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Wes Updates
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Moving Day!
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: By John
Warren and Lynn were waiting with Dad for his final release from 7th Floor, Oncology, Merit Care.

A gaggle of student nurses stopped by, probably to see if all of his masculine senses are back to normal? The 7th Floor Social Worker, Cheryl, says that he is walking on his own (no cane, nobody holding the belt) up and down the halls. She says that she's amazed and excited at the progress Dad's made over such a short time. She mentioned that Dr. Gaba would probably determine when his G-tube (feeding) would be taken out, which depends on whether he gets enough nutrients from eating.

Dad's partially dressed (tennis shoes and jeans), watching the weather on TV (dah), but has to wait to ditch his hospital gown until they pull the remainder of his IVs at about 12:30 pm. They're shooting for a 1:00 departure.

Al & Becky took the majority of the bigger stuff from his hospital room back yesterday, so not much left to pack... besides Dad.

He informed me yesterday that he does not plan to get a telephone in his Pelican Valley Health Center room, nor does he think he wants a bunch of stuff from the lake home moved in, because he "doesn't plan to stay there long enough to need it." He hasn't decided whether he will have his laptop, but Becky will be checking his emails regularly ( and printing them off for him.

Laura Hagen (older sister of Julie Pierce, one of my old girlfriends from sophomore year at PRHS) at Pelican Valley said Dad should not need a private room, since they have not been full since last spring and it's unlikely he'll have to share a room with anybody else. They are excited to have him there (since everybody already knows him) and are going to to everything they can to help him "get back on his feet," get to a point where he can go home to the lake, and more easily take care of himself. Pelican Valley also has a web page where you can contact residents:

I will be traveling north tomorrow to visit Dad, so the next blog update will probably not be until Wednesday afternoon.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:44 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 December 2006 3:10 PM CST
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