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Longwire Notes
Walk the Talk...- AA Meeting
WingDingyShowTime II
Ham Radio
International TV News
Indian Country TV

Wednesday Evening..... 4-10-13...
Y.... Well a bum day today.... Just couldn't think straight and tried to open another angelfire 
account.... Did so but you have to pay to have a web shell to edit.... Just sitebuilder was 
all and that's the pits.... Did come back to the Y around 4 pm and showered, shot hoops, and showered 
again... 4 showers today ta da... But it was hot out and I really felt like a shower when I got here..
Might do that more often... Sun is right overhead and really hot these days... Got to go already...
That looking for a way to stop the spam thats already coming onto the page is a waste of time I think...?
Have a Great day.... O(@____@)O

Wednesday Morning..... 4-10-13...
Y.... Well I drank coffee and ate a couple of granola bars I got for a dollar off.... 
Ready for BB.... Skipped exercise last night.... Well I went into McDonald's yesterday and Ronald was 
there with lots of kids etc so I made a video.... Will see how it comes out today on the computer....
Was thinking of riding the Bus up to Tarpon Springs for a dollar and then riding the bike back 
after the library and lunch... Can stop at the Sheriff's Thrift Store at the causeway... 
Just sat yesterday most of the day, Movie and at the Library... Sit on the bike too....
Still no SPAM fix... Not really welcome anywhere at 71 almost... Like a Dino HA... Guess my Aunt 
is going back North for the Summer.... My relatives have more than 1 places to live ta da... 
The heat will be rough this Summer.... Says 90 degrees in Washington D C today and 30 in Denver... 
How about those Apples... Guess I'll get on out of here.... Have a Great day.... O(@____@)O

Tuesday Afternoon..... 4-09-13...
Largo Library.... Went and saw "Olympus has Fallen" and it was OK... Real action packed blood and guts 
movie... Ate a huge poor boy at Panera bread with coffee... Roast beef I think...? A bit lazy or tired 
it seems... Didn't exercise this morning but burned up shooting hoops last night a bit.... Sunny and 
warm today.... Batteries needed changed today so I did that... Using the rechargeables... Now I can't 
get the flash to work HA.... Keeps me thinking ta da... Take my time riding the bike anymore... 
And slower and wearing the safety vest... Like a job thing... Think I might raise the handlebars a 
bit so I can sit more upstraight... Got another poorboy, turkey I think..? Last night I heated water 
and put the sardines in it... Was tasty and like a fish drink pretty much... Had cheese nips and 
the pieces of fish... Still messing with the spam problem... Put a script that is supposed to block 
posts with certain keywords.... Not working so far though.... PHP and I don't know much about it...?
Wonder if it is the same as javascript...? No script tags though... 
Well I guess I'll watch a it of a movie or 2 before my time runs out... Later...  
Time to go...O(@____@)O

Sunday Noon..... 4-07-13...
 Y.... Well I just showered and I feel better HA.... Long night but I was soOoOO... tired ta da...
Didn't want to get up this morning and it was about 8:30 am I guess when I finally got up... 
Sun was still behind the building.... Rode up and got coffee and went to the Bus Stop and drank the 2nd 
coffee with a JJ Berry Pie... And took some pictures of the traffic.... Found where all the other 
stuff on the camera is rather than just AUTO... All symbols so I'll need to read some more I suspect....
Still SPAM and no defense against it here... Not sure what to do today.... My Aunt wrote that Subway 
has a special during April... Looked it up on google and it says buy 1 get 1 free before 9 AM during 
April... So I'll try that if I don't forget.... Drink too much coffee.... Looked into the pool and it 
was full HA...
Time to go...O(@____@)O

Saturday Morning..... 4-06-13...
 Y.... Well I got some extra sleep... Cold kept leaking under the comforter as it is for 
Children but I was OK.... Shot some hoops last night after trying to void... Wasn't able so 
I'm still sorta stuffed... Got choc/chip cookies last night which I like with tea... Couldn't 
sto eating them HA.... Someone took the girl's bike I had the FREE sign on... It's OK except 
for the 5 missing spokes on the rear wheel.... If your going to just ride it around the 
block a couple of times it should be OK awhile depending on how heavy you are I suspect...?
Sun is coming out so it should be a nice day....Will go to the library as usual.... 
Can't stop the spam UGH... Sorta cool how something can write on your page and there's 
nothing you can do about it...  Library doesn't open till 10 today.. O(@____@)O

Friday Morning..... 4-05-13...
 Y.... Just fixed soup... Used the hot tea water at the coffee mess here and added the can of 
chicken noodle soup... Was great with cheese nips... Not sure what to do today.... No great 
movies at the theater this weekend.... Got enough to watch on the computer though.... Made a 
Nina Hagen playlist and have 40 video's to see randomly... Added the Garou video's together for 
about the same number of video's... Guess I'll exercise a bit.... Libraries close at 4 pm on 
Friday's so after that I'm nothing to do till the Y closes at 9 pm.... Y is busy evenings so 
I don't bother much... Rambling.... Read some more of the Indians of the West and how with 
the coming of Horses the Plains Indians became experts at riding same... And the Comanchees 
chased the Apaches back to the Southwestern parts of the Plains... And beaver pelts went out 
of fashion and Buffalo hides became more valuable.... Have a great day....   O(@____@)O

Thursday Evening 4-04-13...
 Y..... Almost closing time... Watched the rest of The Young Victoria movie and it was great.... 
Had tears in my eyes there for a second... Skipped the bedroom parts as I'm in a Library 
plus I didn't want to watch them anyway HA... Walked in the small GYM and fast walked but I couldn't 
void and after the coffee's and a ton of water.... Worry I'll have a problem during the night...
Still having the SPAM problems... Put a script on the index page that locked up the computer...
Had to go to task manager to get it OK... Tired... Was napping in the small drew st Library... 
Well time to go....

Thursday Morning 4-04-13...
   Y.... Well it is raining outside and the radar looks like rain for awhile... Not biking
weather HA.... Not sure what I'm going to do... Noticed on that they have a 
webcam button on their radar location and you can look at 100's of webcams at different 
locations... Anyway I looked at ohio and it was freezing there at 24 degrees... 72 degrees here 
right now... So rain or not I'm in the right place weather wise.... 
Also I'm using color names for these tables and there are 147 different names... So this will be 
a rainbow website ta da.... Looked into the pool and it was full.... Shot some hoops last night but 
not long as I got breathless... Was thinking of a movie as it's the last bargain day till Monday..
But this weather sort of puts the skids on today's activities... Anyway i'm hungry as usual... 
Banana and breakfast blueberry bar with Y coffee at 5 am.... 8 am now and I still have my 
sleeping clothes on.... UGH... Put clean socks on though... Last pair I think... Was sockless 
for a long time untill an anonymous person left a bag of new socks for me a long while ago... 
Wonder if they got the right John....? Wonder who it was ...? O Well I put them to good use...
Time to go...

Wednesday Evening 4/03/13
  Y.... Well I just shot a few hoops and felt pretty OK.... The workout this morning is probably the 
reason...? Voided good again and was full of gas and got to Albertson''s just in time I think to use 
their bathroom.... Really smelled the place up UGH... Had a BLT and a blueberry breakfast bar and 
finished the chips.... So nothing much to eat at closing time... Fix a tea I guess... Have some cheese 
nips to snack on plus 5 more breakfast bars... Got cereal also, hence the voiding ease... Ate cereal 
today at the Mall... The cheerios are also good with tea... Have a can of soup and sardines if I really 
get hungry HA... Rambling... Another hour before closing.... Watched a bit more of The Young Victoria 
movie... She just became Queen and learning how to rule... Getting rid of the meanies from Her childhood 
also ta da... Tried to read some this morning but was real tired... Kept napping in the Library... 
Mentioned how the Conquistadors brought gelding's to this country so it was later on that breeding stock 
came to America... The Indians stole Horses and used them as pack animals at 1st.... Then they began riding 
them and horses got into the wild and started breeding and the Indians became the best light calvery 
ever... Also that the western Indians were hunters while the eastern Indians were farmers.... And they 
traded and also had conflicts... Well time to go....

Wednesday April 3, 2013
   Y.... Well I've been taking it easy this morning... Used the computer twice and voided pretty well and 
walked around out front with a coffee.... Interesting that Tudou can brighten their video's but youtube 
can't... Nothing worse than watching a too dark movie and you can't brighten it up.... 
Could go to a movie today but I can watch movies on the computer just as easy.... Was watching Blount in 
"The Young Victoria" yesterday at the College... Saw it before but it is still interesting.... 
Should shoot some hoops at least... Good woorkout yesterday plus all the bike riding I did...
The picture below was on a page that mentioned that a highway in Texas has an 85 mph speed limit....
That's more than in Germany it mentioned.... Well about time to get going.... Been loafing here 3 hours HA....
Snacked on potato chips and a couple of ginger snaps.... A bit full from the poor boy turkey sub last 
night.... Also the gal at Checker's mentioned the smoking sausage when I started to order a BLT so I got 
a sausage as She said the price was still a dollar.... They told me it was more after they took the dollar 
sign down... Also wanted to write about the Mohawks and Mohicans which I read about the other day... 
"The Last of the Mohicans" which is a classic book has always been in my head but I didn't realize how 
the Mohicans ended their days... Seems that there was always constant war between the Mohawks and Mohicans 
over access to the Hudson river which was Mohican lands on both sides.... Eventually the Mohicans lost 
the western side of the Hudson and then the white settlers pushed them into extitation... 
Also smallpox was devestating to the Indians.... Some entire villages were whiped out... Of 150,000
Mohawks 15,000 remained after the smallpox...? Not exact on everything as my memory is a bit sour...

Tuesday April 2, 2013....
  Y... Hi.... Well I'm up and at it at 5:44 am right now... Not sure where or what to do today.,... Much in 
a rut as to what I do... Same ole same ole like others I guess... Nice enough for a swim at the beach but 
I probably won't... Got a pool right here if I wish to swim... Tired as usual.. Finished a box of 
goobers choc/peanuts off with coffee... Had a BLT last night with tea... Also got cheese nips and snacked 
on those... Flasher was on in my bag this morning... Wondering if it was on all night...? But I found it so 
no great loss for sure.... Think you need a screw driver to change batteries...? Pictures on the camera 
yersterday were in HD... That's over 4000 pixels wide HA..... But the pictures were clear... I rezise 
them for email....
About laundry time again... Probably shoot some hoops and take a shower.... College Library opens at 7:30 
am but the other Libraries open later... Maybe 8 am this morning for the Largo Library...? Know it's later 
like 10 after Wednesday's I think...? Well I'll write later.... SPAM was there plus a noscript tag I had 
there and deleted a couple of times.... Think some of it is a glitch...? O(*____*)O

Monday April 1, 2013....
  And of course April Fool's Day.... But a fool we all are at some point in our lives.... And sometimes it is 
rather amusing.... Weather is great today warm and sunny... Had biscuits and gravy with hot sauce for 
breakfast.... It was also great HA.... As you can see I've given up the write it yourself forms... So as 
it always was it will always be, a one way street here.... ta da... Will write more later either right here
or in another table....Have a great day....

Y.... Almost closing time... Heating tea water.... Had the runs and emptied out pretty good UGH.... 
Glad in a way just not sure why...? Salami last night and the biscuits and gravy this morning and a slice 
of pizza with a lot of peperroni on it and lots of coffee might have had something to do with it...?
So I don't really enjoy going to the editor to write here.... Takes time on this computer to even get into it...
Warmer today and I was at the Bus Stop awhile... Tired in the Drew St Library and then stood and read awhile...
Couple of more minitues before closing... Tea water won't be hot enough probably... Well it's now or never...
Going to be late getting out of here... Got worries also with everything... Just seems I'm headed for problems 
no matter what.... UGH...

Thu Apr 11 17:22:19 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Drew Street Library... Well I'm getting rid of my old longwire address to get rid of spam... After I get 
the images onto shutterfly I'll delete the old account hence the spam is someone else's problem...
Really a stress thing HA.... Back on this form because i like writing here.... However the spam might show 
up again here...UGH Can't do much here like at the college but I did some stuff like this form for 1....
Listening to Nina Hagen... With 40 video's you get some variety however I seem to hear a few of them a lot...
Don't kill the Animals is one of them that I hear a lot... Shot some hoops for a good while around 2 pm I 
guess... And a couple of showers again... Had the GYM to myself again so this is a good time to go 
to the Y, around 1 or 2 pm... Thought my legs would work better after I got loosened up but not so....
They were stiff and tight as usual so I kept at it moving and squatting and trying to jog a bit with the 
BB but I finally tried jumping up and down a few times now and then so my left knee started feeling 
lame... Like I stoved it in... Just read an article about everyone not knowing what stoved really is...
Anyway after that I didn't want to shoot hoops anymore as everytime I stepped on my left leg that knee felt 
sore....  Think I'll go down to the college and try and deal with the rest of the old address and get 
rid of it for forever HA... Latter...  O(@____@)O 

Thu Apr 11 21:43:23 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well I just took Longwire Notes off the index page ta da.... Might help keep the bad bots away....?
Wonder if google will find my site...? Using a refresh tag to get to my main site... Got some work to 
still do but it's a time waster for sure.... The old posts I wrote are only amusing or interesting to Me...
So that's why I keep them I guess... Once in awhile I go back and see what was happening and look at 
websites that I used to look at and see how they're doing now.... One site the guy is over in South Korea
 on a World tour or vacation or something.... Anyway He's doing great.... Got some salami and JJ pies for 
tonight and tomorrow..... Had a smoking sausage awhile ago with coffee.... Got the refill for after the 
place closes.... Might have to heat it a bit though...? Heated tea water last night and the power was off 
to the outlets, so I didn't have hot water.... The outlet outside was working thank God so I heated my 
water and had hot tea.... Well time to go.... Have a great evening everyone.... O(*____*)O

Fri Apr 12 15:48:58 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	How about this ta da....

Fri Apr 12 20:09:13 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Got here with over 2 hours before closing.... Showered and watched the BB players awhile...
Then walked around and got my refill of McDonald's coffee I brought with Me and drank that out front 
watching the traffic and stretching a bit... Watched some more BB while finishing the coffee.... Just 
walked around the track, my legs feeling stiff and rusty, watching a soccer player practice HA.... 
Feel weak all over for some reason.... Guess the library sitting gets to Me.... However it doesn't seem 
to bother all the others sitting around.... They run up and down the steps once in awhile... So my 
objections to it all HA.... I actually do everything I shouldn't and nothing I should... Is that an 
age problem, or just Me being the fool.... I even feel like a fool UGH.... 
Seems the SPAM is still on the page as I can't seem to delete or close my account.... Same with the 
new one I opened and found I couldn't use an editor unless I paid... So it's a bit of a problem 
everywhere.... Tired though... Overcast and looks like some rain maybe.... 
With the wind that's a big problem for Me.... Always the chance I'll have a miserable night.... 
Probably should write something more wholesome... But of course I just write to write... Dreaming that 
some sort of big thing might happen because I write... Years ago I wrote in notebooks all the time to 
pass the time and have something to occupy my hands and mind... Found a website from Africa that's 
titled Hedgewood HA... Poems mostly I guess as I just glanced at it....
As I listen to Nina Hagen I notice a new video I haven't heard before and see the stage and Her 
wierd clothes and antics and I think SHE's more entertainer than I thought... I'm out of here now...

Sat Apr 13 08:41:12 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Think this bacground is too dark to read the text easy so I'll change it later on probably...
Sitting here drinking coffee... Toilet paper roll was stuck tight but after a bit of effort I was 
able to slowly get toilet paper using my fingers to move the paper roll.... UGH
E-mailed angelfire again about getting out of the address that was being spammed... Harder to exit 
angelfire than you think HA... But they've been good to me over the years so I can't really complain 
and everything for for free.... Guess if I had large cash flow abilities I'd pay them but as it is I need 
my pennies more than they do.... Throwing monies away isn't what I like to do although that was my
daily thing most of my life like everyone else.... Just learned how to spell toilet...  O(*___*)O

Like the spoonbill picture.... Shot some hoops last night... My right leg was a bummer yesterday 
and I guess from just sitting... The gals all showed up for their exercise class that's going on now....
One gal says to another, mine are still sleeping while I'm getting my workout...
Like daily work which keeps most Men healthy, the weights are important for about the same reason... 
You try and get in enough work to equal 8 hours on a job which of course isn't easy or possible...
But it sure is better than nothing... I sort of double dip exercise wise which helps somewhat but I sure 
don't do as much as most... Interestingly, I see the young people's in the gym's exercising and I think 
how much better a job is and you get paid too.... Also their attitudes about old people in the gym's seems 
a bit off... Older people need their exercise while young people really don't.... And to top it off they 
have the attitude that they can do this or that exercise better and easier so you should just stay home... 
Anyway that's what I sense about it all.... I worked most of my younger days except for the traveling times...
But wheather I worked or not I always seemed strong and healthy... Now I feel weak and unable no matter 
what I do.... Think my diet and the constant inactivity has a lot to do with it... OJ, and I haven't had 
any in awhile and I live in the OJ State.... I'm out of here...   O(@____@)O

Sun Apr 14 17:45:34 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well an OK Sunday.... Did my LAUNDRY HA HA..... So I feel better about that.... Shot hoops a couple 
of times but not for long.... Legs continue to be stiff and a bit of soreness at times... 
Shin splints I think...? But I don't use my legs upright enough... Been walking while pushing the bike 
and I feel like I want to keep walking rather than ride the bike.... Two new items, I put the reflector 
I found on the rear carrier and I raised the handlebars so I can sit upright... Got to go...

Mon Apr 15 07:24:46 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... Well angelfire finally closed my account that was being spammed.... Feel better... HA...
Got plenty of rest this weekend but I felt run over this morning sorta... After coffee and a JJ pie I was 
dog tired... Just sat and napped in the TV room.... O well.... The Others were on the treamills and then 
at 6 am a bunch was out back for bootcamp... So I'm really behind in this exercising school... 
Did my laundry yesterday which I already mentioned but I can put on clean non smelly clothes today... 
But riding the bike especially in the heat of the day makes you smelly again real fast....
Shot a few hoops last night and quit real soon as I made a lucky turn and toss 3 pointer... The others can 
do a 3 pointer again and again for forever HA... But i'm here for the exercise... Trying to make the shot 
is the effort that is the best of exercises as I tire real fast doing that...

Got pepper jack cheese last night and ate some during the night.. Have 1/2 left for whenever... 
Like eating at the Bus Stops as I've mentioned a lot... Was talking to a gal yesterday who asks Me 
questions after saying She didn't want to be nosey and I mentioned 88 Preble St in Portland Maine 
where I went more than a few times and that it would be a great adventure for some of the street people's 
here... You work for room and board and a gratuity but the food is great and that you get Steak on your 
birthday on a certain day of that month... Rest get prime rib maybe but I can't remember...?
And the rec room has a pool table, computer, some weights out in the garage area and TV and movies...
Portland is a tourist attraction with the waterfront and Ferries to the Calander Islands - 365 they say...?
A track around back cove for joggers and thay wind surf on the Cove... And a Bean factory which makes 
the air smell like baked beans and a giant clock downtown which you can see from the back cove area...

I mentioned this and realized I can go get a steak now anytime I want which wasn't always the case... 
Just that a dollar burger was more to my liking than an expensive steak.... Rambling.. Need to get into 
my gym clothes and start waking up HA.... 2 1/2 hours and I still have my smelly sleeping clothes on UGH...
Think my pride is that I'm not perfect... Just stuffing my dry clothes in the bag at the laundry while 
everyone folds their clothes sort of marks my different approach to Life... Yea, I'm sloppy ta da...

Mon Apr 15 21:52:38 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Place closes in a couple of minutes... Did the treadmill at around 2 pm and again a few minutes ago....
And I'm stretching more often... Also shot some hoops in the Gym today... Not much else... Got 2 BLT's and 
ate 1 with tea an hour ago.... Next one later this evening... Terrible tragedy in Boston as there were 
a couple of bombs exploded causing limbs to go flying thru the air.... WHY...? People get a raw deal 
everywhere but one of them doesn't do things like that to others.... Suspect terrorist's as they are fanatics 
and probably more.... Got to go....

Tue Apr 16 06:07:21 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Morning and I had some pepper jack cheese left so I ate that with cheese nips and Y coffee...
Was good and saved a little for later.... Got another coffee and ate a JJ Berry Pie... So I'm stuffed at 
6 am HA.... Didn't even get up to take a leak last night I was so worn out... Imagine, just the treadmill 
last night but I walked fast and slow with giant strides and normally uphill on the 8 position.... ta da
Might swim again this morning...? Refreshing for for sure.... Nothing at the movies and I don't want to 
go clear to St Petersburg and pay top dollor eother.... So I'll pass this week.... Been watching movies 
on the computer so that should be enough... Gosh, nothing to even talk about here.... Terrible about the 
bombs in Boston at the marathon... Imagine body parts flying thru the air... Geez, nowhere is safe...
I've been wearing my safety vest even during the day and they still act surprised to see me.... 
Sometimes I can see I'm in the blind spot as their heads are behind the window housings... 

Miss reading about the Indians... Had an old movie about Crazy Horse on the computer yesterday... 
Also was thinking about Indians at the Bus Stop or riding the bike and before the Spanish brought 
Horses, they used dogs to transport their belongings.... They also walked and ran a lot HA.... 
Much healthier than sitting on a Horse I should think...? 
Well enough fromMe this morning....

Tue Apr 16 15:06:05 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y Again and about 3 pm.... Well I walked on the treadmill... 1st I went to the GYM and no BB's pn 
the floor.... All locked in the storage rooms there... Need to walk to the front desk and use your 
card to get a BB... The rubber BB has been laying in the GYM all week so I expected it to be there 
but they put it away... There's 3 BB's up in the rafters HA.... Just you think things will be the same 
as yesterday and they aren't... Actually wanted to use the rubber ball... Even left my membership card in 
my wallet which is in my locker... Swam this morning... Was nice... Just walked the steps up and down that 
go to the bleachers for the pool.... Up there the steps are about straight down, scarey HA.... But I just 
use the steps coming up to the viewing area... Just looked at the pictures again of Boston... 
All those people... Really a shame that person's can do stuff like that and get away with it...

Got a aussie garlic swiss burger at Checkers and ate it with McDonald's coffee... Was good and filling...
Voided ok when I got here to the Y also... Got the coffee refill to drink... Was going to stop and get
cookies at Family Dollar but I forgot as I rode passed the place... Was thinking elsewhere I guess HA....
Was watching and searching for movies on the asian websites... Found 1 in HD and English... 
About mutants... Wonder if these types that kill are mutants...? Be Hell if it was genetic instead of 
just learned behavior... The mouse here is the mechanical type and doesn't work good... Aggravating HA...

Tue Apr 16 21:51:54 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... Just about closing time.... Was reading about lactic acid, interesting.... Making tea again...
Got the 8 pc chicken for 4 bucks... Ate a breast and leg so far.... Be eating chicken for awhile.... 
Good with coffee in the mornings too... Anyway it's a good deal for 4 bucks... I'll eat a few times...
Shot a few hoops but my legs were toasted... Guess the treadmill and stretching tires them plus the biking...
Got to go....

Wed Apr 17 07:28:50 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... Chicken and coffee for breakfast here at 5 am... @____@   Tired as usual and napped in the TV room...
Watching the news repeat on TV... Think it said 35 people lost limbs... That's really a terrible day 
for Boston and everyone... You see the bad things on the news in other parts of the World and then you see 
it here at home... Never seems to end... Part of humanity's load that we seem to carry because it has 
always been this way... On a sad turn you see the children killed far away from American bombs and then 
you see them killed here... It hurts... Responsibility is stopping this slaughter... Talk is cheap....
Action.... Just stop the God damn killing period.... Is that asking too much... Justice is one thing...
Taking turns is another.... Lets get some smart people too find solutions not rhetoric.... 

Thu Apr 18 06:59:01 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Feel beat.... No BB's in the GYM this morning but I used 1 last night just before closing....
Obvious a neat person making my mornings miserable HA.... Saw an old guy come in with a walker... 
Hadn't seen Him for awhile but see He's not improving... Thought about the Cayenne Tea.... Also you 
can put it in your coffee... Thought I should be taking some as I slacked off and hence my dragging every 
day.... So I don't know... Pool is full.... After the 1st hour thern it sometimes isn't busy...
Tons of stuff I can do but haven't the encentative for some reason... Just feel like getting out of here...
The bike riding seems to be my only serenity.... I ride slower now and I sit more upright...
Thought my abs might suffer if I don't lean over and also the arms from not having pressure on the 

Finished the chicken last night with water... Was good.... Had a JJ Berry pie with coffee awhile ago... 
Same old stuff HA... Also finished my choc covered peanuts last night.... Wondering if I should go South 
today...? Been at the Clearwater College every day so far this week.... Sure they have issues with 
every day... Rambling.... Had a person who talks a lot and to everyone start telling me about a Flag 
He bought and He's draggng it all out with details of the flag pole getting damaged again and again and 
getting a new one real cheap... I finally said I have to go... I listened for too long anyway just 
not wanting to hurt His feelings.... But I notice others take advantage of people using them to bore to 
death or just satisfy their urge to talk.... Guess I'm guilty also in my writing here and in my e-mail...
Lots of it is trivial boredom... But it's the writing that's important... So the talking is important 
to those people's... I never did that much except with Dad... Guess I bored Him a lot with my silly 
items I'd remember and relate in detail....
So what can I say....  O(@____@)O

Fri Apr 19 08:50:14 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well I rode up to McDonald's and got a sausage muffin with syrup and coffee... Was good.... Was 
thinking syrup last night wishing I could get pancakes or something.... Thinking grand slam with eggs 
and sausage too... 
And yesterday I was riding back from the Mall and I took my safety vest and shirt off... Thought I probably 
need more Sun - Vitamin D - maybe...? Bit it felt good... I've been keeping myself from the sunshine for 
for years.... Probably won't keep it up but once in awhile I just might go shirtless for awhile....
Tom Cruise is in Oblivian starting today but I'll wait till next week when it's cheaper...
can go to tri-city cinima which is closer than Largo Mall but not much... Have some movies I'm watching 
on the computer... Saw that the #1 greatest character in the movies is brad pitt in Fight Game...
Well I'm out of here.... Later....

Fri Apr 19 12:20:38 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Paul McCartney new MV Johnny - Depp interpretation ....

Sat Apr 20 15:15:53 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Clearwater SPC Library.... WOW... I was on a website that showed the 100 greatest movie characters...
So I looked at #1 and it was Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt in the film, "Fight Club"...
So I find the movie on a new free movie website I haven't been to... So you can probably find other 
good movies at this address....

Sat Apr 20 17:51:53 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well it's about closing time here at the Y.... Got a coffee from McDonald's to drink and a BLT.... 
But tired and want to just sack out a spell before I eat any more... Got the swiss garlic burger at 
Checkers and ate it with Mac coffee.... So I'm pretty stuffed already... Got choc/chip cookies that go 
good with coffee or tea.... Downloaded pictures from the camera and then forgot to say anything about 
it in my e-mail... But just traffic pictures mostly... Do that just so I can download pictures HA....
Skipped exercise this evening but shot hoops this morning... Was stiff and barely able to move easy... 
Haven't touched the weights in a couple of days... Probably more often like the others is better... 
Well I got to go... Looks like rain but not sure.... Have a great weekend everyone....  O(@____@)O

Sun Apr 21 12:21:05 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... And a 14 hour sack time night HA.... Forget I'm on the internet here and I write stuff that isn't 
exactly internet stuff.... Just a bit too personel or touchy.... Anyway I had a sausage muffin with syrup 
and drank my refill at the Bus Stop with cookies.... Feel full... Showered and shot a few hoops... 
Stretched a bit also but my left knee felt funky.... W as moving good but not running... Can't remember when 
I ran last I guess... So I'm out of here....

Sun Apr 21 17:57:33 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well it's about closing time here.... Stopped raining.... Wrote an e-mail and added 
twitter pictures.... Takes a lot of time looking thru pictures to find something worth while to send...
Missed the news as the TV room is usually occupied by someone evenings... I like to sit there alone HA...
Sat at Bus Stops today watching traffic.... Also a couple of gals looking for someone to pick them up 
for whatever...? Rough life for some people's I reckon... Of course when your young you live dangerously... 
Was a poster up on a telephone pole about a kid being stabbed to death... Had His picture, young nice 
looking kid with glasses.... And it happened here in this area... And a good while back a couple of 
others were found dead in a park....  And how many others in this county have been murdered... So I don't know...
Tragic things everywhere.... 
So tomorrow starts another week and I do about the same stuff... Exercise foods and the computer.... 
Riding the bike and taking pictures... Guess when your old that's probably good ebnough... 
In all modesty I was never much to or for anyone.... Sort of a joke or an insult... Guess others also 
live under those conditions... And in all truth I made my bed pretty much... So that's what I slept in....
Saw a guy covered with tattoos today and that's alien to me... I respect His right to do that but I'm 
still totally against it... My bottom line is that I was taught doing that to your body is a sin.... 
At least in the Catholic Church... I was what, 18 and in the Navy and in Chicago in boot camp and the 
others were

Tue Apr 23 11:18:58 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Clearwater SPC Library.... Well an OK day... Took for forever to get sorta loosened up this morning...
Stiff all over after a coupl;e of days rest... Slice of pizza and lemonaid at the Bus stop with 
tater chips and sunflower seeds... Fixed hot noodle soup again last night and it was great...
Went to the Mall and dollar tree yesterday and got ginger snaps and sunflower seeds and breakfast bars,
and cheese... They had 6 oz bars of pepper cheese for a dollar.... Good deal... And the 
blueberry pancakes 3 pack were 25 cents... Figured you have to mic them but not sure... Probably ok to just 
eat cold....? Maybe I should have got 1... Got the malted milk balls for a quarter at family dollar 
awhile ago and they were great... Still wsnacking on them HA... 
Standing at the computer and that's a plus... My legs are toast all the time from sitting and I want to 
go sit down now...  UGH  Shot hoops this morning and that was about all... 
Think Iit as I can't think of anything anymore... O Yea, I watched Avatar yesterday and it was in HD and 
enjoyed seeing it again... Still more of it to watch today... Well have a good day...
Weather is great here...  O(@____@)O

Tue Apr 23 21:50:54 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well a sort of ? day I guess... Sat at the computer with nothing to do really.... Not an e-mail day 
as I had nothing new to say and that's about true for most days... But I dig up trivia and pass it along...
Some of it is to just write and some is to keep some sort of connection with other people's... I find it 
more easy to communicate with someone by mail then in person... One reason is it takes me awhile to 
think stuff up to write or say... And writing it isn't a problem... However.... 
Came back to the Y and finally shot some hoops... Can see why others don't bother BB much, although it is a 
good exercise.... Not a disciplined exercise as much as others... O well... Sure are enough that do 
play BB to get a good workout... In the open GYM you have a hodge poge of things going on so BB isn't 
exactly something to exercise on a regular basis I suspect... Not enough BB's...? To many people's in 
the gym although that's not an issue too often... And its importance maybe ranks less than other exercises 
or sports... Maybe I'm rambling... Doubt if others read this anyway... Today, I looked up a blogger
that I read sometimes off and on over the years... And She mentioned that 2 people read Her blog... Well 
I must be the third or one of the two...? 
About time to go... Finished watching Avatar and it was pretty good.... Saw it years ago on the big screen..

Wed Apr 24 05:46:36 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... So, believe it or not I just saw a white knat fly by me here at the computer... Landed and then flew 
away.... There's an easy chair next to me and a rack of books, a reading area... I sit there and eat 
often, salami and a JJ Berry Pie this morning and there's a knat sometimes flying around.... But He's not 
white ta da... Albino knat ta da.... 
And also the day before yesterday the ball to the mouse was missing.... So of course no computer...
Thought about how to use the computer keys to move the mouse which I looked up years ago but you need 
a computer to find that out again... Anyway someone, probably the management, got a new mouse... This one 
isn't mechanical, no ball... So interestingly the old mouse never worked right... Always moving the 
mouse trying to get the cursor where you want it... Thought, now that was a clever way to get a better 
mouse that works right HA.... But of course there has to be a better way then that.... Talk, I guess....?

Wed Apr 24 05:56:07 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y Again... Just looked at the movies as they are cheaper during the week and Oblivian is the only new 
movie at the Theaters I frequent... Thought, years ago I went to the beach for a swim for something 
else to do... Now I go to the movies UGH... Costs monies plus I sit and watch movies on the computer... 
Just the sitting for 2 hours does me harm... As I can hardly walk when the movie is over...  O___O

Wed Apr 24 16:32:11 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Well this is a bit interesting....

Wed Apr 24 17:17:55 2013
Submitting Host:


Wed Apr 24 21:00:53 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well an OK day I guess... Saw "42" the movie and it was OK.... "Oblivian" was cancelled so I got 
a free pass so I got 2 movies for the price of 1 today... Long ride to Largo Mall on the bike and back...
Was dragging I was so out of shape I guess... Or out of omph maybe...? Rambling...
An hour before the Y closes... Got coffee to heat... Also got cinammon rolls yum... Plenty to snack on... 
Corn flackes from this morning... Good sized bag for a dollar... So I sat a lot today... 
This compurtering is getting to me I guess.... Just that you try to fill your day with the internet and 
it isn't possible... In fact a real waste... But just staring off into the void isn't so great either...
Well I'm keeping it simple for for sure HA... Later...

Thu Apr 25 05:38:26 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... Good Thursday Morning, Thor's Day.... HA
Well i ate cinammon rolls last night and this morning with coffee's... Also had a turkey poor boy sub 
last night... Was good with cayenne pepper.... We nt into the weight room and did dumbbells twice but not 
too much... Then shot hoops for about 5 min and with the #1 ball which is coming apart at the seams.... 
Guys are rough on the BB's... Slam them as hard as they can and after weights they can really slam....
Think I'll toy with the layers in photoshop and try the color on B/W pictures for something to do...
Wonder if my refund ticket is good on Friday's at the Largo Theater...? Doubt if I'll do much this morning..
Pool will be full I suspect... Later....

***Sun Apr 28 12:28:17 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Nice day today.... Took pictures at the Bus Stop in front of Crest Lake Park... Had a burrito 
at McDonald's with coffee.... Got a 3rd coffee to go but I've passed on refills before... Some elderly guy 
left me the paper so I looked at it and hence drank my refill there... Yesterday at the college I came 
across Liabach so I decided to make a playlist... Haven't yet listened to it much but seems to be German War 
music of sorts... But I thought I needed a change and it's a bit like Hagen and that's how I found it I 
Showered and shaved and drank tea here and watched the Bb players in the GYM.... Don't feel like burning
 up right now... That's a bit what I do I think.... Pacing myself isn't an option HA.... 
Hungry again... Tried the 99 cent cheese last night and it was Ok but not great.... Maybe OK with other 
foods...? Worried I might get the runs or something so I'll maybe eat more today with a sandwich 
or something...?
Keep putting these movies on the movie list and most are sick horror movies UGH...
Also they're not really HD like youn want... I was sold on the website by Alvator but even that movie 
wasn't a great HD... But was passable... Also no brighten option like the asian websites... It's a 
Slovak website I guess...
Will while away the day I guess... Go get some foods later... My bag has a hole in it and my cresent 
wrench was starting to fall out... Need to sew that up but I'll probably forget....?
Feel pretty healthy considering everything.... The constant sitting isn't in my best interests...
Well I'll probably write again later.... Have a great day everyone... O(@____@)O

Mon Apr 29 07:49:47 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Good Monday Morning.... Just drinking coffee and napping in the TV room.... Did void pretty well...
So I feel a bit better now.... Rained a bit off and on last night but just a bare light drizzel and 
not really very much... Not sure why I even mentioned it UGH.... Get a pimple on each cheek of my but 
that drives me batty riding the bike... I sit on 1 side of my rear and then the other trying to avoid the 
discomfort... Been going on for forever it seems... Hate doing the same stuff today but other options 
seem a waste of monies or are a bit too difficult... So I don't know... Feel like Steak and eggs 
because I like a Steak once in awhile and for the spiritual lift it seems to give you plus the tasty 
flavor etc... But I overeat on a Steak day and the cost runs about 8 bucks which is a bit steep for this 
Got pictures on the camera... Again I took night pictures of a frog last night and the flash was just 
an orange glow... Batteries are about empty I'm sure but I think it might be the bum flash...? 
Will check it out I guess.... Miss my old camera with the zoom... I took a lot of small pictures with the 
old camera and I think the better pictures were with the HD... But the camera has problems and 
I'll probably leave it alone...
Guess I'll get out of here.... Later...  0(@____@)0

Mon Apr 29 20:50:28 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... So I made video's here at the Y today... They're on youtube.... {n2n22}... Anyway I made 2 BB video's, 
and 1 pool video and a weightroom video.... They were Ok except for the 2nd BB video... I zoomed in and 
then the video wasn't clear... Really touchy on getting a clear video... 
Nothing much else... Voided good plus I'm eating a lot... But i passed up breakfast and just snacked 
on potato chips at the Bus stop before getting a smoking sausage... @___@
Watched the finish of phone booth... Was interesting and I had forgot the ending... So it was good to see 
again... The other movie with douglas was interesting but I'm getting a bit over it so I might not watch the 
2nd part of it...? Plenty of movies to look at... Saw a French Movie so I looked it up on google and 
got a trailer and it wa a vivid nude scene to start off with so I turned it off and mistakenly closed 
the browser losing all the other tabs I had opened HA....
Just had a JJ Cherry pie with coffee... Sole was coming loose on the size 13 shoes so I tried glueing it 
with rubber cement and duck tape to hold it in place.... Have a 2nd pair that I also glued and I'm wearing 
those now... They feel a bit tight HA...
Thought about getting a pint of white rice at the china place and some soy sauces to add and fill up on that 
for a change but I have salami and another pie and chips nips and snaps HA...
Guess I'll get out of here.... Later..

Mon Apr 29 21:51:03 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y Again... Shot a few hoops in the normal sized tennis shoes for a change HA... Did OK.... Tire easy and not 
much wind.... But then I sit all day and shallow breath... Interestingly, I picked up a book of Indian Poems 
the other day... The 1st opening poem was in 1854, before the Civil War and I thought it was rather good... 
For an Indian woman way back then.. It was published in a journal for poems I guess... If I remember I'll 
put it here sometime...?
But I get little from poems... Sure I miss something there but I'm a bit old to look into it now... 
We pass up a lot of things because our times are short and we linger where we are happiest I think...
Heating tea water... Using 3 tea bags this evening... Saw a box of tea bags at the dollar tree but it 
was only 24 bags...  At Family dollar I get a 100 tea bags for 1.50... 
Sense that the monies isn't important to many of us but it is like a tool for Me I guess... A part of my 
thinking and choices all my life... To find that it isn't important or necessary now would probably 
turn me into a withering thing ta da...

And I found a quarter in the street today and it was worn from car tires etc... Notice my options are 
getting to be fewer and fewer... Suspect that the establishment will fall on me because I choose not to 
go the way that everyone else goes.... Sounds a bit foolish but at 70 everything seems that way.... 
What good does it do me now is the answer to everything...
Rambling... About time to go... Have tea and salami so I'm good till tomorrow... Came in this morning and 
showered right away and ate whatever I had with coffee and then fell asleep in front of the TV dog tired... 
And I was 11 hours sack time... You figure... 

