did my clothes in the bathing suit dryer and have them in a plastic bag... Will see if they will air dry some tonight...? Probably not... Looked at Chestnut trees for sale... Seems a guy from Indiana has seeds for sale on ebay... Think He has a tree and sells the seeds for 2 bucks apiece and has a lot of pages of people saying they are pleased with everything... Now wheather they are blight resistance is a good question... Read that only time will tell...? Anyway He must be making some bucks picking up sprouting chestnut seeds and selling them on ebay...? And Appaloosa Horses sell for 1/2 a grand + from different farms etc... Need to go shower and get out of here... *** Thu Jun 12 06:24:11 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well it rained a bit last night after I left the Library... Was clearing up and I thought it was over but it started raining and I got wet... But not real bad as it wasn't raing hard... Looked at the movies link and saw the ending of Edge of the World again HA...Had tried remembering it after seeing the movie and it took awhile... Then I see it on the computer ta da... Had a vulgar pun about it but I won't share that... Was an OK movie though... Not getting much exercise except the bike riding... Was in Largo again yesterday... Got a subway cold cut trio and it was good plus healthy I hope.. Rain stopped me from getting anything last night but I wasn't hungry... Used 1 of the coupons for Chechers and got a chicken sandwich an fries and a lemonade for 2 bucks... Had a whole chicken for 5 bucks from Wallmart but passed... Figured that that was too much to eat plus cost too much... Got full on a sandwich for a dollar... Bike has a loose pedal arm and I tried to fix it but no go... Hate paying riiculous at the bike shop although I did get a good deal on a tire... Wonder about that and was it a typo...? Anyway the other pedal is still bent... Thought of getting another bike and switching parts...? As I have worn this bike out a bit with all the riding.. Good bike as it has served me well... Tired... Snack foods last night with tea... Chips, peanuts, potato sticks... Pool was empty last night but I passed.. Swim guy was there and He passed also... Low on energy and my left knee is still funky...stretch the quads and I walk better it seems but after a time I'm lame again pretty much... Write this to remember what's going on and stuff but I'll never bother to read it I don't think...? Nothing else going on for me... No exercise... Nothing much on the computer except Leps... Can get a player and listen 24/7 for awhile until I've had my fill... Age and being retired... Other old guys don't bother retiring but keep working regardless... More healthy that way I think... Just the idea of being old and working like a young person... Sort of like stealing maybe HA... Well time to go... *** Thu Jun 12 21:53:02 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Went to Largo 1st thing and ate donuts and coffee and a crossant and butter... Was good... Saw a movie, "The Fault in Our stars" and it was ok... Human interest and a sad movie also... But I just wanted to get away from around here for some reason... A sort of weight lifts off of you as you pedal away from where you spend most of your times... Got garlic bread and salami plus the rest of the crossant and donuts, so I won't go hungry.. Got a note in my mail so I write a ton and add a load of links etc.... Just not a 1 liner much... No exercising much at all... Can see I get weaker and so on... But I stood at the computer and feel my legs get a + for awhile... Nothing really much to say... Any grand schemes or ideas aren't in me at all... Just a rolling along sorta guy HA... Not even up to going anywhere far... But it's nice to get away a bit... Might ride a Bus tomorrow...? But Libraries close early on Friday's so I don't know... About time to go... ***Fri Jun 13 15:16:46 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Jun 13 15:27:15 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Jun 13 20:46:31 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day I guess HA... Overate at the Mall as I got a lg soup and ate it cold with popcorn and a OJ... Wasn't 1/2 bad but I've been voiding all evening after drinking tons of water... Anyway I'm a bit empty now but will start filling up as soon as I leave here UGH... Cheese and garlic bread and Tea ta da... Tired a bit... Found some Suits video's a TV series that is a bit interesting... The links above this post and I didn't say what they were... Got a short e-mail which I'll answer tomorrow... Stopped mailing everyone so I don't get many e-mails now... But I think I overdid it before.. So I'm trying to do better maybe... No exercise again... Just standing at the computer and riding the bike... I walk with the bike some especially when the wind is against Me... Well I guess that's about it... *** Sat Jun 14 13:43:08 2014 Submitting Host: .: Suits... 