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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Wednesday, November 29th
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: From Son John
Topic: Update
Wes returned from having his gastric tube installed about 10am today and has been sleeping since. They are resting his stomach and will not be starting feedings until tomorrow. He will be taken of "house arrest" (his term) at 3pm today and has been moved to Room # 750 directly across from the Nurse's Station so they can monitor him. His new phone number is (701) 234-5750. The results of his bone biopsy will be shared with him this afternoon by Dr. Gaba - look for another "blog post" after we hear the results.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:50 AM CST
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Wednesday, 29 November 2006 - 8:39 PM CST

Name: Pete Diane Miller

Hi John & Joel - Mom had been keeping us posted via your e-mails ... this website will help us keep even more up to date. Everyday we say a prayer for Wes and all of you. We're glad things are looking up and Wes is keeping a sense of humor. Please pass our love on to him and let him know we are thinking of him.
Pete, Di, Zach, Patrick & Gracie

Thursday, 30 November 2006 - 8:40 AM CST

Name: Bob Colvin and Mary Malone

Bob and I are so thrilled to hear of Wes's improvement. We appreciate all of John and Joel's daily reports. We are praying for continued improvement each day. We wish Wes wasn't so far away so we could visit him in the hospital. Please give him our love and tell him of our prayers.
Bob and Mary

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