Wed May  1 21:32:30 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... So.... Forget... HA... Rain, rain, rain... Got stuck in McDonald's because of rain... Didn't want to 
get wet... Guess we will be getting a lot of rain this week...? Swam this morning and that was the big 
item today... 1 fast lap and I was huffing and puffing big time... That's good to work the lungs though...
Legs are bummers though... Left leg was sorta numb in the beginning of swimming... And the other leg 
acts up also... Already showered... So I'll fgix a tea and worry about rain... O Yea... I got 
a pint of chicken fried rice 4.55... Was good and tasty... Ate it here with tea... Looked for white rice 
my 1st intention but didn't see it on the menu... So I ordered the fried rice and then asked how much 
the pint of white rice was... She said 1.50... Still glad I got the fried but now I know I can get white 
rice cheap enough and will be OK with soy sauce... Even sardines o(*___*)0  Later...

Thu May  2 11:16:25 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Interesting Indian Map...
Indian lands 1784 to present...

Fri May  3 05:36:50 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... Ironman 3 starts today in the theaters... Waiting for The Lone Ranger HA.... Another Rango ta da...
So it's May 3 and my birthday is in a couple more days... Got no return from the birth certificate 
people in Ohio... Guess I waited too long for everything... Probably was an easier way but I failed at it...
Now I've no ID even... Figured I wouldn't drive anymore anyway.... I watch the traffic and it looks like 
an insane way to go... How they keep from hitting each other more often is a mystery... Luck maybe...?
Had the thought that without a job you can't do anything... Might be true around here or anywhere... 
The thought of driving up to Montana and looking around which would have been feasible years ago is 
no longer possible.... O Well.... O(*____*)O
Freaking cold up there anyway.... If I get desperate I can take the greyhound unless I need ID which is 
probably the case...
Interestingly, I threw away the money order stub which is the proof I had that I sent it... I wonder if 
that's my subconscience being mean....? UGH
Remember the day I walked into the drivers license place with my current unexpired license and money 
and I get this rap sheet with all the papers I need to bring back to get my license...
I had carried that birth certificate for for years and then it got lost during my wallet change or 
something.... That was a low day... Like getting punched out... American born and raised and I'm 
a disabled vet and I take 3 times to get my motorcycle endorsement and now I'm at the mercy of the 
whatever chooses to cause me trouble... UGh.... Sometimes you just say to Hell with it all... UGH

Fri May  3 15:44:44 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Clearwater SPC Library.... Spent the day here watching Spiderman HA... Looked at a couple of others for a 
bit also... Ate cereal at the mall and got a whopper jr at Burger King... Think this library is 
closed tomorrow...  Wonder how I got hooked on Libraries.... Stopped going to AA meetings a lot maybe..?
Lots of personel stuff here but I lack any steam for anything else... Age sorta controls everything...
Just one of those things ta da... About time to go... Can write here later... Can't believe I sat here and 
watched that entire Spiderman movie again HA... O well... Not much else to do on the computers...
Looked at the Ham Bands and checke a couple of operators on google... I go to the images and then 
end up in all sorts of places... Later....

Sat May  4 10:28:49 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... SPC Library is closed today I'm pretty sure.... Drew St Library opens at noon... Had a sausage 
muffin with syrup and coffee at McDonald's... Place opened late as no employee with a key showed up HA...
Just showered and voided... Also ate salami and cheese with my coffee refill... Will write later...

Sat May  4 12:52:31 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Drew St Library.... Stopped and got a Poweraid Drink... Thought they were still 50 cents but it was a dollar..
Ate at the Bus Stop a JJ pie and the rest of the dollar 6 oz pepper cheese from Dollar Tree.... Then 
I cleaned up the Bus Stop HA... Lots of bending over... Might loosen my hamstrings a bit...? 
This computer had 5 min left on it but that's another person's time so I closed it down and signed in 
with my own password.... The computer is way at the bottom of this stand up computer [express] so I 
can't plug the earphones in HA... Not much else to say except I looked into the dumpster here and 
there were 2 hardback Steinbeck books.... Grapes of Wrath and Short Stories... So I put them in my bag... 
Can leave them at the Y library or something... In good shape but not if it rains and it rains often 
around now.... Yesterday morning it rained and I left my comforter draped over the bike awhile to dry... 
Well my legs are aching from standing... Think I'll sit back down... Should stand more for for sure but I'm 
weak in that department... Have to have to sorta...

Sat May  4 17:42:25 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Well it's near 6 pm closing time... Got a BLT and a coffee to eat after closing... Not much 
else though.... Sat at the Drew St Library all day... Walked around the building once... Got 2 books out 
of the dumpster... They're sitting here at the reading area still i8n the plastic bag HA...
Steinbeck short stories should be good but I won't bother... Probably have it in all the Libraries anyway..
Feel full... The white rice I got the other evening filled me up and was tasty with just soy sauce...
Tired all the time... Think being dehydrated makes you like that...? Sure drink the coffee's...
Glued my size 13 shoes... The rubber cement seemed to have them together pretty well but I added the 
contact cement anyway... 
Long night tonight... If I don't ride up to McDonald's it's a 14 hour rest pretty much UGH... 
A bit too old to be around younger people's all the time I think... Not in my best interest for for sure... 
However I feel the same about my pears... So there we go HA... Have a great weekend everyone...

Sun May  5 13:53:13 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Been here almost 3 hours... Did weights about 3 times but not much wach time and shot some hoops...
Got a lot of rest last night and it felt more cool this morning... Wore windbreaker and stocking cap...
Got the McDonald's Special Muffin Syrup and coffee HA... Nothing much new... Pool had a couple of lanes 
open but the other 1/2 was full of bathers so I passed... Think of Ironman for tomorrow, that's about 
my sucess in this whole deal called life.... Helping others would have been an option but I think that 
catagory is filled pretty much.... Good humor man... Some of this stuff I think up and laugh about is too 
too much if you know what I mean.... The guys I walked around with in High School and the Guys I worked 
with were not the whole ball game so to speak... Enough....

Sun May  5 17:47:16 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y Again... Just showered... Voided... Exercised earlier today.... Rode the bike to Wendy's an got 
a cheeseburger delux Jr... Was good.... Rode down to the college bus shelter and sat there awhile 
eating potato chips.... Then I went to McDonald's and got coffee... Have the refill for in a few minutes 
when this place closes... Got choc/chip cookies and a noodle soup and a BLT for tonight.... 
Did some extra on weights and I few worn out a bit... Tired... Should sleep well... 
Same old crap everytime I write... But that's how it is sorta... Probably go see Ironman tomorrow... 
Made box office history I think...? Lots of movie watchers... One thing about the big screen is it's a trip
next to none HA... Time to go...

Mon May  6 06:34:05 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Good Monday Morning Everyone... So last night I got company skateboarders so I moved to the 
South side... Had been standing and walking in my corner but now I could jog and walk in the side yard...
So I did... I jogged a few times tiring fast and I napped... Windy a bit and cool... I'd wake and feel 
like jogging again as I'm normally not able anymore... So I did this about 4 times and then wanted to 
go back so I could heat water for noodle soup... Anyway I was dead tired as soon as I sat down with coffee 
in the easy chair.... But I need to keep trying the jogging... Right leg is weak and the left is stiff...
Well time to go....

Tue May  7 18:36:52 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Drew St. Library... Got my drivers License renewed on the last day of my 1 year grace period and my bithday...
Thanks to Mom for all Her help I've a legal ID and able to drive if I need or choose to.... Also ate 
spagahetti in a meat sauce that was great... So an OK day for becoming 71.... Mom looked great for Her 
age and drives fine also... But of course time is running out... Being a bit negative maybe or too 
honest... Rambling... Weather is great... Walked the track 5 laps this morning and now I have sore lumps 
above my right knee.. And I don't know why... Wasn't like that on the day I did weighted squats a lot... 
Maybe I pumped the bike too hard...? Well I guess I'll get out of here.. Library closes in 1/2 an hour...
Was reading a book about the atrocities during the Indian/Settler days of out Countries beginnings... 
Seems they were bad and lots of them also... He streams everything into His stories that you imagine 
He makes it all up but I guess it was of course written down in News papers and journals and military 
reports etc... And the gruesomeness of it all is a bit heavy too... But I'll pass on any more of this 
book... At least I know it was terrible and not being a part of it is our luck I guess... Enough...

Wed May  8 05:59:45 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... Good Wednesday Morning Everyone... So I got my drivers license renewed yesterday thanks to Mom... 
Lunch was great, spagahetti yum... Couldn't eat it all as I'm a sandwich guy all the time...
Tired this morning as usual... W as going to go to Largo mostly this week but don't really feel like 
riding down there today.... Maybe tomorrow...? A swim would be nice however the regulars have the pool 
early and I'd probably bump someone from a lane... I'd get out if I saw someone waiting anyway.... 
The difference is I'm here a lot and anytime I choose.... Others have more things to deal with hence a 
disaster if I'm the compromise... Compromises are always my issues HA... Whatever that means... 
Just that everytime I ride the bike I show up at a driveway the same time as a car entering that driveway... 
Probably a math thing would make it seem normal but having it actually happen a lot is eerie...
Later....  O(@___@)O

***Sat May 11 07:51:59 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y... Well I got a good nights sleep... Stiff and tired still, though... Standing at the computer... 
But I have to bend over and lean on the desktop... Guess I'll shoot some hoops.. Library doesn't open till
noon unless I go down to Largo... But I have to be back here at 6 pm closing time so I'll jkust stay 
nearby...  Left knee feels funky as usual... Had salami and cheese nips last night and a granola bar...
Just had a JJ Peach Pie a few minutes ago at around 7:30 am... 
Made tea in the GYM and walked a bit and did stretches... No extra BB so that was a bummer HA...
Made a playlist of another Russian Singer yesterday... Grigory Leps, and He sounds pretty good... 
As He sings in Russian you sorta feel His emotions or passions in His music...
Was something to do anyway... Lots of free movies on youtube... As I see 1 I look at some of it and then 
put the address on my movie list... For later if I choose... Etc... Got to go...

Sat May 11 17:01:33 2013
Submitting Host:

.:	Y.... So I went to Largo Library and then on to the Largo Mall and returned likewise.... Watched a 
youtube movie a bit... Ate a sweet and sour banquet dinner at Panera Bread and a JJ pie... Watched the 
people's come and go.... The diet meals were on sale for 2 bucks regular 4 bucks but they were only about 
11 oz or so... I got the Banquet 8 oz for a buck... Had rice with spinach and tomato but again only 10 oz 
for 1.50 and it was on special... Hard to beat Banquet meals but I don't like them as well...
Got a turkey poor boy for a dollar to eat later tonight... Put my tea water on and forgot to look at the 
time... Going to eat a granola bar with tea nd then make another tea for later after the Y closes...
I usually just lay around for 14 hours on Saturday Nights UGH... Probably need the rest at my age though...
Right lower Quad has lumps like hard muscle or something... This has been a probl;em for a long time...
Wonder if it's the pesticides or to much caffine or what...?

Had some stories to relate but never think of them here at the computer... The Indians out west were 
left alone during the Civil War pretty much but near the end or after, the Calvery went after the Indians 
to put them all on reservations... Interestingly the Calvery was masde up mostly of immigrants from 
Germany and Ireland... And later the Buffalo Soldiers hunted the Indiand and they were all Negroes with 
a white commander... So I read anyway...
In all honesty the Indians were savages that killed and tortured and the Calvery wasn't much better.... 
And similiar wars go on today in different parts of the World... Suspect that this cannot ever change...

Religion... You know I was raised and taught in a Catholic school and I'm glad... Was an Alter Boy like 
you see in movies and the talk about Irish Catholics etc... But you know that religion is to make good 
people out of indifferent people pretty much.... I see no other good reason for it... It's something 
where there was a void... Religion fills a need... Sheep... The tons of religious people that stood 
fast trusting in their Gods only to be slaughtered is part of all History... And in truth there is no 
real concreat evidence that there is any God period... Of course if people thought there was no God 
they would no longer act like a human being is supposed to act... Animals... Even decent people act 
like animals when they are young or under the influence of mind altering things or just trying to be like 
they're peers... 
Of course I have no solutions to problems so why am I writing this crap...? And I don't even know that...
Water overheated HA... Later...

Sun May 12 17:17:49 2013
Submitting Host:

Happy Mother's Day...
Y... An OK day... Swam and shot hoops and lifted a few weights... Rode the bike around... Saw an accident, which you know,ruins some people's day... Sun is further North of being straight overhead so that's a plus... Wondering when it reaches it's max northern trip... Summer solstice I just found out will be June 21, 2013 when the Sun reaches it's maximum Northern Journey... Time to go... *** Mon May 13 11:58:12 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Listening to Leps and He sounds rather good.... Last night I stretched the quads a lot and my legs felt better this morning... Think I did better with the BB also... Walked the track twice in the beginning and my legs were tight and stiff a lot... Thinking of going down to a movie...? Will see... Need to do laundry... Interestingly, there was this lizard a few days ago on the inside of the window where I sleep... Saw Him the next night also... A nd this morning He was still in that small exercise room... No food and no way out... So this morning after the Y opened I took a shirt and went in and there He was next to the window so I tried catching Him with the shirt... I'd toss it over Him and He's scurrey out from under it... On the 3rd try I grabbed Him with the shirt over Him and held Him captive in the shirt and walked outside and released Him onto the grass... Probably thirsty also... So that was my Lizard story for today... There's a couple of BB's up on the game clock in the GYM and they've been there a long time.. And the BB's we use are starting to fall apart HA... There's a long pole in the pool area which might reach up enough to get the BB's down from the clock ... Thought about asking if I could do that then thought it's not my job... But I look up and see them there every time I go into the GYM... And no free BB's in the GYM either... You ned to go check onme out at the desk... OK, but better is a BB in the GYM in case you just want to shoot a few without making a big deal out of it all ta da... Have a great day everyone... *** Tue May 14 09:44:36 2013 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library.... Well a nice ride down here but stiff and a tender rear... The interesting thing today is... They got a new #4 BB... Now the old one was getting out of round and I think it leaked as it was flat the last few mornings... So a new BB... Difference is that his BB is lighter... I felt like I was exercising with the old BB and also with the rubber BB that is in the storage room, maybe...? Yesterday I watched a video where 2 guys 1 with a BB and the other with a frisbee tried hitting the basket... All their ridiculous shots were perfect but we know they missed a lot and showed that at the ending... But the fact they could throw the BB so far and it went in plus the same with the frisbee was awesome... So I'm used to the out of round BB and I get this new perfectly round light BB and it goes in... Easy all the time... A bit weird... The difference was really heavy... You bounce the ball and it doesn't go off to the side a bit but bounces straight... Same with shooting the ball... It spins and goes straight and bounces right off the BB... True they were just close in shots but a big difference... It was too easy HA... No exercise compared to a heavier ball... Along these lines I was in the GYM watching the other day and this short and tall kid were playing... The tall kid was older and He would take a 3 pointer shot past the circle... The short kid couldn't even reach the basket from there.... And to top it off, the little guy had a heavy BB and the tall older kid had a light one ta da... The BB weight makes a big difference... So enough about this... They will wonder why I don't want the brand new BB tomorrow probably...? *** Tue May 14 21:52:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Grigory Leps playlist I added some more video's... He has a ton of them... But I sort of enjoy hearing Him right now... Was thinking Garou sounds like a young guy.... But it's something to do... Saw another Russian singer something Nobody then I couldn't find Him again after deleting the pages I had Him on... But He just sounded Russian... Went to Largo and saw the worst picture of the year probably.. Really a lously flick, Pain and Gain... Long bike ride back... Had a Tortino's Pizza at Panera Bread... Was good and a JJ pie... Got summer sausages at dollar tree 2 of them... About time to go... Full of foods for some reason... Guess I eat too much.. Have a great evening everybody... *** Wed May 15 16:04:30 2013 Submitting Host: .: Drew St Library.... Just took a couple of bites out of the summer sausage I have in my pack while standing out front of the Library.... Really nice outside yet I hang out inside Libraries ta da... Trimmed my nails as I stood there also... Sat and napped awhile when I 1st got here... Had an exercise book about 8 min in the morning to fitness HA.... Had quotes in it the start of each chapter which are interesting... Went back to the Y after being at the College this morning and watched them playing BB... Talk about fast and furrious... They finally went to 2 games as there were a lot of ball players... Think a group came from elsewhere as I didn't recognize any of them like the other group which I see a lot in the gym... Got about 4 hours before I want to head back to the Y... Need to do my laundry but I keep putting it off... But I'm ready with soap and quarters... Listening to Leps... *** Thu May 16 09:59:51 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Hi.. Well I'm listening to S51ZZ on websdr 20 meter upper sideband,, And I looked Him up on google and got some pictures and here He is in His Native Slovenia.... Interesting to see how they live and work over there... The scenery and country life looks great... Well the earphones are only static so they must have signed off... *** Thu May 16 21:55:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Heating tea water again and finished a tea 1/2 an hour ago or so... Sat in Libraries mostly today... Not alone in doing that... Think I should be doing something else I guess...? But habits are hard to change as we all know... Ate too much... The summer sausages are OK but maybe not that tasty and too heavy... Watched a movie "Before Sunrise" today and it was interesting... Lots of dialog younger .. Got another BLT for later with tea... Tasty and not so filling... Feel stuffed right now... Being a bit silly on the movie stuff... Back on and the movies are able to be seen again... Not sure why the difference but anyway the 1st movies were HD and looked great but other movies wearn't HD and not worth looking at... But I start doing stuff and I just flow sorta and not thinking to sharp... That's a 24/7 thing, also... Think Star Trek might be playing tomorrow... I waste monies going to movies and especially if I go on weekends... About time to go... *** Fri May 17 08:52:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Starting to watch the other 1/2 of Before Sunrise.... Before Sunset... *** Sat May 18 08:01:09 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Made a new playlist. Tiziano Ferro, yesterday... About time for an Italian I figured HA.... Watched the 2nd part of the Before Sunrise movie, Before Sunset, and it was pretty good... The dialog is catchy I guess... Sorta, more real I imagine... Wonder if there's any more sequals, but I guess not or they would have been there... Last line was, "Your going to miss your plane" and He says, "Yes, I know".... O well... So laundry is the thing... Could run down and do it now except Saturday Morning and the place might be crowded... Nothing worse than wet laundry and no dryers... They even come in with wet clothing and use the laundry dryer sometimes, I think...? Clothing reaks though, right now... Just ate an onion roll and I got 6 for 99 cents a good deal... Anmd salami and then a Berry JJ Pie... So I' full and next would be McDonald's for more coffee and a sausage biscuit... But I'll pass I think being already stuffed... Nothing much interesting... ***Sat May 18 12:15:48 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Well the sequel to "Before Sunset and Before Sunrise is supposed to open in the theaters on May 24th 2013... So after watching these 2 movies again I'll get to see the sequel on the big screen if it shows here.... So that's news ta da... Here are the 2 movies... Before Sunrise.... Before Sunset.... And Before Midnight the Sequel starts May 24, 2013 in your local theater, maybe.../ *** Sun May 19 13:02:27 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... So I just shot hoops but the GYM was full and my right leg was like lame UGH... The #1 ball which I can't seem to control well was the only ball left as the other ball was flat... New bal;l and it's flat... Why...? And I swam a short while but the pool started to fill up with people so I left... Tired... Was at the College and layed down on the quiet sidewalk and looked up at the large oak tree shading Me and wondered how old it was...? The tree rings tell the story but I'd need to look it up on google probably... Also I read they found a harpoon from the 1800's in a whale making estimates of their ages to be as long as 200 years maybe ... They hang out in antarctic waters so I wonder if cold waters have anything to do with longevity...? The Japanese use Reserch Vessels to hunt whales which they sell to restaurants in Japan... Whale being a prized food... So I'll just bum around today... Star Trek is playing so I might see that tomorrow....? Fixed tea last night and went to sleep and never drank any of it... Was pea warm this morning but the Y had people inside so I just wanted to pack up and go to McDonald's.. Had a sausage biscuit and coffee and later at the College Bus Stop I had salami and the last onion roll... Talk about great for 99 cents... Really enjoyed those 6 onion rolls... Haven't e-mailed much this week... Guess I need to give others a rest ta da... Almost like using people if you banter them with e-mail every day... I add pictures and addresses making the mail a chore I suppose... So I'll try to be less of a mailer... Well time to go... Have a great day... *** Mon May 20 07:26:06 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... After 11 hours rest I put my stuff in the locker this morning at opening and rode up to McDonald's for coffee and a sausage biscuit... Had some of the summer sausage with tea last night and cheese nips and it was unexpectly good, tasty... And I had choc/chip cookies to finish the tea with, YUM... Maybe Star Trek today...? Starts at 1:25 pm, so I can go to the Largo Library and then Panera Bread for a bite and coffee... Interestingly, yesterday morning I was at the Bus Stop next to the College and across from the city/county soccer fields and did a bit of stretching, plus resting and looking up at the giany oak tree that was shading Me and wondering how old they get... Google says 300 years for many... Anyway to make a long story short I walked the bike back a bit noticing how easy I was walking after all the stretching... Felt like I could take off running... Could see the soccer players running around effortlessly on the fields also... So I get back to the Y and shower and get into the pool and start to swim and notice my left leg feels numb... Nothing new as it's like that a lot... But to go from the easy walking to the numbnes causes me a bit of worry... And after the swim my left knee looks and feels funky UGH... Like it has moved out of (dislocated)place a bit...? So I don't know... Probably be like this till the end... Got the age thing to consider also... Got everything centered on this page finally.... Noticed on the larger computer screens that my background picture wasn't wide enough and I couldn't read the white text on my movie page... Actually a sick movie page HA... One movie website the movies are all non HD and not worth watching... And the page looks better with everythi ng centered... Had a center tag with no opening tag UGH... Also wanted to mention that a street (Cleveland) I think that I use sometimes is totally shady from all the oak trees in that area... And I thought these tree people's are steadly cutting all the big trees down in the county and they plant fast growing shrubs that theyu can trim often.... Anyway the thought was that this shady street will not be that way eventually.... And for that matter the entire county will be devoid of trees... Like the place isn't hot enough in the summer UGH... Out of here... *** Tue May 21 21:51:42 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well another so so day.... Same stuff except I made another Leps playlist... Came across a youtube playlist with 120 Leps video's on it... So I figured I'd have a bunch of video's not on the other playlist... Anyway a few different one's makes it ok... I enjoy the music... Great piano and guitar people... Think they do a hell of a job... GREAT... So I wait now for the 3rd triology Before Midnight with Hawke and I forget...? Opps... Riding the bike back and forth... Kick it sometimes and that gets my juices pumping... However I don't feel comfortable here any more for some reason? Lack of energy and agility for 1.. Heating tea water and I just finished a tea... Watched a movie yesterday with Hawke, a horror movie of sorts.. Also saw Star Trek and it was OK... Largo Library is closed this week I guess so I had plenty of time to waste before the movie began yesterday... Tornado's struck in Oklahoma and 20 children died in a school... Drowned from broken water mains they said... Well about time to go... Later... *** Wed May 22 18:09:11 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Thu May 23 19:29:31 2013 Submitting Host: .: GOSH... I think this song is like a pill for everyone that was there... The music goes inside you and makes you better.... *** Thu May 23 19:49:39 2013 Submitting Host: .: Well 1 1/2 hours of Grigory Leps..... *** Fri May 24 06:08:42 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... So yesterday I seemed to be having a good day... I shot hoops in the morning and later in the afternoon I shot hoops again and was moving better than usual.... At the Library during the late afternoon I sat and rested with an asian health book skimming thru it and jumping up a couple of times to walk around the building outside... Was walking fine and without discomfort and I'm thinking I might be improving... Then around 6 pm I went to the College Library as Drew St Library closes at 7 pm... Listened to some more of Leps and putting more video's on this website... I sat the entire time there almost 2 hours listening and wondering if He has any more video's in English...? Then it's time to go and I get up and my left knee is lame... Can hardly walk about and the discomfort is substancial... I ride the bike back the knee feeling funky and the same at the Y... The knee looks a bit more dislocated or out of alignment... And of course my mind dwells on this why, how, what, etc... Trying to figure no discomfort and a lot of discomfort... Am I breathing morphine or something ta da... Has happened a lot I'll have a stitch somewhere and I go inside and it dissappears... Figure it's probably that I'm moving and getting more loose or something... Anyway I have to go.... ***Wed May 29 10:22:39 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... So a bum morning I think exercise wise... Hit the quads o9n the leg extension, and shot hoops.... My legs were stiff and aches and pains making it impossible pretty much... And I wasn't able to move very well... Figured stretching the hams would leave my knee open to catching or locking or worse.... But maybe my quads needed that abuse... They're weak like everything anymore... Guess I took it too easy for too long...? Went to the bank yesterday... Had 2 bucks on Me... So here's how it went yesterday pretty much... Movie = 4.50 Chips and Sardines - 2.00 Sub, TV spagahetti, 2 JJ pies, Coffee = 4.00 eyedrops = 1.00 Tea bags, noodle soup = 2.00 Coffee = 1.00 Fish and Chips = 3.00 17.50 So that's a bunch for foods for 1 day.... Can see why people's go to the Soup Kitchen.... Was thinking this morning at McDonald's while eating a Sausage Cheese McMuffin that the Soup Kitchen People really eat a lot better than the rest of us HA.... But my excuse was that I didn't like the atmosphere or the company and I'd overeat constantly... Tired, eyes closing on me... Got a bit of pink eye also... Trying some antibotic stuff... Think I'll write later as I feel zapped ta da... *** Fri May 31 08:13:58 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Friday and the Y is closed from 1 till 3 pm for a water main repair I guess....? Feel a bit down as usual anymore... Might shoot a few hoops before I get out of here.... Lots of bike riding yesterday... And windy... Interestingly, and this shows I'm not being the best always, I noticed as I looked down at my reat tire that it looked like it was rubbing the frame... Also the bike would be hard to pump.... I checked it later and the tire moved a bit [loose], but it wasn't touchng the frame.... So I passed on it and continued riding... To Largo Mall yesterday and back to the Largo Library... As I left and went thru the park I looked down again and sure enouh the tire was touching the frame and it was hard to pump... Was figuring the wind was guilty... So I got off and checked and the rear bolt was loose and the tire kept moving against tghe frame... So I tightened the bolt and presto I'm good to go... Easy to pump now even with the wind... How long I rode with the tire rubbing the frame shows my lack of good judgement I think...? HA *** Fri May 31 20:48:24 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well i did more than usual this evening here at the Y.... Wlked around a lot and that was about it... Did do some dancing to the music outside the dance room but not too much... Legs feel rough... Obvious all the sitting every day is winning... If I don't start doing different I'm toast... HA... Watched "Into Temptation" today and it was pretty good... Think I might have seen it before but not sure....? No foods like usual tonight... Got a lunch date with Peg and Mom probably....? Wondering if I should get spagahetti again... *** Sat Jun 1 14:36:46 2013 Submitting Host: .: Been reading a bit and saw this which I'm guilty of as are countless others.... "We sit too much. Besides the short bursts of fitness activities, we sit at work or school, we sit in the car or public transportation. We sit while eating, watching TV or socializing. Many people sit 10-12 hours a day! During sitting, the psoas is constantly in contracted position and becomes chronically tight. When you stand up, the short psoas prevents you from perfect alignment while standing and walking. " Also guilty of just reading about exercise and doing very little exercise... Good day today as I had steak and Eggs with Mom and Peg.... Their treat as usual.... I guess I'm supposed to treat someone sometimes....? Not my nature though ta da... Remember years ago I gave away a couple of free movie tickets to a street person whom I still see around... I didn't realize that they were only good for that particular movie company so He probably didn't get to use them... My mistake and they were worth 5 bucks apiece about.... Later I wondered if He thought i was playing Him for a fool or something... But No, I was just not as savey as I think I am today.... I would have kept them and used them ta da.... In the movie I watched yesterday, "Into Temptation" the Priest is given a Penance of doing a random act of kindness each day... I remember hearing that phrase at an AA meeting or somewhere and Random stuck with Me a lot... Hence my random playlists... Enough... Have a good one.... @____@ *** Sun Jun 2 16:34:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Just came from McDonald's where I drank 2 lg cups of coffee and 6 slices of salami and a JJ apple pie.... Then I voided big time here at the Y... Feel a lot better... Overate yesterday seeing that I had Steak and Eggs... Was a nice treat from Mom and Peg and on Her birthday weekend... Lax at everything that used to be more like a habit... Easy to just do nothing, my shame... Anyway I have a lame left leg and knee again... Last night as I lay resting the nerves must have got touched or the knee slipped a bit, anyway something went wrong..? Was hardly able to walk and the knee area was tender and sore to the movement... Have to read more about knees I guess... Had 1 website that was huge... It's the 1 in the post above this one... 1 1/2 hours before closing... Will go see a movie tomorrow... More sitting... See the street guys walking around everywhere... They haven't any knee problems.... Tons of people's in cars see them every day and continue Later *** Thu Jun 6 18:33:03 2013 Submitting Host: .:
*** Thu Jun 6 19:36:09 2013 Submitting Host: .:
Grigory Leps