2nd quarter 01... 02... 03... 04... 05... 06... 07... 08... 09... 10... *** Sat Jun 14 13:55:47 2014 Submitting Host: .: Suits... 1st quarter.. 01... 02... 03... 04... 05... 06... 07... 08... 09... 10... 11... 12... *** Sun Jun 15 12:40:31 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Did the SUITS videos series 1 and 2 and put them here... Sorta like the dialog a bit... And good HD also... Tired as usual... Just swam for a short time and felt for the 1st time weak and unable to swim like a fish... Suspect not enough exercise...? But what do I know... UGH Got some salami this morning and a lg loaf of cheese/Japoline [can't spell it HA ], And ate before coming inside... But was able to void pretty good after drinking a lot of water... Since I was wet I went ahead and showered and shaved and put my sleeping clothes back on, at least the pants part... Sleep in a T shirt in this weather... Maybe exercise later on today... Not sure what else to do... Get another coffee and sit at a Bus Stop some more... Of course, golf, tennis, pool hall, rollar skating, bingo, and no movie today as I don't have enough time to get everything in before closing here at 6 pm.. Rambling... No great ideas or thoughts... Sorta exercised and stretched and my legs seemed ok most of the night and I fixed cream of chicken soup during the night but this morning the shin splints on the left leg were bothering me... And everything seemed tightened up again... So I stretched some more before coming inside and seemed pretty much OK... But could feel the bummer knee and below the knee as I swam... Not making any sense, just writing to write I guess... Well I should get out of here... In a video I watched they mentioned that the passanger Pigeon long extinct may have been seen in remote places...? But highly doubtful... Think their breeding depended on lg flocks or something...? Wonder how they ever got started... *** Mon Jun 16 05:55:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Monday morning... Got my hand wrapped up wityh tape and a napkin... While putting the bungi cord on my bike I moved my hand quick and scrapped it on a bolt edge... Tore the skin a bit so I wrapped it to stop bleed ing etc... Hope I don't get infection... Not sure if I should wash it this morning or not...? Might wait awhile... Do everything pretty wrong so it seems... And was dropping my mug as I tried to attyach it to the pack with the bungi... See I'm clumsy more so than before... Noticed in the pol that my shoulder isn't getting better but maybe worse... Go to raise my right arm to say HI and I can't.. Switch to the left arm UGH... Hang on all this expecting improvement with time but it isn't like that anymore... Rained hard last night... Stood in the corner and got a little wet on my legs but that was all... After a time it slacked off and I made tea and waited till the cement dried a bit... The water soaks in and dissappears pretty fast... Had bread and cheese and salami so I wasn't hungery... Also fig bars and popcorn... Everyone is in here exercising and I'm like stiff as a board... Bike pedal arm started slipping real bad yesterday... So I have to deal with that... Worry is that they charge me more than the bike is worth to fix some minor thing that I can't because of know how and/or tools etc... That's to be expected I suppose... Then again I remember getting breaks from bike shops when I was touring the country on one... Probably shouldn't be acting in this fashion considering my age etc... Should be more adult maybe... HA Have issues on all that for various reasons... Here's some new picturtes... Some didn't work, the addresses.. for some reason... Dropbox doesn't work etc... *** Mon Jun 16 05:55:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Monday morning... Got my hand wrapped up wityh tape and a napkin... While putting the bungi cord on my bike I moved my hand quick and scrapped it on a bolt edge... Tore the skin a bit so I wrapped it to stop bleed ing etc... Hope I don't get infection... Not sure if I should wash it this morning or not...? Might wait awhile... Do everything pretty wrong so it seems... And was dropping my mug as I tried to attyach it to the pack with the bungi... See I'm clumsy more so than before... Noticed in the pol that my shoulder isn't getting better but maybe worse... Go to raise my right arm to say HI and I can't.. Switch to the left arm UGH... Hang on all this expecting improvement with time but it isn't like that anymore... Rained hard last night... Stood in the corner and got a little wet on my legs but that was all... After a time it slacked off and I made tea and waited till the cement dried a bit... The water