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Wes Updates
Saturday, 9 December 2006
Saturday, December 9th
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
The last two days have been busy.

Bob Dahl is working with Dad on his Occupational Therapy. Craig Haugrud and his assistant Colleen have got him on a Physical Therapy schedule. We had a Discharge Meeting on Thursday morning with Laura, Craig and a dietitian to discuss goals, progress, and expectations. Lots of visitors, which he enjoys. Three square meals daily at the "mens" table.

Today Al & Becky are picking him up for the first "day outing" back to his Lake Lida home. I tried to sort through some of his Christmas decorations while I was there and attempted to put a few things out to "season the season," but he's got more tubs of decorations than Carter has liver pills. Hopefully Bonnie Hanson will be there today, as she's got a great eye for decorating. Tomorrow Dad is being picked up by a member of his church choir so he can attend services at Zion.

We've been told by the staff at Pelican Valley that day outings are good for Dad, but that "his butt must be in bed" each night. We'll find out a lot more on Wednesday when he has his next appointment with Dr. Gaba...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:03 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 9 December 2006 5:59 PM CST
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Saturday, 9 December 2006 - 9:38 AM CST

Name: Phyllis ehlen

Yah Wes! Go man Go!

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