This is a converted version of the talk I gave at the Sommet du Jeu Montreal/Montreal Games Summit in November of 2004 entitled “Beyond the UncannyValley of the Dolls: Creating Characters for a Skeptical Age.” Many thanks to the audience and the organizers of the event – it was a great crowd and a good discussion. You can use the link above to view the slides or click here. The buttons at the top of each slide allow you to step through the presentation and to switch between a graphical and text-only view of the slides. The slides will be hard to view at resolutions lower than 800x600. If you have any questions or comments please contact me at steve<at symbol> I apologize for not providing a mail-to link but angelfire pages are common targets for email harvesters and I've got enough spam as it is. Thanks, Steve Theodore Please note that most of the images here are copyrighted by their original owners. Please do not reproduce them without permission of the copyright holders. The text and original images are © 2004 Steve Theodore. |
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