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Wes Updates
Thursday, 30 November 2006
Thursday, Novermber 30th
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
"Best night of sleep in a LONG time" according to both Dad and his nurses. They started feeding through the G-tube today, he had another X-ray of the chest/lung area, and his spirits are high. Still no results of the bone biopsy because Dr. Gaba sent the test off to the University of Iowa for them to look at and verify. No cause for concern, just a second layer of checking according to them. His vitals are good: blood work, nutrients, heart and pressure. However, he's still weak and tired. The best we can do is encourage him to follow his doctors and nurses orders (breathing exercises, speech exercises, no food/luquids via mouth, etc.) and remind him that "in order to get out of the hospital, you need to do what they say!" Yah, easier said than done.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:00 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:11 PM CST
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Thursday, 30 November 2006 - 5:37 PM CST

Name: Jean and Jim Norby

Thank you, John, for the updates about your Dad. We're really glad that he's out of ICU and feeling somewhat better. Tell him we're thinking about him and that he's in our prayers every day.

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