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Wes Updates
Sunday, 3 December 2006
Sunday, December 3rd
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
Joel and I went pheasant hunting and moved the Goose Camp RV with lake friend Shawn yesterday, so no blog update for Saturday.

Dad's had no fever the past few days - good sign that he's recovering and healing internally! Still has discomfort with his feeding tube, but Verna made sure the nurses are checking for infection so they don't repeat the problems he had with the Hickman port during initial chemo treatment. Warren found out that they still have Dad on antibiotics, but his last anti-fungal dose is expected this afternoon. He still is low-energy and tires quickly, but they tell us that is a slow process that takes time. Being fed "beige protein-slush from a hanging sack" isn't helping, so maybe once he starts eating real food again, it'll help.

The Respiratory Therapist has schedule another swallowing evaluation (including a scope down the throat), so we're hoping that the aspiration problem is getting better. They reduced his inhaler from four to twice daily and he's showing progress in the breathing exercises.

His nurse the last couple of days, Amy, says that he's using the mouth swabs to kill/reduce bacteria build-up on the tongue, but really wants a Popsicle instead... maybe tomorrow!

Dad's been up and about a bit, has been reading a lot and using his laptop (including checking this blog page) from his recliner. So remember, you all can simply click on "Post Comment" under each days blog if you'd like to say something.

Still looks like a Tuesday or Wednesday release from the hospital, but won't know for sure until Dr. Gaba sees him on Monday.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:01 PM CST
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Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 4:55 PM CST

Name: LaVerne Zimmerman Johnson

I check your "blog" often, it's a great way to keep in touch...which you have faithfully done over the years. Wes, you're an incredible person, and I have faith that you'll regain your health. I know it's difficult to be patient, but you're an inspiration to all those around you. Am glad you have such a strong support system.

Keeping you in my prayers,


Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 6:27 PM CST

Name: Phyllis Gilbert

Thanks to John and Joel for keeping us all updated. We're so thankful that you will be returning to Pelican soon. We'll see you then!
Phyllis & Dick

Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 7:37 PM CST

Name: Jim and Jean Norby

Wes: Keep getting stronger! We think of you every day, and keep you in our prayers constantly. Joel and John - thank you for your updates. We appreciate it.

Jim and Jean

Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 10:55 PM CST

Name: Linda Gaugler

Hey Wes,
Just got home from the cities and the first thing I wanted to do was check to see how our good friend and neighbor is doing. (We all appreciate this site!) Glad you continue to gain strength. Keep up the hard work. We are all praying for you!!! Hope to see you tomorrow!

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