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Single cells just don't work.
This is the title, once again And another title
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5
Cell 1 Cell 2
  1. Topic A
  2. Topic B
  3. I'm Bored, Aren't You?

This is the title

Another title

More titles

Aren't you bored yet?

I'm sure you   must be.
And yet you're still here!
Apple Place AppleThe Other Apple Place

Hello, World!

I'm so happy to meet you!

Will you let me fix you?

I promise it won't hurt.
Believe me, I'm not like some other people that just go on and on and on and on...
Though I certainly do

seem to doing just that, eh?

Please remember always to use lower case letters in your tags, especially for the html one (You know which one I"m talking about.)

I have no questions about span style, but I do wish this keyboard would stop biting me. It's so horrid to realize that I'm not actually at home.



I just realized that John, the instructor dude, reminds me of Dr. Joe. He brought that realization home with his confession that he forgot to have everyone introduce themselves yesterday. Ha.

And John does it again. This time with the confession that he forgot to tell us about bookmarks. ^^;

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