*** Thu Jun 6 20:02:30 2013 Submitting Host: .:
*** Wed Jun 12 14:25:05 2013 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library .... Seems I tried to post since last Sunday and failed.... Maybe I forget to actually hit the write here button...? Will see when I post this.... Listening to Leps as usual... Also Ferro yesterday... He sounds good also... Saw the movie "Internship" today.... Was the only person in the theater ta da... Thinking about movies I figured that it's a minor luxery and better than doing nothing my normal activity... You know there's tons of people's my age around here that also do next to nothing... Plus they spend 10+ times what I do... Of course they have reasons and better ones... No reasons are my domain UGH... Saw a Lotus I think it was the other day... Took some pictures... Got physical problems but I'll pass on those for now... Spend my days trying to figure them out HA... Well I'll see if this posts or not...? *** Thu Jun 13 15:09:24 2013 Submitting Host: .: Drew St Library.... Hi... Tired... Just stood up and I'm standing here at the computer, no earphones as my cord is too short... Went to the Mall and got a Whopper jr and ate it at Panera Bread outside... Was good and finished up with choc/chip cookies... Great weather... Found a Jefferson bronze dollar HA... Just laying in the street next to the curb.... Figured just a token but it wasn't... My lucky day ta da... Watched a new episode of Game of Thrones I found on Couple of other left to watch also... Nice to watch I think... Left knee is still a bummer...And the right shins seemed a bit tender as I rode up to the college on the bike... Skipped exercise this morning after 2 mornings in a row of weights and BB... Not sure what to do now.... Y is busy days with Summer Camp now... Didn't look this morning but also figure the pool is busy big time... Rationalize i didn't want to swim anyway... Later... *** Thu Jun 13 17:51:14 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat Jun 15 17:48:56 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day I guess... Was at the college library most of the day.... The pumping standing up finally got to my left knee... Feel a knot and it catches a lot... There's a lump on the outside just above the knee where something is swollen and/or rubbing... Nothing new except I haven't had this problem for awhile.... Heating tea water... Nothing like a spot of tea I was saying outloud as I rode into the parking lots here.... Watched a new episode, 3 I think of season 2....? Think I missed the excutation of Lord Stark...? But I'm getting bits and pieces and not in order of Game of Thrones.... I also skip the nude parts as I'm in a public library... Tired a bit... So no BB tonight HA.... Extream discomfort going up and down the few steps here into the GYM.... Wonder if I didn't go out of bounds in doing my e-mailers picture enhancements on one of the photo sites... But it's all in clean fun and it was because there's nothing much else to do on the computers... Seem to want to write stuff that makes me look better... And better looking isn't even an option here HA.. Just ceased writing something along those lines as it isn't worth writing and I've already forgot what it was.... Well it's about time to go... Got a McChicken sandwich to go with my tea... Have a nice evening... *** Sun Jun 16 12:38:10 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Nice day today... I had coffee and a JJ cherry pie and later I got a can of tuna in oil and ate that with chips and a 59 cent power drink.... Cleaned up good at 2 Bus Stops... My exercise HA.... Terrible when all you do is just sit everywhere... I had a BB in the GYM and it filled up with people so I took the BB back to the desk and then did some weights and returned to the GYM and sat and watched UGH.... Not how, absolutely.... So I also got a swim in... But just a few slow laps and I got out.... No one was even waiting either... So I'll shave and probably go for more coffee and watch some traffic.... Some gal, not really young or old was slow jogging around the park and went by me at the Bus Stop twice... That's the long way around the park too.... My knee was a bummer... But I exercised some and did the pull on the bottom of the knee.... Might keep doing that as I know nothing else to do... Later *** Sun Jun 16 17:33:46 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Listening to Leps.... Got the speaker on and it's a bit lously... So I showered... Got 2 fish sandwiches at Checkers and ate 1... Was great... Wil heat tea water soon... Tea and fish again... Wrote in a notebook at McDonald's awhile... Finally a family sat down next to me and they were active so I left... Restrooms at Checkers were locked... Not sure if anyone was in both of them...? So I left and pissed in the hedges at an abondaned store... Free ice cream cones for Dad's but Checkers didn't offer Me one... Actually not a Dad nor ever wanted to be... But the idea persisted after the locked restrooms and so I coined the phrase.... "She's not a kind person, probably the same as the others"... OPPS... But I thought it and said it outloud as my aqnswer for 2 obvious slights... Another item is the nice person at my coffee place... Really grabs you when you cross a nice person... HA... BYEeee... *** Mon Jun 17 05:46:31 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just got up after 11 hours... Feel OK but slow and tight a lot HA... Drinkng coffee.... Forgot to get cookies ... Ate chicken noodle soup last night with cheese nips and peanuts around midnight... Earlier I had 2 fish sandwiches with coffee 1st and tea later... Tired ta da... Maybe a swim this morning... Regular swimmer is here... About my age but probably a site younger... I fail to do anything regular like the others.... Sense I need to walk 1st thing mornings but I don't... In this rut.. Age rut... My crutch as I use that card for everything... Interestingly, old people aren't wanted around unles they act like a kid pretty much... Probably not even then... But that's normal I think... I stayed away from age as much as I could growing up... Except for family... Superman started this weekend so I might go see that today... Good reason to go elsehere for awhile... Use to leave Clearwater like a Religion on the Buses... But bikeing makes it more difficult... Took a notebook and wrote in it at McDonald's yesterday... Sort of an exercise... Waiting on The Lone ranger movie which should be great... Also looking at the episodes of Game of Thrones... They're pretty good... Action intrigue dialog... Numbers of peoples from other countries is amazing... But this is a tourist place and a winter place and a retirement place... That's why... Plus I think it's easier here if your from elsewhere...? Tons of mexican's and spanish around... Of course there were always a lot of Spanish in Florida I think...? They got here 1st and settled... Guess I'll do something... Later... 0(@___@)0 ***Wed Jun 19 14:39:47 2013 Submitting Host: .: Drew St Library... Swam this morning and shot a few hoops... Watched Game of Thrones at the College and then went to the Mall and got a Whopper Jr and PB Coffee and cookies and tortilla chips and a dollar pepper cheese... A young guy showed up and asked for a cigarette and said His name was Zack... Wondered if He was Therese's Zack...? Figured probably not... He asked what was happening and going on with Me so I mentioned Grigory Leps and Garou and Game of Thrones and the Y... Then He left ... Had a cell phone and typed in Garou and He began singing but I think it was buffering as it stopped... Trying to figure my next moves... Locker stuffed full of junk I don't use except the clothes... Imagine my health is at risk around here for various reasons... The air I breathe where I sleep... The too much coffee's I can't seem to cease drinking... The foods, not fresh, not vegetables, same old stuff constantly... Also got some Italio salad dressing which I drank some with my Whopper Jr... Thinking the vinegar and oil to be in my better interest...? Rear hurts a lot from the bike seat and sitting all the time... Other people spend lives standing around and talking etc while I sit like it's a religion... Even my swim this morning was quick and not much exertion... Only 7 min left on this computer... Been here an hour HA... Some big guy in the GYM with some young kids and He's speaking with one who is crying and I wonder what they're about... But it's and those are non of my concern... My imagination runs a bit as I wonder what and how they talk to kids... And I don't want to have to as I can't imagine anything of value that I could say... But the people's that get the kids young and innocent fill them with what they think and believe until the kids are a bit the same... After that they're programmed and change is impossible... But it's a responsibility and that's not me at all.... I mention this only as a soul that never was around young people... And that was my choice... They're scary... HA... *** Thu Jun 20 21:56:28 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Just put tea water on and not enough time to get it real hot...? Will see... An OK day I guess... Lots of bike riding.... Got a huge ice cream cone for 50 cents this morning at BK... Reason was there were dark clouds and I could see way ahead that the ground was wet... Wasn't sure if the rain was still there or passed so I stopped at BK and got an ice cream cone... She piled the ice cream on it too HA.... Saw the worse movie there ever was.... Really a gyp in my opinion.... No exercise here today... Why I don't know... Use to be energitic and running around doing stuff but I got sick I think HA.... Lack of motion, maybe...? Stopped at Sav a Lot and got banana's and peanut butter crackers... Some items are cheap... Banana's were 25 cents a pound.... Going to let Leps keep playing when I leave this computer ta da... I get a bit carried away on my different interests... Watching Game of Thorns all the time now too... Friday tomorrow... Probably hang at the college library tomorrow... Later... *** Fri Jun 21 20:54:01 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Rainy day today... Nothing much to even say... Put the radio stations site back on the Notes... And I listened to Moose Jaw Radio Station... They had a free BBQ at a Car Wash that was opening up...HA Tired as usual.... No exercise this evening and I feel pretty good... But I worked out this morning so maybe that's the reason...? Hydrogen Peroxide for everyone's ailments was the book I looked at today... Saying that extra oxygen helps everything... So I don't know.... No one want's to say BS without 1st knowing for for sure... Tea water is almost hot plus I drank a mug of tea less than an hour ago.... Guess I'll get out of here.... Might get wet tonight... Think I'll look at the weather.... *** Sun Jun 23 17:53:58 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just e-mailed and the computer was super slow... Back on it and it is fast.... Think it's the gmail as a popup said the browser was too old for gmail.... Just started pouring rain and looks dark out... Need to check the weather radar... Might be in for a night of it UGH... Well the radar shows a rain storm pasing over clearwater right now... So it won't rain for forever... Smaller rain clouds heading for here later on this evening, it looks like... Can hear the rain on the roof... Be standing awhile I reckon... Not much else happening... I should be sheltered in my attic or basement with a Ham Station to pass the time ta da.... But I did that enough as a kid and it isn't that great... Probably doing Ham stuff all your life is redundant ta da... I liked the idea of a radio shack with a small frig and cut up steak chunks cooking in the electric skillet a sort of selfish way to go maybe... Going to be standing ut front awhile so it looks... Cats and Dogs the rains... About time to go hope my tea water is hot enough... Later... *** Tue Jun 25 05:45:15 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Rained last night big time... Stood for a good while and made tea and my bedroll is hanging on the bicycle now.. Was just damp and I'm hoping it will get more dry before I leave here this morning... Last time I took it to the laundry and used a dryer... But it's not that wet today... Went all the way to St Petersburg to see "Before Midnight", the 3rd sequal and it wasn't that good... Saw 2 older people who are going thru the older stages of their lives... Total dialog and a 1/3 of the movie was talking in the car HA.... A boobie scene and the Heroine was getting fatter than when they 1st met... Normal for for sure... Anyway the prices for food at the theater was ridiculous... Way way too high in my opinion... Also the price of the movie was higher... Seems downtown St Petersburg is hurting money wise.... And I got to the pizza place before they opened so I didn't get that either... Looked at the Subway but didn't feel like that... Actually wished I could get spagahetti somewhere... So I rode Buses back to the China place at Indian Rocks S C and had boneless spareribs... Was good and I was hungry for sure.... Stood on the Buses 1/2 way to St Petersburg and of course walked downtown St Petersburg and my legs were really in discomfort... Just felt tired and achey and like they were weak as all get out... Had shot hoops earlier so that also might have added to the problem.... I don't walk much every day... But I don't walk at all now with the bicycle.... Should park it and go on hikes to my next place and then hike back... Drinking tea from the coffee mess here... Wasn't on the computer at all yestyerday... I got back and had coffee at McDonald's and felt run over for some reason.... Felt better to be riding the bike than walking.... Not enough time left to go to the college and use the computer so I went to the Bus Stop on Belcher and sat and watched the traffic... Ate a JJ pie with my coffee refill and watched the giant thunderhead in front of me come closer and closer... Started pouring just before closing time here at the Y... Slaclked off awhile then poured again off and on... Finally the wind blew the rain in on me big time UGH.... Saw a tiny baby frog last night... The night before I took pictures of 2 snails moving close to each other... No flash so the pictures will be less than great... Was OK riding the Buses but I see the same people's I used to see all the time and I felt uncomfortable... Like going to work and seeing the same people... And a loud troublesome conversation began with about 3 people... That's a bit annowing... OK later... *** Tue Jun 25 21:53:56 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well another day... Spent time at the Libraries mostly... Ate at Wendy's, Burger and fries and a coke, no ice... Looked at the Toudou website a lot but most of the video's seem to be for Mainland China only... And of course most are in Chinese... But I see a few short video's that I watch to see what happens... Today nothing happened on 1 video HA... Of course I don't understand a word... Interestingly, one video was chinese words with english captions... Thought I might learn or pick up some language watching video's like that... No exercise today... Might have shot some hoops in the gym this morning...? Rather think I passed and walked on the track but I can't remember about the BB... Food tonight is donuts and cookies with soup baxckup... Was 8 cake donuts on the discount rack for 2 bucks so I grabbed them... Nice change I think... Radar shows a huge rain cloud almost over top of us here... Another wet one maybe UGH... Had something to mention but I forgot... Guess my tea is hot enough... BYEeee... *** Wed Jun 26 18:44:57 2013 Submitting Host: .: Grigory Leps and Irina Allegrova.... *** Thu Jun 27 17:32:38 2013 Submitting Host: .: Young People's...... *** Fri Jun 28 20:54:04 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well an OK day I guess... Watched movies at the Library... There on the movie page... A couple of interesting flicks... One an Australian movie with Brad Pitt in it for only a couple of minutes ta da... An another I haven't seen it all yet and they're in the artic and crashed landed and He's wondering around unable to deal with the situation... A sick eskimo gal is with Him until He leaves to wander around lost... Will see what happens when I continue watching it... Heating tea water... Burger and fries and a coke at Wendy's today... Was good... Walked around the track once and that's all this evening... Swam this morning... But taking it easy exercise wise.... GYM was full this evening with Y kids... Could have shot hoops this morning but I was draging and barely made it into the pool to swim... Left without any real exertion also.... Lost my Y card into the deep end of the pool... Had already changed when I discovered the card was missing... The lifeguard said She would get it for Me and I picked it up at the desk this evening.... Well time to go... *** Sun Jun 30 15:44:18 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Hot today and plenty of clouds around... Got Leps on this computer singing... Should have done my laundry today but I didn't... And I won't feel like it in the morning... Trivial stuff but I make it a chore... Or a headache HA... Shot a few hoops this morning at 11 and used the weights to pull on my lower knee a bit... Noodle soup last night and coffee this morning with a cold fish sandwich and the last of the Italian Dressing... Was good... Backpack is tearing apart so I need another.. Remember I posted about the cloth bag that was laying on the ground for a few days and I passed it up... Would have been great to toss my foods in it and tie it up and bunji it to my rear carrier... O well... So nothing much to write about... I sorta sit around watching everyone else doing stuff... Of course I've done a lt and traveled a lot so I'm not complaining as it looks like work now ta da... Going to a strange place anf getting foods and a place to sleep and a means of cleaning up... In my younger days a swim in a river was my bath... Used to go to the beaches here and swim with my clothes on to get the stink out... But of course they still stunk, maybe not as bad...? RAMBLING... *** Mon Jul 1 08:27:00 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Did my laundry and it started rainng just as I got back... Lucky ta da... Pouring rain now... Radar shows a small cloud over us now but later on some larger one's are approaching... No exercise except doing laundry... Poured last night awhile... I stood and drank tea as I had just made some when it began raining... The laundry doesn't really get the stink out that's accumulated from weeks of wearing and sleeping in something, hence my sleeping slacks... Feel a bit like food right now... Had a problem I delt with yesterday which was a cleanup deal... And the rains last night sure finished the job HA.... Well until later.. Started watching Von Damme in a movie but it isn't that good... But I'll probably finish watchin it... Not up to going to Largo on a rainy day... Later... *** Mon Jul 1 18:12:43 2013 Submitting Host: .: HD `Gemma Khalid GIRL OF NAGASAKI .... *** Wed Jul 3 21:54:16 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Think I wrote here last night but it didn't get posted for some reason... Probably human error... 4th of July tomorrow so I'll get an extra 2 hours sleep... Got 2 fish sandwiches for this evening and I'm already full HA.... Time to go... *** Sat Jul 6 17:54:17 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day... Ate cereal at the Mall and got a big bag of shredded wheat for a buck... Figure I can snack on them with tea maybe sometimes... Legs are fickle a lot... After using them they seem better but the sitting really zaps me... About time to go... Got a coffee refill from McDonald's for as soon as the place closes... No cookies HA... Got that pepper cheese from dollar tree... Want to work on the corn chips before they get stale... Just not that fond of them like tater chips... Time to go... *** Sun Jul 7 12:45:26 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... 13 hours sack time last night UGH... So I finally got up and got going... Drank coffee at McDonald's and took my refill to the Belcher Bus Stop... Interestingly, it was cleaned up... Anyway I had some of the tasty pepper cheese from dollar tree.... Was good with corn chips... Trying to use them up before they get stale... 6 oz of cheese for a buck, that's a good deal... Just swam in the pool... Couple of fast laps but not back to back HA... Breathless after a fast swim... Thought this morning, I could have rode to the beach and had a nice salt water swim... But it's a long ride... Got cinnamon rolls for a dollar at Albertson's and had those at the Bus Stop and here at the Y with tea... Probably should just leave my food stuff out HA.... O Well.... Not much to do today.... Not that many people's here at the Y today... Saw a bunch of kayak's being towed and thought how uncomfortable they must be after a time... Not so much for young people but sure thing for older one's.... Nothing much to write about... Worry a lot, must be one of my defects ta da... Also feel tired as all get out... And that's after a long nights rest... Was just reading about a lost city believed found in remote Hondorus... Awesome that we still have remote places.... Especially after living in a congested area for a long time... Seems no where are you alone around here HA.... Try and talk outloud to yourself and there's always someone within listening distance... Smeone sitting in a parked car... Someone standing next to a building or tree or somethingg... Never alone here... Well I've been sitting awhile.. Later... *** Tue Jul 9 06:05:48 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Computer is slow and the time is off an hour... So I got the Wendy's survey and it's save 2 bucks on a lg sandwich or salad... Salads are about 6 bucks so I got a 3.59 sandwich and 2 bucks off and a free Sr drink and value fries.... Was great except the burger was huge... Imagine the 2 and the 3 patie burgers UGH.... Sure filled Me up and I'm still stuffed... But the Boss showed in His everyday attire and said Hi and I figure they don't get anything on the promo's...? Also got 2 fish sandwiches last night hence my being stuffed still.... Went to Largo yesterday and sat at Panera Bread drinking their coffee and eating banquet spagahetti.. The spaghetti was runny and delicious for a TV meal... Not a great idea doing things that way but it makes feel better... Spagahetti for breakfast and only a dollar HA... Plus outside in the great outdoors watching the morning people's doing their stuff... Couple of guys talking right behind the piller behind me... So I'm not alone HA... Shopuld shoot some hoops this morning... Skipped exercise yesterday... Place fills up with Summer Campers around 6 am.... Could have shot hoops last night but the gym wasn't empty and I didn't feel like pushing any teens buttons... Right quad feels knotted... Cannot figure my problems out for some reason... A mystery for for sure... I imagine the worse a lot but it's probably nothing along those lines... Added a bunch of music video's to the Grigory Leps playlist... About 180 video's now HA... Some are repeat songs but mostly on a different video... Checked with the find key efore adding any video... Well maybe a few hoops... Left knee and right qiuad feel funky... Walked on the treadmill a bit and I walk easier after doing that... But i like to start cold in the GYM to be more natural and see how I function... Pumping up some and/or stretching makes everything a lot easier... But easy isn't the way... As I'm pumping the bike out there in the noon sunshine I feel that others my age are missing out... Especially if they don't exercise a lot... Think the street walkers are healthier at least leg wise and the swimmers also are a lot healthier as swimming seems to be a total workout... And they usually swim long enough to get a good workout... Rambling... OK, later.... 0(@___@)0 *** Tue Jul 9 21:40:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well another day... Not much new here... Library again most of the day... Had a Russian website with American movies and russan dubbed in over the English HA... Could here both but the Russian was louder.. So I passed as I don't need to hear Russian in a movie... Interestingly, I watched a Russian movie in Russian... Nothing else to do, pretty much the reason... A few short items... One was Paperman an animation I watched long ago... But of course I passed on that... Last item was a musical in English, Perfect Pitch... The gals were rather good like in a barbershop quartet eccept there were more than 4... About time to go... *** Wed Jul 10 21:54:57 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Can hear the rain just starting on the roof here... Was some real dark clouds around as I rode the bike back here... Got 2 BLT's and I already ate 1 of them with tea... Looked at weather 9 radar and the clouds are about past here, most missing going overhead so it seems... Went to Largo Mall today and got a Turkey TV meal, Marie Callander's... Was good and on special for 2.22... Another TV meals were on special 2 for 88 cents ta da... Also got a poorboy sandwich which was French Bread and loaded with meats and cheese... Ate it at McDonald's keeping the sandwich out of everyone's eyeshot but sure some saw how awesome the sandwich looked... Like the French Bread also and it was delicious... Swam this morning and a bit more energy than usual but I still didn't linger long in the pool.... A bit weak and out of shap[e anymore as I skip a lot of chances to exercise... Have got on the treadmill a few times and I exercised with the racketball yesterday also... Watched movies and downloaded pictures from my camera... Had already downloaded pictures still on the camera also... But I deleted the one's already on shutterfly... Was looking at a few youtube movies from a few years back and they looked good as I hadn't seen some of them before... Younger kids in the GYM a lot any more.... Feel a bit too old with them around ta da... One movie was Green Street Hooligans, an English movie and it started off with some street fighting... Anyway I found it interesting, the British slang and all.... Got to go.... *** Thu Jul 11 21:56:14 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Went to the thrift store on east gulf to bay and looked around... Good way to get some stand up and walk around time.... But I didn't get anything... Looked at back packs as mine is tearing apart... And shirts as I could use another one... Also bathing suits but there wasn't any that would please me... One shirt I might have got had no price tag on it... Most were 3 bucks but 1 was 4... Like the Sheriff's Thrift Store for some real bargains.... Swam this morning but not for long... Didn't feel so energetic... Lunch with Mom tomorrow so that's something different... Felt tired all day... Probably the getting less than 6 hours sleep every night during the week... Used to grab a ball and shoot a few hoops but now I'm age conscience and hesitate to do that with young people's in the GYM... Don't need their resentment HA... I worry a lot... Can't even write freely here as I worry... O Well... Either that or stop writing and I'd be miserable then.. Almost time to go... Foods today...? Lemonade and a sausage biscuit at the Bus Stop and tater chips off and on during the day... 3 slices of salami awhile ago at McDonald's with coffee... Bye..... *** Sat Jul 13 07:59:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Had Lunch with Mom yesterday at the China Buffet... Was great and She insisted on paying... Liked the mushrooms, distinct flavor, and the roast beef was tasty unless it was pork and I don't know the difference HA... Tasted like beef roast I think..? Shrimp and some crab or lobster and of course rice... Anyway I tried a bit of everything pretty much... Like the chicken on the stick and the wing was goos too... Had a sushi bar there and I looked... Some fish but it seemed hard so I passed... Some other stuff I didn't know, dumpling I think...? And the salad bar... Mom missed the salad bar as it's on the other side of the Sushi Bar and She doesn't like Sushi... So I missed seafood except for shrimp and crab... Mom, said the mushrooms might be stuffed with crab... Sitting here after eating an Apple [from Mom], and a Blackberry JJ Pie with decafe Y coffee... Walked on the track last night, 2 laps, and I sure needed to do that... I repeat a lot that I sit all the time.. I can't walk good anymore for that reason... Was up on my feet more riding the Buses... Guess the bicycle can be overused a bit... See people's that just walk everywhere around here... They're better off than most I think...? Well enough from Me this morning... Go to the Librasry later.. *** Sun Jul 14 17:18:30 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... An OK day with some rains off and on... Went to Wendy's and had a baked potato which was good... Got 2 fish sandwiches for this evening.... Did some BB and the treadmill... Was pretty accurate closer in and quit early... On the treadmill a guy came up behind Me just as I was beginning and a sign on the machine said that the incline button didn't work... Was on it before and you need to mess with the button to get it to work... Seems when I use my right hand I press on the back and front and it works... Right hand I just press on the front of the button and nothing happens... Anyway the Guy behind me begins talking to someone on the machine behind Me... Was an elderly lady I saw when I left... Anyway the talk was loud and close behind Me and it became aggravating... I'm thinking why do I need this in my ear... I was humming a tune to myself and I couldn't hear it sorta HA.... Anyway I began to sing the words to "Always" and louder and louder with a bit of resentment into the song... I finally left but I'm sure I made a point with my behavior... I feel the same about cell phones constantly and the talk so everyone else can hear as a matter of choice... UGH... Well Zimmerman was found not guilty... I didn't follow the trial and so I don't know any details... I assumed that He got punched and got a gun and followed the Kid and shot Him but I don't know that for sure... Need to read about it I guess... I have issues with security guards from way past... In this case He was a volunteer neighborhood watch... And He had a gun... So He was His own boss I suspect...? I probably won't bother to follow up on this unless I remember sometime when I have nothing else to do on the computer... Well enough from me... *** Mon Jul 15 19:51:41 2013 Submitting Host: .: SPC Library Clearwater.... Listening to Grigory Leps... About time to go... Was reading about Mate Tea... From the Indians of South america... Big item there still.. Amazing that a drink like out tea or coffee is so different in other places... The Indians drank it for energy... The health benefits of Mate Tea are supposed to be great... Loaded with all the good stuff... The Grigory Leps playlist above seems to repeat a lot of His songs but I probably have too many of the same songs on the playlist as I can't read Russian ta da... My other item is American Indian Pow Wow dancing... Discovered it helps your knees and legs... Obvious to everyone else probably... Figure before the Horses came to the America's the Indians used the dancing to exercise nightly so their legs would be in gret shape for hunting war and whatever... Rambling... *** Mon Jul 15 21:49:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... What to say...? Have a peperroni poorboy sub for supper HA... Got a coffee from Mac's to drink with it... Felt great most of the day and I sat a lot of course... Rained a couple of times but I was at the computers during the downpours... Long day and a lot of bike riding... Young guy went past Me and I caught up with Him and He had a flat tire so I helped Him pump up His tire... Figure a puncture so He left with a full tire but can only go till the air lasts... Was on His way to work I think He said...? Into Indian dancing, you know the hopping on 1 leg and then a few times on the other as you go in circles etc... I don't bend the knee much as I hop a bit but it seems to pump up the joints somewhat... Well time to go... *** Tue Jul 16 18:38:31 2013 Submitting Host: .: Grigory Leps.... Love chooses Us.... *** Tue Jul 16 19:03:28 2013 Submitting Host: .: Grigory Leps -- Waterfall...... *** Thu Jul 18 21:52:37 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Went to Seminole Library a good ride down and back... Got a shirt at the thrift store for 1.50... Nice shirt I think... Got a lg poorboy sub for in a little while with tea... Made with french bread like the one I had last night... Really fills you up.... Played around with movies looking at a few and saving some addresses for later... Couldn't think of the word, Crusade, earlier today or I would have looked it up again.... A Children's movie is the reason I passed on it before... But I think about it now and then... A science fiction movie with a time machine.... And the older gal playing the Mom is a good actor... About time to go.... Tea water should be hot... *** Sun Jul 21 11:35:37 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Here at the Y... Was trying to stand on one leg before coming inside at 11... Made tea and had 3 cake donuts with it... Still drinking the tea... Got 6 donuts for 2 bucks not as good as getting 8 of them though... Had a sleepover here last night... Mosquitoes and the legs hanging over the steps forced me over to the North side and the campers were walking around and could see me... But they didn't bother me... Went to the SPC College and looked across at the Rec center where they play soccer every Sunday and napped there on the sidewalk as I felt dog tired... Left knee/leg is a bit numb and rubbing... Stretched the quad and it seemed to help for awhile... Something I decided to just try and live with at my age... Got an e-mail today which is good... Guess I'll get off this computer... Have a good one... *** Mon Jul 22 17:10:39 2013 Submitting Host: .: Drew St Library.... Well years ago as a boy I listened to Short Wave Radio and read Popular Electronics.. Well there was a picture of a guy from Moose Jaw Saskatchewan who had the same receiver and transmitter that I had.... An Ocean Hopper and a Heath AT-1.... So I wrote Him and we made a schedule to contact each other but the effort failed for some reason... Anyway the catchy name of Moose Jaw has always stayed with Me... So I've been listening to the Moose Jaw Radio Station sometimes... Learned that there is a Uranium City, Saskatchewan and saw it is located on the North Shore of Lake Athabasca 230 m above sea level... Remember back in the 50's all the talk about going and searching for uranium with a radiation detector... If you found some you could end up rich ta da.... Anyway I also noticed people with the last name of Funk which I also thought unusual but OK... In fact a gal signing off with that name was on the radio... Writing this as the thoughts were in my head about it and before I forget it all... Still cold and flat in Saskatchewan and I can spell it now too.... O(@___@)O *** Mon Jul 22 17:33:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: Well Prairie Yoga Magazine and it looks like mostly gals there.... *** Thu Jul 25 08:59:27 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library..... Upstairs and I can stand and walk around the 2nd floor area... Which is nice for a consistent sitter UGH... Summer break and the place is pretty much empty... Interestingly, yesterday I came in and they were having a staff meeting and there were a ton of people's standing behind the desk area... But you don't see them that much except the desks people's.... Hurting for stuff to write about ta da.... Started watching this movie again, Roger Dodger... The young star played the Facebook founder in another movie.... I'd get His name but the movie is on a Russian website HA.... Actually I'll get it with Google translate... And it is Jesse Eisenberg.... No mistake, this guy has a tremendous future.... I'm going to post this before I forget and it happens if I leave this page... 0(@___@)0 *** Fri Jul 26 13:24:29 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Watching "Master and Commander" with Russell Crowe and it is a grand movie.... To think that that was how they made war and commerce with ships of sail back then is a bit amazing now... Anyway it is interesting and exciting to watch... Been standing this morning and now at the computers... Went to Checkers and got a Lil Philly steak sandwich for a buck which was good and filling... McDonald's was busy so I passed on the refill... Had troubles voiding yesterday and so far today... Feel a bit stuffed right now... O yea, I ate a JJ Cherry Pie also, hence the stuffed feeling ta da... Started watching about 3 or 4 movies this morning for varity and 1 was the gal wanting to learn to box with clint eastwood being the trainer... Saw it years ago... Saw most of these movies on the big screen and probably where my monies went HA... Actually did that to pass the time... The rat race had beaten me down again and again and I saw no reason to repeat it any more... Another job and another car and another room or apartment and/or another woman etc etc.. History was that I would even drink again and it would surly do me in at this age... So I'm at confession again... So it was so it is again ta da... I would feel a bit guilty considering all the guys who work every day and do their due diligence at everything but I rationlize that no matter how hard I would try I'd not succeed... And I had done enough work to at least be able to say I helped a bit... But of course I'm not the responsible adult... More like a tragedy ta da... I'm through... O(*___*)O *** Sat Jul 27 07:44:35 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Listening to Leps singing "You can leave your hat on" and it's playing the 2nd time in a row for some reason... Buffering now on this slow computer... The Y isa bit empty this Saturday Morning... Pretty sure the College Library is closed Saturday's during the Summer Break.. The small Drew St Library opens at noon... So i have a long wait... A real Library worm like a lot of others there being no free place else to hang out... Spend a lot on coffee's at McDonald's but I don't fancy hanging around there... The laptop junkies use it a lot for WI FI.... Just ate 2 donuts with coffee and I feel stuffed... Watched Crowe in the movie, "Master and Commander" which was rather good and I saw it years ago on the big screen.... The standing all day at the computers hit my legs better than I usually do but they're back to being weak and funky this morning... Ate a can of tuna last night with tater chips... O Ye, the rabbit I used to play with may have returned and had a baby...? Anyway a small rabbit is out there again and hides in the drain from the roof... Tried taking some pictures but He went into the drain... Think rabbits have litters and wonder if the others were eaten... Hawks would see them for sure... Also played with the camer functions again... Had a time getting it back from a particular setting to normal and forget now how I did it... By accident for sure... Got to go.. *** Sun Jul 28 16:33:54 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Lets see, yep an OK day HA.... Just got back from riding to the Mall and getting a free whopper at BK... Did their survey, free whopper and 3.83 something for fries and a drink... Sure filled me up as it was a big sandwich.... Used the weight room and discovered that after all my squats and stretching that my quads were nothing... Used the leg extension and 30# and I could barely move the weights... And the knee was slipping micrometers as I could feel the movement... Anyway I swung the legs awhile and think it got the quads in a more useful condition... May do that more often... Shot a few hoops and was light headed and weak and unsure on my legs... As usual my left knee looks and feels lously... Was a New Kennedy book in the Library dumpster so I brought it here... Better than the dump, maybe...? Tired... Well enough for now... *** Mon Jul 29 21:18:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Forgot I bought a poorboy Sub for tonight and got salami.... But I'll eat the salami or vice versa, for breakfast... Saw Wolverine, the movie, today... Was OK... Passed the time... Did my laundry this morning a much needed job... Nothing much else to say... Knees and Legs are a problem daily... But I live with it... Can't think of anything to say HA... Put most stuff in my e-mails... Think it's raining.. Radar looked clear but I saw dark clouds on the way here... And I just heard some rain on the roof but it didn't last long... Had a Totino's pizza today for 1.25... Thought the sign said 1.50 but not sure... After the movie I jogged up the isle to be 1st out and my left knee has some stinging in it... Hear the rain some more... Guess I'll get off the computer.. Later... *** Tue Jul 30 06:03:31 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Tuesday Morning... Woke early and walked in the parking lot a few minutes... Legs feel stiff and some discomfort with a rubbing sensation in the left knee... Also the right knee acts up like yesterday... As I pedel the outside knee muscle seems to strain a bit and anyway feels uncomfortable with a sharp stinging pain sometimes and a dull ache in another area.. TA DA... Ate salami a bit ago with a JJ Cherry pie and I'm stuffed... Missed the College and Drew St Libraries yesterday having left my watch in my locker I had no idea the time... Some street looking guy asks Me for monies as I sat at Panera Bread eating a cheap dollar chile dog from albertson's that tasted lously and I said No as that's my rule... Later I saw Him with a street looking gal and they kissed HA... Thought He probably hasn't a scratch on Him and also young and healthy.... Think that doing without and saving my pitiance puts me in harms way for those who can't get monies, maybe...? Half the movies are about robberies it seems... Well enough this morning... Have a great day... *** Thu Aug 1 21:31:04 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Totally stuffed UGH.... Couldn't void... And I usually eat with my tea at closing which is in 1/2 an hour.... Went to Largo and got a Banquet TV meal, Italian sausage something but no sausage to speak of... Just pasta and I had a JJ pie... Got a poor boy roast beef sub and I forgot about it and bought salami to go with a couple of mini crossants I have left HA... Even stopped at Sav a Lot and no peanut butter crackers.. Time to go already... Don't feel like hoops being full while my tea water heats... Need to write here all the stuff that's floating around in my head... That's the pleasure of writing I think...? The writing and stuff to write.... Does that make sense...? HA *** Thu Aug 1 21:54:55 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y again.... So I decided to write some more while my tea water is heating.... Stretched my quads a bit and walked around the track 1 time.... Probablyneed to void before morning and that's a bummer as I can't here.. Had a license plate number but it wasn't a Ham Call Sign, but no matter what you type into google images you get a ton of pictures... Looked a movies a bit but it's the finding something interesting that I haven't seen that counts and not the watching of it just now... I watch later when I have the time an inclination... A short movie about asian fans of Manchester United which I watched and had watched before ta da... Getting to trend on these foreign video's wheather I understand anything or not.... Looked at a website that had youtube movies and I copied a couple of addresses on my Movie page... Some I looked at but didn't fancy.... Think 1 had english captions... But I didn't save the address... About time to go.... Sarting to feel like I need to void after all the coffee and water... Failed this time to get it out 1st.... My old age stuff HA.... *** Sat Aug 3 08:43:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Saturday Morning... Sun is out and the weather is great here... However I'm dragging... Ate salami and onion rolls last night and this morning... Hence, I'm stuffed... Legs feel weak and I don't feel like doing much... Feel I should walk more but I don't/can't sorta... I lap around the track last night and I felt bad... Others jogging etc HA.... Know I need to force myself but I don't... Place is busy busy a lot... Hate the curtain in the GYM and it's there daily... Seperates the campers and members... I just don't feel like walking thru toddlers to see what's going on on the other side of the curtain... Anyway it would be too crowded... But summer camp will end soon and I'll find something else to complain about HA... Could take a swim with the exercise class but I won't... Ready to leave and I didn't do anything... Remember I did nothing much for for years and was OK.... But age and no exercise isn't a good combo.... And the cops checked me out last night... Alarm went off inside they mentioned and I said that the cleaning people's had left just awhile ago... Told me to leave and then said it was OK to stay.... Figure I'm safer here than elsewhere plus someone knows where I'm at ta da.... See on TV NYC and people's walking and everywhere people are up and moving around and I'm sitting there falling asleep watching the tube... OPPS.... Seems I've lost that urge to get going and do something.... No urges at all HA... So have a great day.... *** Sat Aug 3 17:10:26 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just shot a few hoops... Only 1 other person in the GYM... Trying to void as I feel stuffed.... Drinking water.... Probably leave and go to McDonald's this evening...? Coffee and I didn't get anything to snack on after the Y closes... Went to Largo Library today... Good ride down and back which I may have needed... Left quad started catching or rubbing so that cooled my BB workout... Have a roll of fat on my stomach now... Tired... Listening to Leps HA.... Got some cereal in the locker and I forget to use it up... Also worry that bugs or something might find it and feed.... Well enough from here... *** Sun Aug 4 16:11:01 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I shot hoops earlier and just returned on the bike from Wendy's and a baked potato and salami/JJ pie shopping at Albertson's... Hot rodded east on Gulf To Bay Chasing the PSTA Bus... O___O He Won... ON the return I had the wind against Me, hence the wind was in my favor going east... Thought about the movie Master and Commander and how having the wind in your favor was important... Thinking I could see how being behind and the wind in your favor would make it possible to bombard the rear of the enemy ship again and again...? Feel tired.... Left knee loosened up but was rubbing inside but I was moving better... Figure I'll keep at it trying to improve without damaging anything... Think someone want's to use the computer.... *** Mon Aug 5 21:52:42 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well my day ended with a stuffed insides and I drank a ton of coffee's and 2 mugs of water and didn't void... So my night might be a nightmare UGH.... Feel sick right now from the abuse of foods and liquids... So I didn't exercise again today... Good news is I got New Tennis Shoes 7 bucks with 25% off of that... And another bag.... So I have 5 bags HA... But I switched everything into the new bag and trashed the worn out backpack... Got a lot of good use out of it though.... New bag was 1.99 with 25% off of that... However it looks to be a fragile bag.... Plastic and thin material.... W ill rub on the bike and tear I figure... But it was something to carry my stuff I already had with me.... A pair of pants, shirt and a T shirt.... Plus some foods I got at the discount store at the Dunedian Causeway... Tea water is almost hot... And I'm going to eat and drink some more.... Hence, my troubles... Like the shoes though... Less than 6 bucks was a good deal I think... Should last me awhile.... Was in Tarpon Springs today and used their Library.... Did a lot of walking also and in the new shoes... My glue job failed on the other shoes so I left them on the trash can... Maybe someone else might glue them HA.... Won't I know.... Tired... Worry worry worry.... Cuss Word #%^@*+~# *** Tue Aug 6 21:51:04 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Stuffed and I'm heating tea water just before closing here at the Y... Ate too too much today I guess.... Shot hoops today and lifted weights but not in that order.... Did OK I thought the new shoes getting much of the credit... Got some mail today and pictures of most of my e-mailers up North... They all looked happy and ok.. Didn't take t he new bag with me today... Might skip taking a bag in the future... Would miss my windbreaker, eye drops and a lot of other stuff, plastic spoons and my mug and so on... Listening to Grigory Leps again and His band really sounds great... I look forward to the band starting the intro's... Almost crapped in my pants last night and maybe did partially...? Worry the same problm might happen again as I ate too much and I've rank a lot of liquids... Watched the young guys playing BB and drank my tea... Was a roach running around on the gym floor and I watched Him also HA.... Feel I'm at the end of the road here pretty much... Still could visit Ohio but probably not able to stay long.. Maine isn't n option anymore as I never felt OK there much... Nice scenery and lots of water but no one to befriend not that that was ever my thing... Just hindsight now... Was hard work for me and that made it of some worth... Regardless of anything I'll never feel that I didn't do something worthwhile... People's depended on my work for jobs and for what the profits provided for everyone... About time to go... Security guard told me it was about closing time at the library and no sleeping in the library... I was dog tired from exercising earlier and from standing at the computer... BYE... *** Sat Aug 10 09:20:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I had a good nights rest... Ate rice twice last night and it was good.... Read that the Chinese love rice and I can see why as I ate mine.... Changed clothes and went to McDonald's this morning and got a sausage biscuit and coffee.... Drank the refill at the Bus stop and enjoyed the traffic... Yesterday at the Keene/Gulf to Bay corner there was an accident... I was across the street and waited and saw the cars in front of the accident got out to help.... I didn't watch but went to McDonald's... Figure an old Man is the least thing they want around an accident... Anyway this morning I saw a few flowers wrapped in some colored paper and leaning on a pole in the median.... I just wondered if anyone was killed...? The truck turned into the cars driver side with a tremendous crash so it's possible.... I heard no ambulance's or anything... At McDonald's I walked out to the street and could see the police cars with their red lights on.. Anyway it ruined someone's Morning for sure.... Was in Libraries all day yesterday... Shot hoops just before closing last night with middle schoolers there.... Anyway I did better than usual figure the standing at the computers all day helped.... Got 3 hours before the Library opens... Pretty bad when all you do is eat and go to the Library.... Swam yesterday Morning as the pool was empty, a rare thing.... Computer is slow so I'll get off of it now.... *** Sat Aug 10 12:45:25 2013 Submitting Host: .: Drew St Library... Since I wrote the above post I showered and shaved and got on the bike and my left knee is messed up.... Stretched the left quad at the Bus Stop earlier so I don't know..? Like it has a lump above the knee and it is rubbing against another muscle...? So that ruins my day today... Went to Wendy's and got the #1 Burger which is large and tasty... Cost 1.70 with the 2 bucks off for the Survey... Really taste's a ton better than the smaller dollar burgers... But 3.50 is too stiff for a Burger in this guys World HA.... Probably someday I'll do like others but not right now... *** Sun Aug 11 17:45:12 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Went to Largo Mall this morning and ate at Panera Bread outside... A Totino's Pizza and I popped the popcorn I had and a JJ Pie.... Was good and filling... Got a Turkey poorboy also for tonight and forgot I had it... So I got salami and a int of white rice ta da... So I have enough to eat tonight.... So I went and saw the new movie elysium with Matt Damon ... Was a good movie ...Jodie Foster was in it also and did Her mean stuff.... O(*____*)O Listening to Leps.... About time to go... Have some lemonade instead of coffee or tea tonight... No exercise today except the bike riding... Left lower quad is swollen and rubs... Think I'll pump up my tire as it seems low... When the rim bumbs the sidewalk on a bump it's a low tire.... *** Mon Aug 12 21:46:57 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... So I ate too too much and it is closing time here at the Y and I couldn't void and I'm full of water and I ate cereal and I'm in the situation again where I might need to use the restroom before morning...UGH Was lucky a couple of times... This is a new thing and has something to do with what and when I eat I think...? Tired... Had to finish up the cereal hence I ate so much HA.... Loser.. Radar looks clear tonight... Spent most of the day at Libraries... Bought a drink at the College Cafe and it was 1.70 and I got indagestion... Drank it with leftover rice I had.... W ell time to go.... *** Tue Aug 13 15:21:16 2013 Submitting Host: .: Wrote here and then the computer was slow and I forgot about everything and rebooted HA.... Grigory Leps - The most ... HD Anniversary Concert, 50; *** Tue Aug 13 15:38:53 2013 Submitting Host: .: Grigory Leps.... *** Thu Aug 15 21:43:35 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I went to Largo Mall and then to the Seminole Library... Long ride back.... Used the bike to ride up and get some donuts because I had the urge for them with my tea... Noticed the bike rode easier and faster and concluded that the bag I have tied onto the front daily slows my bike down... Presses against the brake cables etc.... So I don't know...? Couldn't find the Iodine I had so it probably fell thru a hole in the other bag I threw away...? Used it as a fix for my iodine need in my system... About time to go... No exercise today except a lot of bike riding and my left knee feels bad... Not much on the positive side... Knees have lumps above and on the lower quads... Not sure what causes them... Sat at Panera Bread twice watching the people's and traffic... But I can't afford their prices... Didn't take any pictures today... Well time to go... *** Thu Aug 15 21:43:39 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I went to Largo Mall and then to the Seminole Library... Long ride back.... Used the bike to ride up and get some donuts because I had the urge for them with my tea... Noticed the bike rode easier and faster and concluded that the bag I have tied onto the front daily slows my bike down... Presses against the brake cables etc.... So I don't know...? Couldn't find the Iodine I had so it probably fell thru a hole in the other bag I threw away...? Used it as a fix for my iodine need in my system... About time to go... No exercise today except a lot of bike riding and my left knee feels bad... Not much on the positive side... Knees have lumps above and on the lower quads... Not sure what causes them... Sat at Panera Bread twice watching the people's and traffic... But I can't afford their prices... Didn't take any pictures today... Well time to go... *** Fri Aug 16 06:24:09 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Last night I couldn't get this post to post but saw that it did post here... CVomputer was slow and locked up... Left knee feels a bummer like it's offset a bit... Not in the groove or something... Makes you wonder if the knee can be popped back into the right place.... But it's been years so ?????? Don't want to become someone's monies for for sure.... If I was a heavy cash flow person then it would be different... Ate a cinammon roll with my coffee and it filled me up.... Had 2 cake donuts last night with tea and later a poor boy sub with another tea.... GYM was busy so I skipped BB... All this exercise talk and I do none pretty much... Just no energy or will... Movie star died in rehab on TV this morning... Showed a picture of Her before and after.... So booze is still a threat to myself and others... Friday... Guy came into the TV room and a seat was wet... He mentioned that they sit with wet bathing suits on... I concluded that since the place was empty at this early hour and that the TV was off when I came in that it was probably the cleanup peoples from 5 hours earlier....? But not sure... So I'm alone here relative wise as Mom and Dan are in Ohio.... But I really have no great urge to go anywhere... The urges are all gone HA.... I daily watch the motorcycles and cars go by but I also have no desire to get one and drive around.... In fact the worse item of my life was just driving around everywhere day and night... Now I see the locas drive a block or 2 to a store and return... Beautiful weather and they drive... Habits are hard to change plus no one is aware the danger of not walking a lot.... Even now with full knowledge of it all I still don't walk UGH.... Ate a banquet spagahetti yesterday afternoon and it was good... Yum yum... Seem to have few items to post about here... My interests are limited or just simple simple... Suspect my brain is a bit less than it used to be or maybe just less as always...? Rear hurts sitting here at the computer.... Had an insite about voiding, as I sat on the john, on 2 occasions... I sat there trying until finally some gas came out followed by po.... Thought that heavy people don't do this hence the tendency to gain and gain weight.... The gas being the feeling that you can't go on the pot.... Egypt riots leave 600 dead and 1000's wounded from yesterday... WHY... Too many idle people in the World and too too many people's period... Need a solution... Probably Govertment's will begin using foods that hinder birthing ma ybe... I would favor such as the World's people will all suffer if the populations aren't brought into some kind of control.... Well time to go.... *** Fri Aug 16 18:00:34 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y..... "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself - Tolstoy" This was the random quote when I opened this page... TRUE.... But your programmed from early on and it's about impossible to change.... Probably most don't want to change, the bottom line... Got a polish sausage at Thorntonn's and ate it with a lot of mustard at McDonald's... Was good... Sense mustard might be good for Me... Remember eating mustard sandwiches as a kid... Think we always were running out of mustard and we got the large jar... Was something I was going to rant on and was going to use this computer awhile ago but I can't think of it now... O wait... Rowlings.... I read the beginning couple of pages of Her new book and it's about death... Someone dies in the 1st 2 pages... A way to begin a book...? You know I think this beautiful gifted writer is morbid... Inside this attractive head lies all the factors that make up something very different from attractive... Rich now and poor before and She writes about Death to the Nth... A Harry Potter doing grand things or destroying evil... NO, we will stick to destruction and take it to 7 or whatever books... HA And these were for kids... Children's stories... Can you believe it... But I suspect wizard stuff does things like that... Tends to be morbid.. Anyway that was my rant.... *** Sun Aug 18 14:21:41 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y and it is Sunday.... Well I shot some hoops and started some weights but quit... Tried the leg extension machine and my knees both slide ever so slightly and it fees uncomfortable... Plus I'm on the lowest resistance and I can't lift the weights... I use my hand/arm to help HA... Not sure how to deal with this... At 70 'm going to go it alone though because of a whim... Seen too much crap about medical failures maybe... Coffee this morning with a sausage biscuit that I ate at the Bus stop... Both Bus Stops were clean... But I picket up the few pieces of litter anyway for exercise... So I do this gram my lower leg and pull my knee towards my chest for a stretch... Also held my other leg straight and off the ground for some flexation... Kept doing this switching legs to the count of 30 and/or 60... Thought it helped my walking a good bit... But was sorta just the initial routine as follow ups didn't sem to help much... But I think it's a good idea before BB maybe and maybe on getting up from sleeping or sitting...? Thinking of riding up to Wendy's for a baked potato and a free senior drink...? The chinese food is 5 bucks and too much really for this small person... Ate a french bread poorboy sub at McDonald's last night and got 4 of their mustards... Was good nd coffee of course... Guess I drink too much coffee/tea... Probably won't change unless I have to... Pol was about empty earlier but I passed as there were only 3 lanes and they were busy but the rest of the pool was empty... But if I got into that area it would soon be busy and I'd leave anyway... O Yea , I switched lockers as I had been in the 1 locker for forever... Tossed a couple of pieces of junk away... Still got a bike generator which is obsolete with the new LED bulbs... Not much else to say... Life is shallow in these dwindling years UGH... Lots of things I don't wish to do like others... Parachute or try 1 of those Parasails as there have been some accdents doing those things.. Left leg hinders a lot of things also... Bum knee... Travel...? God knows I traveled enough when I was younger... Lots of people never travel much so that's a big item in their senior years... RAMBLING... *** Sun Aug 18 17:30:18 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Rode up to Wendy's and it was full.... Waited in line anyway and got a baked potato and a coke... Then I went to McDonald's and got coffee just as the rain began... Drank my coffee and watched the people mostly the employees as there were few customers... And I'm back here at the Y... Got peanut butter crackers and ate some in the GYM with my coffee refill... Watched the BB people's... One guy I never see around was swishing 3 pointers r ight and left... Moves like a Gazelle also... I looked at my knee and wondered what if anything I could do and I got a nothing HA... Pool closed early because of rain also... Pretty full up and probably won't eat much more... Have snack foods in my bag... Sardines also... About laundry time again... Stuff reaks after awhile of wearing... Tired and was dozing off at McDonald's HA.... So tomorrow the same stuff again... Not sure if I have anything clean to wear...? Wonder if I'll go to Largo..? Got too much time to waste around Clearwater, so I go to Largo and I return to early.. Might shoot a few more hoops...? 1/2 hour before closing... *** Mon Aug 19 16:39:56 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Aug 20 17:57:28 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Aug 20 21:52:12 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well another OK day I guess... Went to Largo and saw a movie... The Butler... Was OK... Racial History here in the USA... Tired.... Rains again but I rode back OK without getting very wet missing the heavy rains... Except for bike riding I'm not getting much exercise.... Swam and did weights this morning but not very much.... Read how stretching the knees helps in alignment but it didn't elaberate... Ate Ok at Panera Bread, a banquet spagahetti TV meal and cole slaw which was on sale at the store for a buck a pint... Be still snacking on cold slaw tonight and tomorrow... Need a new bike seat... Got riding sores from a bum seat... And I got donuts, 8 for 2 bucks... Cake donuts which were great with coffee... Had 2 more awhile ago with tea.... And 2 left for later... This reporting isn't so great... Find I write the same stuff as I do in my e-mail... Write the same stuff, twice.... Gone with the Wind was on TV... Atlanta was under seige for 30 some days I guess... Lost for words HA... And the left leg feels numb below the knee... Must be a ner ve pinch or smething... Feels like fluid in your leg... But I suspect it's just numbness.... Of course I'm just guessing as I'm not up on this stuff... Got to go *** Wed Aug 21 21:13:28 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Hi... Got wet riding back from Largo and so I just kept riding in the rain all the way to McDonald's... As I left it was still raining and I felt a bit mad and ranted outloud at everyone saying I always hated Clearwater etc etc... And of course I was here multi times and was drinking sometimes and AA a ton of other times... So that was a no no but the damage is done as I made sure people's seen and heard me... And they let little pass in this closed tight community I fear... So sorry here for my wet tirade... Was the entire days stuff I think... Even my eating habits are wrong and against other people's wishes... Movie was good... Harrison Ford looked like Me a bit, head shaved ta da... Listening to Leps... Place is empty pretty much because of the rains I suspect.. Not at all feeling energetic anymore... Sure age has caught up with Me and I don't feel up to fighting it... And a lame knee to boot UGH... Enjoyed my morning waiting for the theater to opn... Took some pictures and again I hesitate to take a close up picture... More respect than fear but that too... A catchy dress was a good distance away and I passed... A cool short gal with a dog and I passed... Yea it's a girls photo shoot HA... Was going to look something up on google but forgot... O yea the college Library and when the hours are back to normal... Seems the Library at the College is back to normal this week....? But I'll need to go there to know for for sure... About time to go.... *** Thu Aug 22 07:00:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... GM everyone... Rained yesterday evening and I got good and wet... Need to do laundry but I'm going to pass... Maybe later... Rested in the TV room... Picture is bad as something is wrong with the TV... Was the same last night but the TV guy sat in there watching it anyway HA... Had a sausage poorboy from the night before but it was good... And tea of course... R ear is sore from the lously bike seat... Checked goodwill last night... Bike hats but no seats... Tried to get coffee at McDonald's there next to goodwill but I could see that the coffee urns were empty so I passed... Had I stayed there I wouldn't have got so wet maybe...? Also just a ways down the street I had to stop and stand and wait for the rains to slack off... I could have been drinking a coffee HA.... Was OK pretty much walking etc and I take a shower and after that I feel a discomfort just below the left knee... So with that feeling you worry about your leg/knee giving out or locking or something... Wonder what causes that as it has happened a lot in the past... I'm so so and after a shower I can't walk easy like before... UGH... Maybe bending over to wash my ankles/feet or something... I stand sideways and the floor is a bit on an angle for water drainage... Guess I'l try the college today... Standing and steps there are better for me... However I was thinking last night that I'm not wanted any where... An Old person around College and young people's and I'm no goody goody 2 shoes either.. The fact I cuss sometimes is enough to warrent my not being welcome... And in truth I don't want to be around young people... Or old people... Pretty much the lone wolf thingy... Well enough of this silly banter... I complain about Rowlings and look at the crap I write... But I'm no writer period no claim to be... But I don't talk to people hence my urge to write I think... BYEeeee.... *** Thu Aug 22 18:00:45 2013 Submitting Host: .: Zhang Xin.... Richest Wman in China... *** Fri Aug 23 13:26:44 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Aug 23 16:44:51 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I was in the GYM alone for awhile and got some hoops in and slow jogging back and forth... Real slow I'm afraid HA... Noticed I squatted a bit deeper after squating a few different times... Anyway it's mostly about getting my legs a bit better... Sat all morning and my rear is in pain... Like it's getting raw from sitting or something... Couple of pimples I pinched also doesn't help... Not even standing at the Library computer... Clothing smelled and I didn't want to be in the computer lab... Was tempted to get 2 more sausages at the Shell Station and We have 2 close together but passed... Got soap so I might do laundry... Y is a bit empty now but it picks up later on... To the point that the place is packed... Well I had best go do laundry... *** Sat Aug 24 13:29:36 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat Aug 24 14:02:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Sun Aug 25 11:35:26 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK Sunday Morning... W ent to McDonald's and got coffee... Then off to the Belcher Bus Stop... Ate a Ham Medallion which I got last night for 2 bucks, 3 bucks off regular price.... Has 4 pieces of Ham in the package... Have 2 left and they're like a whole meal for this guy.... W ell the place is getting busy.... Later.... *** Tue Aug 27 17:16:04 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Aug 27 19:48:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Aug 27 20:12:45 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Aug 28 16:32:12 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Aug 28 19:20:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Aug 28 19:41:23 2013 Submitting Host: .: 908, 621, 432, 263, 588, 747, Wellit looks pretty random alltherest.html *** Thu Aug 29 14:21:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library.... Well I did what I wanted to do but I think an old fashioned way HA.... Got a playlist with 1494 video's on it .. Then my refresh/redirect tag doesn't seem to work... Finally after a very long time I deduce it works after the amount of time has passed that I put in... Just hitting refresh doesn't get a redirect... Anyway the entire meta thing is a bit touchy... But it's working now as I had wished.... Trivial but a problem when it doesn't do what it's supposed to do or what you think it's supposed to do UGH.... Got 8 donuts for 2 bucks and have my refill so I might go outside and eat another Donut or 2 with coffee.... Remebered Brad Pitt in one of His movies the Baseball one and He looks at His helper and He says "He gets on base"... And Brad motions with His arms, that's it HA.... Now I have nothing much to do.... Guess my e-mail was a bit too redundant every day, just the same stuff... Now I don't know what to do... Weather is great... Went to McDonald's for coffee and donuts... Been really dragging the last few days not wanting to do much of anything... Got a dragon in my head talking crap that worries me to pieces... Probably the cross that all lonely people carry... But lonely by choice, a big difference I imagine... My redirect meta is OK now.. Must wait the time typed into the tag... Looked at javascript redirect but you probably need to wait the time also...? Should be charging batteries because 2 of mine are empty... Need to go to the bank also... Think ATM's charge more...? Tired... Hard to nap with college students around... Looks bad also HA... Was in Largo yesterday.... Enjoy sitting at Panera Bread Patio... Got 2 fish sandwiches the last 2 nights as they have a Happy Hour 2 for 2 on fish and chicken sandwiches at checkers... Anyway this morning I walked on the track and did a lot of stretches and floor exercises... Had a black and blue mark behind my left knee... Probably when I threw my leg up on a high trash box to stretch it...? My insides are a bit uncomfortable.... Seems I'm full and still eating in the evenings and I can't void as I'm also dehydrated from coffee and no water all day pretty much... On the worry side I think I'll keep it to myself... Mostly just my imagination playing tricks etc... Funny, Here I am at my old age and worry is all it's about for for me.... Have no desire to do much... Got in the pool this morning and an employee came in and got the disabled chair and moved it next to my lane so I got out... There's a wheelchair gal that swims a lot mornings and it was probably for Her... *** Sat Aug 31 09:49:28 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Saturday Morning and it is raining... Didn't feel like doing much after riding up and getting coffee this morning... Had a Cherry JJ Pie also with my refill at the Bus Stop.... So I showered/voided and got dressed and heard that the pool was closed as I was leaving the locker room... Yep it w as raining hard and dark clouds everywhere... So I put on my gym stuff and shot a few hoops... Toddlers and their parents were setting up for their stuff today so I didn't linger... And I hit the weights but not much... Radar shows that the heavy clouds are about past us...? Saw Marie Calander's TV Spagahetti for 2 bucks at Publex yum... So maybe that today...? Later.. *** Sat Aug 31 10:39:46 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Still raining but looks to be clear soon on radar... No mail UGH... Not sure if I should try going to Largo today... But wet is wet no matter how much you get wet... ?? Nothing new... Did some reverse leg lifts to get the discomfort out of my back... Not sure it's working though... But I sit constantly hence weak buttucks and back... Least person to be talking this stuff from this castle of exercise Guru's here at the Y.... But whatever HA... My blog my choice...? However anyone can write here but no one does... 7 billion people and no one else writes here... I can elaborate on that too ta da... *** Sat Aug 31 17:03:15 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Was just on facebook but it takes for forever on this slow computer... It's a double deal there as 1 a slow computer and 2 facebook is a ton of text and pictures to process... Then you click and you process it all again ta da..... Anyway it's too much for this little computer... Plus the server here might be limited also.... Went to the Library and just sat for for hours listening to music video's and looking at twitter images.... Figure that some images are new and unusual etc, that beig the reason they're there maybe...? But it's a time waster... However I usually see something new or different or catchy, whatever... Today there were miniture donkey's with many pictures and text... I didn't look close but may check it out later... Probably not cheap for for sure... Guess a Donkey lives to be around 40... Says around 1000 dollars on the site I looked at... Rambling here.... Dehydrated all the time as I don't drink water enough... So I have trouble voiding because I'm dry.... Can see what occupies my thinking a lot.... Yet I still do the wrong things UGH.... Sit, don't drink fluids enough, etc.... *** Sun Sep 1 12:10:28 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I did a bit different this morning... Rode down to the Joe Dimagio Rec Center and looked around and crossed over to the Brighthouse place and the shopping plaza there and walked a bit back and forth across from the LA Fitness place... And with my shirt off and in the shade... Need to do more walking and standing... Have this urge to lean on something while I stand... Probably overall weakness maybe...? So the Y opened and I had made tea and I'm dehydrated as usual and can't void... Why I don't drink tons of water like others I don't know... They all seem to have a water bottle... Well I'm off this thing... Not sure what to do next... Middle school is in the GYM and I don't feel like being there... Working out daily doesn't seem right any more but probably is.... Like last night I saw a guy with bag going into the 24 hour fitness place on Belcher... Who would go workout at night ta da.... But I'm not really a sport or fitness Guru... O Well.... Later.. *** Mon Sep 2 09:33:53 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Labor Day and the place opened at 7 instead of at 5... So I got extra rest time... I overdue the rest part probably at least on weekends... Doing nothing here at the Y this morning... Rode up for coffee.. Noticed the coffee changes the way I feel and I drink too much of it.... Also tea and I use 4 bags in a mug.. Anyway, I think water is a better way but I'm addicted to coffee making change difficult... Not sure what to do... Think of a movie as it's cheaper during the week... shot some hoops last night while my tea water heated... About 15 min for a mug of water to heat... Even then a bit more would be better I think... As the tea tasted less than piping hot... Did OK yesterday on the standing and walking... Seems that's the best way... Saw a young guy last night that walks around and walks fast... Passed Him on the street going the other way nd when I got to Albertson's and waste d some time finding out the side doors were already locked I rode around front and there He was walking fast again the other way HA... Could do that on the trach as I have in the past but doing so out on the street makes for a better routine... Walking in circles sorta reeks of something... ? And on the side doors of Albertson's, on Sunday's I sit across the street at the Bus Stop and see people park and go to the side doors that are locked and then go back to their cars and leave.. Yet the front doors are open... Place opens at 6 but the side doors not till 9 am... So goodby some business every day... And on another count ?, they're building a new WallMart across the street from Albertson's... And Publex is across the street from the new WallMart... Be a busy intersection... Already accidents there are probably the highest... That will increase for for sure... And there goes some more business as WallMart has groceries... But a new place for me that might have bargains...? Well Later.... *** Tue Sep 3 05:56:12 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Last night I was writing a long e-mail and adding some image addresses when the computer locked... So I finally rbooted and no draft... So i lost all that text.... And it was a gripe e-mail too.... The best kind ta da... O Well... Top it off before I rebooted a print popup showed but I ignored it... There's a printer in the next room that may be connected to the computers in the Y....? All the ofices have computers also... Wonder if they have any problems..? And on a similiar note, the internet is pretty much just for kids I suspect... Adults seemingly do their stuff in other ways... Face to face and cell phones I suspect... Of course the internet is available on cell phones now at wi fi places... But even then it is probably a lot less used by adults...?? The winter people's are here and still coming making things more busy and more traffc problems.... Nothing new about that though... Writing crap as usual UGH.... Commented on Obama and Syria and I'm against killing anyone period.... Like they mentioned in the very beginning of the arab problems our interferience will have little effect on their problems.... When we leave they resume age old problems... That's something I can look up as I don't even know what the problem is in Syria just that people are being killed... Well time to go.... *** Wed Sep 4 15:28:45 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... A short item or I'll forget about it... They have a room full of stationary bicycles that mornings and other times they ride in the dark listening to music.... Also there are stationary bicycles in the weight/machines room... Note that the room is empty and full of bicycles most of the time... Hence a useless room except on a couple of short occasions... And this morning as I was leaving after using a treadmill to fast walk, there were a line of people on the stationary bicycles... I thought as I passed them that they really are missing the best time of day for riding a bicycle outdoors... And not a stationary one either... Just the morning fresh air and the fewer people's around and about and even less traffic is a treat to view as you rise along effortlessly... Birds and cats and other things make for an interesting ride... Finding stuff is also a great experience... I stopped for a dime in the street this morning that being part of my exercise getting off and on the bike.... Found 55 cents the day before yesterday... And in 3 different places... Quarter here and a quarter there and then a nickle.... The difference is noticeable now just after labor day with more people's standing around and doing their jobs everywhere... Saw a postman twice today... And I haven't noticed any around Me in a long time, so there.. Rambling... Wanted to mention the bicycles though... See no advantage to sitting in the dark listening to music and riding a bike going no where.... But then again there are bicycle accidents in the news with 1 being a homicide... So there's that to figure in also... I/m just back here to leave some apples/orange and take a shower... Frigging right quad was swollen and a hard lump above the knee yesterday and today making bikeing rough.. May have been pumping standing on the pedels....??? A shower is alsom something I do more often to keep clean and because it also is exercise and feels great... Later.... 0(@___@)0 *** Thu Sep 5 21:55:06 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... An OK day today... Went to Largo Mall twice and ate there with PB coffee... Sausages this morning and then a poor boy sub this afternoon with lots of mustard on both occasions... And only 1 new movie this week at the Largo Mall theater... Was going to shoot hoops but the GYM is busy plus I burn't out this morning.... Looked at the asian movie site a lot today... Some things there are interesting but the big attraction is the fact that you can brighten the video.... I like that feature... Youtube, I sit and try and see what's happening plus the same on other movie places... Boy, I left the Cleasrwater SPC Library and loud thunder and bright lightening was coming from the South and a close South.. But I made it here without any rain... Drank a lg tea but voided well earlier so nothing now... Seemingly a problem for me always because I dwell on it plus I eat too much and too often for my size and the lack of exercise I get... Heard from Mom so that was a picker upper... She's returning this weekend from a week or so up North... Said She liked the fresh tomatoes and stuff... Got an orange and a couple of apples to eat... And an apple this morning plus an onion roll... Watched a kickboxing fight and it was over with pretty fast... Yek, can't think of anything to write... Forgot when I put my tea water on... Tired... Right quad was swollen and painful riding the bike today... Like that yesterday also... And the left quad sort of stuck as I started to pump away from a light... That hurt too... But the weather is great and riding the bike is neat... Kids were around me going down near east bay and again there coming back... To and from schools I suspect... Time to go.. *** Fri Sep 6 11:17:09 2013 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library... Well I rode down here and enjoyed the weather and the ride... Stretched my quads last night and anyway they're not bothering me right now much... Shot hoops after going for coffee and a sausage biscuit... Did ok except the left knee was a bit funky... Not sure if I'll see the movie Riddick or not... Going for food and coffee when I leave here.. 3 hours before the movie plays again... Only new movie at Largo this week... *** Sat Sep 7 17:23:06 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y...... Well an OK day I guess... Spent it at the Library mostly... Had fries and a Jr Delux cheeseburger and a coke at Wendy's... Was good.... Got donuts on the way here and ate 2 at McDonald's with coffee... Eat more in an hour at closing time outside with tea... Suspect I'll be too full, for much else tonight.... There's the 2 fish for 2 bucks after 8 at Checkers... Not sure how long that special will be available...? Again not exercising... An empty lane in the pool but I don't feel comfy there plus it will be gone by the time I get there, probably HA... Stood behind the college nea the Bus stop and leaned on a railing there.. Has a few steps, a back entrance to 1 of the college buildings... See the funny lock I looked at at the thrift store... Betting it is the same lock... Remember I went backa few minutes later to look at it again and it was gone ta da... Possibly, well I really don't know except it's an unusual looking lock... Maybe I'll see 1 again sometime and find out how it works... No letters or numbers like other combination locks... Used the new scanner computer again and on the asian website I'd click on a link and no video... I kept closing those tabs until I refreshed 1 and the video started TA DA... So you need to refresh to get a video to play... But I had 2 open video's so that might account for it...? But I watched some Game of Thrones discussions with video and it was on tudou and you can brighten the video and the scenes looked great... Also saw a short video of a couple of children getting hit by a car... The camera was in the car... Should have saved that address maybe...? But maybe too morbid...? Anyway the kids got up so they wearn't hurt bad... Probably some content about that someplace but it w as in chinese and would take some real checking into, probably... Guess I'll get out of here.... *** Sun Sep 8 11:50:00 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... So I just took a cold shower.. Power went off last night and maybe that had something to do with it...? Guy at Albertson's wheeled a cart up with discount bakeries as I got there and said get a cart and fill it up HA... All 99 cent items and I got the onion rolls 6 ct.... Could have got 3 muffins but I passed... Lots of other breads also... Got salami and ate 1/2 already at the Bus Stop next to the college... Watched as they readied for a soccer game at the Joe Dimagio community fields... They were playing as I left... Was tempted to make a video but passed... Did some stretches there also... Last night I kept stretching the quads and seemed ok as I did well in the GYM before closing but later I woke up and my left knee felt funky.... And this morning my brake handle had somehow came lose... And the power went out as I already mentioned... Already tired from my morning stuff so BB doesn't even feel appealing.. Can't think of anything else right now... *** Mon Sep 9 21:40:53 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day today.... Saw a movie The Miller Family and it was pretty good.... Interestingly, just awhile ago at the store I got buddy bars at there was a lady dressed up who looked like Jenifer Anderson's Sister maybe....? That was the Star in the movie... Both are looking middle aged but it was a look alike in my book.... Remember a gal in front of me on the Bus who looked and sounded like Emily Blunt... That was last year sometime... You never know ta da... Just looked at images of Blunt on google and it is the gal that was in front of Me and it sounded like Her with the heavy British accent.... And it sounds awesome HA.... Were some other items to mention but I'm a bit empty as to what they were right now... Using the expression, "The Leps Touch" to place more power on the choice of this singer as a must listen... 0___0 Tired... Got a French Bread Poorboy Sub and ate it at Panera Bread with mustard and coffee... Have another for tonight with coffee... Grandmaster was playing at Park Place but at around 4 pm making seeing it and getting back impossible... Spent time on the computer looking at video's... And in the theater today there were only 2 couples besides Me.... Total of 5 HA... Ate cereal also today... So I got my milk.... Jenifer Anniston look alike got a 1/2 gal of milk also... Well time to go... *** Tue Sep 10 11:13:16 2013 Submitting Host: .: Yes, they took windows picture manager off computers in a lot of places... So try this for editing your pictures.... *** Fri Sep 13 08:19:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Well I showered and changed and rode up to McDonald's and had coffee there... Took my refill and got a 99 cent pkg of Salami at albertson's and ate it at the Bus Stop with my coffee refill and 2 onion rolls I brought with me... Yum.... Bus rider showed up and waited beside Me on the Bench and I was wondering if He knew how great this salami and onion roll tasted HA... After He left on the Bus i cleaned up the litter in the area... Left with a full bag of trash and put in in a dumpster... Then as I passed the elderly blonde short gal who walks all the time and dress's nice and stopped at the Drew St Library's dumpster... There were books in the dumpster so I used a bungi cord to hook onto a bag of books but the bag broke and the books all fell out.... So I tried another and got the bag of books out.... Was like fishing HA.... Hardback, The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico.... And a small Albert Sweitzer book.... Figure i'll leave them at the Y Library... Lots of Mexican's there anymore... On Sundays they teach their kids how to Spanish Dance I guess it is... So they might like the book...? And the big guy who was in McDonald's this morning with a book also goes to the Y and reads all the time... That's my morning so far and I borrowed headphones to listen as I forgot to bring my own... Later... *** Sat Sep 14 15:00:19 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library.... Well I've got my McDonald's lg refill of coffee and 7 donuts for 2 bucks.... So I'm going to enjoy those in a bit... Wanted too write for a couple of things... 1 was a book about biking... Had a couple of quotes, Mark Twain and Tutu... Anyway I found this amusing.... “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring.†― Desmond Tutu Wanted to mention that I was looking at Rango to see if there was going to be a sequel... And I read NO... Even comments about it showed everyone was against a sequel.... Anyway my views were the opposite... Thought the movie was excellent and wished to high heaven that there would be a sequel... O Well... Swam this morning and the exercise class was there... The leader counts for everything 1, 2, 3, etc and I find it amusing as She counts for an hour HA.... So everytime I go near their class I start saying 32, 33, ta da.... Had this thought, "He sticks himself"... And then I proceeded to remember the stabbing times... 1, I was climbing up and down a mountain North of Mt Washington in New Hampshire... On the way down the path I stumbled and fell and I caught myself with my hand but there was a dry weed that stuck into my hand UGH... The in Maine I was the driver of a salvation Army rag Truck and we would go around to drop boxes and fill the truck.... The guy I worked for before would fall butt first onto the bags of rags to compress them and make more room... So I tried it and sat down on a coat hanger point UGH... Thought it was real bad and cancelled the trip and returned to the warehouse but it was just a slight puncture that didn't even bleed much... Then I was down here in Florida, drinking and camping, and I through down my backpack and sat down on it and my hunting knife stuck me in the rear... Had had it in a cardboard cover but it didn't help... And talk about bleed... I went into the pizza place and told them and asked if they would call an ambulance and looked down and the blood was running down my leg and unto the floor UGH.... So I lay down and I think I passed out...? Also one time on the motorcycle I needed to take a leak and I pulled off onto a dirt road and walked into the woods and stepped on rusty nail in a board UGH... So I rode to the VA Hospital in Gainsville thinking that the foot was bleeding into my shoe HA... But no real bleeding... Got some pills there at the VA... Rambling.. Well enough for now.... *** Sat Sep 14 15:28:52 2013 Submitting Host: .: Taisiya Povali Stas Mikhailov ĐĐ½Đ¸ Đ›Đ¾Ñ€Đ°Đº *** Sun Sep 15 17:11:09 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... A so so day I guess.... Had smelly clothes on as I've slept in them over a week UGH... Got soap today.... And it's still on my bicycle... Forgot to bring it in.... Exercised a bit walking and doing squats and waiting for my tea water to heat up and had tea with a buddy bar outside on the picnic table... Rear tire is showing threads and so I need to act... Thinking a used 3 or 5 dollar tire rather than a new one... Will see how it goes... Rode to Clearwater Mall and got cereal and milk and trail mix and potato chips... So I'm ok for awhile... Stuffed right now as I had 2 sausages and mustard before the tea... Stretched the quads at the Mall and rode like Lance most of the way back... Lots of leg energy HA... Didn't do anything in the Y as I was tired from the Horse stance and some planking... Might go to Tarpon Springs by Bus to check on the bike tire and use their library and look at the Sheriff's Thrift Store.... Well enough from here... *** Mon Sep 16 21:51:38 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Went to Tarpon Springs and got a used bike tire for 5 bucks and it didn't fit... Too small... Maybe my tires are 27 or something different...? The wheels and tires came off of another girl's free spirit.. So i'm spending monies on Buses to go up there UGH... But I've 5 bucks invested so I'll try and see what the tire is that is already on the bike... Couldn't read anything this evening... After taking the tire off and putting it on my legs felt better walking... Shows that honest work is the best thing... TA DA... About time to go... Wondering if I hould go to Tarpon Springs again tomorrow....? And on another note I get on the computer for an hour and after just a seemingly short time the computer shut down... I got an extra 15 min but the Librarian didn't like giving me that, so I don't know... Later... *** Wed Sep 18 16:53:50 2013 Submitting Host: .: This is what flying on the back of an eagle looks like (Video) *** Sun Sep 22 12:32:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well lots of rain forcast and I was stuck in McDonald's a good while as it poured rain... Got choc chip cookies the other day and I'm still eating them but the sign said 88 cents and that's what I paid but I saw on the Ad sheet that it was 1.88... So I don't know...? Probably a mistake as 88 cents was a real deal... Showered and shaved and watched TV but don't feel up to anything else much... Gym is almost empty but I still feel unable... Big difference between having nothing wrong with you and having bum legs UGH... Got to go... *** Sun Sep 22 15:42:44 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... So I did some weights very little and walked in circles in the class exercise room... Music was playing low so that helped a bit... DID MY LAUNDRY... Glad that's over with... 75 cents in the dryer and the clothes wearn't real dry yet.... Another dryer gets so hot your clothes burn you but I forget which dryer that is... Someone was in the way so I didn't even try to get close to which one it is HA.... Ready for sausages and maybe lemonade...? 2 1/2 hours before closing.. Blanket got a little damp this morning from the rains... It was on the rear carrier and no plastic... O Yea... The part that I lost when the brake cable broke was laying right where I sleep HA... Remember the bike was next to my sleep place and as I was starting to load my stuff on it the brake cble popped loose... It had broke earlier but the parts stayed together.. Anyway I put duck tape on my cable last night and the brakes worked fine.. But for how long is a good question... Now with the little part back on it works great... So that was a plus... GYM was empty all morning pretty much but I didn't bother... Feel a bit odd at my age doing BB like a teenager HA... And for what it's worth they scare me anyway... At my age and they're always 2 or 3 of them and the news history isn't good about how they treet old people or those sleeping outside... But I avoid them and so far I'm ok... I always ran alone so I don't know what a gang is much.. But I also w as never mean to older peoples that I remember... Later in my drunken years I was probably hatefull to everyone... Rambling... Had a couple of items I wanted to write about and of course I can't remember off hand now what they were... Well later... *** Mon Sep 23 07:54:26 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Monday Morning.. Went to McDonald's after a quick shower and pant change... Got a sausage biscuit and coffee... Refill I drank at the Bus Stop... Blonde showed up and I didn't bother Her... Least I can do anymore is not bore anyone HA... Started to rai and I left... No shelter for Her except the big Oak tree but the Bus was due as it runs every 20 min I think...? Tired... Was tempted to take my earphones and a long sleeved shirt and go for coffee and then on to the College but passed... Was a 2 hour wait before the Library opened and I didn't think it a good idea... Now I have rain to worry about HA... TV can only get channel 9 now ta da... Wonder who does that stuff...? But I rarely watch TV anyway... Just checked the weather map and most of the rains are North of Tampa/Orlanda area's... So I should be ok today... Rear is sore as I sit in McDonald's all the time... Hard seats for 1 thing.. Shot hoops last night awhile but was slow and out of shape pretty much, it seemed... Got 2 sausages at the Shell station and they had been on the grill awhile you could see... They were hard and I got indegestion from them... Place was busy with mexicans or I might have asked if I could zap a couple of fresh sausages in the micro... Think I'll go to Thornton's from now on... The sausages look bigger and they're not grilled to pieces and I get a choice from several sausage types.. Well enough from here... *** Mon Sep 23 19:04:21 2013 Submitting Host: .: House of Cards... *** Mon Sep 23 21:22:19 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Got a few negative items and I know no one want's to hear them... Was at the College this morning and e-mailed... Was raining so I hung around with a book... Indians and Horses... Related the History of American Indians and their Horses... I looked at the pictures and napped a bit... I close my eyes everywhere making me look a bit lazy... Saw another old guy at a Bus stop leaning over 1/2 asleep... Sat a lot today... Everyone else is busy walking in and out... With movies mostly and books... Some just walk around a lot... Sitters are the magazine area and the computers... Went for Chinese on east bay... Got the one with chicken and mushrooms... Also had snow pea pods HA... Was good and ate the egg roll later at the Library... On the way here I stopped at the China place I used to frequent years ago and got an egg roll... They got their foods and went into the back and was eating and I thought they forgot about my egg roll... So I asked if it was done yet... And She said yes and got me my egg roll... Was wondering how long in the deep fryer is too long...? But it is probably ok... She had toddlers years ago and now they're growing up... Has Her hands full for sure... About time to go... *** Tue Sep 24 08:25:17 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Lots of rain over the area... Sort of stuck here... Rained during the night but I stayed in my blanket and only got some spray... Thought I'd see a movie today...? Will see... Could ride Buses today but thinking the rains might be over in a couple of hours... Ate 3 donuts last night plus some cookies.... Had 1 donut this morning and more cookies... Gave the rest of the choc chip cookies to the coffee mess... Left knee is funky... Seemed ok yesterday until last night then it didn't feel right... So I don't know...? Can hear the rais on the roof HA... Might shoot some hoops... Been sitting around with coffee... Voided some but full of rice and donuts pretty much... Can't think of anything to write HA... A bit tired as I'm yawning and that means I need oxygen I think...? Yea, I need a movie HA... Been here over 3 hours.. Pool is open... Well I'm at a loss here as to info... Was a frog on the door of the China place as I was eating my chicken and mushrooms... Went over to see if it was on the outside or inside of the glass door... It was on the outside... Then He left... The book I was reading mentioned the Indians measured their wealth by how many horses they owned... A few owned hundreds I guess...? Mentioned how they had herds of horses numbering into the thousands... Anyway they became expert horsemen after the Horses arrived into the America's... Later... *** Tue Sep 24 16:57:53 2013 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library.... OK, before I forget... I'm going out front of the Y and standing watching the rains... So the 2nd time I think, I look down and there's a snail coming across the driveway in the rain... his is a busy driveway as people get in and out there in front of the doors... Especially when it is raining... So I walk over and pick Him up and toss Him into the grass and hedges in front of the building... I mention this because of how lucky He already was in getting 3/4 across the driveway... But I saved Him for for sure... Anyway the Y is surrounded with snails who all come out during the rains... Saw The Prisoners... Was OK but not that great... Previews of some upcoming movies looked a lot better and more worth seeing... Had Swedish Meatballs and a JJ Pie at Panera Bread and their coffee was extra strong ta da.... Later... *** Wed Sep 25 06:45:13 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y..... And a Good Wednesday Morning... Ton of rains just off shore heading towards us here in Clearwater... So an all day rain job it looks to be... May ride buses today...? Be a nice change and I can go North maybe..? No cups at the coffee mess so I filled my mug and sat for over an hour resting my eyes some... Had a buddy bar to snack on... Shot hoops last night and was moving with ease pretty much... It's like my legs have got more loose then before... So I can jog across the GYM rather well and toss the ball at the basket... Have to make a movie of it HA... Sure times like that are running out for for me... Left knee looks a bit off center.... Like your only using half the bottom of the knee sorta... Rained last night but only got some spray and stayed in the blanket.... Did some floor exercises last night also... Planks and holding for awhile... Well I can't think of much else to say.... My pictures aren't doing so great on e-mail so I think I'll use my picture website and erase old pictures and add new ones rather than mess with e-mail.... What do you think about that .. O___O *** Wed Sep 25 21:42:16 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I rode Buses today... Don was in the Y Bus Shelter and we talked as it rained and about the rains and Indians... Went to Tarpon Springs and ate Pepper Steak and Onion at the China place... Was excellent... Got 2 egg rolls awhile ago from the place up the street and it does take a good while in the fryer... Worked on Twitter pictures and putting them on a webpage for e-mailing... Have bum luck with pictures in my e-mail accounts... Probably not doing it right HA... O Well... Who says Right is everything... Just did some rear leg raises and holds... Sense all the sitting makes my rear weak... Think this helps.. Riding the Bus on those hard seats really hits my rear... Sore... Figure it presses on nerves plus hinders circulation and just plain makes the muscles weaker... Had only 2 tea bags left Ha... I usually use 4 in a mug of tea water... So I'm only 1/2 a mug of tea tonight... Well enough for now... *** Thu Sep 26 09:46:24 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC.... Had a ton of things to write about as I sat at the Bus stop this morning and seeing the Sun rise way down at the end of the street... Couple of Jehova witnesses walked all the way down from the corner to talk to me at the Bus Stop... I mentioned that I went to Catholic School and was on my knees in Church every morning... Also mentioned that it was all inside my head and would never go away.... Anyway I listened to what She had to say, the white woman who said She was 50 and that I was obviously older... The other woman was black and said nothing... Felt She was sorry for me... And Just before or after that there was a fender bender up at the 5 way corner... Heard the loud crash... Later as I passed on the bike the cars were off the road and a fender piece was on the ground and a rear door was caved in a bit... Healthy looking gal that jogs walked by on Her 3rd trip and said you usually are gone on my 3rd trip around the park.... I smiled... But it was nice sitting there watching everything... Tons of people on there way places... Gal in a tight dress walked by twice across the street... Catchy... Took pictures of a snail last night... 1st camera setting the pictures were just bright light... Must have been an exposure setting...? I deleted them and used the program setting and the pictures looked good... "King of the Beach" is playing now on the Cats Meow page... Chris Rea was a favorite singer for awhile years ago and this song was the reason... Standing at the computer... Did reverse leg lifts or back kicks at the Bus Stop... And earlier at McDonald's.. Got a Sausage Muffin to go with my refill and ate at the Bus Stop... Got 2 egg rolls last night and ate them where I sleep... Didn't feel so great this morning... Left knee and lower leg felt funky... So I just wanted to get out of the Y and go sip a coffee... Which i did... Set the pictures on the mail webpage to 900 and they looked better... One with Obama using His middle finger to point at His nose was small but huge at 900 pixels width.... O(-___-)0 *** Sat Sep 28 17:26:24 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I got buddy bars and my coffee refill and came here to the Y and sat in the GYM and ate my choc treats and coffee... Shot some hoops and felt I'm doing better each time... Was on the treadmill before that and some weights... Listening to Leps HA.... Love the bands music... Think I'll shower change and heat tea water while I shoot a few more hoops... Will stink up but heck with it... Clothes smell anyway that I sleep in... Ok except I go to McDonald's ta da... Pool was almost empty but I passed not wanting a wet suit all night... Cooler now too.... Well I had best get going... *** Thu Oct 3 08:19:27 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC... Posted here awhile ago and the Music page refreshed and so did this page and I lost everything...UGH.. So I went out front and drank my refill with an apple fritter... Coffee was almost cold.. Have 1 choc covered donut left... Saw a Navy Ball cap at the thrift store for a dollar.... New, and I passed it up because it was felt... And then it got cooler outside HA... Skipped exercise at the Y... Just a shower and clothes change... If I sit my left quad tightens up big time... Then I have a problem walking... Standing at the computer now... Walked with the bike a few blocks to pass the time on the way here as I was early... Well I think I'll posd this before something else happens... Computer is a bit slow too as my asian movie just buffered and last night it was fast and didn't buffer... Later... O(@____@)O *** Sat Oct 5 10:28:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC... Ok before I turn the music on etc i need to get this here.... SOooo, I'm sitting at the Bus Stop as usual and today I have salami and the bread with cheese and Japolina's and coffee... As I sit I try to think.... O(*___*)O So it seems I'm a bit addicted to sitting here watching the cars go by... Millions of people's are addicts.... A curse, no doubt... Anyway I figure that people have this urge or addiction to watch the traffic... See what's going on.... They're used to people, cars, traffic lights, bicycles, motorcycles, and so forth... To deal with the traffic congestion then these addicts or habits should take a lawn chair and go to their spot on a busy street and sit and have a drink and/or a snack and get their fix, rather than driving around for for hours.... Reason I mention this is that's what I did most of my life... I got in my car and started driving... 1st maybe for a reason, a store, or something, but then I'd just drive randomly around sometimes or think of a new destination which is about the same thing.... So to save monies and help with the traffic problems, go sit alongside a busy street with your bag and chair and enjoy yourself... You could listen to Leps there also HA.... Saw a guy with a small gold square I Pod this morning... Wonder what He listens to....? *** Sun Oct 6 16:35:45 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I went to Largo Mall this morning instead of hanging around here.... Saw Runner, runner with Afflick and it was pretty good.... Guess that online gameing is a big business.... Well I got a heavy Ham Poorboy Sub for tonight... Had Swedish Meatballs after the movie and those apple turnovers.... Was good... Voiding OK pretty much so I feel light weight.... Got 1 1/2 hours before closing... Then I'm going to sack for awhile with tea and 1 turnover... Had Sardines and pretzels last night HA... I finally rode up to McDonald's but there was a bunch of teens inside so I passed as I didn't really want a coffee anyway... O Yea, I couldn't remember, but I decided to go to Wendy's after sitting at the Belcher Bus Stop for awhile... The dining room was closed so I tried the drive thru window and got a small Chile to go... She gave me plenty of crackers... Was another issue but I can't talk about it... Somehow I pinched myself and it hurt for a good while... Had 2 free tickets for a soda and a popcorn at the movie also... So I was rolling big style HA... Popcorn hit the spot pretty good... Sould post this before the page refreshes and I lose everything... Think it does so every so often but not sure how long or anything... Well Im out of here... Have a good day.... O(~___~)O *** Mon Oct 7 08:27:23 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Oct 7 08:39:10 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Oct 7 08:41:19 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Oct 7 14:42:59 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Oct 7 17:47:55 2013 Submitting Host: .: On the Cats Meow page the volume on the player is at 0, so it needs adjusted or you can't hear anything... Once adjusted it's ok... Until next time HA.... O(*____*)O *** Mon Oct 7 17:57:06 2013 Submitting Host: .: Time Travel....?? *** Mon Oct 7 19:21:43 2013 Submitting Host: .: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie... *** Mon Oct 7 21:51:06 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I got thru today OK I guess... Was walking around at the library and sat on the computer for an hour I think and went to McDonald's and got coffee and stood and ate a couple of donuts outside and sat inside a bit and got my refill and went to the Y and there my left leg felt numb... You just can't imagine walking around in the library OK and then get here to the Y to shoot hoops or something and my lower leg feels numb and my knee seems to rub or something.... So i don't know.... Was against the wind on the bicycle and that put a lot of strain on my legs... This morning I kicked the bike to beat the rain to my shelter and the right lower quad was hard and tender a lump from the strain... A strain I guess then... Could have shot hoops while my tea water was heating but I decoided to sit here instead... Was over 2 hours sitting at the College Library before I came here... O well.... My values are not great... I'm putting the computer silliness and going to movies before everything else... Even exercise and eating right I fail at... See the guy who comes in every morning and walks on the treadmill and does weights etc, for an hour... And He leaves... A simple program that works... I'm here but I can't even give an hour for good health... UGH Saw a picture yesterday on twitter with a guy 71, my age, and on His T shirt it says... "I hear bands that doen't even exist yet" or something like that... But the guy looked a bit worn for the weather... Suspect I look about the same yet I can't seem to see myself HA.. Take enough pictures though... Well my tea water is done so i'm out of here.... O(*___*)O *** Tue Oct 8 21:46:41 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... So another OK day... Saw the movie "Gravity" and it was just OK, nothing else... Be a sorry day if that stuff ever happened up there for those Astronauts... Had a TV sweet and sour chicken meal and after the movie I had cereal... So right now I've too much food to even carry I think... Got 2 fish sandwiches for tonight and/or tomorrow... Dessert will be the cheerios HA.... Got my coffee refill plus tea UGH... And I'm not really hungry... OPPS, I forgot I had a Turkey poorboy sub also... Can see my forgeter is functioning ok... Well I'll have a sandwich for for breakfast I guess... Tired... Swam this morning plus the bike riding was my exercise... Legs feel weak and unstable as I try to walk after an all day sit job... Just sat sat sat in the library... Was napping a bit as I felt dog tired... Like that every time I sit down and relax... YEA, this is all about me, sorry.... O(*____*)O ***Wed Oct 9 19:51:01 2013 Submitting Host: Evita.... *** Thu Oct 10 09:30:40 2013 Submitting Host: Will Shake You.... Sat Oct 12 11:18:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Saw a movie today, "Captain Phillips", but it wasn't worth it to me... Maybe on a cheaper week day HA... Time to go already... Was going to see if this wraps but I hit enter on the 1st line already... Just ate a BLT outside with a coffee refill before I came in... Got a poorboy for later.... Finished the Target popcorn today and it was good good good... Tired a bit... Swam this morning as the pool was empty except for 1 gal... No Tea as I'm a bit full right now... Voided good twice today... Fear I'll gain weight... An OK day... Got a new seat for the bicycle and I like it a lot.... Way more comfy now except for coming back from Largo Library... Felt a bit tender where I sit on the seat... Need to get used to it I suspect.. And I'm out of here.... *** Sat Oct 12 11:25:36 2013 Submitting Host: .: Well I got this wrap hard in the html and things seem to work right now... Been at this awhile also HA... Before I would skip an enter to reset the text and it would run to the right, not wrap... So now I shouldn't have to go into the editor and fix it every time I make a mistake... Chewing gum for the bad breadth and maybe brighten the teeth.... Should have done right about teeth all my life but I didn't... Even younger I wasn't that clean conscience... I'd shower but not carefully... And not that often either... Now I shower for something to do sometimes HA... Not much to do today for this guy anyway... Shot some hoops and did a few weights this morning.. Didn't feel so great though... *** Sat Oct 12 15:58:11 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Sitting here again at the library... Think I'm doing it all wrong... Hated the 1 hour limit at the regular libraries and now I think it's a blessing for our on good... A bit low on energy today for some reason... Hoops and weights this morning maybe...? Sat for 4 hours about so that's maybe a factor... Can see I have nothing much to write... Got a JR cheeseburger delux and a Hi C drink at Wendy's and took the rest of my drink with me and got popcorn and donuts at Albertson's and zapped the popcorn here at the College Cafe and ate 1/2 the popcorn... So I'm full but I have donuts for coffee when I leave here... 7 donuts for 2 bucks so i knew I'd be thinking donuts tonight with my coffee... Tired... Mentioned that... Weird how your full of pep one day and not the next... Years ago I didn't think about this crap HA... Got the HARD WRAP on the form and it seems to work good... Will write more later... Did twitter pictures and my angelfire account timed out... Think it did so today when I was on the editor..? Anyway I need to save often with that issue hanging around... *** Mon Oct 14 21:51:55 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Hi... Rough day today... Spent 35 bucks at the bike shop for a new tire and patch job... But I was glad to just get it done with rather than go to a lot of trouble to save... Figure I've done a ton of frugality so a heck with it attitude is OK... O(~___~)O But the worry is it will become a habit a weakness a defect ta da... And so business as usual but still glad the tire is taken care of... Shot hoops today... Was just in the GYM but decided to sit here instead... Stood at the College computer for a long time looking at twitter pictures today... Looked at the Indian medicine book again.. Mentions this lady who was the 1st european cured of Malaria by taking Quinine... That was a plant from the America's and the Doctor who cured Her took the plant back to Europe and sold it for 75 dollars an ounce... A bit way back then for sure... But I like the text about their steam baths etc... Overall the Indians seemed to be more clean than I imagined... Sure not all the tribes were like that nor all the Indians like that but I'm sure a good number took to being clean big time, maybe...? So what's it all about... Well it's about a lot of things... Life... We are but bags of water pretty much... I'm hitting enter and I have it on Hard Wrap now... O well... Truth... See a lot of spanish wearing the rosery around their necks... Irish didn't do that at least not to my knowledge... About time to go... Had a movie which I watched part of yesterday and today it said it was private sorry HA.... Youtube too... Byeeee Fri Oct 18 16:43:03 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Today was different... I got a can of souerkraut and ate it with a Croissant and a few pretzels and some sugar cookies... Did it fill Me up much...? Well I got some coffee and finished off the bag of cookies except for 2 or 3 of them which I left at the coffee mess at the Y... Figuring the kraut will do me good but not sure....? Wondering if I'll be OK on the insides...? Slow today as I'm not doing any long bike rides or supermarket shopping... Shot hoops this morning and a few weights... Did OK except I feel a bit dizzy and off balance some.... Looked into the pool but it was a bit busy... Was later in the morningas I sat at the Bus stop till way after light... Bus Stop is clean anymore but I continue to pick up whatever is laying around... I do it for exercise HA... Well I guess I'll get out of here.... *** Sat Oct 19 17:24:25 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... An OK day I think.... Got some issues but they're trivial so I hope... Was sitting here looking at picturs I found on twitter and laughing.... And finding them is also amusing... But a time waster... Ate a can of souerkraut the other day and had the runs after drinking lots of water and coffee so I'd void prior to being outside without access to a torlit... Anyway I seem to feel better in the legs my principle problem for a long time... Like my joints got more loose and I walked with ease.... And after sitting at the computer for a long while I was able to walk pretty much ok not like before when I was stiff as a board etc.... So I'm not ruleing out souerkraut... That was my pet item to go to if I needed help but deep down felt it would be a waste of time... However now I'm of a different view... Has Vitamin K a lot like spinach and the reads say it is good for a lot of health things... And I neve eat souerkraut except on rare occassions... So maybe I'll do different like making it a regular item in my diet...? Guess I should get going... *** Sun Oct 20 17:48:38 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... So I just showered and voided before that and I worked ut around noon pretty good... Went to the Clearwater Mall and got popcorn and a drink at Target... Then I sat around dead tired for awhile then got cheese and trail mix at Dollar Tree... Got a ton of snack foods with me... Thought about souerkraut some more today... Think I should eat some more often anyway as google said it is good for you... Long morning as I was up around 5 and it started to sprinkle but I went to McDonald's anyway.... Didn't rain but saw a puddle at McDonald's.... Ate the Cinammon roll I had plus I saw someone eating pancakes and He was really stuffing them down so I got syrup with a sausage muffin... Was good and I know that the syrup makes the pancakes HA... Time's about up... Later... *** Mon Oct 21 21:51:21 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day I guess... Got a bag of onion rolls for 99 cents and had salami and onion rolls twice... Now I have a pint of white rice and salami for as soon as this place closes... Shot hoops and did weights twice today... Thought I did pretty good with the BB... Just can't run with ease... Actually afraid to try and run full throttle.... So that's a problem too... Like writer's block sorta HA.... Sat there at The college Library doing twitter pictures.... Started to do them at the Drew St Library but there were young girls on both sides of me and bad pictures show up pretty often... I of course delete them as fast as I can but it still shows up on the screen for a time... So I waited till I got to the college.... They're older but after seeing me do the dumb thing I was doing the place emptied out HA... Sure that wasn't the reason but you think that a bit.... Library at the college is closed tomorrow... They have tents up with tables and chairs everywhere so there must be something going on... I'll be in Largo so I'll miss any of it.... Not for me for for sure anyway.... About closing time.... Have a great evening... O(*____*)O *** Tue Oct 22 18:24:29 2013 Submitting Host: .: Inside North Korea by an American Tourist - Part 1 of 4 ... *** Tue Oct 22 21:47:54 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Opps, had a flat front tire when I started to leave McDonald's... Guess I was due for one as I've been going thru a couple of places with broken glass... I dodge thru but in the dark that doesn't work so well... But I pumped the tire up and got back to the Y and in the rain... Had been waiting for the rains to slack off and they did a bit... But my tire was about flat as I rode into the Y... So no biking tomorrow morning... Walking up to McDonald's might be a good idea...? Need to get a patch kit... Was going to the day I paid 35 bucks but passed on it... Just as well as I had only just enough cash... Think the worse when this happens but I suppose I'm not alone like that..? Movie day today and saw "Enough Said" and it was a movie full of dialog... I actually missed the ending words or rather what they meant...? O Well... Really a bummer without wheels HA... Will cost me 2.25 a day riding the Buses... Got a poor boy sub for tonight... Voided pretty good today also... Had a pint of rice in me from last night... Like rice ... O(+___+)O Gosh I don't know... Suffering age things like my thinking... Traffic was sick and I'm awkaward with the bicycle anymore... Like stopping I stumble UGH etc.. So i don't know... Cussed some today blameing all the traffic on the population and why don't they stop f'ing etc... But I was nervous from not being fully in control of the bike because of age and being stuck in the middle of the main road with no let up on cars coming... UGH Be smelling the paint pretty much where I have to sleep tonight... Was dehydrated pretty much from sleeping outside can you believe it... Probably too much coffee... Had I stopped here at the Y on my 1st pass I wouldn't have got more wet and no flat maybe...? But the place was packed with cars so I decided to wait till later... Sitting around here for 3 hours isn't what I feel comfy doing... No place to even sit when they're real busy... Guess I'm out of here... *** Wed Oct 23 07:10:13 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I drank a coffee in the TV room and napped a bit... Dog tired mornings as usual... Raining also... The weather page shows it is about passed... Thinking of pumping up the tire and riding over to the Steak Place as I can get a patch kit next door at the service station... My luck they won't have one... Think I'll run out of air before I get there... But a steak might cheer me up...? Need to find a ATM though... Imagine Me being ATM's HA... O Well... Probably the worse is still ahead of me....? Got a stuffy nose I've been hacking into tissues with UGH... See another street person a lot who is always blowing His nose so now I've got whatever that is maybe...? Showered and shaved and looking forward to patching a tire UGH... Skipped exercise... Looked into the Sauna but someone was laying down in there so I passed... Would have passed whatever unless it was empty... And the steam room I don't go into unless I have a wet suit... Pool was full so I didn't bother to get my suit wet... Tons of tmes I shower and go to the pool and it is full and there I stand with a wet suit HA... And the towel dispenser isn't working right... Got paper out after messing with it and pulling on the paper.... Suspect the batteries are about dead... So I mumble outloud as I wal to my locker... "2013 and nothing works right..!" Need to exercise but I sit hee and all day I'll sit and do silly computer stuff... I listen to Ham call sign's and look them up on google and see pictures of the person talking.... Plus tons of other unrelated pictures also.. Interesting a bit... Out of here... *** Sun Oct 27 12:19:13 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Sunday and noontime... Y opened about an hour ago... I shot hoops and was a bit more accurate than normal... Lucky... And I did some weights and the treadmill... Was already at McDonald's for 3 lg coffee's and a sausage muffin and then after a nap to Wendy's and fries and a cheeseburger delux jr and a Hi C drink no ice... So I'm full and exercised... Libraries are closed mostly nearby... Nothing much to write... BYEeee.... *** Tue Oct 29 08:03:23 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Just typed in the index page and it didn't do anything... Supposed to redirect to here UGH.... Complain morning... Went to McDonald's just to get out of here... In a bind here with too much stuff and no place else to go... Makes me a sort of patsy whatever that is UGH... But to do anything right seems a bit of trouble... Not a miracle like the others maybe...? Should have spent my life at a humble job I suppose... But I rejected that so now look at me HA... Anyway I had a sausage muffin and 2 lg coffee's and started back..., Have to go around the glass in the street/sidewalk place as I saw other bikers also go around, meaning, they go thru taco Bell's driveway... So I get to the corner.. Light just changed so I can turn left and cross the street... A car is coming so I stop and wait... He's going to turn right and He';s waiting on the traffic and not looking at me standing there and no turn signal and I know He's going to pull out and turn after the last car and even if I was a pedestrain I'd be gambling to walk in front of His car... So I wait and of course miss the light... And I'm thinking about the car I started in front of before who didn't look and ran over me... Cost 90 bucks for bike wheels and then someone steals the bike... So I start cussing... Just pisses me off sometimes I guess... Anger problems, control problems, and living problems.... O well another day... Just not smart enough to get things right in my life... The other option is to let someone else control your being and that really sucks... Shouldn't write this crap here but the thought of being perfection in my writings and daily living also sucks... Still sort of grates against my being that with 7 billions of people's I can't even find a single person that doesn't seem to threaton my well being... Not one... That really, you know what... ***Sat Nov 2 08:16:17 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... So I woke at 5 am and rolled up my bedroll and packed everything up and got my Y card out of my wallet and then look and see and remember that the place doesn't open till 7 am UGH... I've done that so many times on Saturday Mornings ta da.... So I sack out again sorta grateful that I can close my eyes again... And at 6:30 am, 1/2 an hour before opening it begins to rain O(~___~)O .. So I get closer to the building with all my stuff and no wind so I stay dry... But it rains pretty hard and steady awhile... Slacked off at opening so I get in here ok and dry... Saw on TV that a line of storms is passing thru and will last awhile.... Lost my bike at the Drew St Library... Came out Thursday and it was gone... Everything, the lock and chain and bike... So i walked which was good as I needed to walk... But yesterday I took the backpack with me and it was heavy enough to cause me discomfort... Think my left knee is stoved in more from the weight... Also as I got off the Bus my knee sort of twisted a bit and I felt discomfort in it... Stretched some last night but my left knee still feels numb and funky... So my weekend is a mess without transportation... And on the other hand I won't be riding back and forth like an idiot not knowing why or what HA... Was just so easy to feel uncomfortable and so just leave and go elsewhere... Seemed to end up at McDonald's all the time for for coffee.... Has been my weakness in the past also fixing a cup of coffee constantly... Sure drove some people's a bit nuts with my constant coffee fixing .... O(*___*)O But it gave me something to write about here... Interestingly, I got a bike just like it for 15 dollars at a garage sale up the street years ago... Then someone stole that bike which I liked real well, a Free Spirit which I had way years ago and rode cross country on it... Anyway I wondered if the people or their neighbors had anything to do with it as 15 bucks for a good bike with good tires is a steal... So later I got the bike I just lost for 30 bucks at the flee market... Had a flat tire and a bent pedel, hence the good deal... It also had good tires... Mention tires as that's a big money item with bikes... So as I walked back last night to the Y here there was a tall young guy standing next to the original garage sale bike house and as I approached He started walking ahead of me... He continued as I turned but I wondered about that and if there was any connection... Probably not, but you wonder... So bikeless it is for awhile HA... Cost 2.25 to ride the Bus and I imagine I get harmed on the Buses, hence my left knee... But i suppose I cause it if it's so as I don't feel happy on the Buses as I'm thinking all kinds of insults for some reason... Just my own meanness maybe... Or in truth, FEAR.... How can a guy nap on a Bus and wake and there are 5 big black guys on the Bus and no one else and the Bus Driver is black.... I went back to sleep OPPS.... That was a long time ago... O Well... ***Sun Nov 3 17:42:32 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Almost closing time... Time change so I was here 1/2 hour early HA... Glareing at everyone today which isn't in my favor... The stolen bike the entire contents of all the little things that sort of get to me a bit... Right or wrong seems something man made I suppose as it has a lot of lean way... Anyway I haven't the mind for that sort of thinking anyway.... I think about them making chopsticks and selling them to China HA... Got to go... Computer was off line today but was Ok just before closing time.... Walked a good bit this morning and awhile ago... Got a coffee refill and their Special chicken fried rice... Feels like a ton... Will eat in a few minutes outside... BYE.... *** Tue Nov 5 21:53:03 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... OPPS. I stumbled and fell this morning cutting my arm a bit... Been leaking blood all day... But has scabbed over pretty good.... Hope it will be ok... My left toe caught the cement as I looked at the Bus going by and I lost control and fell with abandon UGH... So I nurse that awhile... Rode the Buses to Tarpon Springs and used their computer... E- mailed from there after some more tw itter pictures... There was one the other day photoshopped with a russian guy with a red star on His cap standing on Mars ta da... Got a few laughs out of that one... Probably accidently harm the scab during the night...? Think it's warmer now... Saw some clouds but the weather map shows clear skies all over Florida... Got some chile for in a few minutes... Poured out 1/2 my tea water as I only had 15 min and I have to pack up my stuff... Stopped at the causeway and got a McDouble and senior coffee and went to the discount food place and got chile/lemon potato chips... Imagine that HA... And a box of raisen oat bars... So that should keep me full pretty much for awhile... Only a dollar for tha chips and wise chips at that... 1.25 for the bars , 6 of them I think... Box was heavy HA... Guess I had better get out of here... *** Thu Nov 7 21:47:37 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Well I just got my bike back... Got on the #60 Bus and as I was getting off I saw my bike there on the front of the Bus... I knocked on the door and asked who's bike it was and a short older man said it was His... I told Him it was my bike that was taken from the drew st library and asked where He got it... The Bus driver wanted to move the Bus and I said I had to get off here but it was my bicycle... The guy finally said take it and I thanked Him... He was about my age but probably younger... So I have the bike in the lobby here and no lock for it... So I'll get a lock 1st thing in the morning.... Worry I might get more problems now but I got on it and it felt great... Was like having new legs I would guess... Still need to walk more though... Looked at the seat and didn't see that it was the new one I got right away then I saw it was.... Just riding down here to the Y felt like I could ride it anywhere... As my walking is a bit laborous... The left knee rubs and the right leg sorta gives out sometimes.... UGH Well I feel better unless there's complications with my recovery of the bike... So I got a slice of Hess pizza today and it was great... Then coffee at McDonald's with 2 pumpkin pies... Had a Buffalo Ranch McChicken sandwich and it was good plus hot.... Have another for later.... Feel tired as it was a long day... Was at the college library in Tarpon Springs... And again at the Clearwater College Library where I added a bunch of Leps video's to the playlist.... Well later I guess... *** Sun Nov 10 17:45:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well a sort of down day maybe.... Didn't want to exercise because of my wounded arm which is a bit red all around the gash.... Worrisome thing for sure... Rode Buses missing 2 Buses by a hair causing a bit of bitterness... About closing time... Showered at 11 but passed this evening... Short of time and I hae to worry about the wet wound and my fungus which thrives on wet... etc Tired as usual...Bus people act funny and I think the bike guy was there... They worry me, even the guy behind me talking to some gal across the isle... I hear it in my head ugh... But complaints aren't what anyone wants to hear for sure... But if I'm not doing so well peoples feel a bit more at ease or elated....? Got to go... Mon Nov 11 21:49:17 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just saw I got my 1st spam on this page... I deleted it but I'm sure it will continue... I don't have the index page here so I can delete this page after moving everything to another page... But of course it might continue...? UGH Tired... Long day.... Went and saw a movie because the libraries were closed because of Veterans Day and it cost me 8 bucks UGH Again... So I don't know...? My arm wound looks gastly but it will remind me maybe of my fallable condition, older... Shot some hoops awhile ago because I saw the #2 ball in the trash.... Was my favorite but the threads are torn and a part of the ball is flapping... But I went into the gym and shot a few anyway with it... There's never a loose ball in the gym for some reason... And anyone who w alks into the gym might like to pick up a ball and toss a few but they won't bother to go to the desk and exchange their card for a ball... Too much trouble fo some... Whatever HA... Rode buses a lot... Got stuck at Clearwater Mall a good while but I didn't want to get here too early as the place was packed when I did get here... Worry about spam again... I had to close down an account because of it... And new ones aren't the same as you can't use an editor... Trials... Got chicken for 4 bucks but only 7 pieces and 3 wings HA... But I got 3 breasts the last time... About time to go... *** Wed Nov 13 21:49:38 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day.... Went to Tarpon Springs on Buses 1st thing this morning mostly because it was cold... Cold now and more so tonight... Got my socks and extra blanket... Got vienna sausage and noodle soup plus all my dry foods.... Pretzels, rolls, seeds, and I got chips today and peanut butter cups a dollar each... The cups were in a bag for a dollar, on special discount... Spent most of my computer time looking at Twitter pictures.... Addicted to that so it seems... But there's not that much else to do at least for me right now.... No more spam but I can see it's lurking around all the time...And my alltherest2 page locks up with a blank page often.. Why I don't know but probably because I have too many randm links on it....? Like 1400 plus... Tired, hope I sleep ok tonight... Keep bumping my wounded arm and it smarts and even seeps a tiny bit of blood... Walking seems a chore which is new I think... Read some stuff out of a book that seemed to push clensing of the insides with juice fasts etc... Mentioned some other stuff that rids the body of toxins... Out of here... *** Thu Nov 14 19:52:09 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library.... Just mucking around here pretty much... Listening to Stas Mikhailov and His emotional video... Can't look as it gets tears in my eyes.... Think the song has a lot to do with it and it's in Russian which I can't understand... Was down at Largo today making a long trip around on Buses by going to the VA Bay Pines 1st... My arm didn't look so red so I just got biscuit and gravy for 1.59 and then went to Panera Bread Largo Mall and had coffee and 2 crossants... Got 4 crossants for a dollar on the discount rack in Albertson's... Voided good here awhile ago... After 2 large coffee's and some salami and another crossant... Got my bike at the Y and rode here... So I have a way back without needing a Bus, hopefully... No exercise today... Noticed after riding the Bus I was really stiff and weak... Barely step off the Bus ugh... I sit on the hard seat too long and I think it affects my nerves and/or blood flow..? About time to get rolling... Need to do my laundry again as everything stinks HA... This camping life... But I like being outside... Figure I have neurotoxins inside me but of course not sure... If I'm breathing pesticides then probably so... Plus the water everywhere isn't so great as people's drink bottled water everywhere... Later... ***Sun Nov 17 17:20:19 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Another Sunday coming to an end... Got an hour before the Y closes... Will fix tea... Have ginger snaps tp munch on plus salami and pretzels... Was going to get garlic but I forgot... And my scab on my arm is also surrounded by a lot of red... UGH... Have a couple of small pcs of garlic still I think and also I can ride up later and get some maybe...? Used the treadmill to get my legs loose and toned up some... Walked lighter and easier after... The bottom line is to be on my feet all the time but I find it a chore... Ned to w ork on that... I can stand at a computer but I choose to sit most often... Got 2 sausages at Thornton's for 2.50 plus a hot choc for 99 cents and ate sitting on the ground at a closed bank next door to Thornton's... We ll things aren't really getting better... My arm needs to heal before I can really do much... Still seeping pus ugh... Then again it will be something else... Of course at my age I shouldn't expect things to be any different as it's the same for all old people's... Now I can't think of much to write about... Actually have a ton of stories but none seem important or worth telling... Downloaded pictures yesterday and sent some in my e-mail but didn't put any on shutterfly... So I kept them in the camera to download next time and add to shutterfly... Shutterfly must have a heck of a storage system to keep everyone's pictures... Took a shower at 1 so it's after 5 and I think I'll pass... *** Wed Nov 20 19:33:58 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Thu Nov 21 21:51:46 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well a busy day of sorts... I rode Buses, 1st to Larg Mall and ate spagahetti with PB coffee and a breakfast bar and a JJ berry pie and watched the people's outside at their tables.... Added cumen to the cayenne pepper I had and it tasted good on the spagahetti... So I was full of gas last night and all day so I figure the 5 layer burrito I got yesterday at taco bell.... Still farting HA... Anyway to make a long story short I rode buses to the causeway and got another box of the dark choc breakfast bars for a dollar and another bag of lemon chips and some vitamins... Also got a pair of slacks for 50 cents... Looked at shoes but no men sizes... I just left the pants on the counter here as I really don't like them ta da... And I got coffee at McDonald's there and rode the buses back to thhe Y... I showered and changed pants as they were dirty from farting and went to the College library and looked at twitter pictures and saving some here... Tired and my left knee isn't right... Couldn't shoot hoops as the nerve was feeling pressure in the knee... Think it's an on going problem that keeps getting worse... Age being the culprit I suspect... Stopped at Wendy's after the library and got a baked potato and a Hi C drink... Then I went to Albertson's and got a cheese bar pepper jack for 2.50 which is too much for me as I figure I can get it cheaper HA... But it goes good with pretzels so I'm happy... Tea chees and pretzels and garlic.... Interestingly, I felt a bit different in the head and even walking after the cumin... Not sure if that was the reason though...? Well my tea water is hot and about time to get out of here... O yea the Hunger Games starts tomorrow... Also saw we have a bunch of good movies coming to the big screen.... Anxious to see them all.... Saw a picture of Jenifer Lawerence and She was almost topless... Thought of Cruz saying to Her, "Have you been bad" ta da.... O(*___*)O BYEeee.... *** Sat Nov 23 15:20:19 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Just used the sanitized tissues to wipe the table off at this computer which was a bit dirty... Hair and questionable tiny stuff bits of paper so I wiped it all up... Got the keyboard and mouse and monitor screen... How about all that ta da... Not doing much today... Went to Wendy's and got fries and a Jr Cheeseburger Delux and a Hi C drink... Was good.. Like the baked potatoes better but I don't want to get 1 every day... Because the people there would be upset maybe... Where have all our baked potastoes gone....? Freaking scab is going to take for forever to heal I suspect... Rub it in my sleep and it leaks pus out from under the scab UGH... But time heals all wounds, Right...? Listening to Fabian and she sounds good... Opps, I forgot I was writing here HA.... Been everywhere for the last 1 1/2 hours ta da... Later.... *** Sun Nov 24 12:24:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK morning but it looked like rain, overcast... No rain yet though.. Got some rolls, 5, for 99 cents at the Grocery... 1 was an onion roll which I ate with salami an hour ago... Just shot some hoops and did floor exercises but my right leg would go numb as I stepped on it so that was a problem plus I'm still stuffed and was short of breath... Never exercise much empty but I probably should... Have more energy full but I exhaust fast and again shortness of breath... Had coffee at McDonald's and got a sausage muffin with hot sauces to go which I ate at the Bus Stop... And the stop was clean with a new bag in the trash... Last week the trash can was full... Lots of Bus Stops so they probably don't bother often.... The one's with shelters get hozed down usually and cleaned up more often... Not sure what to say... An experience yesterday but really haven't enough info to really talk about it ta da... But I had a bruise on my rear and some blood and it's where there's a tiny cut in the bike seat so I don't know...? I'll take a picture of the bike seat but you'll see how unlikely the spot is to cause any harm... Keep thinking of the cartoon saying on 1 of the pictures and laugh a bunch... But the joke might affend some so I'll pass on it... Tired... But I hit the basket a few times with my wild shots HA... Not a 1 shot guy ta da... Sure wore me out fast... So enough from here... Have a great day... *** Sun Nov 24 16:36:26 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... So I did nothing much today... Shot hoops earlier which I already mentioned on a previous post... Changed and showered and shaved and went to McDonald's for coffee... Chilly out so I need to remember my extra blanket and socks... Took my coffee refill to the Bus Stop an ate a JJ cherry pie with it... Also policed the area as it was full of trash.... Windy and the trash can was full... Should shoot some more hoops as I sit all the time but I don't feel comfy in the gym in the evenings... Plus I was there once today which should be enough... Got toned up good from the floor exercising as I still look pumped up a bit... Rambling... Thinking of the Russian movies with captions... Enjoyer the Office Romance one and another SF one was interesting but was slow and I wasn't that interested... But it was cool as the guy who said He was an Alien said if you push this button you will go to my planet... And he pushed it and was immediately in a desert... And the transportation there was really amusing HA... But i passed as too ridiculous and slow... But i hope to find some other modern movies with captions that are interesting and/or amusing... Got 1 1/2 hours before closing time... Got soup and vienna sausages to go with the buns I got earlier... No chicken noodle my favorite.... So I got tomato as I haven't had that in a long while... Should be OK with the bread... *** Tue Nov 26 18:06:32 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Wrote last night on the Y computer and got a popup that said you've timed out try again... I didn't try again and lost everything... Now I wonder if I should have tried...? I doubt it because I was on a blank page and going back would see no text... But of course not sure... Went to Tarpon Springs today and had Beef and Vegetables at the China place... It was good... Was going to add cumin/cayenne mix but I had left it in my locker... Was a real light sprinkle as I rode here... Was short of breath... Walked on the treadmill this morning ... Passed out after cheese and roll and a buddy bar with Y coffee in the TV room... I just relax to easy and bang I fall asleep... Coming in out of the coolness also may have been a reason.. Will write later... *** Fri Nov 29 09:38:02 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Hi... Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving... Got 13 hours sack time last night as it was cool and I didn't have energy enough to do otherwise, I guess...? Had a chicken sandwich yesterday and still ate too much... Loaded up on popcorn at the movies... Saw "Homefront" which was good... Lots of action and who doesn't like to see the good guy kick away HA.... Probably the bad guys aren't so pleased, but then again they think they are RIGHT... So what can you do... Here I go being mental.... And JD Salinger is on the internet with 3 new stories never published... By the time I get around to looking at them they will be blocked and/or removed, maybe...? Enough.... Think I'll go see another movie... Probably a fool at these movie goings but they make the world go around in a way... Jennifer Lawrence was on the TV and all dressed up to you know what TA DA.... *** Fri Nov 29 19:52:20 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... So I'm back at the Y after a long day... Had this thought, "Movies are a Gift" and looked to see if anyone else had already quoted that and a lot of people have.... Should have known as it is short and sweet... The reasoning behind it was that you learn something from each movie... Some more than others... Even the worse movie probably has something of value somewhere in it if you look carefully...? But not sure of all this... And so I did go see "Philomena" which was a bit interesting... Think Mom might find it so as it has an elderly starring in it plus it's about Ireland a good bit... And after I went to the Pizza place next door where I got burnt with a real thick pizza but this time I picked out the one I wanted and just got water with it.... 2.25 and I put powdered cheese on it and just found that out as I started to write garlic knowing full well it wasn't that HA... There was garlic salt there but I thought I was putting garlic on as I added the powdered cheese, OPPS.... Well time to go... *** Sat Nov 30 09:58:44 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Think Libraries are closed today...? Anyway I can wait till Monday... Was thinking, O(#___#)O , anyway, that Rango didn't get a sequal because of Jealously...? A great movie and a money winner and then nothing more.... I myself would like to see more... An old Ayn Rand fan and I think Rango beat Atlas Shrugged by a country mile... O Well... So I went to McDonalds and drank coffee and had a sausage muffin with 3 hot sauces... Was great... Sat there watching the people's... Get these amusing thoughts but they aren't amusing to others so I keep them to myself... I'm sure everyone would refer to them as childish... The inner child... Makes my day as nothing else seems to ta da... So I'm in my gym clothes.... About ready to shoot a few hoops... Fixed my brakes this morning as the cable broke yesterday or the day before..? Was a glitch the last time I fixed that brake and had an open spot in the cable that I covered with duck tape... But the wire bent enough to finnaly break apart.... So I did a better job this time.... No duck tape needed... HA Well I guess I'll get out of here.... Need to reboot the computer because google makes it impossible for the next person to use gmail... Unless you do a lot of clicking around which isn't easy for a lot of computerers.... O___O *** Sat Nov 30 10:49:09 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y Again.... Well I wanted to mention this before I forget it... So I'm sitting there in McDonald's watching the people's... A guy doing a crossword in the newspaper... Another with an open Bible and He's writing stuff... And in the other room a guy with an SPC shirt on with a laptop.... I asked if the College Library was open and He wasn't sure... But as I sat there watching the employees as I do almost daily I thought this is about the story of my life... Sitting in fast food places with coffee all over the USA waiting for something... What, who knows... Anyway it never showed... I remember Wataburgers in Panama City and Fort Walton Beach where I sat a lot writing in 200 page notebooks everything that poped into my mind... And a lot of it was nasty... The same large gal drew my coffee for me as I had the 5 cent mug they sell for a dollar.... And otherwise the place was usually empty... I just sat and wrote usually the days events and trials... And I would get my temper up becaus of my uncomfy situation... Now I can see it was more a blessing that I might think... Finally I threw away 6 200 page notebooks hopeing no one would read them as I couldn't carry them and I was giving away my truck with a blown cylinder for a ride to the Greyhound Bus Station... Have mentioned this before... One of the times I really made someone's day ta da... Returned to Maine and went to McDonald's and a waitress I worked with when I was washing dishes came over and told Me about the other employees that I worked with for the short time I was there..., After that I looked around and kept rolling on my bicycle which I'm doing now... I really need that morning exercise to ride the bike to McDonald's for coffee.... Have a great Day.... *** Sun Dec 1 17:29:10 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Went and saw another movie today,"Frozen" and I napped part of it.... Childrens Disney movie but I wanted to pass the time doing that rather than stay in Clearwater... Wonder where my monies go, movies HA... So I finally showered today... Feel a bit better as I shaved also... Got hemroids which aren't comfy riding a bike... Plus I get blood on my pants also... And it shows thru so I looked bad today walking around... Nothing like loseing points all the time... Tired a bit... Got buddy bars and trail mix at the Dollar Tree... Got cheese yesterday at Target... Was 2 bucks the sign said but He charged me 2.49 and He was going to check on it but I didn't want to waste my time there so I passed and took the loss... Got a BBQ chedded burger at Checkers a while ago and it was good... Eating seems to be my Number 1 item... Worry about those who eat a big Thanksgiving Meal... Even the Buffet Buffs eat a bit too much... Maybe no problem but I sort of refrain as much as I can... Wouldn't think that snack eating all the time could be a problem but it is, really... Doing a lot of writing on this blog and saying nothing HA... Need to do laundry again... Long night tonight... Think I'll be OK temperature wise but not sure about rains...? Overcast and fog... Scab seems less red and should be getting to the finish stage... Was thinking when it comes off it might take a couple of small hunks of skin if I'm not careful and I'll have scabs again UGH... Worry UGH... About time to start heating tea water but I have coffee that wil be 2 hours old... So only pea warm... But I'm a bit full so I'll drink it and maybe snack on popcorn and nap... Later I have a cold McChicken sandwich and I can make tea if I choose... Voided OK but still feel like I'm full of it... Probably go to the college library in the morning...? Like to get out of here anymore guess it's the familarity thing... I don't want to see the same same people's every day... Hence my activities of moving around... Lots of negative thinking for some reason... O Well... *** Mon Dec 2 07:09:34 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... The text without pictures is not really a plus... I probably should put a picture on at each post here...? O Well... Dragging this morning... Drinking coffee watching TV and eating snack foods... Buddy bar, banana, and popcorn which is tasty with the cold butter flavor.. GYM has some people in it and I don't feel up to being comany but I sure need some exercise... All the idle time and foods has sort of gummed me up somewhat as I feel heaviness in my chest area... Why I don't know... Stuffed with foods is what I'm thinking... But I guess away at everything... Found a clean shirt and pants in my bag so I'll be OK for 2 days, then the laundry for for sure... Should go before it gets colder though... Train wreck on TV in the Bronx... Going to fast someone said and they're probably right... Thinking about what I'll eat today already and I'm stuffed HA.... Nothing much else going on and my energy and desire to function is at a low... Watched a Champ on TV who won medals in the Olympics and was advertizing GYM wear, also showed that He trained constantly almost all day long every day... 6 hours He said but probably fudged HA... Shows what you have to do to really keep going I suspect... You sit all the time which I do pretty soon you can't do anything else... UGH SO enough here... The picture I'd like to put here I won't because it might offend someone and although I found it amusing I think I used it to maybe make someone else feel uncomfortable which wasn't my initial intention... Using words I normally don't use and I wonder why.. Trying to be a writer, maybe ta da... Out of here... *** Mon Dec 2 10:08:21 2013 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Dec 4 12:32:46 2013 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library... Went to Largo Mall on the Bus and got spagahetti and ate at Panera bread outside.... Nice out too... They had mini crossants 8 ct for a dollar so I had a couple with my spagahetti... Got the rest in a bag in my backpack... Tired a bit... Exercised this morning, weights and BB.... Doing a step up high stretch which helps me walk... In fact I was goose stepping without trying ta da... Saw 2 high flying jets as I sat at PB looking up... They were way up also.... Just a tiny speck with a vapor trail... Heading south.... Australia...? O(@____@)O *** Thu Dec 5 09:50:49 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I just finished doing my laundry.... Whee, what a job HA... So I have some cleaner clothes for a time... Tired.... Might shoot a few hoops before I wash and leave... Yesterday was my last day on my Bus Pass so I should have went to Pasco while I had the chance... Costs 2.25 a day unless I get another monthly pass... So I don't know... Limited with just the bike for transportation... Went to McDonald's and got a sausage muffin with 4 grape jellies... Was good and ate a brownie with my refill at the Bus Stop.... Was it ever good, yum.... Legs were really lously carrying the heavy laundry bag back and forth... Shows I don't really get to work them like I should, maybe...? Scab seems to be healing OK... Ready to eat some more HA... Ate the salami and crossants last night plus brownie's... Fixed tea later having a coffee refill at closing time... Guess I'll get out of here for now... New pictures on #6 above.... *** Fri Dec 6 08:26:10 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Had fun yesterday on chat putting pictures of the floods in England from twitter there... The regular chatters are from York England etc and enjoyed seeing the pictures I think... Sort of over did it with addresses but I usually have little to say and the picture does my talking so to speak... And only 1 new movie this weekend so I'll probably go see that today...? Napped at the Bus Stop again and the 2 girls showed while I was asleep HA... Woke up with someone sitting next to me ta da... I usually stand while they're there waiting on the Bus giving up my seat... So I did that and stretched and exercised while waiting for the Bus to come... After they left I sat back down finishing my coffee and not wanting to leave and come here to the Y... Watched the sky get light and of course the heavy traffic going by... Might shoot some hoops before I shower and leave... Enjoy the spagahetti or pizza I zap at PB at the Largo Mall... Got a slice of pizza and hot choc at the Hess Station on #19 as I rode to the Largo Library on my bicycle... Figure I got a good workout riding there and back yesterday... Tired... Got a sausage muffin and 3 hot sauces... 1st hot sauce was over 1/2 empty... Looked at the packet and figure it leaked out of a tiny hole where you open the packet...? Out of here... *** Sun Dec 8 14:33:08 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... OK, last night I thought I saw the IIS space station go pass... So I looked it up and that was it... It was bright and slow like a baloon or something and it even looked like you could see that it was the station... Here's where I checked for for sure and you can see when it passes near you and what time etc....®ion=Florida&city=Orlando *** Mon Dec 9 09:24:30 2013 Submitting Host: .: Have to thik about this one..... “I can fool you because you’re a human. Usually when we’re fooled, the mind hasn’t made a mistake. It’s come to the wrong conclusion for the right reason.†— Jerry Andrus *** Mon Dec 9 10:20:40 2013 Submitting Host: .: “One lie has the power to tarnish a thousand truths.†— Al David “Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.†— Dorothy Allison “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.†— Abraham Lincoln "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity." — Hippocrates “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.†—Winston Churchill *** Mon Dec 9 20:07:05 2013 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library.... Well it was down to Largo Library today with a stop at the Hess Station for a slice of pizza and a mug of hot chocolate.... Was great and the weather outside is the same... On the way back i stopped at Sav a lot thinking that the pot pies might be 2 for a buck but they were 79 cents each... But I got 2 anyway a beef and a Turkey... Zapped them here and saw that they wern't worth 79 cents for sure UGH... So it's 8 pm now and I usually head back but think I'll wait awhile... Just want to shower heat some tea and then sack out at closing... Might get some more brownie's or cookies... Got pretzels HA... Also popped another popcorn here tonight so I have that also to snack on.... Was watching some more of the Numbers Station... Saw it before I remember now... Paid monies for all these movies ta da... And I pay for everything I eat also... See the street guy who walks by every morning on His way to the soup kitchen... Whatever you say about the kitchen, the food is excellent... But I remember eating too too much ugh... Saw the Russians pull down a statue of Lenin in Kiev on you tube... Have live youtube coverage also... Snow on the ground there and real cold... Nothing much else to say... Couple of SF movies I found and I put on the movie page... Paid to see those also HA... Won't be surprised if I'm without monies in the future somehow or somewhere...? Of course I think the worst... Later... *** Tue Dec 10 08:12:37 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... So I just came from McDonald's and the Park Bus stop.... Found a cellphone battery alongside the sidewalk and still in its wrapper... Also as I started up Gulf to Bay there was a bundle out in the street... So I stopped and got it out of the road and it was a heavy Army Jacket.... Thought it might be a bit snug for Me but didn't w ant it as it was heavy and thick... But some freezing weather is due so I'll wish I had it HA... Anyway I hung it on a pole next to the street where I retrieved it.... Also cleaned up at the Bus Stop, that becoming my thing anymore at Bus Stops I sit at... Feels better with out a lot of trash everywhere.... Did some floor exercises and walking in the GYM last night as I was heating my tea water... Doesn't take much exercise to bush me big time, whatever that means HA... Also, yesterday, as I was riding down eastbay there's this basketball court alongside the street... So I stopped and there was a cold water fountain and a bench and the place was empty... Then a car with a gal in it arrived and went back where there's a 2nd basketball court and I don't know what else and stayed there.... Then a guy on a bicycle arrived and went back there and then I left... Didn't want to disturb them so I didn't go see what was back there ta da... Next time I'll go look... *** Tue Dec 10 21:49:15 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... So another OK day... Started raining as I left the College Library but it was a lite sprinkle so I was OK.... Got a coffee at McDonald's and a sandwich from Checkers... Got a bunch of snack foods also... Went and saw a movie at Tri- City Plaza, "The Book Thief", and it was OK... A bit too slow for me but interesting... About time to get out of here... Got a slice of pizza and another hot choc at the Hess Station... Pizza was a bit old but OK and I got the regular hot chocolate which has less sugar I'm pretty sure... Again I was on twitter a lot looking at pictures... Really addictive for me as you never know what's next ta da... Tired a bit... Got bit by mosquitoes last night I think and again tonight about in the same area onf my rear... Maybe the same bite...? Anyway I squeezed it getting some blood out.. Looked like 3 bites together UGH.... But i felt it last night after waking up and taking a leak and tonight after I put my struff in my locker and put my T shirt on... So i don't know...? OPPS, got to go... *** Wed Dec 11 21:53:43 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I'm heating tea... Passed up on the evening coffee but drank enough water to void OK... So I feel a bit empty now... Was at the Clearwater College most of the day... Sat in the park also and drank a coffee refill around 2:30 pm... Looked at about 3 or 4 movies switching around a bit... Julia Roberts is in 1 movie and I saw it before but still enjoy watching it... Played with twitter a lot also.. Seem to be running out of catchy pictures , maybe...? Was a small homemade plane alongside a fighter jet and I thought that was amusing... About time to go... Had a cussing fit in the middle of Gulf to Bay because the traffic was so heavy I couldn't get across... Probably needed the outlet for my feelings and stuff.. O Well.... *** Thu Dec 12 21:32:07 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I rode Buses today... Was cool and overcast this morning so I decided to use the Bus... 2.25 but I got to go to Tarpon Springs and then to Largo Mall HA... Got an eggroll at the China Place in Tarpon and it was really good... Then later after using the computer at the Tarpon Springs Library I rode Buses to Largo Mall and finally decided to walk over to the Shell Station and get a mug of hot choc and then across the street to Subway which has cold cut combos for 2 bucks during December... So I got a foot long Sub for 4 bucks... A good deal... Got it with everything and She piled the veggies on big time so the sandwich was great... Have 1/2 of it left for later this evening... Feels colder so I got my other jacket which is great for cold nights... O Yea... I went into the thrift store and there was a pair of shoes for 4 bucks... Mine were covered with duck tape so I bought the shoes and ditched the old pair... They feel great and look good... Got to go... *** Fri Dec 13 07:42:42 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Cool last night, 54 degrees the TV said.... Probably a bit warmer here...? Anyway I was comfy with 2 blankets... Left leg feels numb this morning... And I sleep on that side mostly... Think the hard cement comprimises my hip bone as I have a sorta bruise there that's permanent... Guess I need a softer sleep spot HA... 3 hours and I'm still in my sleep clothes and 2 jackets and 2 hats HA... Ate my other 1/2 of my foot long cold cut combo subway and it was great... All I could think of was the good veggies I was eating for a change... Might do that more often... New Hobbit movie starts today... Doubt if I can wait till Monday...? But I should to save moniess plus I have things to do on the computer... Watching 3 movies at the same time switching around HA... Can be on chat anytime I want also and that helps a bit as I don't interact with anyone around here... An international interactor ta da... Reall zonked a far as energy... The numb leg also sorta stalls you big time... Walked in the GYM yesterday and fast walked after I got rolling... Almost Christmas and no plans for this grinch UGH... Got new shoes at the thrift store yesterday for 4 bucks... Merry Christmas to me HA.... Enough, and have a great weekend everyone... *** Sat Dec 14 17:51:54 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Closing time... Made tea... Have cheese and pretzels... Looks like rain...? Radar shows rains to the North and looks pretty clear here... 70 tonight and 46 tomorrow night HA.... Got to go... *** Sun Dec 15 12:33:07 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well a busy morning of sorts... Woke around 2 and needed to void... So I went to McDonald's and I really voided.. Lucky I got there in time I think... Anyway I finished the cheese with pretzels at the Bus Stop around 9 this morning... Wondering if the cheese made my insides a bit upset...? Some other stuff happened but I'll keep it to myself rather than upset anyone HA... Was thinking of chicken and it's 3 pc with a biscuit for 3.49 at Church's Chicken... I passed... The Subway sounds like a better deal as I can eat twice for 4 bucks plus I get veggies... Rambling... Just showered and put on clothes I haven't slept in but I wore these pants about 3 times already UGH... But I didn't feel like dgging for a clean pair... Do that tomorrow... Besides in a couple of hours I'll put on the pants I slept in again... Listening to Leps... Usually don't bother here at the Y, but today I got the earphones and plugged them into the computer... The cord is long enough on these earphones I found at a Bus Stop yet my own earphones have too short a cord UGH.. Got 5 1/2 hours before this place closes and really no where else to go... Always a food place or a library... Was at Largo Library yesterday.. Nothing much to write... Probably should exercise maybe later this afternoon...? Well have a great day... *** Sun Dec 15 16:35:53 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Rode the bike to Racetrack and got a mug of hot chocolate and then rode back to Subway and got a foot long cold cut combo with everything... Ate 1/2 and it was great... Finished the choc there and then rode back here stopping and getting brownies and noodle soup at Family dollar... So I've enough to eat tonight... Down into the 50's here I guess so I'll stay wrapped up pretty good... Noodle soup might be nice later on tonight... The Emily Blount video was on but wasn't playing for some reason...? But the next Leps video seems OK... Blount is in a new movie coming soon to the big screen... "Edge of Tomorrow", I guess it is... And with Tom Cruise... Should be an OK movie... In my gym clothes but not doing anything... Always trying to void UGH... Spend my time on the John a lot... Scab still looks ugly but seems to be shrinking a bit... Guess it falls off when it's done..? Tried to tighten my main axel on the bike... Seemed like I suceeded but noticed after Racetrack that it was loose again.. Was a street guy there on a bike after I came out and I wondered if He did something to it... So I don't know... Was Ok.. Then not OK... There's a nut on the gear side of the axel but I haven't a wrench for it... Suspect that might be the loose nut HA... On the walking, I do next to none... See the spanish families walking in the park and everywhere else for that matter, yet I just can't seem to get started... The fall and cutting my arm walking in the dark was a big downner... If I would just stand more that would be better than sitting... Remember my younger days I couldn't sit still... Was always jumping up to go do something else... I'd walk around back cove sometimes and mostly just for something to do... Exercise wasn't really that important as we worked hard on those Salvation Army trucks... Freezing cold up there in Maine now ... Might get freezing around here also... Not equipped for the low 40's... Rambling... *** Mon Dec 16 19:17:58 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... WOW, I'm at the Y with 4 hours before closing and I still have 3 hours to go... Watched TV a bit and did the Dumbbells a bit and the treadmill the same... Can see I'm the old fart in there and that didn't help my attitude... That I'm a victim always never leaves my mind... O Well... Tired... Not sure what to do for 3 hours as the place is busy... UGH... *** Mon Dec 16 21:45:04 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Heating T water... Took a shower... Both towel dispensers were empty or not working UGH... Was something on the floor btween showers that looked like poo, maybe... UGH Did I mention 1 of my peanut butter crackers last night had no peanut butter in it... Just 2 dry crackers HA... And the other day I got an eggroll and She put a fortune cookie in with it and there was no fortune inside the cookie ta da.... On a roll so it seems... Worked my legs a bit on the steps and after my shower I felt shin splints kinda discomfort... That's a norm though pretty much... Hope I got socks in my bag... Added the sweat shirt to my clothing for tonight as it should be a mite colder... Like that [bit, mite, ] stuff HA.... Got some salami to go with the pretzels... And Albertson's has some cheeses for just under 2 bucks and I think they've been there a good while but I didn't pay attention... However I like Japolina rather than Colby Jack HA... And I got a bag of choc chip cookies to snack on also... Should be enough till 5 am... Supposed to warm up tomorrow also I think... Sat at the Library all day and sat everywhere else... Didn't even stand at McDonald's with my coffee because of this and that... Didn't think of it until I saw someone else standing around.. A bit tired... Skipped Bb this evening as the GYM was pretty busy and all young people's... Enough, have a nice evening... *** Tue Dec 17 21:12:15 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Gosh I don't know I just felt like writing... Just came from getting a hot choc at Thornton's and stood outside and drank it watching the people's come and go... At least I was standing a bit... Getting cooler... Suposed to be around 50 tonight... Saw on a picture today that Alaska was warm like Florida while the US was freezing mostly... Voided but drinking water thinking I might void some more yet running out of time here before I won't have a torlit to use UGH... Freaking tired all day also... Especially at the College Library I was falling asleep at the computer... Sat and ate some popcorn and also napped... The lack of motion isn't in my favor... Thanks for the bicycle as that keeps me going prett much... Same ole same ole... O Well... Not even sure I want to take another shower... But I suppose I will... Stink enough as it is with dirty laundry to sleep in etc... Scab is still with me... Can't last forever I hope... Full moon... Also on the Alaska that I typed into twitter I got a picture of where officers have been killed in alaska and there were many... Was thinking, up there everyone has a gun probably... Ate 1 1/2 bags of popcorn today... Got cheese for tonight, Colby Jack... So that should be OK plus I got a box of brownies... 4 to a box... But i like them with coffee or tea... Guess I'll go shower... *** Tue Dec 17 21:47:16 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y again... Heating T water.... Took a shower... Always feel better after a shower... No exercise although a while ago I did some stretching on the steps and step ups which are my weakness... Interesting as that was the class I was in years ago the step class HA... Did ok then but now my legs make it almost impossible to alk up or down steps without holding on to the railing... After doing so awhile then it gets easier... In a movie I was watching today th guy was walking up and down a flight of steps and showing the exhaustion... Was on the websdr chat but it is so slow that it is a waste of time pretty much... And the same ole stuff that they perport to listen to like it was of some importance... In fact the whole thing is about some sort of importance that really isn't there... It's a fantasy ta da... Think I'll look again before I get out of here... About time to go... *** Wed Dec 18 21:49:21 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well not much to say... Library today and got a meatball subway today with everything and I ate it with a spoon HA... Sort of fell apart so the spoon was a winner... Was p[retty good too... Got some cheese left and pretzels for tonight... Popped popcorn today so I have 2 1/2 bags of same... So I can snack on that later also... Cool again tonight but I've been rather comfy with the 2 blankets... Tea water is heating so that's always nice... Think of Church's Chicken as I used to go there a lot but prices went up and I stopped... But I still think about Fried Chicken... Did some standing around and exercised a bit, treadmill also... Think just staying on my feet would be a great idea... However I forget and sure like to sit down... UGH Was a movie I just saw at the Theater on a russian movie site... And it's still playing at the theater... But the big screen is worth seeing for sure... About time to go as my tea water should be pipping hot about now... Have a nice evening everyone.... O(@___@)O *** Thu Dec 19 09:18:44 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Hi... Sitting here drinking McDonald's coffee as I just came from there.... Got a sausage muffin and hot sauces and sat there a good while watching the people's.... Just looked at the Largo Library schedule and I can use their Library a lot over the Holidays... But the College Libraries are closed pretty much... But I only get 2 hours on the computer there... Tired a bit for some reason... Exercised a good bit last night so that might have something to do with it... Know I slept sounder than usual... Thinking of going to the new Anchorman movie today at Largo Mall but not sure... Running late... Guess that's about it... *** Thu Dec 19 21:48:25 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Got lucky this evening and I was thinking chicken, hence the reason I went to the chicken place 1st in the supermarket... A bag of wings for 1.50 yum... Ate a few with coffee when I got back here to the Y... They were great... Had a BBQ sandwich before that also... So I'm filling up again big timr after voiding a ton this morning... Went to Largo Mall and saw the anchorman 2 movie and it was lously... O Well... About time to get out of here... Bike tire need patching or replaced as I have to pump it up constantly... No hoops today ... Was late this morning after going to McDonald's so I skipped being in the GYM awhile... The senior BB people were already in there so I passed... Later... *** Fri Dec 20 20:51:32 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well i read the e-mail I send earlier in the day HA... See if I'm doing OK....O Well... Heating my luke warm coffee from McDonald's... Think I'll check it as it will be boiling soon enough... Yea, the steam came out of the mug HA... So I need to keep putting air in the tire... Patched it this morning but not good enough or another leak...? Was leaking at a seam in the tube hence an old tube and it looks pretty beat up with 3 patches on it... So I shall get a new tube... Squeak is my pedel as it is dry... Put some WD-40 on it but that's not oil UGH so it is starting to squeak again... Got to go.... *** Sat Dec 21 09:15:40 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... The headphone jack doesn't work on this computer UGH... No Leps this morning HA... Can use speakers but it disturbs the other members maybe plus it doesn't sound very good, tinny... Tired... Rode up to McDonald's... Pumped up the front tire twice... Makes for a lousy day... Later... *** Sat Dec 21 17:48:59 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I took the tire off and tried to find the leak in the tube and it was windy and I saw the patch I put on looked like it had air under it and finally after pumping it up more it began to leak where the last patch was... Was going to try and patch it again but as I tore off the old patch the seam was open 1/2 an inch plus so I knew it was finished... Was close to the bike shop so I walked over and bought a new tube for 7 bucks and now I'm A OK HA... Got some donuts, 7 for 2 bucks and ate 4 with coffee after I put the new tube on.... Got 3 donuts to eat w ith my tea.. Tea is heating now... And this morning I did a lot of exercising, walking and up and down the steps and those Breathing Exercises I saw in the book yesterday at the library... Can see that's what is needed to stay in 1/2 decent shape... Going to have real hot tea but I don't plan on drinking it right away... Like to nap 1st HA... Also got an egg roll which I ate in the restroom with water and voided a bit... Guess I'll get out of here... Have a good evening everyone... O(+___+)O *** Mon Dec 23 09:18:15 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Sitting here trying to remember what I wanted to look up on Google UGH... And I can't remember... So i don't know... Went to McDonald's after a shower and shave as I smelled bad... Shot hoops but even with the exercises I have the Bum left leg/knee and the weak right leg.... O Well again... Wonder what I wanted to look up HA... Might see another movie today as there's nothing to do after the 2 hours on the Largo Library computer... Plus I have to eat at Panera Bread as it's my habit... Yesterday I forgot my mug as I didn't think I'd be going down there I guess... So the coffee cost me 2.50 REALLY UGH.... So that's why I can't at at PB... Also why I'm not welcome probably also... Scab is coming off ta da... 5 hours since I 1st walked in here... So it's time to go... Been breathing out fast like about 20 times every so often... Breathing is a big item in all the ancient health stuff I think...? maybe I'll put a twitter picture here... O(*____*)O