soaks in and dissappears pretty fast... Had bread and cheese and salami so I wasn't hungery... Also fig bars and popcorn... Everyone is in here exercising and I'm like stiff as a board... Bike pedal arm started slipping real bad yesterday... So I have to deal with that... Worry is that they charge me more than the bike is worth to fix some minor thing that I can't because of know how and/or tools etc... That's to be expected I suppose... Then again I remember getting breaks from bike shops when I was touring the country on one... Probably shouldn't be acting in this fashion considering my age etc... Should be more adult maybe... HA Have issues on all that for various reasons... Here's some new picturtes... Some didn't work, the addresses.. for some reason... Dropbox doesn't work etc... *** Tue Jun 17 18:47:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Sky Scraper creative toy from Aeromax Simple toys for hours of fun... *** Wed Jun 18 17:47:05 2014 Submitting Host: .: Well I shall try this as my shins are a mess and walking down steps is impossible a lot... *** Thu Jun 19 06:27:09 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well, I feel a bit tired but OK... Rode Buses yesterday... Rained last night so I stood at the Shell station up the street and drank coffee/choc and ate a 99 cent green apple... Was a bit full from yesterday's forey... Ate a mex TV meal UGH... Popcorn and a lot... And saw the Dragon movie because I just wanted to get away from everything maybe...? Or tired and that's easy...? Anyway after the movie I got coffee at PB and ate a cinammon roll pkg of 4... Was good and tasty and of course filled me up.... Rode the #76 Bus to the College Library and stood at the computer a good while... Children in the Library and I rather frown on that as my being around other people's children is nothing but a problem and probably for me... Had decided to maybe use Vimeo Paris Hilton video's with Leps playlist and started and the computer froze up on me... She isn't fully dressed in some of Her video's and then a child next to me on a computer... So I left without following my idea... It's just a whim thing that might be catchy on the internet or a lark for some but of course no one sees it unless I send it to an -mailer and then maybe not... Saw a website about doing toe raises... Interesting and maybe a solutation to my shin problem...? Will see... Showered 1st thing this morning as I stink and felt a need for a shower... Got some walking and standing in yesterday... Movie was a kids movie and a waste of monies but I like getting away like I mentioned... Went to the bnk and OK in that department... Downloaded some movies and made a video of them Tuesday... No sound... Wondering about a jumper between the mike and earphone jacks... Should work and wondered about the double male jumpers and what they were about... No BB with the summer campers around... Have abot an hour before they start in the GYM but I never feel like BB 1st thing... Probably should though... Think a Subway is in order as their special will be over with at the end of the month... Save what, 50 cents ta da...Guess I'm out of here... *** Sat Jun 21 07:27:40 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Saturday Morning... Feel a bit stiff... Totally dry where I sleep the cement and everything... And even a good breeze fails there... Walls on 3 sides is the reason... Right, I should move... Well nothing much to write... Did some toe raises before coming in... Think they help so I'll keep it up... Need to do laundry again... Not getting the exercise like I used to as the GYM isn't empty all morning like before Summer Camp... But if I tried I could do enough... Doesn't take much to tire me out... Racketball and a swim if I hustle in there 1st... Also BB the 1st hour as the GYM is empty... Place is empty now but I'm not doing much, coffee and a brownie and the computer here... Had troubles voiding yesterday... Felt stuffed and took all day drinking coffee and water before I finally voided before closing last night... And I voided a ton but must have drank 5 mugs of water plus coffee and more water earlier... Figure the lg bag of popcorn HA... Well enough for now.. Write later... *** Sat Jun 21 14:58:54 2014 Submitting Host: .: Native Americans... *** Sun Jun 22 12:10:15 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Jun 23 07:57:57 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... And a Monday Morning... 