>So it took Linux over 6 years to cause the death of Princess Di? "You should have just sent her a copy of Linux. Once she tried to use it she would have killed herself." "COLA is a wasteland of misfits that are so out of touch with reality and the real world that it is hysterical and that is exactly what makes COLA, or /. so very funny." "Ask Simon about the rabid, anti-social, misfit, dangerous rabid linux zealot." "You are all one small step from the Uni-bomber and in fact most of you probably have a Uni-brow so that makes you a 1/2 step." "However, the faggots (not the stick kind) in the Hampton's would be all over him. They seem to gravitate toward oddballs." "I challenge you to prove your statements and stop parroting other morons, or shut your trap." "Seeing as I am half Jewish by birth and married to a Jew, that would be pretty funny." "My Windows XP copy is a corporate licensed copy that is completely legal because I was employed by that company as a consultant when they gave it to me." "Call it what you will but you Linux idiots are the ones under the gun right now from SCO." "And BTW you have Limewire, gtkgnutella along with the other inept P2P clients for Linux." "Of course it would be hard to prove piracy against anyone using those lame ass p2p clients because your hit count is going to be almost nothing." "You don't have a fin to stand on so now you start the personal attacks. Typical Lino-Luser.." "Take a good look at what passes for a Linux advocate these days. Tell me, are the fools scraping the bottom of the barrel? "They will categorically ignore any completely off the wall traits of a Linux advocate as long as he/she spouts the Linux mantra." "Mark Bilk. A known closet case nutter who for some odd reason thinks that the USA was behind the destruction of the twin towers .." "Other people have however and it is those people who continually ask Terry to provide some concrete evidence to back up his insane claims" "we have Daeron, who is a complete chicken shit and likes to post all kinds of drivel that nobody really cares about." "Roy Culley, a fanatic that seems to think I have a *Thing* for Porter, which repulses me at best." "Greycloud who is a senile old man acting like an idiot." "Peter Kohlman, who was exposed a couple of weeks ago as a true nazi with ties to an underground nazi party" "I could care less about a persons sexual dysfunctions. If you insist upon forcing a probe into an orifice that was meant as an exit for bodily waste products and not the process of procreating, far be from me to argue." "Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make bath time lot's of fun. Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you..." "Can I buy a bowel? Oops I mean a vowel." "I don't even have a Microsoft mouse/keyboard or anything like that. All my other software is from other companies and if Linux could even come close to the tasks I need to perform I would use Linux." "The main problem is the clusterfuck known as ALSA along with the 5 other sound systems. Then add in gnome kde and enlightenment and you have all the trappings of a confused mess." "I lost several friends in the WTC disaster and I was at the memorial in NYC today." "A LAN party? Is that some sort of a rave for geeks?" "Heading back for a spell in the "big house" ? Watch out for bubba! !" "Is this what the Linux movement has sunk to? Sure sounds like it jives nicely with the rabid, anti-social nutters that hang out on /."