*** Tue Dec 24 14:50:58 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well a nice day but cooler... DID SOME LAUNDRY... HA.. Then I went to the Hess station on #19 and got a mug of hot choc and a slice of pizza... Pizza wasn't fresh but was OK... Also had a JJ Peach pie which I ate and some peanuts... Sat outside on the square logs around a tree... Saw an axel for a bike there in the grass and wondered how it got there and how much 1 would cost...? Then I rode up to the thrift store on Gulf to Bay which never has much HA... Got nothing.. Thought a bag for my food stuffs but the one I looked at was 3 bucks UGH.. A dollar and i would have got it probably...? Then I sat at the Bus stop on Belcher and took a few pictures... Policed the Bus stop and also the eating area at the Hess Station, not much litter at either place... Couldn't void... The Christmas Holiday and I can't void HA... Figure the chedder cheese and I should have ate salami... Got greetings from some of my e-mailers... At least I know someone's on the other end... Not like here ta da... Listening to Leps... I'll leave it on in case the maintaince people like to hear it but they probably don't bother... Sounds like Leps is yelling ta da... Skipped a shower as it looked crowded in there so I passed... Glad I did laundry as I'll have fresh clothes next week... Probably go to Largo tomorrow and see the Dinasour movie... PB is closed I just realized... Can eat sausages and hot choc at the Shell Station there... Or go to McDonald's if it's too cold... Got to go... *** Thu Dec 26 14:55:41 2013 Submitting Host: .: Lady Driver on Belcher...