1st thing I did after the Y opened was get on my bike and go to McDonald's... Haven't been there in a good while so it was a treet.. Drank 4 senior coffee's and ate a sausage muffin with syrup... And sat at the Bus Stop a bit on the way back... A gal arrived that I wave to as I pass Her place on the bicycle and I spoke to Her... She had just missed the Bus but was in no hurry anyway... I didn't linger as I'm a loner pretty much... Think I'll go to a movie today..., Only 1 new one to see really... The other one I won't like but might see for GP... Like playing with the javascript on Flickr that I found on the internet... After changing a few items I now have a large HD looking picture scraper I think it is... Works great and can change keywords for new and different pictures... Pleased as I can deal with this every time I get on the computer if I so choose... Anyway I guess I should get going as the Summer Campers are streaming in and the place is busy.... Shower and ride down to Largo and I'm full right now so I don't know... Probably be up to a coffee and a pastrey or a JJ pie anyway... Long wait till noon when the movie starts... A lame thing to do but I'm 72 and the bike ride down is enough exercise I think...? Did some 1/2 push ups last night and toe raises and danced a bit or jogged in place I guess... Did it a couple of times... Knee felt better and I walked just before opening OK but I lay down for a few minutes and got up and my leg and knee felt numb and compromised... Get the same feeling there after a shower all the time... Something is wrong I know but I'm trying to deal with it without making a big deal out of it... Had hoped toe raises would help...? We will see HA... Yea, I know this isn't right stuff but I'm not doing right stuff... So don;t do what I do... And I come to the stop sign and I see cars coming so I turn in a circle to let them pass and I look and it's OK and I start to cross and there's a black truck with no lights right there UGH... So I do that all wrong a lot and I need to be more careful... Guess a stop and go would be better... Could have been my waterloo had I not seen the truck in time... Was light out but still lights on for cars legally... However a lot of cars don't have their lights on after the sky is lit up... Time to go... *** Mon Jun 23 19:30:18 2014 Submitting Host: .: ** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE ** *** Tue Jun 24 21:52:42 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. An OK day... Rode Buses awhile and that was OK... Stopped at McDonald's in Tapon Springs and also at the dunedin Causeway... Hard to cease being what you are or are used to, maybe... About that time... Heating tea water... Voided today pretty good... Got a sausage dog on the way here with a mug of Thornton's coffee/choc... Was also good.. Looked at Frickr pictures most of the day typing in key words... But not many pictures before they begin repeating... So maybe only the front pages or something... iked the food pictures from different countries... That was the template sorta, Japan and Food... But it worked for other countries... Typed in Native and Life or something and got Obama at a powwow... Michelle also HA... So it was an OK day like I said... Tired and weak all over... Trouble walking anymore... Had that in the beginning after wearing tennis shoes daily for a year or so... Used to heavy work shoes which keep your legs fit... Did Mt Washington with work shoes on and it was OK... Guess I had best get going... *** Wed Jun 25 06:53:39 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Wednesday Morning and I finally got a short swim in... Haven't swam hard but can feel my weak shoulder and in the GYM I noticed how weak and unable my legs are... Think age has a lot to do with it... Went to Tarpon Springs and ate at McDonald's sitting across from the counter and watching the proceedings... Thought about asking if I could come in every morning and sit and watch them but not a good idea I feel HA... Full of puns some days and on others just worry... King David worried so I must be doing something right ta da... Feel like another movie... Thought it was Tuesday UGH... Flea market is open and a chance to walk around... Feel like upgrading my bike... Great bike but still an old lame bicycle... Might be able to sit more straight with a newer bike...? Tired... Feel like going back to sleep... Not sure what to do... Just the Mustang Fleamarket and real small compared to Saturday/Sundays... Think I'll go sit at the Bus Stop with a coffee... No matter where I si, McDonald's, TV room here, Bus Stop, whatever some are irate about it... And of course anyone else sitting in these places get the same I'm sure... Is that worry HA... Pedal slips and it's aggravating... Not much else... And Obama at a Pow Wow... *** Thu Jun 26 06:50:34 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Thursday Morning... Was dog tired and sat in the TV room aqn passed out HA... Napped off and on an hour and a 1/2.. Got these Apricot Pies 4 for a dollar at albertson's yesterday... They're good and a nice bargain as they were 99 cents apiece before... Saw the movie, "Talk