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Wes Updates
Thursday, 7 December 2006
Wednesday, December 6
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: From John
For those of you who don't know yet, I have the most amazing father in the world.

When my step-Mom, Mary, was diagnosed with cancer a little over two year ago, it was devastating. But during her fight she taught me about the true meaning of character, optimism, faith, courage, dignity, and acceptance of one's own fate.

I didn't think it was possible, but my Dad has taken those lessons a step further and shown me even more about how to live a purposeful life.

The stack of printed emails he's received is literally over 2" high. We're on our second basket to hold all the cards he's received. The phone calls, uplifting. The people who have visited are angels. It's a testament to the people whose lives he's touched.

His doctors marvel at the progress he's made, in such a short time. He's already met many new friends since he arrived at Pelican Valley. The nursing staff has crowned him as their favorite patient. His family still worries about logistics, time lines, and prognoses. It all makes me appreciate Dad's steadfast determination, his outgoing nature, and selfless disposition.

He's focused on regaining his strength and health. He's determined to beat the cancer. He's looking forward to spending "Christmas with his boys." He's setting his sights on coming home to the lake. And he wants to make sure that the dream that he and Mary shared does not go to waste...

As I look back on the last six weeks - the roller coaster of emotions, what-ifs, tears, fears, and hopes - I am reminded of one constant underlying factor: The outpouring of love towards my Dad.

Those of you who know Wes Schierman know that the world is a better place because he's here.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:54 AM CST
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Thursday, 7 December 2006 - 3:45 PM CST

Name: LaVerne Zimmerman Johnson

Wes, with your faith, trust, and'll be given the strength to be home before Christmas...that's my prayer for you.

And, as a classmate of Wes' 1958 Pelican Rapids High School, I've been blessed knowing you and enjoying your friendship over the years. You've been the "glue" that has held our class together. The reunions have been fabulous, inspiring, and fun! Thanks to you.

"Years and years of happiness only make us realize how lucky we are to have friends who have shared and made that happiness a reality."

Take care.

LaVerne Zimmerman Johnson

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