*** Thu Dec 26 17:43:17 2013 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library.... Place closes in 20 min UGH.... Well I just came from the Largo Mall where I had Swedish meatballs and a pc of cake for 75 cents and some chips with PB coffee... Getting cooler so my ride back might be chilly... Saw a movie today, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty... Was good... Think I'll look at twitter pictures... *** Thu Dec 26 20:20:39 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Back again... Put a random picture of someone on a effect editor and put the picture at just above this post... Reason was I said outloud as I took the picture I'll put it on Time Magazine... But I was short on time and forget where that effect is and one place I needed to sign up which wasn't necessary before... Made tea and drank it... Voided a lot today and talk about smell bad... Insides were a bit upset I think so I might have eaten something bad...? Had a banana that was a bit ripe... And the pizza today wasn't that fresh... About time to shower and get ready for closing... Make tea again and that's my last tea bags... So I need to get more of those... Movie today was OK... Walter Mitty, the fall guy I guess you call it..? I always feel a bit like those guys HA... Suppose others do also... But at my age I get thoughts that are a bit amusing at times... Feel that's just normal getting older ta da... But I never get into any conversations along those lines... Of course I don't get into conversations period....HA Go to go... *** Fri Dec 27 20:46:26 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Heating Tea water.... An OK day today... 64 degrees tonight, not bad... 70 tomorrow night... Into weather stuff HA Well I'm looking at this pressure point etc book at the library and there's this magic point below your knee that does a lot, so they say... An Energy point according to the video I just looked at again... So i'll try that... Probably won't fint the right point...? Got 1/2 a foot long cold cut combo to eat soon... Ate at Tri City Plaza Subway... Was good... The heating the sandwich in the micro for 30 seconds makes the difference... Tired... A long ride and plenty of traffic... Way up ahead on Missouri I heard the tires screech and a huge bang and when I got near there was a car off the road on the other side against a tree... Traffic was heavy everywhere I saw... Probably be more than a few accidents tonight or over the weekend... Tea is going to be boiling... Guess I'm out of here... *** Sun Dec 29 12:33:46 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Tried sending mail last night and I didn't receive anything in my own inbox... But the sent folder had my post in it... Tried again this morning and same thing... So I don't know...? And the sound isn't on for some reason... Guess I'll shoot a few hoops... Not much to do on Sunday's for me anyway... Not much to even write about.. This ST-26 pressure point on the knee I found a bit interesting and have been rubbing my knee the last 2 days in hopes of some positive results... Not sure where it is so I'll look some more at the info about it... Bike is OK pretty much... Was down to Largo yesterday... Think I'll e-mail from the libraries rather than bother here... Think in the past some of my mail seemed missing...? But not sure... Worse would be people sending mail and not knowing if it's getting sent or not... Saw a commercial on TV about Checkers but maybe it was in Spanish.../ Anyway I'll check into that also... Need a new sandwich for for sure... Two dollar subway's are about over... The other day I think I asked for a 6 inch cold cut combo but She made a foot long anyway and I didn't say anything because I ws glad... A sandwich for later in the evening ... Did I mention I had a malcontent... Yea, I'm standing outside a place with my mug of hot choc and this guy comes up and says Hi and askes if He can buy me a beer... So i say No Thank You... And He says how about a hot dog and I again say no thank you... Anyway He continues saying I'm just trying to be nice and I see your homeless etc... And I keep saying I'm OK thank you... He keeps talking and I finally say that I don't want to listen to you anuymore... Then He gets nasty calling me an Old Man and a piece of shit etc... Finally He says I'm not leaving I'm staying right here... So I say your lucky I'm an Old Man and I get on my bike and leave... Truth, I wouldn't have done anything even being a young Man, but of course I needed to say something... As I thought back , that was supposed to be His Line I think... Your lucky your an Old Man....HA... So it's not always an easy time of it out here in the streets of a congested county... Have a great day.... *** Sun Dec 29 17:51:12 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well my mail got sent from G-Mail but not to my g-mail inbox... Maybe because of slowness in the systems here...? Anyway, no big deal... Place is closing so I need to go... 11 hours till opening... Rained most of the day today but I ws here on the computer and shooting some hoops... Have a great evening.... *** Tue Dec 31 08:59:07 2013 Submitting Host: .: Y..,.. Just came from McDonald's where I drank coffee only and returned with my refill... Finished the salami with pretzels in the John... And the computer wasn't working last night a connection problem but is Ok this morning.... Tossed the rest of the 50 cent cream cheese yesterday as I felt I was having troubles passing it thru ME...? But I had eaten a good portion of it and didn't want to chance it with no frig... Left knee is still problematic... Tried stretching the quads but it was only a temp help it seems... But I get around OK... Limping because I sit too much, bike etc...? Lots of question marks ta da... No computers for 2 days except this one... Did twitter pictures #4 above in the link listings... Started across the street at the light when I had the green and was wearing my reflective vest and a car came fast up the far lane where I was heading so I slowed and waited and He never slowed but hit the corner and turned right.... A person walking probably would have been OK but any bicyclist would have got creamed IMHO... Or not...? But it sort of unnerves you a bit and you cus like the road rage people's UGH... Then every driver that hears you cuss takes it personel and then you are in the yuk...