Like a Man" yesterday and it wasn't very good in my opinion... Only saw it because I saw all the other movies already UGH... My addiction now of sorts... Well I'm dragging so I don't know on the exercise thing... Worked my legs a good bit yesterday and was hardly able to walk, like tired and no pep... And a truck turned the corner and I stepped closer to the edge of the street and my foot hit a branch sticking out from a pile of branches and I almost fell UGH UGH.... That was how it happened before and I cut a gash in my arm... REASON: was that years ago I fell and stuck my hand out and the palm hit a dried weed sticking up out of the ground and stuck me pretty good... So I hesitate to catch myself with my hand OPPS... The arm wasn't a good idea for for sure... There was an edge thing of wood along the sidewalk that my arm came down on... NO ONE Cares I Know Ha.... Just writing for something to do... I don't talk... Well enough for now I guess... Using only 1 keyword on the javascript scraper for flickr now... Interesting, mostly the large pictures that randomly pop up every 5 seconds... Otherwise you have thumbnails which you need to click on etc... Not like the scraper... Plus I have the music also... Can change that if I choose also... BYE.. *** Fri Jun 27 07:54:06 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well Transformers is playing today so I might go see that...? No exercise as I feel stuffed from eating bread and liverwurst last night and this morning... Falling into the overeating pit so it seems... Then I try and void a lot, drinking tons of water UGH... Bicycle isn't up to the Largo trip I don't think with the Bum Pedal slipping... Should take care of it but I think about upgrading to another bike rather than spend monies fixing up an old bike... Put a video on this page and it isn't loading and slowing the computer down a lot... Try an post this now... *** Sat Jun 28 17:50:23 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Closing now... Just shot a few hoops and was really dragging... Need to do it daily or something daily... Swam a good while this morning and that was great... Was stiff as a board after 10 hours sack time... Got to go... *** Mon Jun 30 06:09:01 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Monday Morning Folks....! So I don't know... Got a lump feeling in my left side... Maybe I'm full of crap...? Long weekend... Tired as usual... Exercised some yesterday hitting the leg extension machine a bit... Like a movie today but Transformers was the only new one and I saw that Friday... And on a note that upset me... I was sitting eating popcorn in the park and I finished and was tying up the plastic bag my popcorn was in and I had a kernal in my mouth and I spat it out just as a young spanish boy came y on His bicycle.. I hadn't noticed Him and wouldn't have spat if I knew He was there... So that bothered me a bit... Especially thinking He might tell everyone what I did... Anyway Sorry Buddy... So I don't know... Guess the Library today... Problem with the bike pedal... Hate to pay monies to get a simple thing fixed when I can upgrade to a newer bike for almost the same amount... Should have checked out the flea market Sunday... They might not want to take a bike home if they can sell it even at a bargain... Cleaned up at 2 Bus Stops yesterday so I'm not sitting in a trash dump HA... Drank coffee and ate a JJ Pie and watched the traffic go by and of course started talking out loud to myself... Probably not a normal thing... And some of my banter or dialog isn't really nice... Sing the irate song on some things... Out of line of course but who isn't in some respects... (WAY)... I rant on about an Appaloosa and of course that's silly... Sounds good though... The sound of a ride ta da... Showered already as I stank... Went to checkers and got the loaded fries with chile/cheese and it was OK.. Had a coupon for 2 bucks... Normally 3 bucks UGH... But She gave me a larger size ice cream for a dollar for some reason... Ate sardines in tomato sauce with bread last night... Snack on popcorn everywhere... Get the large bag at Dollar Tree for a buck... No mail... Might check facebook before I get out of here as my sister posted there I saw on my e-mail... Great that I have relatives as life is lonely otherwise... Imagine a person without any brothers or sisters... And the population crises coming says that people will be required to only have 1 child or loose benefits etc... Then being an only child will be a sadness for that child... A whole life alone more or less... Maybe makes you a better person...? Or not...? Should exercise again as I seemed to walk into the Y better than usual... Credit the exercise... Results come after a time as the body heals and adjusts... Well enough from me... Have a great day... ***