*** Wed Jan 1 14:46:24 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Happy New Year... OK, I got rained in here for 8 hours ta da.... Shot hoops twice and was on my feet a lot and exercised on the steps a couple of times... But I was weak in the GYM just awhile ago and the discomfort in my knee was there still... But think my legs are a bit stronger... Upper body was weak I figure because I didn't do any weights... Some floor exercise but not much... Have been on the computer a few times... The have choc cocanut milk for free and that was pretty good... Might get 1 when I leave....? Three pm and so I have a long night... But the rains are stopping now and clear from here on.... So I still have some cheese and pretzels left... The computer was slow this morning and later it was seemingly fast... So ta da... And I found a mustard site ranting about the good benefits... But toxic if you take too much... Like mustard gas I was thinking, UGH... So I'm tired enough to nap awile and eat and wait and later I'll probably go to McDonald's for coffee...? McDonald's is open 24 hours, the dinning area... Was opening at 5 am a good while back but now I can go any time and get coffee use the restroom or just have something to do but sack out... Mumbling outloud to myself and I say, I believe everything everyone says... Isn't that Faith Enough... That's when I was tossing the mustard sead around in my head... Anyway everything is a play on words and then you attempt to try and figure something out ...???? Out of here.... *** Wed Jan 1 14:51:09 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Thu Jan 2 09:29:34 2014 Submitting Host: .: Interesting... Airports of the World and how many in each country....,lon=0,zoom=2,type=Map *** Thu Jan 2 10:22:45 2014 Submitting Host: .: Interesting video about sheep etc... *** Thu Jan 2 21:42:33 2014 Submitting Host: .: (").(") *** Thu Jan 2 21:51:53 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Got a pint of white rice to eat with my tea in a few more minutes... An OK day... Spent it mostly in the SPC Library... Did twitter pictures my backup if I don't want to do anythjing else etc... #5 on the pictures in the list at the top of this page... Exercised ok this morning I thought... Left knee/leg has bothered me today though... Maybe too much exercise this morning...? On the Ham there was an address of the airports of the world... Tells how many in each country etc... Interesting... Not sure how long my tea has been plugged in...? Was luke warm last night so I misfigured there... Too long the plastic starts to warp UGH... Well I just put the Cats Meow playlist on the computer... I wonder if the night people listen or not...? Probably not... Stood at the computer at the College 1st thing but it tired Me big time... Figured it would strengthen my legs but seems to do the opposite... But not sure and I have to go.... (").(") *** Fri Jan 3 08:46:22 2014 Submitting Host: .: The name of a guy who ran ridge road in Zanesville Ohio back in the 50's....

*** Fri Jan 3 20:53:00 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Cold outside all day so I stayed in the SPC Library most of the day... Zapped a spagahetti in the Cafe Micro and it was good YUM... Not many people there, empty sorta... Tired... Just did the few steps here a good bit even going up backwards.... And my legs and knees feel better... So I'm weak kneed... Stopped at McDonald's and got another McDouble with 5 mustard packets and coffee... Maybe the mustard is being a bit helpful...? Was on twitter again today and I always seem to find something interesting... Always a cool or amusing picture too... Weather says the dew point is higher so it won't be as cold...? But 48 is cold enough HA... Only Library open is Largo tomorrow... So I might go there...? Temps are up to 70 tomorrow the weather people say... Well my scar doesn't look as bad as I imagined it would ta da... Glad that's all over... This old guy has to be more careful UGH...Got salami and JJ pies and pretzels and popcorn... O(*___*)O Sat at the computer as it got close to closing time watching the rest of a movie and eating popcorn HA... Was great... Movie was OK also... But a sad twisted ending UGH... Good Girl was the name of it... Had best get going... Have a great weekend everyone..... *** Mon Jan 6 07:01:23 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... OK it's Monday Morning and a mild last night... But tonight it is going to be freezing... Cold front is off shore 137 miles and heading this way... UGH So I don't know what to do... Shelter...? Or try and rough it... Doubt if it will get into the 30's here but not sure...? And low 40's is about too cold also for me to be outside... Got this round bread with Japolina peppers and chedder cheese on it and that was good... Slices of peppers kept falling off HA... 11 hours of rest last night and I get in here and sit in the TV room and I pass out... Like dead tired... You figure... And my left knee feels funky... Walked some and stretched last night but no energy to speak of... Think of jogging down Mt Washington and now I can't walk without a glitch... BUMMER... Of course we all think this or that won't happen but then it does... Life in a nutshell... That McDonald's is open all night makes me think I might try and rough it... If it seems too cold for me I can go to McDonald's and wait it ot with hot coffee... Dealing with only 7 hours before the Y here opens again at 5 am... Hardly any scar from my scab and wound on my left arm... Was worried a good bit about infection etc... Scab was leaking out the sides this gunky looking stuff UGH... Scab juice I guess HA.... Boy. they were all in here at 5 am on the money exercising... I can't imagine anyone coming here and exercising at 5 am... 1 member is here at 4:30 and sits in his car and waits till 5 to get in there and workout... Something I would never do probably... But I do do some exercising off and on thru the days... Liked to shoot a few hoops with the younger Men in the evenings but sense that I'm not exactly welcome there... An age thing probably... Think I'll get a twitter picture and put here...? Bored HA... I saw on TV this morning a matharon ad clip and felt the pain of not being able to run...

*** Mon Jan 6 18:25:51 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Here at the Y and 4 hours before closing... And cold cold tonight and I'm worrying if I can get thru it ok... Have a place I can go get coffee anytime during the night so that's a plus on my side... Was at the college all day and did twitter pictures which really is a time waster.... But I sort of enjoy it... Nothing else much happening... Remember the chats and they too were a great time waster... Got a note from a sister that said she has a new IPAD... I'll need to look it up and see w hat it's about... Means She can e-mail easier or when ever She feel like it I guess... Well I had best get out of here as the kids re looking at the computer HA... *** Mon Jan 6 20:47:35 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Jan 7 06:00:35 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... WOW, cold last night... 38 in Tampa and probably 40 right here...? Glad I was out of the wind... Stepped around the corner and felt the wind chill UGH... Wonder if I burned any calories to speak of... Probably not enough to lose any fat, but what do I know...? Japaleno cheese and popcorn 1st thing this morning with coffee and I have a JJ Blackberry Pie to eat with Y coffee as soon as I finish here... Probably nap if I close my eyes and that's not a wanted thing here for sure... says 40 degrees for Clearwater, Florida... Walked around here at the Y last night passing around 4 hours of time not wanting to be outside in the cold HA... Then of course I dress double for the overnighter outside... 2 socks, 2 pants, and 2 shirts a sweatshirt and a light jacket and 2 blankets HA... So I finally went to the weight room and lifted dumbbells awhile but not long... Felt I was walking better after the weights plus the standing and walking around made squatting with the weights easier I noticed... No discomfort and a smooth squat... So my enemy is everywhere that I sit awhile... And I sit long at the computer and on a Bus and at a Bus stop and so forth... All my life I see people's standing around mostly talking and I didn't figure that they were standing for a reason besides just talking... The reason the guy stands at night beside the street light maybe HA... Think I'll eat and rest as this thinking is a chore ta da... Looked at google last night to look something up and couldn't think of anything to look up ... How about those apples... O(+___+)O *** Wed Jan 8 06:37:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well it was only down around 39 degrees last night but chilly enough that I only got up 1 time to use the restroom... Ate some more Jalapeno cheese last night with pretzels and a JJ Blackberry Pie with tea... Like that cheese... Got a small piece left for the next time I'm hungry... Sorta stuffed right now as I overate yesterday with 6 donuts and a McDouble.... Had the urge to eat for some reason, maybe the cold...? I write this crap and then never read it again HA... Guess a story would be better... Need a clever and clear mind to write stories I suspect... Shot a few hoops just before closing... Then this morning my shins were sore... Also last night I exercised the shins so thats probably why...? Looked at a Game of Thrones Episode that I hadn't seen before so I have the rest of that to watch and it's almost an hour long... On the computer I just watch shot clips of movies and thenreturn and wach more later.. Been walking over to the Cafe at the Library and eating so thats a plus the walking part... Have to admire those few souls that roam around towns and villages all the time walking to and fro... They keep fit or in better shape than most of us... I noticed myself that if I stay on my feet awhile I can get around better... Those that don't end up in wheel chairs and walkers etc and eventually they're over with completely... So be it as it may, standing around and/or walking eeps you in better shape... We are BIPEDS,,, ta da *** Wed Jan 8 06:50:06 2014 Submitting Host: ***Wed Jan 8 21:51:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well it's already time to go... Warmer tonight... Added about 20 video's to Leps's playlist and enjoyed doing that... Figure there might be 1 new one I hadn't heard or heard a lot...? Got to go Ha.... *** Thu Jan 9 15:35:57 2014 Submitting Host: .: Interestingly I have a lg bottle of Vitamin C and I've been taking about 2 a day, morning and night.... Guess that's good... But I saw this and decided to put it here as I thought viruses to be our enemy.... *** Thu Jan 9 15:37:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: cells *** Thu Jan 9 21:49:59 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... A bit disarranged if that's the word...? Well every day can't be A OK.... So today I got sweadish meatballs and cinammon rolls and ate at the college Cafe... Heated my coffee refill and even zapped the sweet rolls to take the chill off... Everything was good and I finished by eating some popcorn with the last of the coffee... Rode the bike up and around to pass some time stopping at Thornton's and waiting there awhile... A security guard and some young guy were also standing around and talking... Felt out of place... You don't notice your shortcommings all the time but on occasion they all come into focus UGH... What a downer.. Makes you a bit sick HA... O Well, we all have a cross to carry, big or small it still is a heavy load... Warmed up nice so I'll be great tonight unless I'm compromised... Have reasons I'm not exercising but they're not for discussion right now... Usually have a reason for everything lame or not... The reason... HA Looked at some movies... Have seen most and so finding one I haven't seen is a chore.. And I don't watch them all.. Just some I bond with I guess.. Watch more than 1 usually... The computer lab was closed today so I wasn't able to watch Game of thrones on the slow computer... Guess I need to go... *** Fri Jan 10 07:36:27 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Think I slept better than usual and I wonder why... Been exercising the shins a bit... Just pulling my toes up and holding them a bit... Got 4.5 oz of cheese at the Dollar Tree for a buck... Japolena and chedder and it's a savings from the regular supermarket a bit... Got some dark choc bar and decided that just eating that with a drink like coffee or tea is better than getting hot choc with the tons of sugar... Read some and looked at pictures about Native American stuff... Figure thay wern't on to anything special in the health dept... But still most of our meds seem to come from plants originally...? But I see the smoke and the chanting and the drums and rattles and the plants and I wonder what if anything works or not...? That the european diseases killed off tons of Indians shows their meds wearn't that effective... At least against viruses and or bacteria...? I'm ranting here a bit and of course my knowledge is about what I find on google pretty much... Been sitting around like a dead person for 2 1/2 hours already... My urges to move aren't working like they used to... Maybe LAZY is the right word... We ll I guess I'll get out of here... *** Fri Jan 10 20:46:42 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... 1/2 an hour before closing time here at the Y... College Library most of the day... Went to BK and got the free Whopper for doing the survey but it costs 3 something with the fries and drink... And McDonald's has a Big Mack for 2 bucks... So I don't know... Got the chedder cheese and some more dark choc at the dollar tree... Sat all day so I've been on my feet awhile here at the Y... just looked up sourkraut and I'm hungry for some HA... Says it is a health food also with lots of goodies for you... Trying to stay positive HA... looked at my class yearbook online the other day.... Everyone looked great but not so much back in 1960, but OK.... I sort of was just there and quiet pretty much like now... Have nothing to say ta da... Spilled my tea last night... Put the lid on tight then must have took a drink and just layed the lid on top because I went to pick it up with the lid and caput... Saw a gal I had seen around a lot last year and now She's pregnant... So that's probably why She hasn't been around much...? Rambling as I don't know what to write... Got more dark choc as it goes good with tea but I'm not trying to put it in the tea anymore, FAIL.... Sort of worry on weekend but not so much thru the week... Tea water is probably hot enough... *** Sat Jan 11 08:56:58 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.. Just returned from McDonalds where I ate a sausage Muffin with hot sauces and 2 lg coffee's.... Nice out.... Damp and overcast but warm... Was like in a sauna with my 2 blankets last night HA... Warm as toast anyway... Largo Library is open so I might roll down there....? Front tire is showing threads so I need to deal with that... The chedder cheese from dollar tree was tasty and more so than the jalapeno cheese.... But I like the supermarket Jalapeno cheeses... And I got another bar of dark chocolate to snack on... Out of popcorn UGH... Guess I'll shoot aa few hoops... Will hit the pool as soon as this tiny piece of scab is over with... There was a bit of inflamation there also... Figure I need to rest away from exercise especially weights on occasion to recupe.... Think I would have a lot to say... I'd comment on people but that gets to tacky on a public website I think... But that's what I do... I watch and think about people and they thought I was lazy ta da... Well enough of this bull.... *** Sun Jan 12 14:02:52 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well an OK day... Got colder last night so I didn't want to get up this morning because I didn't have my light jacket... Only a windbreaker.. So I had 2 shirts and a T shirt on under my windbreaker... Good enough... So I only had 2 hours before the Y opened while I was at McDonald's... They had custard Christmas pies on sale buy one get one free so I ate those plus a sausage muffin... So I'm full pretty much... Got swiss cheese on sale at Target for 1.71... That was good with pretzels... Tried jumping last night after watching a young person jumping rope in the GYM... I couldn't get off the ground at 1st... Finally with a lot of effort I was able to hop off my toes a bit and did that a few times... And this morning my legs felt better walking and riding the bike... So I figure the hopping must be a plus for Me...? Will see... Obvious I don't do enough of anything to stay fit... Like re gular work HA... Singing this same song on and on and on HA... Shot a few hoops 1st thing but was short of breath and full of foods as I mentioned... Was at Largo Library... They act funny on the 2nd floor at times and yesterday was no exception... Some guy sits down next to me facing away towards another person on a computer and starts looking at a magazine... Probably with that person but I felt a bit odd about it plus I had been there awhile and needed to move or stand up or something... So I left and saw a couple of other big guys sitting at the computers and I found it od as they looked young and normal and why are they even there...? O Well... And I go eat some popcorn with peanuts and then go and see a computer on the 1st floor empty and as I go to sit down there's a flash drive plugged in and some gal says something about not logging in and then said she wouldn't be long and I look into the computer lab and there's no place to sit that I would feel comfortable about so I wait thinking She will leave shortly and She doesn't HA... Finally a person leaves corner computer and I use that... Was doing pictures on twitter and some young guy sits down and starts typing like a machine gun so that distracts me a bit but I have earphones and put leps on and I'm OK... And the dollar earphones starts rattling like they're cheap and you can't turn the volume up or you hear the rattling noise UGH... So enough of the misery department... Look at my twitter pictures next HA... *** Sun Jan 12 17:40:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Hi... Lets see an OK day I guess... Sunny and warm and warm and clear tonight... Gets colder again Wednesday night I think... Shot hoops a bit this morning but not for long... Winded and stuffed with foods... Ate too much cheese I think so I haven't voided today... Probably during the night I'll have a problem...? Had this sort of liguid like vision while riding the bike today... At albertson's I washed out my eyes but it continued and for a good while.. Had this before sitting at the computer long ago and thought the computer screen might have had something to do with it... Not so sure now... Thought maybe I breathed in something while riding the bike or something got into my eyes...? Like light headedness or dizzyness maybe...? Drank a lot of water to try and void so maybe I hydrated too much...? Not so hep on most things HA... The tiny piece of scab still left is where I might have hit the bone and the bone was exposed...? Anyway the bone hurts a bit and it may be from exercise... I lean on my arms as I pedel the bike leaving prints on my hands and discomfort there also... Well have an OK evening everyone... Going to look at twitter pictures HA... *** Mon Jan 13 21:50:58 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well I went to Tarpon Springs and the used tires had been cleaned up with only a few left there... I picked out one but it was a 26x1.75 instead of a 1 3/8... He said it probably wouldn't fit but I was glad to get a tire for 5 bucks and so I took it... Later I looked on google and saw that it wouldn't fit... Wish he would have said IT WON"T FIT ha... O Well... I'm the dummy a lot and especially in these waining years... But I got some m%m with peanuts for 2.50 UGH... So I'm honest about being dumb... But I like those so I said why not... And I got popcorn to munch on which I did right away HA... Got on twitter pictures again... Something to do with my hands and to ease the nerves maybe.. OK older leg and knee problems... I think leaning on something high and hopping helps the knees and legs... Not to much stress as you can control the resistance with your leaning arms... Anyway I'll keep it up and see what happens... *** Tue Jan 14 21:50:57 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Went to Tarpon Springs again and got a new monthly Bus Pass also... No used tires that fit my bike so I got a new one... 20 bucks but I'm cheap transportation regardless.. And I put the new tire on awhile ago outside here at the Y... Got some salami and the Jalapeno bread for later with tea... Had a talk about my turning the computer off this morning and on reflection, I never turn the computer off HA... I reboot it because it's too slow and usually locks up or seems to... I don't even turn it off at night... Put Leps on for the night crew... Or I just reboot it and leave... And the tennis shoes I tripped in and cut my arm were funky... I had cut off a flap on the toe and it left an edge that catches on the pavement and that was probably the reason... I stumbled again crossing 19 and it was the same shoe on my longer leg with the cut tip of the sole on the front... Complicated ta da... Trying to get things clear... I KNOW, NO ONE CARES... But I push on anyway as anything else is giving up, period... Tired enough today... Interestingly at the College I walked down to the Bus Stop and realized I didn't have my PSTA ID Card... Have to have that with the reduced monthly Bus Pass... So I rode back to the Y and it was sprinkling a bit but not much and got my ID out of the shirt pocket I wore yesterday.. Tea water must be fried HA... Have a great evening everyone... *** Wed Jan 15 07:44:50 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just wrote a long post here and clicked the back button, rather than the google tab button, so I could check a spelling, and lost everything HA... Japolena was the word and I've been checking the spelling on that for forever ta da... Had salamina and Japolena bread with the Y coffee and it was great... Drinking coffee now and though it excellent... Think I'll go see a movie today... Cheaper thru the week... Should wait for a colder day but heck with it... Rambled about doing the next best or right thing and I don't... Reasoning is I don't think that's exactly OK HA... 2 1/2 hours here and ate napped watched TV... A member came into the TV room and sat down asking about the election and I said I don't follow those and we sat there for 5 min and finally He says looks like nothing but commercials and left and I though he's right we sat there almost 5 min and all commercials UGH... Her is the name of the movie... A computer voice and this dude is in Love... A bit silly and He looks silly in the movie... Trying to get some kind of emotional goodness out of a metal box maybe HA... Been listenig to grigory leps as I look for pictures.. My dollar earphones suck... They rattle at higher volume.. Been hopping and leaning on something... Find that safer than just jumping at my age... Came back yesterday as I forgot my PSTA Bus ID and the Y was packed full of peoples... Can see why some people are fanatic about getting in here early and doing their exercises... Later it's a nightmare... Imagine the pool and 5ooo members HA HA... I sometimes see the pool empty late at night or early in the morning and then I go for a swim... But I'm not going to be in a full pool with people waiting... No, not me HA... Well have a great day... *** Wed Jan 15 08:04:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Jan 15 19:56:53 2014 Submitting Host: .: SPC Clearwater Library... How about all the swimmers above HA... Got the image off of Twitter... That's my time waster typing in JPG and anything else and looking at the images ta da... About time to head back... Just ate a pc of cake with coffee in the lobby in front of the library desk... Was OK... Going to start checking the deli for any bargains when it gets late like around now... One night I got wings for 1.50 and ate till I was full and had a few left for breakfast with Y coffee... O(~___~)O Been listening to Leps all day... I don't tire as I don't know what the words are saying... Probably never will know HA... A bit tired and it's cold tonight... Will probably wish i had worn 2 pairs of pants...? Yea I'm outside all the time... A choice as it's easier... Like seeing the sky and the elements whether ok or not... Wonder how the native americans delt with the frigid cold up north.. Suspect they suffered if not prepared...? Enough foods and fuel and shelter.. Coverings also... Unlike down here where we only get a few days of cold they get it for long periods of time up North... Further North the colder it is also... Have read about the Polar eskimos and their dealings with the cold... Well enough of this... My time is up already as I need to leave and stop for something to snack on tonight with tea... O(#___#)O *** Wed Jan 15 19:59:51 2014 Submitting Host: .: How about this....

*** Wed Jan 15 20:06:32 2014 Submitting Host: .: cabo-polonio..

*** Fri Jan 17 17:39:55 2014 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library... Last night I wrote here on the Y computer and lost everything... Why i don't know... The computer is OK so it must be the server...? But I don't know that much... Slow most of the time and you can't do much without it stopping period HA.... Almost closing time... Riding Buses today for a change... Plus I don't want to waste my Bus Pass.. Lost for words... Cold last night but I was fine... Hated to get up at 5 am HA... Got Grigory Leps yelling in my ears... In Russian too HA... O Well... Saw a movie today, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit... Was OK, lots of action... Good acting... Costner was in it also... Getting up there in years... Not like "Dances in Wolves" anymore... We are all seeing out twilight years I guess... Shot hoops this morning... Slow start but did OK... Lean on something and hop up and down to keep my knees and legs working better... So far so good... Later... *** Fri Jan 17 17:49:03 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Jan 17 17:51:46 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat Jan 18 08:44:12 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Wasn't that cold outside and I spilled my tea again... Was only 1/2 full this time... A plus HA.. Didn't bother with any heating water for more tea though... Finished the salami with some cheese/tomato bread with Y coffee in the TV room... Then ate a JJ Cherry Pie and then some peanut butter cups more than a few YUM ... Haven't even taken any clothes off yet.. Smell a bit ripe as I sleep in everything I have on except the windbreaker... Still tired though... Got maybe 9 hours of sleep too... Needed that probably... Suspect I'll go to the College Library and pass the time of day... Like zapping a banquit TV meal there, the sweadish meatballs seemingly to be my favorite now over spagahetti because of the tasty gravy... And they're 88 cents this week HA... Still thinking about the bags of chicken strips at the dollar store for a buck... Already cooked so just thaw and eat... A micro would help also... Down side is there's too much chicken for 1 person... Hate to waste anything... But I can probably stretch it out over 2 days and I would save in the long run food wise... Long read... *** Sat Jan 18 17:50:35 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well it looks like it might be cold tonight... Checking now... Yep 41 and that's a bit chilly... Heating water but waited too long so it won't be hot enough... Might zap it some more outside...? Be warmer tomorrow night though.. Got a ton of stuff so riding anywhere is a problem... Extra clothes and extra foods... Just got more tea bags... Using 4 bags to a mug means I only get 25 mugs of tea HA... They had butter cookies but I passed... But I think I'll try them later on... The cafe was closed but a guard was there and said it was ok to use the micro... So I zapped my sweet and sour chicken TV meal and a bag of popcorn... Popcorn was 1.50 for 2 boxes 3 bags of popcorn to a box... Tired... Did some weights this morning... Think I shot hoops also but can't remember UGH... Mostly just stood there and held the weights awhile... Moving slowly into different positions... Well I guess I'll get going... *** Sun Jan 19 12:53:27 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Pretty cold last night... I started to worry early as I had a long night... Was under the covers or 14 hours UGH... Didn't double clothe so that was a mistake... Feet felt cold 1st thing with only 1 pair of socks... I finally left my shoes on which helped big time... But overall I had an OK night... Didn't eat or drink though except when I 1st left the Y at 6 pm with tea... My tea wasn't even piping hot but was ok... Waited till the Sun was up before leaving for McDonald's... Was glad to get a coffee and sit inside... Ate a sausage muffin with hot sauces and snacked on peanut butter cups with my coffee... Finally went outside with my refill and it was warm.. I sort of did some hopping as I leaned on a guard rail... Finally came back here to the Y and heated water outside and added my noodle soup and put some bread in the soup and ate that as the Y was opening at 11... Was good... So I'm full... Voided some and shot some hoops and cleaned up... Sitting here ready to leave HA and no place to go... And they have free coffee here today... Only thing I can do is go sit at a Bus Stop or get coffee at McDonald's again and/or ride the bike around.. Last couple of weekends I spent most of my time here... But took a bike ride anyway... Got cheese and pretzels so a coffee and a Bus Stop might be my day... Some people's spend most of their day here on weekends... Some during the week I imagine... Well enough... Going o wait till tomorrow to answer my e-mails as this computer isn't dependable... Have a good day... *** Sun Jan 19 17:52:00 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Some things I might forget by tomorrow... New Wallmart opened the 17th and I went today... Was a lg slice of pizza for 1.50, hot too... I asked if the lg container was the size of the slice and She said pretty much... So I'm a new pizza place HA... And my thoughts on Pictures and Cliches was that there's a cliche for every picture... Maybe there's something in this trend of thinking...? New ideas maybe...? Anyway it seemed a new thing not that there hasn't been a ton of Picture s with Quotes or Puns etc... Then I thought about a page with random pictures and random cliches or puns or somethings...? Seemed to be something else... O Yea... Your favorite exercise is probably great but slowing it down makes it awesome... Thought that worth a thought... Also the prices on Totino's Pizza is same as Target's 1.36 about... If the big slices of pizza are good I'll pass... Probably more if there's peperroni...? There were small boxes with vegies and sauces that you micro.. And for a dollar... 1 was creamed spinich... So I'll have fun with those at the college cafe micro... Can get something to go to Panera Bread at Largo Also... By stopping at Wallmart on Missouri... Or I can take the Bus in front of the new Wallmart HA... So those were my ideas today... The random page might be fun... O(*____*)O *** Mon Jan 20 21:11:19 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An odd day today I guess... Libraries closed I found out the hard way... A movie theater shut down for good UGH... A long line at another movie theater, I passed... Excellent lg slice of Pizza from Wallmart... Was great.... Went back an hour ago about and got another slice and it was dry and hard and luke warm... UGH... Win some , lose some I guess... Ate a whole bag of butter cookies last night with coffee/tea... Got another bag in front of me I'm going to start on in about an hour... Was a bit irate at the long line for the movie theater and so I acted like a kid swearing to myself and so others could hear me... Like they're fond of old people's anyway sic... If I wasn't in a rut none of this nonsense would be here or inside me probably... It's just a case of discomfort and a bit of misery... Can see why peoples make making monies their full time addiction or habit.. There just isn't that much to do after the younger years... People hang around churches to have something to do... Bars for something to do... Movies for something to do... And peoples work at a job for something to do... Rambling here I guess.... About time to go shower and get ready to get out of here... My coffee refill in front of me will be cold I suspect...? Maybe not... Will go good with the butter cookies... Can fix tea outside if I want... Warmer tonight... Later.... O(~___~)O *** Tue Jan 21 07:06:36 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Slept pretty much... Still Tired... Got a slice of Wallmart Pizza and waited 10 min for it and it was great... couple of hours later I went back and there was a slice in the warmer so I got it and it was hard as a rock HA... Dry and like biting into wood ta da... But I ate it anyway with McDonald's coffee... Was passing the time as I didn't want to sit around the Y for 3 hours or so.... Thinking of the quote/picture random page and saw that 1000 of each give me 1 million results... That's if the random scripts work ok... Will look into it as I have nothing else much to do anyway... On the edu. channel besides Sherlock and John, there was some stuff about Japanese idea people's searching for new inventions and idea's, anything more or less... They have sleeping patents, those they can't make monies off of and others use them for a fee etc... Just shot some hoops... Big guy that rides Buses and scares people came into the GYM and started kicking a basketball around and throwing it against the wall etc... Wondering if my throwing the ball at the basket instead of flicking it with my wrist has anything to do with it...? Well I'll sit at the computer all day probably... Wondering about the pizza at wallmart now... Should I or not...? Had chedder cheese and pretzels last night and this morning and emptied another butter cookie bag HA... Wondering if I should try a movie again today...? Tri City Movie Theater is closeed for good and there was a huge line at Largo movie theater so I passed.... Well time to go... *** Tue Jan 21 07:06:39 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Slept pretty much... Still Tired... Got a slice of Wallmart Pizza and waited 10 min for it and it was great... couple of hours later I went back and there was a slice in the warmer so I got it and it was hard as a rock HA... Dry and like biting into wood ta da... But I ate it anyway with McDonald's coffee... Was passing the time as I didn't want to sit around the Y for 3 hours or so.... Thinking of the quote/picture random page and saw that 1000 of each give me 1 million results... That's if the random scripts work ok... Will look into it as I have nothing else much to do anyway... On the edu. channel besides Sherlock and John, there was some stuff about Japanese idea people's searching for new inventions and idea's, anything more or less... They have sleeping patents, those they can't make monies off of and others use them for a fee etc... Just shot some hoops... Big guy that rides Buses and scares people came into the GYM and started kicking a basketball around and throwing it against the wall etc... Wondering if my throwing the ball at the basket instead of flicking it with my wrist has anything to do with it...? Well I'll sit at the computer all day probably... Wondering about the pizza at wallmart now... Should I or not...? Had chedder cheese and pretzels last night and this morning and emptied another butter cookie bag HA... Wondering if I should try a movie again today...? Tri City Movie Theater is closeed for good and there was a huge line at Largo movie theater so I passed.... Well time to go... ***Tue Jan 21 21:50:43 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Got a new page, Ran/Pic/Quote listed above... Shows a new picture and a new insperational quote... Thought that the randomness might be interesting, amusing, or idea getting...? So at around 8 pm I went to the Cafe and zapped some popcorn and heated the chicken fingers I got today... As I started to leave the security guard said that only students were allowed in the cafe... The only building I was allowed in was the Library... So I said OK... So no more micro or 1.75 small hot chocolate HA... Tired... Went to Largo Mall and saw Lone Survivor... Was ok... True story so it said... They probably cheated some to make it more interesting or more action packed...? Went to Wallmart at 11:30 but no Pizza... She said maybe later HA.. Guess it isn't a good idea... After the hard slice of old pizza I'll need to see what time they put it in the warmer shelf... Was trial and error on the new webpage... Seems the same few images and quotes are showing up all the time... Plus I get a page with a quote but no picture... Thinking I need to put tiny images at the bottom so they will upload fast to the page...? I put a 12 second refresh so no one will have to get bored looking at the same thing too long... Might need to make that refresh time longer...? The chicken fingers tasted great warm... Think they will be fine cold also... Good deal for a dollar... Fill me up and I get protien... Think my tea water is probably good and hot... Still have some chedder cheese plus I also got some raisen/oat breakfast bars 2 free extra ones, 7 ct HA.... *** Wed Jan 22 21:48:39 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Here at the Y... Feel a bit tired... Rode Buses today and finally went into Wallmart on Missouri thinking it was like the new one but then saw that it wasn't... No deli... ETC... Then I wemt to Albertson's and Totino Pizza was 1.00 so I got triple Peperroni and Cinammon rolls also a dollar... Got PB coffee and zapped the Pizza and ate it in the Pharmacy waiting room at Albertson's... And it was good... Rolls also and just finished the last 2 awhile ago with hot choc I got at the Shell station where I got off the Bus at... So I'm full already... Left overs for tonight HA... Chicken and cheese... Couldn't get into my Angelfire website there for some reason... Suspect the Library... Cold tonight and tomorrow night... So I'll ride Buses awhile rather than the bike... Plus the walking and standing is good for me for a change... Shot hoops this morning and did OK... Was moving with ease pretty much... And after a bit I'm getting a good cardio workout... Well i guess I'll get going... Have a good evening... *** Fri Jan 24 16:42:41 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Jan 24 16:44:27 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat Jan 25 08:22:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well a cold night but I was comfy enough... Tried the Dollar Tree salami again and again I didn't like it... Fear it might not be good enough...? Plus a lousy taste and smell... Albertson's salami is still the winner... Had cheese and sweet bread which was great... Finished the last smidge this morning and I have the 2nd sweet bread to also eat with cheese or salami or noodle soup... Rode Buses yesterday... Went and saw the Osage county movie and it was OK... Think I napped a couple of times... No getting your juices flowing with action packed stuff for sure... Well I'm out of here... *** Sat Jan 25 13:50:12 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sun Jan 26 12:12:25 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Sunday and has been overcast... Had jalapino cheese and salami and bread last night and this morning... Was extra good I thought... Albertson's salami a lot better than dollar tree... Felt a pinch on my left quad when I woke 1 time and the knee looks funny and wasn't working as well as it has been... Lot of discomfort... So I don't know.. Can't do much on this computer and already there's people's probably wanting to use it... Shot the few hoops but like I said the knee was funky... *** Sun Jan 26 12:56:34 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y Again... Looked at TV... Walked some in the GYM.. Less than 2 hours here... Haven't showered yet... Tempted to go to Wallmart for Pizza again... Wonder how often I can get them to make a pizza so I can get 1 slice...? Wonder how much an entire pizza is... Could eat 2 and take the rest to the parkey's or rather the homeless that frequent there daily... But probably won't... Can't see my random quote picture page on this computer... No javascript I would guess... Tired.. Sat at the Bus stop this morning finishing the salami with some bread and my hot coffee refill... Nice, Bus Stops HA... Get here to write and can't think of anything to say... Irony on the cumin was that it was only 25 cents so that's why I bought it and read it had a nutty flavor so it was great with my tea... And added it to the remaining cayenne pepper because it was in a bag and I needed a place to store it other than an open bag... Wasn't much cayenne pepper left but enough to make anything I put the mixture on, HOT... Think I'll look at twitter... Might add a picture but I'll post this 1st rather than lose everything I've written.... *** Sun Jan 26 13:03:22 2014 Submitting Host: .: Dusk, Comanche Nat'l Grasslands, SE Colorado....

*** Sun Jan 26 13:23:21 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sun Jan 26 17:53:00 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Jan 27 06:06:33 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I showered already and feel OK... Need to do laundry... Hate washing the entire load of dirty clothes as it doesn't get them clean enough in my opinion plus the bag is too heavy... Have stuffed clothes in the washer and you know that the huge load barely agitates probably... So I'll go easier this time... Got a pizza at Wallmart yesterday and it was good... Nice deal for 1.50 as the slice is large... Also got chedder cheese and a loaf of French bread with everything... So I'll have bread to eat for awhile... Been overeating but there's nothing else much to do HA... Stood on 1 leg awhile last night and felt my legs seemed better walking after that... Probably a good daily exercise.. Bottom line is you have to exercise or work every day or you go down hill... Nothing new in anything here but a reminder to those that forget like I do a lot.... Had a JJ Blackberry Pie with coffee in the TV room... Started napping until someone showed up then I got another coffee and came here to the computer... Think I'll look at twitter... Wondering about yoga and India... *** Mon Jan 27 19:10:32 2014 Submitting Host: .: French company Semiocast, which researches collective web behaviors, used an algorithm to detect tweets in 61 languages from a sample of 10,000 provided by Twitter. Following English, the most popular were Japanese, Spanish, Malay, Portuguese, Arabic, French, Turkish, Thai and Korean. *** Mon Jan 27 21:50:40 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I went to Tarpon Springs today... And the highlight of the tri was that I went to Walmart and got a Tai Pei Beef and Brocoli rice pint and 99 cent box of fig bars and ate at Panera Bread... Also popped the popcorn that I had in the bag... Everything was good... Looked at twitter pictures mostly today and added quotes and pictures to my random thing... Voided good today also.. So I'm glad of that... The dollar deal on coffee's at McDonald's is over with... Drank tons of coffee there HA... So I get the senior coffee now... Had 5 mustards this morning with my sausage muffin and same this evening with the McDouble sandwich... Feel kind of burned out and stupid to keep putting words into twitter and looking at the pictures... Get porn every so often and that's not in my favor if someone sees it and I'm sure they do... Had a bunch of tab links open and they were mostly the same porn picture... I delete as fast as I can but I'm sure there's issues if it's noticed by the wrong parties... No exercise today except walking and standing at the Bus stops... But i took my time in Wallmart checking out everything... And they have 99 cent cookies... So that's in my favor HA... About closing time... On the whole I feel very uncomfortable here... You would think it would be te other way but it's not... Sure it's my doing but stil I worry all the time... Just seems like a spoof here whatever that means HA... Got to go... *** Tue Jan 28 07:46:10 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Didn't want to get up and dog tired all morning... Napped in the TV room after eating cheese and bread and fig bars with Y coffee... Got a hard lump again above my right knee... Why I don't know... Maybe strain...? Walked a good bit yesterday with the backpack on... And i kick it a bit crossing at traffic lights... Still a tiny bit of scab on my healed cut so I'm still staying out of the pool... Also pool seems busy all the times anyway... And I have issues with the water not being as clean as I'd like... Prefer the beach water HA... And I read that sea/salt water cures everything... Not true of course but sure it's a plus for some... After a day off exercising is like starting over... And 70ish makes it more difficult for sure... Rambling... Need to do laundry and I'll wait till it's colder probably HA... Guess I'll get out of here... Have a good day... *** Tue Jan 28 21:51:28 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Saw a movie... I Frankenstine... Was OK but not great... And a beautiful day and I went inside for a movie HA... O Well... Nice thing about being here as there's an abundance of nice days so we take them for granted... Tired anyway... Walk around in Wallmart waiting for my pizza to cook... So that was good exercise for someone that sits constantly... Interetingly, after the movie I just wanted to sit some more... Sat on Buses and waited an hour at a Bus Stop and just wanted to sit... So I don't know... I got off the #73 before Aulmerton so that gave me a pretty good walk to the #59 Bus Stop... Didn't shave this morning so I wouldn't miss the Bus taking me to the movie... So I looked old all day... I also look that way when I shave... HA.. This computer is too slow to do much plus no javascript... So I can't see my websites with scripts... Or see the images... And I had a spam on a page... Worry about spam ugh... Got liverwurst and bread for tonight with tea HA... The Deli gal said I could pick out the pizza for the slice I wanted and I got a medium... Was a small slice so I should have got a larger pizza like they do all the time... Live and learn... Cause and effect was in one of the quotes I used today and Luck was the negative part... Was wondering what trial and error is in that trend or thread... Well I put 100 quotes and 100 pictures on the random quote picture page.. Wonder if 99 might have been a better choice considering the scripts and what they do or don't do...? Might remove 1 on each script to play it safer HA.. Got to go... *** Wed Jan 29 19:30:28 2014 Submitting Host: .: Well I've been looking at this and Turmeric seems to be a healer from way back and has been researched a lot and found good for lots of problems... *** Wed Jan 29 19:39:08 2014 Submitting Host: .: Need to read this so we know.... "Although cumin and curcumin sound very similar, they are not the same. Curcumin is the active ingredient of the spice turmeric, which is found in curry powder along with the spice cumin. Curcumin appears to have more beneficial health effects than cumin, although both may be healthful additions to your diet, as they are generally considered safe and have few documented side effects. But check with your doctor before consuming them in large amounts, as they both may have blood-thinning and blood-sugar-lowering effects." *** Wed Jan 29 19:54:15 2014 Submitting Host: .: Austin and San Antonio from space....

*** Wed Jan 29 21:51:16 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Got trapped at McDonald's because it was raining... Plus it was cold also UGH... Finally got back to the Library... Discovered there's a difference between cumin and curcumen... Anyway it's good to know because I'm sure tons of people's don't realize that... So I'm still just using the cayenne/cumin mix that I have... Both are supposed to be of benefit to everyone... Looked at pictures a lot also... No chat still on the websdr all bands website... They closed it because of lousy chatters I guess... They don't want links either and I was guilty of that big time... There's only so much to chat about radio wise and a lot of that is a bit funky HA... Heating my tea water but wasted 5 min so it won't be hot... It's 4 5 degrees and looks like it will stay that way mostly tonight... So I should be OK if the rains don't come and blow in on me... Got the liverwurst tonight with tea... Pool was about empty but I still have a tiny scab and figure I'll wait awhile plus the cold... And if I swim till the pool closes my tea time is compromised... Out of here HA... *** Fri Jan 31 19:50:47 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Rainy day today... Got wet going to the College Library but not too bad... Played with Leps Playlist as I checked and got nothing above 200 in 8 or so random choices... So I split the links into 2 websites and I alternate between them HA... Then I run across a scrapper that gets images from flicka... Way out of my league for sure but that's how using a scrapper which makes your choices limitless and no repeats... Have to be fast on the print screen to ever see it again once a double scrapper site is put together... But it's all a time waster however it keeps me thinking (sic) and is something to do... Getting close to an hour before closing... Walked on the treadmill for a short time... Have an attitude and can't or don't hide it... Probably not real but the fear keeps it there for me... Or worry rather... Rambling... Stinking thinking I know... But I get it honestly whatever that means ta da... Writing trash here, sorry.... Got a Big Daddy Sandwich at Checkers and had 1.00 lg coffee at McDonald's... The dollar any size coffee is going to last till the end of March I was told... So I feel full pretty much... A JJ Pie and some fig bars also for tonight with tea... Warmer but rain tonight off and on I guess... Here's that scrapper on a webpage.... Might add a picture here after I look at a few... ? *** Fri Jan 31 19:53:59 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sun Feb 2 12:19:17 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... So an OK morning... Got up around 6 am and went to McDonald's... My outer blanket was wet from the fog/dew but I was fine... Hung around McDonald's awhile eating a sausage muffin and 3 lg coffee's HA... Then I locked the bike up there and walked across the street and got on the Bus... Rode around twice and then got off and got on the bike again ta da.... Hate not getting my monies worth plus I enjoy the change and going far and faster, maybe...? So I shot some hoops... Got some liverwurts again and another fig bars... Get 2 rows of fig bars for 99 cents... Good deal and 2 different brands.... Was in Albertson's earlier and it was Sayurday and the place looked empty... Where there was always a line at the fish counter no one was there at all... Think Wallmart is going to ruin Albertson's and take some business from Publex... Imagine 3 supermarkets at 1 intersection HA... But I went back for my slice of pizza and She said She wasn't able to get to it She was so busy.. So I passed as I needed to get back to the Y... Been overeating as I had cheese and bread, liverwurts and bread, popcorn, trailmix, and fig bars last night... But I just ate small amounts of each however I ate maybe 4 different times during the night... Well people's are waiting so I need to get off of this... Only 14 min so my tea is hot enough but not really sure HA... Thinking outloud... Later... *** Sun Feb 2 14:06:49 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Mon Feb 3 21:40:52 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I'm sitting here making puns up about today's events..., Forgot to get cayenne pepper... Figure a dollar at a dollar store but not sure about Family dollar...? Got the Turmeric for 2 bucks at Wallmart and smaller than the cayenne pepper container that I had which is empty now... So i'll try the turmeric straight... Might check on how to eat it before I leave here if I don't forget... At the College some young gal sat down and it seemed She couldn't stop figating, so I left and went to another computer in another part of the Library... Then after going to Wallmart and getting Carmel corn and peanuts and riding the Buses and getting coffee and a BLT and a baked potato at Wendy's 1st thing, I walked to Wallmart and got the Turmeric and Bread and salami across the street at Albertson's because it's only a dollar and then I returned to the Library... Sat down and another gal sat next to me and I didn't feel comfortable so I went to the rest room after rebooting the computer, and got another computer in the corner... After awhile and nothing much to do as I had already e-mailed and didn't feel like watching a movie and no chat on Ham websdr, some young guy sits down next to me and faces my direction and is reading something in a book... Well the distraction was too much so I left as it was time to go anyway... Unlike a diary I can't seem to write what I want as it's on the internet... A sort of catch 22, you want anonymous yet you want your writings to be seen maybe someday or something... But the crap I write only causes me troubles... Wheather imagined or not they're still in my head and I have to worry... Well nothing much else to do... *** Tue Feb 4 06:45:01 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Feb 4 19:44:13 2014 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... Tired... Been here awhile looking at twitter pictures like a crazy person sorta... Just couldn't stop - nothing much else to do... Wrote a long post here this morning on the Y computer but it froze up and I lossed everything... I shouldn't bother there but I do... Was doing better exercise wise and my thinking seemed also better... Figured the reason I wrote so much and did well at BB was the Turmeric I put in my tea the night before...? But not sure of course... Anyway I ranted on stuff like obese people and how voiding is more important than eating... That a young gal has doubled in size in the few months I've seen Her... Wonder where it will end... See people that are unable to walk because they're so big... One person's legs are swollen and inflammed and He can barely walk and I wonder if Turmeric would be of help there... Sure it is anti-iflammatory ... Saw a movie today, "Labor Day" and it was pretty good... Interesting, anyway... I go because it's something to do plus it was a nice day and I wanted to eat outside at Panera Bread... Had smoked sausage, mustard, and popcorn and coffee... Took a bunch of pictures also... Left the camera so I'll download those tomorrow if I remember... Just random people's and sea gulls... About time to go... Wondering if I should stop for coffee... 3 hours ago I was at McDonald's for coffee... They'll think I'm weird HA... Got fig bars and liverwurst for tonight snacks... French bread also... Voided good at the Y before I came here... Think the sausage might have helped there...? Got stomach cramps now for some reason... Sausage maybe HA...I'm out of here... *** Tue Feb 4 19:49:13 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Feb 5 15:28:14 2014 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library... New pictures on Shutterfly.... Nothing much though... So an off day I guess... No Bus ride to help pass some time... Got a slice of pizza at Wallmart and it was great... A Peach Pie for 67 cents also... Ate the pizza at McDonald's outside at a far table and ate the Pie in the GYM with the Pie... They were having pick up BB, so I watched awhile till the game was over... Then I sat in the TV room... Finally came back here to the Library stopping at Wendy's for a Cheeseburger delux and a Hi C drink... Was good and finished the drink with the rest of the bag of popcorn I had, outside of the Library here at a picnic table... Tired, as my eyes are closing as i sit here... Lump above my right knee this morning making riding the bike a chore... And now I have a hard lump above my left quad.... So I don't know... Walked around in Wallmart awhile like 15 min waiting for the pizza... Have to check google some more... Later... *** Thu Feb 6 21:48:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day I guess... Rode Buses as I was dog tired plus I wanted to use my Bus Pass some before it expires... Went to the VA Hospital and used their micro for popcorn and Banquet Spagahetti and made hot choc with their hot water.... Was an OK feed... Had had the mexican meal in mind but the Wallmart down near Bay Pines had only a small food section... And some guy sits in front of Me facing sideways while I was eating and talked on the cell phone... I felt that alone was ugly but then He starts playing with his privates and laughing on the Cell phone and I hated this thing for ruining my brunch time... UGH So I go to the Largo Library... Never feel comfy there and sat at the computer for 2 hours and my hotmail pictures didn't show... Then later they did... Slow or what I don't know..? O Yea... 1st got on the computer a popup said my library card was expired... So I went to the desk and they needed my library card and drivers license... Said it was good for 3 more years... Think I've had it for 10+ years but not sure how long... Why not before..? New deal maybe... So I rode buses to McDonald's and got coffee and ate some peanut butter crackers... As I sat there I saw the spanish in there with their young children a daily experience, and I thought... They're paying 2 to 5 dollars for food and all the kid really wants is some peanut butter crackers ta da... Heating tea water.. Can add hot choc to it if I want... Got salami to go with the French Bread... Albertson's had 4 onion rolls for a dollar but I passed because I have bread... But i love onion rolls HA... O Well... So I road the Bus to wallmart and looked around thinking a small 67 cent pie to go with the coffee refill... Well they had banana nut bread on the discount rack for 2.09, saving 1.39 or something like that... The walnut banana bread was also there but 2.69, discounted... Anyway it went great with the coffee... Got some left for later with my tea HA... Got a 8 oz bag of chips also for a dollar... Dollar store it's 6 oz or 5 oz... Well this is a long post.. Hope I don't lose it like I did the last time I wrote a lot... Then I tried going elsewhere for a picture and that may have been the problem... Well enough from here... *** Fri Feb 7 15:31:03 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Fri Feb 7 20:42:35 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Just did a few weights and the treadmill... Had an ugly look because everything bothers Me I guess... If not I make stuff up in my head like look at that whatever... Tired, and that's part of it also... Once in awhile but it's a daily thing... Library computer and I couldn't get into angelfire... Also I found out that the regular table mustard has Turmeric in it to make it bright yellow.... So i've been getting some all my life pretty much HA... E-mailed twice as some have IPODS and answer more often.... Got some salami again and some choc chip cookies... Overcast and cool and sprinkle's a bit... Rode the Bus to kill a couple of hours also... 35 dollar bus pass to pass some time UGH... But I had a reason when I got it and that was the cold weather... Woke last night and my hand sort of jerked and hit me in the mouth and I have a bruise and a spot where my fingernail hit... Why that happened is a mystery... Wild nerves maybe...? Put a neat picture on the bottom but I think it's copyright for sure so I'll remove it soon.... Probably got a ton of them on my webpages HA... Excuse is it was on twitter... Well enough from here.... O(~___~)O *** Sat Feb 8 14:08:30 2014 Submitting Host: .: Well here's my video's.... *** Sat Feb 8 15:02:09 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sun Feb 9 16:36:17 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day I think... Was cool and overcast all night and around 8:30 am the clouds passed and the bright Sun started shining on Me HA... Thought that was OK... A sausage muffin and coffee for breakfast... They had a sleepover last night so I slept in a different place but was OK... Shot some hoops and then did the treadmill... Legs felt light and easy to walk after the treadmill... So I got a slice of pizza awhile ago and it was great... And I got a can of herring and a loaf of french bread with everything coating... Will go good with the cheese I have left... The last loaf of french bread lasted a long time so I'm good for bread for awhile... Folded it in half to put it in a bag and hang it on my bicycle... Got a project to start tomorrow... Should be able to complete it pretty fast... Should be interesting and amusing at least for Me... Tired and I got plenty of rest last night... Well enough from here... *** Tue Feb 11 18:35:05 2014 Submitting Host: .: This is a must see... O(~___~)O *** Fri Feb 14 20:08:43 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I spent most of the day at the College Library... My efforts were not up to finding out how to do what I wanted... But it's something to think and do... That is the effort, I keep thinking however lame ta da... So I got coffee and sat as usual watching the peoples... Then I went to Wallmart and got another can of Herring for a buck and an apple pie-67 cents and ate at the Bus shelter on Gulf to Bay... Lots of dust from construction still going on on the Wallmart property... Noticed my picture of Leps doesn't show anymore so they must have deleted it or changed the address... Looked up about potatoes today... Interesting start in Peru and now #4 food in the World... Tired... Was falling asleep after lunch at the computer... Lack of exercise all day... I get the brief exercise in the morning then I sit all day and breathe shallow and then I'm not up to simple functions... Without the Job that I had most of my life keeping fit isn't realy my thing... Saw a short older woman working at McDonald's down at the Largo Mall... Think She's my age or older... Felt ashamed that I do nothing... The young manager with a tie on was sweeping and mopping the dining room floor at the local McDonald's... Fear I'll get some kind of punishment for retireing at 70ish... About time to shower and get ready for closing... Rambling... The chat is back on the Ham websdr... So I say hi sometimes... Think I'll stop putting addresses as that might have ben a reason to close the chat... Probably bots on there anyway... Think bots talk to each other HA... But I haven't read up on them so I know little... Skipping weights as I have problems after lifting heavy stuff... So I'll wait and see how everything goes and maybe try again sometime... Probably just overdoing it and strains but I'm not sure what... Should be warmer tonight... Out of here... Have a good evening and Happy Saint alentine's Day Everyone.... O(#____#)O *** Sat Feb 15 07:56:19 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK night... Slept good and was warm enough... OK walking and I eat in the TV room and walk to this computer and my left knee is funky and swollen a bit... Cross my leg over my knee as I sit so that's probably my problem... Was also stretching my legs as I sat waiting for my tea water to heat last night... Overall I don't feel up to BB or much of anything... In the habit of eating every morning in the TV room... Salami bread and a JJ Blackberry Pie this morning already... In a rut sorta but wish to stay simple and non stressful I suppose... While walking the other night with my backpack on I passed a young guy coming my direction and staggered and almost fell as I stepped on some twigs on the edge of the sidewalk... Suspect it's the overall ageing thing but of course I wonder if I would be different elsewhere... Was sort of easy at BB 1 morning and the next I couldn't hit the basket HA... Mumbling about myself constantly is probably an age thingy also... Guys in the locker room around my age and 1 works out 3 days a week and dances somewhere 3 days a week... ta da *** Sat Feb 15 10:21:41 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat Feb 15 10:32:20 2014 Submitting Host: .: And a ton of pictures dealing with grilled cheese HA, enjoy.... Sun Feb 16 16:56:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... And a sunday heading for the archieves... Slept till around 8 am or until the Sun was shining on Me... It felt good as the night was a bit cold... 14 hours sack time... A bit too much but I get less than 6 hours thru the week... Over eating... Had a fish sandwich awhile ago and 2 tomatoes HA... Was a deal for 3 tomatoes and 2 apples on the produce discount wagon... Got salami again to go with the rest of my french bread... And checkers has the 2 for 2 chicken or fish sandwiches on sale... Saw it on TV but the Checkers wasn't doing that yet... However She gave me the deal anyway... So I have a fish sandwich also to eat tonight... Food reports all the time ta da... Did so me floor exrercises plus was on the treadmill... Looked into the GYM a few times but it was rather busy... Used to an empty GYM so too many users isn't my thing HA... Interesting, I was on my bike the other morning and I arrived at Gulf to Bay and I look to see if I can cross instead of going to the traffic lights... Well that morning there were no cars coming in both directions... So as I started across the street on my bike I held my arm up like in a victory moment... Then I saw someone walking on the sidewalk and as I passed them I wondered if they thought I was waving at them... Anyway, you can see how stuff gets a tide funky without anyone even trying... O(*____*)O *** Sun Feb 16 16:58:33 2014 Submitting Host: .: ***Tue Feb 18 06:35:52 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Wrote here last night and saw I only had 15 min before closing so I hit the X in the upper right corner and lost what I had written UGH... Fail is my middle name... The Vimeo player on my little project still has sound and I'm not sure I can mute it or put it to 0%...? Will see.... Tired this morning... Pool is full at opening... Could probably get a lane if I wait at the door but I'm not that hep on swimming at 50 degrees outside HA... They open the outside door in the pool area usually, also... Stood on 1 leg awhile last night as I heated water... Better than falling asleep and maybe burning up my mug and zinger... The utlet has a circuit breaker so the building is safe... But still I'll stay on my feet from now on... I like many others learn the hard way... Which as you see on TV news tragedies isn't a good thing... So it is hard at 1st standing on 1 leg as all the muscles seem to need to work... And I feel my knee slipping and adjusting as this takes place... Felt I walked better and I stepped up on the 2 steps at the bike rack and didn't feel the inability as much as usual... Thought about the Native Australians standing on 1 leg in pictures I've seen but it was because of the hot sands I think... Anyway 1 leg standing is a leg strengthener.... Enough from ME... O____O *** Wed Feb 19 06:51:10 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I've been napping in the TV room after eating an apple, fig bars and potato chips with the Y coffee... Left knee feels funky... All the bikeing yesterday maybe... Back to 1 leg standing maybe...? Saw the movie, "Winter's Tale" yesterday and it was pretty good... Crowe was in it.. Worked on my little project... Found a javascript that mutes the sound on vimeo but for just 1 video... So how to get that into my random playlist thing is still a project... Wrote here the other night and saw I was going to be late getting out of here so I closed the windows before posting my post UGH... Lost it all... Will go to the college again this morning but no new ideas... Lots of vimeo video's and I see them on twitter now... So I can lok there sometimes for new and/or interesting vimeo video's... Sat in the GYM and watched everyone as I heated my tea water... Didn't feel up to doing anything... The young and healthy were doing everything and there's no pain or problems like with this bag of bones... Seems the main attraction is the 2 point 1 hand jump shot and they seldom miss on that... But my knees can't take any jumping just controlled hopping while leaning on something HA... And trying to run full throttle with knee discomfort doesn't feel safe at all... Well I guess I'll get going... Think I need to do laundry again, also... Have a good day everybody... O(v___v)O *** Wed Feb 19 07:07:08 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Feb 19 09:55:32 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Thu Feb 20 07:23:44 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Gm GM GM.... So I'm full of Salami - 1.00, Jalapeno bread for a 1.00, JJ Pie - 50 cents, and Y coffee, already this morning... Watched on TV about the building of Penn Station in NYC and the train tunnels under the Hudson River... Such a big undertaking and with all the problems... They needed to pressureize the tubes where they worked to keep the River pressure from harming them... However they had blowouts a lot and people would get blown out into the river... Lots and lots of workers died building the tunnels... Sort of hints at my small problems showing that the biggest and best also have things to overcome... A bit tired... Read that 8 hours is the proper amout of sleep for people HA... Getting less than 6 during the week but plenty on the weekends... Feel weak as I haven't been doing weights because I strain myself it seems... Age thing I should guess...? Sat too too much yesterday... Even in NYC during the 1900's people would be standing in front of stores and everyone was walking around, streets and all back then... Must have been some wild times back then... Guess I'll get going... Not sure what to do today... Had to look and see what day it was... Thought it was wednesday... NOoooo, it's Thursday ta da.... Have a good day.... O(*____*)O *** Thu Feb 20 21:40:38 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well an OK day I think... Saw a movie, "Endless Love" and it was OK I guess... Rich blonde girl and poor tough boy's love affair... Great day to be outdoors as it was 81 degrees and sunny... But habits are hard to change... Over ate also as I got a new Totino's Pizza with chicken and a sauce on it and 4 nut muffins... Then after the movie I got a Stoufer's Tuna/noodle casserole HA... Ate another muffin too... Got 1 muffin left to go with tea pretty soon... But I voided about 3 times today... Thank the salami for that I think.. Got liverwurst to go with the Japolena bread tonight also... And more fig bars so I'm full up foods wise... Same song all the time in my writings pretty much... O Well.. Tired... Long bike ride's today... Saw a couple going towards the supermarket and She fell down... So they returned to their car... She didn't look hurt but She might have sprained or did something to cause Her pain...? Was about the only one in the theater today... Looked at the Vimeo stuff and tried to make a widget on their website... Think you have to upgrade from the free account... But it was a waste of time anyway because that's not what I want to do... Well someone else might want to use this computer... Maybe not...? But I think I'll get off of it anyway... Have a nice evening... Warm outside this evening so it's pretty nice here... *** Fri Feb 21 14:43:50 2014 Submitting Host: .: Good Video... *** Sat Feb 22 17:50:03 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... About closing time... Nice day today... Was raining a little bit this morning... Sunny and warm now... Was all day at the College Library... Baked Potato at wendy's and a coke and popcorn for Lunch... Listening to Leps on the Y computer HA... No exercise today except a short swim... Need to get in gear... Bike riding is the only thing keeping me going I guess... Saw a group of bicyclists go by on Drew this morning... See them every Saturday pretty much... Once there was more than 1 group... Rambling...Kazakhstan, ca spell it now... Got some Twitter pictures by typing that into and jpg... The Space people landed there and those were some of the pictures... *** Mon Feb 24 21:48:11 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Spent most of the day morning and evening at the College Library... Pretty much waste of time for me... But I looked at a ton of twitter pictures and e-mailed a bunch... But on my mail I sent to myself only a few pictures were visible... So I don't know... Thought about that as I was saving all the pictures in e-mail... Too too much and it won't send right or something... Tired... Got 2 fish sandwiches for 2 bucks so I'll be OK till tomorrow... Full as I ate 1 already and a JJ Pie... Sort of interesting how the beginnings of the internet everything was free and open souse and now everything seems to have a for sale sign on it... And there's next to nothing left to do except buy buy... Easy of course but who wants to do that to an internet that was all free a couple of years ago... But I guess that's progress ta da... Typed in words JPG and got tons of images going back further than a year ago... Links seem to cease after an amount of time has passed... Full but I have a coffee and popcorn... Eat whole bags of popcorn... Guess I'll get out of here... *** Tue Feb 25 06:53:02 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Looks like a rainy day today... So taking the bike South might not be a good idea...? Tired but feel better than usual... Ate most of my snack food but I have 2 bags of popcorn HA... Thought I was out of popcorn last night... Can eat a ton of it when I'm hungry... No fig bars and they really are the greatest snack foods... ~___~ Well the go go go, energizer bunny attitude isn't here anymore.... Really a pas pass pass deal for me so it seems... Saw the horrible pictures on twitter in Lebonan I think?, and wondered if the people's were passing thru like I seem to be everywhere... Worrisome thought for for sure.... I sense local people's sort of tolerate visitor's and tourists etc... Suspect you can't blame them as they live in an area where they can't do much of anything while visitors do everything... I'm sure this would be a real pain if the shoe was on the other foot... But I know nothing about this opinion except it was a thought I have often... Guess it's seeing the poor people's around maybe... Another item is the young and healthy and they're standing around waiting for help... History sort of shows Americans who can't find work go elsewhere and find it but I don't think that's a common thing... It's rather we don't pay here like people's passing thru, maybe...? Of course this is a tourist area so a small town America or a ghetto America is a bit different.... Am I being a pessimist...? Well I'm writing which is better than not writting... There's the pool and people swimming every day and I'm a member yet I frown on swimming and don't know why...? Somehow I always wanted to be different and I've succeeded in that respect so I shouldn't be complaining HA... But minor things sort of needle at me from time to time... Probably a normal thing, at least for Me.... Rambling... Saw a girl in a wheel chair in the street in the dark with a hand held something glowing in the dark... Like a cell phone or something... And a potrol car was a couple of yards ahead of Her parked with no lights except some interior dim lighting.... So I continued on as I fear troubles which I try to avoid... None of my business is my password... And a domestic violence item at McDonald's which I also went the other way about... Saw another woman ak if the victim was Ok and She said yes... Probably a Husband or boyfriend... And He was leaving and cussed real loud at one of the women or both...? I can't saw much against cussing as I have been guilty a lot on that account... It's fear in my case that prompts my anger and verbal abuse... Like being in the middle of the road on the median with tons of taffic going both directions... Sometimes it was on a 3 foot piece of the road divider UGH... Still no excuses... But I felt better and it smothered the fear which isn't healthy for you's for for sure... Even the medical people's mentin how fear and stress can cause you to become ill.... And on that note I'd like to mention that I also think that people's that harm others or are guilty of stuff, lieing, stealing, harmng, etc; have to live with these items and they must eat away little by little at their self... But of course I don't know how real that is it's just an opinion... Hence, the reasons I don't ever go down that road of bothering people's in any way... Guilty of talking to myself and knowing that people around me can hear me but I rather think that's an OK thing as I'm cleaning out my mind sorta and it's no different that the tons of cell phones I hear all the time everywhere.... Am I writing a ton of stuff... Sounds like rain outside... TV showed the clouds coming in off the gulf... Can ride Buses if so but that's a 2.25 cost... Think the College Library inhibites Me.... O(*___*)O But it's probably that I'm getting slow witted at my advancing age UGH... Though yesterday of saying outloud to someone, "Have you seen, Dobby...?" That's a Pun... Sense I look a bit like Dobby, anymore... Well this is a ton of stuff so I'm out of here... Like to add a picture... My pictues on my mail wearn't sent and I wonder if they were censored and I mentioned tat at the beginning of ths post.... BYEeeeee.... *** Tue Feb 25 21:49:39 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I'm heating my tea water... Got back OK but the Y was crowded so I rode the bike up and sat in a Bus Shelter talking outloud to myself.... Guy across the street was in a motel parking lot walking around talking on His cell phone... He did a lot of walking while I sat and watched Him and the traffic... Finally came back and took a shower... Went to Largo Mall and saw a movie, "3 Days to Kill" with Kevin Costner and it was pretty good... Theater was pretty busy also for a Wednesday.... Went to the Seminole College SPC Library and used their computers... Forgot my jacket until I was ready to leave and it was at the desk on the 2nd floor... Lucky I didn't lose it I guess... Tired... Walked ut this morning and stood there looking at the overcast sky and saw the Bus up at the corner Bus Stop so I checked my wallet and had 2 1's so I walked fast and the Bus driver saw me so He waited plus a Y gal was on the Bus and told Him I wanted a ride... Ate 2 Stoufer's TV meals before and after the movie/Library trips... Filled me up... Still no luck with the javascripts that I was trying to use... Hopefully I'll figure something out... Feel a bit stupid HA... Having living problems also that ruin my days.. But I'm not alone in that respect I guess... Was ranting on what Humanity needs... In the future they will need fuel and foods... And the other thing was probably another Savior... About time to go... Thought I should go to Church some morning but then I thought some kind of compromise will begin because I did that... Reason is there's always some kind of compromise no materr what I do and I'm not alone with that fact either and I'm out of here ta da.... ***Fri Feb 28 15:47:04 2014 Submitting Host: .: Clearwater SPC Library.... Place is closing because it'sd Friday... Going for coffee... Nice day and a bit cool.... Listening to Leps.... Figure because I don't understand a word the songs are always like new...???? Whatever.... *** Sun Mar 2 13:41:01 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well an OK day today... Nice and warm and sunny... I go out front on nice days and stand against the building and do some squats and exercises... Like on TV ha... So I don't know.. Thought 1 blanket would be OK last night.... OPPS, was a bit cool all night HA... But OK as I put on an extra shirt and had socks... Did Laundry yesterday also... So that's a plus... Taco Bell is coming out with breakfast's on the 27th of this month... *** Mon Mar 3 06:41:57 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... A rat showed up checking Me out and scared me to the 9th... At 3 in the morning about I fixed tea and ate liverwurst, bread, fig bars.... So I'm rather full right now... Thinking of putting nother player on the random list I use... But probably beyond my scope right now... Dropped my buddy bars on my coffee in the locker room.... Do stuff like that a lot... Age is my culprit however I can't seem to rule out foul play for some reason... Like who bumped me or something ta da... On the rat thing: Yesterday passing a creek overpass I heard what seemed one of the large birds the guy feeds there all the time and it was in distress as the screaching was loud and stuff... Some peoples cross the street were starting to go over to look but I kept riding on on the bicycle... So after the rat I wondered instead of a gator maybe the rats got the bird...? HA Then I'm thinking the ras are over populated somewhere and starving and on the run looking for foods... Then I'm wondering if terrorists might be feeding old peoples to the rats somewhere... So much for Sewer Talk... Here I am totally against Baby Talk and I rant like this... UGH In my present state and condition I seem to have no other options but to stay put and that isn't what everyone else likes... Sure the interest of others is for Me to do differently... Probably be in my best interest also...? Tired and I got 11 hours sack time last night HA.. Did some fas squats while heating tea water last night but my left knee felt like shin splints... WAs Ok before the squats as I walked with my back pack pushing the bike around to the North side of the building and the power outlet... YEA, Fuel and Food will be the future needs of humanity... And they are now in some areas of the World... The thought Hill of Beans popped into my head... Of course I exercise my mind with randm thought like that searching for whatever I can find... Wondered if Poppeii was covered with beans hence a good reason to live there....? But probably rich lava soils that grew plenty, maybe...? Need to exercise... Watched in the GYM last night as I heated water as the other power outlets had peoples sitting next to them... Couple of young guys, I think 1 sais the 6th grade and the other was probably HS or close and they were large and threw tha BB the length of the court almost... Anyway a couple of great arms on them.... Well I guess that's about it here... I'll mope around drinking coffee's and maybe some BB before I shower and go to the Library... Was thinking of Tarpon SPC Library to get away from the Library I'm at all the times... Sort of give them a rest.. Many have to be there, Jobs etc, but I don't hence I should enjoy the outdoors and go places while I'm still able... Is this a lot of BS HA.... O(~___~)O *** Mon Mar 3 09:49:25 2014 Submitting Host: .: ***Tue Mar 4 07:53:25 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... GM, GM, and GM... Well I rode up to McDonald's and sat there for a long time... Coffee and a sausage muffin and a syrup.... The pancake thrill for a buck HA.... Guess the TV station I put with Leps is a Soccer Station... Probably going to try Random TV stations a bit and see how that goes... Soccer isn't boring but to some it might be... Overcast but the weather radar shows no rain clouds anywhere around... So I might ride the bike down for a movie day.. Noticed after my showers my left knee always feels funky... Like it's rubbing or out of kilter... Anyway it was like that last night and it bother me top no end... So I stretched as I sat waiting for my tea water to heat... Stretched the quads and hamstrings a good bit... Then I walked with less discomfort... Sense that I need to stretch before everything considering all the sitting I do... And standing in the shower you hardly move hence your compromising your legs and knees a good bit at least at this 70's age... And on another count I notice a young gal who only less than a year ago was smiling and looked ok and now She's gained an awesome amout of weight mostly on Her rear... The deal with this voiding is that it's really more important than eating if you don't want to suffer being obese... You wonder how some people's wipe and they probably don't or not very well... When I was younger I never bothered to be clean about myself after voiding but just wanted to get on down the road.. Hence I wan't really clean enough in my opinion... Now I overdo it a bit using a soapy paper towel etc to wipe myself... But I'm a creature of habit and that's my newest one I think... Anyway the reason I mention this as someone should talk to the younger people's concerning these issues as they become their habits and there future... But I'm not the one to speak to anyone... But it hurts to see someone that takes voiding lightly and continues to get fatter and fatter... These fat cells split into 2 after they get big enough I read... And they of course never unsplit... I noticed that some foods don't pass thru you as fast as others, fiber etc... I'm big on salami because it seems to slide thru me OK... I have sat on the torlit stuffed and nothing happens... But I get a mug of water and I sit there and keep drinking water and finally some dried po and/or gas passes and then the stuff runs out with all the hydration from the waters... Then I feel better also... People's without patience sit there and nothing happens so they think they don't need to void but they do unless they want to become obese... So sit on the John with a jug of water and keep drinking till you get the runs.... Starvation doesn't kill like eating too much for too long does... Might see the Plane terrorisy movie today...? Have a great day everyone... o(#___@)o *** Tue Mar 4 19:24:00 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Tue Mar 4 21:41:19 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK day... Saw the movie Non Stop and it was OK... Good long bike ride down and back... Not much luck doing my computer whims though... Today's deal was that everything needed a new updated player to download etc... Amazing that I got the 1 soccer TV station on the webpage... Not sure what I'll do next... Sitting and watching and/or listening isn't so great... Well I think I'll try and void before the place closes... Now it's my problem UGH... Imagine everything I say or do comes back and haunts ME... *** Wed Mar 5 07:23:06 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Some local cloud cover but the rains seem to be to the North of us... Tired as usual... An OK night... Ate too much I think... Got these snack foods I feed on... Not sure why I'm writing as I haven't a clue what to put here... Coffee, popcorn and fig bars this morning... Probably a Library day... Saw a movie yesterday, my reason to do something different... Not the energy anymore so it seems... Plus my bum knee bothers me a sight.. Put these odd words in here and there so my writing has variety... Cooler this weekend at nights... Used 2 covers last night and that sure makes a difference in a good nights sleep... Donated fig bars to the coffee mess... At a dollar for 2 pkg's being generous isn't difficult... Plus I feel helpful... Aren't figs healthy... Bet camels eat figs....? 1 lane open in the pool.. Remember when I 1st joined hardly anyone was ever around the Y... But now it's a mecca... THought of going to Mass but will pass today... However I'm thinking that and on time as I could have showered and went down to St Cecile's by 8 am... Thought about traveling around to visit Catholic Churches and take pictures... Took pictures of St Thomas years ago and wonder what Camera I used...? At least I think I took pictures... My 1st camera was a dollar and a tiny digital one... HA... Then I started getting better camera's... Probably go for the big lens camera some day with more pixels also... Like taking zoom pictures of people... You don't upset anyone plus you get a natural picture and when and if they do see it they're usually pleased with of course an exception as there usually is one... I get this negative stuff in my writings a lot... But the World is full of negative so why not HA.... But with tact... O()__()O *** Wed Mar 5 21:49:16 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... So another OK day... Rode Buses up to Tarpon Springs and got Shrimp and vegetables at the China Place... Was good and the Large Shrimp were a great treat... Then I rode to the Causeway and got chips and granola bars at the discount place and then a large coffee at McDonald's... Almost fell asleep with my refill on the Bus a couple of times... When i close my eyes I'm usually gone UGH.. But I was able to keep my eyes open pretty much... Having the same redirect problems again... Needed Javascript redirect so I'll probably need it again... Found a video sight that I thought was what I needed to get on with my project stuff and the Librarian came over and said someone wanted to use the printer attached to the computer I wason... Was using it because most of the other computers were busy when I got there... And a bunch of the computers have the computer located too far for my headphones... Got some salami for tonight.. Also have the can of Herring that I keep forgetting as it's flat and hides in the bottom of my backpack... New Item.... Which I just did was to get on the treadmill and speed it up some and use the arm rests to take my weight off my legs and sort of jog fast... Could feel where the parts of the knee rub and/or catch some so I'll continue this and see how it works out... Tired a bit... Was rainin as I left the college but real lightly... So i really didn't get wet much... Sort of dries as I pedal the bicycle... Was a Charter Bus at the Bar i pass all the time and young guys were getting on it... Wondered what it was about but I didn't bother... Younger, I would have checked it out... Can hear the rains on the roof now... Got a skylight here and that's how I can hear it but it doesn't sound like much rains...Think I'll check the weather... Started a new picture from twitter list on Picture 5 above in the links place... Have a good evening... ***Thu Mar 6 18:54:36 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Thu Mar 6 21:47:16 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... So it was raining this morning with a ton of clouds coming ashore so I decided to go to a movie... "Son of God", and it was better than I expected... Ate a pepper beef TV meal and a Jamicane beef patti which was terrible for a dollar UGH... Rode the Buses back and decided to ride them here in Clearwater rather than the bike for awhile anyway... Got the Cinammon rolls for a dollar at Albertson's and ate 2 at McDonald's... Returned to the Y and voided and then rode the bike to the College... Saw that code is added from Angelfire which I knew the ads etc... Anyway I saw my editor doesn't work like it used to or seemed to before... Took a working html off of 1 page and it didn't work on the other... Suspect it was because of the added code... I should have made a new page to try it on I guess...? Try that next time... I'm out of here... *** Fri Mar 7 07:10:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good friday Morning... Almost 2 hours in here and I haven't done anything but drink coffee, watch TV, nap, and eat a granola bar... So on TV I get the educational station which is almost all ads... Anyway they were heavy on green veggies, mushrooms, seeds, berries, and beans... GOMBBS... In a way I eat a lot of these items pretty much... Had an onion cheeseburger yesterday as a matter of fact... Have sunflower seeds in my bag... And I eat the Balckberry JJ pies mostly anymore... Used to go heavy on the Cherry Pies... Ate sweet onions a couple of times way back... And I had chinese yesterday with mixed vegetables including mushrooms and I get Chile pretty regularly... Lost my cayenne/Tumeric mix I had... And my little knife for cutting cheese is gone also... Guess I'm being pilfered but not sure... Saw "Son of God" the movie yesterday and it was pretty good... After a lifetime of hearing the gospels you knew almost what He was going to say in the movie... My negative thought on this was that Jesus and His Diciples had nothing... I suspect that that hasn't changed much the negativity of having nothing...? We have homeless here sleeping on the sidewalks in front of Churches and it's a shame to most peoples yet it's a blessing to the homeless in some respects... Why this is so I don't know I just know from experience that your better off having nothing... History even shows how the well off suffer from too much foods and lack of exercise and even fresh air I suspect... But ranting about it is a waste of time... The other side is screaming fools, lazy, worthless, and on and on... And this is true to a certain extent I'm sure everyone would agree... We all are encouraged to do due dilegence or put our backs to the grind stone etc... Hard work isn't a bad thing but the conditions under which you do this work might not be so good... Am I rambling... If you can't say it in 1 sentence ta da.... So I'm doing this lifting my weights off the treadmill by holding on to the handrails and running a bit... I am short of breath fast... But my intent is to do these short runs without putting weight on my knees and legs much more and more often as I sense some progress and how I walk and feel... Plus I sure need the huff and puff... The more often I do that the better off I am... My project is hitting snags and I don't know why... Suspect 3rd party interference but probably not...? Guess I'll get on with my day... Looked clear outside however there seems to be a cloud cover a lot over this county... At least this time of yer maybe... Right, Florida seems clear but a small cloud cover over Pinellas... Wonder why that's so...? Have a great day everyone... o(x___x)o *** Sun Mar 9 17:28:39 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well a nice day today... My windbreaker is torn so I rode out to the thrift store forgetting it was Sunday and they're closed HA... Got potato wedges at Wallmart for a dollar and ate them at the Bus stop with coffee.. Filled me up... They probably have catsup but I didn't think of that... Time change today so the Y was open when I got here... Another 12+ hours of rest last night... A bit chilly this morning so I stayed under the covers till the Sun came up and was warming Me HA... Saw Orion behind the building last night as I switched to the other side of the building... To heat tea water... Anyway Jupitor and the Moon were both in Orion... So it was a bright looking area HA... Both lower Quads had hard lumps just above the knee and I guess I over done it yesterday with weights stretching etc... Seem OK now but hurt as I tried pumping the bike this morning... Someone else might want to use this computer so I'm out of here.... *** Mon Mar 10 06:59:05 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Was tired and slept rather well... Legs seem lame or compromised or something all the time... Just a troublesome thing... Just can't ever be normal again... Plenty of rest doesn't help them much either... Nor plenty of exercise... Had hard lumps just above my knees, the lower quads yesterday morning and it hurt to pump the bicycle... Did some biking yesterday and then I find walking a bit uneasy... Then you think I should walk more... Well the movies are 3d and the regular movie isn't till 4:20 this afternoon... Not sure it's 5 dollars then...? Probably not... But I can wait and see it maybe next week HA... 300 is the movie... O Well I can watch a movie on the computer... Was thinking of putting the i frame codes for the TV stations on 1 page and then you can hiy full screen on the 1 you want to watch... But the volume might be mute on some... Had the volume on 0 for others so I could listen to Leps... Interestingly yeas ago and I mean a lot I did the TV stations all on 1 page also... But I would turn them on/off then... And full screen I never thought of HA... Ate popcorn last night... Got fig bars... The bread is getting moldy and gives me gas... Got liverwurst but haven't opened it yet... Finished the salami though... Think I'll toss the bread.. And I got the potato wedges for a dollar at wallmart and ate them at the Bus Stop Shelter there... Was good... They probably have packets of catsup but I didn't think of that... Kinda dry without catsup... After all the sleep last night I get the coffee and eat some fig bars in the TV room and fall asleep HA... This old body isn't as great as it used to be for for sure... Rambling... Guess I'll get on with my day... Still might go to the 1 pm movie at Largo Mall... Nice sunny day and I like sitting at Panera Bread and drinking coffee and watching the parking lot... While sitting at the Bus Stop yesterday and watching the Beach traffic heading home I was in a good humor mood and was talking out loud like an idiot and laughing at everything... Saw a Budwiser car built on a vokswagon chassis go by... Make a nice picture and last night looking up at the moon a silver plane passed right over top of the moon and was about the same size in a camera... Would have made a nice picture I thought... Especially with 20X zoom or so... Have a great Monday Everyone.... O(~___~)O *** Mon Mar 10 21:43:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well I went to Seminole today... Saw the movie, "300"... Was sorta like the 1st one but with boats instead... Went to the Seminole Library and spent my time playing with TV codes... Some I can get to work others I can't... Not sure why just something to do I guess... Ate Stouffer's TV meals at Largo Mall before and after going to Seminole... 2 bucks so I saved a 1.50 about... Was pretty good.. A nice change from banquet TV meals... Tired a bit from a lot of biking... And the last time I put twitter pictures on g-mail they were OK... This time not so OK... Probably the computer I was using...? Bike sounds like it's about ready to break down... Bad pedal and maybe dry bearings...? But it's an old bike and I've got my monies worth out of it for sure... Left knee is out of wack as usual... Nothing I can do seems to change it... But I guess I'm lucky I'm doing as OK as I am... Got some bread at Largo so I can toss the moldy bread... Gave me a lot of gas also... Got liverwurst to eat with the bread... Got popcorn at the Largo Movie place with a free ticket... Both my soda free tckets have expired... So much for being frugal HA... Guess I'll get out of here... *** Tue Mar 11 08:26:43 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Wed Mar 12 21:49:32 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Heating Tea water... About time to leave... Just checked the weather and cooler windy but no rains... Lot of biking today, down to Largo Mall and back... Rode the pinellas Bike Trail yesterday back down from Tarpon Springs... Voided pretty good today so I feel hungry... Salami tonight plus... Just nothing to write... What does Humanity Need...? Had that thought ramble thru my head and out my mouth... I talk outloud pretty often... My tea water must be hot... Wondering if I should hadd chocolate to it...? Walked some with the bike a couple of hours ago... Do need to walk more... Just don't feel comfy on the track out back... Got to go... *** Thu Mar 13 21:53:30 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... Well another day UGH.... Saw a movie... A dog movie... Kids movie... Napped some but just wanted to get away from it all... Probably mostly to close my eyes and rest... Did weights this morning a bit and they rather zap me pretty good UGH... Don't think my tea water will be hot enough as I'm about out of time... Used the Largo Library and did some more TV and Leps video's... Why I don't know... Put all the links on a seperate page to clean up the mess I had... Guess I'll zap my tea some more outside... Cold out also... But no rain I'm pretty sure... Was a cool day today also... Went to a couple of thrift stores but nothing for Me... Guess I'll get out of here... *** Fri Mar 14 08:20:37 2014 Submitting Host: .: *** Sat Mar 15 08:27:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Good Saturday Morning.... Slept OK... Nothing much to write... Should be a nice day.... My bike was sticking as I pedaled and making noises and I put some oil on the main bearing and it seemed to fix it for awhile... Will see... Today I probably will go to the Largo Library... College will be open again Monday... Lump above my right knee... Can't figure what or why this happens... Wonder if cutting off the circulation has anything to do with it...? As I sleep on a hard surface and maybe I'm resting on a blood vessle or something... Or nerves...? This age and stuff has me in a rat hole of sorts... Younger I would jump and do something random like go somewhere else, my usual thing to do... Now I hesitate on all fronts because of this or that... Weather is a big factor any more... Just the next county North and I'm in weather that's just too too cold for Me... Remember Crystal River and how cold it was... Even wit a heavy sleeping bag... And I see it on TV now the temps up there dip into the below freezing area... Watched the Clam Bar on TV awhile ago... Not sure where it's at but probably here in Florida... Something I haven't had in a long time is fried clams... Of course there's tons of stuff I haven't had in a long time... Catfish also... But I view food as about all the same eating wise and even ealth wise... Anyway I'm not going to make food my King sorta... Can see and have seen how food rules everything everywhere so it seems... Rambling... Guess I'll get off of this computer... But on the food count every day my main thing is where and what to eat... So there you go HA... *** Sat Mar 15 12:50:28 2014 Submitting Host: .: Tatarstan... *** Sat Mar 15 17:10:27 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... About time to take a shower.. Think I have 2 tea bags left...? Forgot to get more tea bags UGH... Got brownie's and popcorn... And cheese from last night and corn chips to eat with them... Probably get on here while I'm heating tea water but not sure... Don't want to be a hog on this computer as it's the only one here... Got a Banquet Swedish Meatballs for lunch and a JJ Pie... Cheap and filled me up... Was at the Largo Library... Think I'll shower... *** Sun Mar 16 16:48:10 2014 Submitting Host: .: YMCA... Hi... Well it is indy today making biking a job... Walked some with the bike and glad to do that... Can see why when I 1st got here Roger walked 5 miles every morning at 5 am, 20 laps... Never came close myself but I probably should do so as my legs seem to get weaker and weaker even riding the bicycle... Got tea bags but forgot them at wallmart... So I paid and extra 40 cents... Got the Italian coating French Bread and pulled a hunk off at McDonald's to have with my coffee and it was pretty good... Well it's the 16th and the Bread said to use by the 16th so that's why it was good... Before I ate bread that was harder so it might have been too old...? And I had bread that started to mold showing it was a bit old also... Shot hoops and swam earlier but my left knee is a twisted mess... I work with it but it's a pain mostly... Getting used to the discomfort though... Think it's normal after a time ta da... So no herring at wallmart... So I got a small can of salmon for a dollar and tuna for 88 cents and the 98 cent fig bars a double rowe of figs yum yum.... HA Feel silly a lot... Guess it's my ridiculous situation compared to most of my peers... A street guy with long blonde hair and who drinks a lot fell off His bike as He passed me sitting on the bench at the Bus Stop... Sure needs to go to AA... Was with another person who picked up His bike as He staggered getting back up... Noticed He doesn't get hurt like you know who... And He was riding in the street before He fell over... Showered at 11 after a swim so I might pass on that... Have coffee and might heat a tea also... Like this camping out as I never went in much for social stuff and the total complicated living with homes and cars and jobs etc... So I've slid by pretty much I guess but you can't make a dog talk UGH... Well I'm out of here for now... ***Mon Mar 17 21:51:32 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Rainy day today so I was stuck in the Library all day... Finally left and wet to BK and got a whopper and fries and coffee for 3 bucks as I did the survey on the computer... Have to go as it's closing time... *** Tue Mar 18 07:14:51 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y.... This quote popped up in my quote area so I thought I would share it.... "No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle - Winston Churchill" Was thinking that doesn't mean a Horse actually... A motorcycle or bicycle is close enough.... Anyway I must not be wasting my life then HA... Pool was full this morning and woke with winds and light rains... Some cloud cover over Clearwater as usual it seems but the Radar looks pretty clear of clouds... Tired as usual mornings... After a coffee and some eats I'm bushed and can't keep my eyes open... See the others waiting to get into the pool aqnd Me with no energy... Not even sure the biking is better than walking... Probably not... Swim couple come in and exercise an hour and swmim an hour and leave... Healthy way I'm sure... But for Me I have no place to go so taking my time is for a reason I guess... Finished the salami with the Italian seasoned bread and some fig bars... Donated the 2nd pkg of fig bars to the coffee mess... Make up for my quietness and aloneness maybe... Plus they're healthy and cheap HA... Might ride Buses up to Tarpon Springs today...? Library and Chinese food...? Or I can go South to Seminole and a cheaper movie... And I came across a website with live TV of movies... Very interesting a watching a movie from start to finish isn't written in stone... How many times have you sat there thru a boring movie for 2 hours and paid for that misery... With this site you can see a picture of the screen and what the movie is about... And if it's interesting you can watch until your finished or if the movie is a bummer you can go to another or just call it a day HA... Also a lot of other video's sent in by visitor's so it's a hodge-podge, whatever that means... Looked it up and it says it means a MESS... Well I guess I'll get on with my day.... Have a great one... O(~____~)O *** Wed Mar 19 19:38:09 2014 Submitting Host: .: Largo Library... Wanted to mention how something years ago is put on the internet and people hit on it and it gets into the 1st few pages of google and there it stays... That it should have been deleted is of no consequence as it still remains in the forfront of Google and people keep going there and wasting there time except for keeping it in the 1st items google shows everyone... Like a perpetual thingy HA... So if your wasting your time with your searches you might want to go deeper to those items that not so many have looked at... Just a thought on the matter anyway... *** Wed Mar 19 21:40:31 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Well a long day... Just showered and my left knee feels funky... Funky when I walk HA... Not funny... Pretty good workout this morning... And my legs felt compromised all day probably because I over did it some..? Amd my right hamstrings felt numb like I overstretched them maybe... Anyway a bummer after sitting awhile and trying to walk or pump the bike... Put air in my tires at a long traffic light... Bruised my hand hitting it on something... But I bruise easy anymore... Mentioned the search engine Google and of course the others are similiar... Maybe the internet is just too too full of crap... Maybe a 6 months worth of info or a years worth might be a better take on it all...? As the information... *** Thu Mar 20 08:05:29 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Hi... Last link for Goelz, 940, of 525.000 results... Why...? Anyway you change the number, 930, to a lower number to get different results...Saves a lot of clicking if you want a link that never gets used much...? I'm guessing on this a bit also... Anyway I like to type in a higher number to see what happens... Not sure how to view the other results from the search...? Maybe repeats...? O Well... ^^^ *** Thu Mar 20 11:38:29 2014 Submitting Host: .: Cool... Slideshow... *** Fri Mar 21 07:27:12 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... An OK night... Some tall young guy showed up with a cell phone and looked sorta flakey and went around the corner from where I sleep... Didn't return and it's a dead in so I got up and packed my stuff thinking He was still there... As I left I looked around the corner and no one was there... So He slipped past Me as I was packing up my stuff or He went inside... HA There's a bike with a bag on it at the bike rack and has been there 2 nights plus a maintaince person's car is also left there for 2 nights... But I don't bother and shouldn't even write about it maybe...? Divergent starts today and I looked yesterday and was thinking I had seen it HA... Might have been on the Live TV movie website...? Sorta like that movie site as you can click on an ongoing movie and watch awhile and then quit... Something you can't do in a theater... Actually 10 or so minutes of a movie is enough for awhile... Watched Jennifer Lawrence in Her dance movie again and it was sorta cute... A fail can be cute... For some it's a disaster but for me it's cute HA... Looking at the last results on google for something to do... type in 900 and that gets me the last results... ^^^ *** Fri Mar 21 10:44:34 2014 Submitting Host: .: Native American video's... *** Fri Mar 21 20:38:48 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... So another Friday bites the dust HA... An OK day... After the Library closed I walked with the bike some and sat at the Bus Stop... Got some fig bars and salami which I ate some salami after I went back to the Bus Stop... Salami was good just plain, nothing else HA... Didn't do anything but twitter pictures and watched a Washington Dinner with George Bush and a impersonator speak... Was amusing... Watched some parts of movies on Live TV... Thought that to be an interesting website... Sorta random when you get into the movie and I don't linger too long... Guess I'll get out of here... *** Sat Mar 22 08:42:58 2014 Submitting Host: .: Y... Got extra sleep it being Saturday morning and the Y opening at 7 instead of 5 am... Was too hot under my comforter so I slept on top of it with the thin blanket over Me... Slept pretty good... Legs felt a bit funky this morning... All the exercising and still FUNKY HA... Finished the cheese with bread awhile ago and some fig bars... Start off every morning with a full stomach so it seems... Overdid my McDonald's visits I think as I feel better not going so much... Something queer about watching other people's work while you sit and drink coffee, I suspect... I use the Queer word on occassion and I probably shouldn't... I'd find another word I suppose when I'm distraught or afraid or pissed off or something... You know a wrestler can be upset and swear and act insane and people leave Him alone while the average person or smaller has problems in that respect... But that's just life ta da... Freaking right arm I can't raise out in front of me in a normal way... Just no muscle to do it... That's the arm I wrenched falling off the bicycle... Tore something and thought it was getting better but now it seems it didn't heal right... Unattached or something maybe...? Not into Doctors anymore, probably an age thing... But I'm wrong in that area for for sure... But to enjoy life we must sometimes take things absurb or something like that... RANDOM...? My favorite word so it seems... Not sure what to do today... Clothes are all dirty and smelly so that might be an idea to do something .. o(~___~)o *** Sat Mar 22 08:53:30 2014 Submitting Host: .: ***