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Wes Updates
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
How To Contact Wes
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: From Son John
Many people have been wondering, "now that Wes is getting better, can I call him or is he up for visits?"

Dad has decided not to get a phone installed in his room at Pelican Valley Health Center (PVHC). I think it's because he doesn't plan to be there all that long and might also be enjoying the break from his unofficial title as "Mr. Congeniality." I tried to get him to use his cell phone, but he's determined to continue letting Al & Becky hang onto it instead.

At this point, we as a family would ask that, if you call PVHC directly, simply leave a message for Wes, as their nursing staff is tasked with more pressing care matters than tracking down Dad. He will get the message and return the call if time permits.

Best advice I can give is to continue using email for now. Becky is continuing to print emails that are sent to and PVHC has a "Contact Residents" section on their web page. Simply 'copy' the following web address into your browser. They'll hand-deliver your message to Dad.

You can also click on "post your comment" on this web blog page, as I forward those to Dad also.

For those of you who are local, visits are wonderful. He's in Room #123, first patient door on the left, if you enter from the red canopy door. Visiting hours are flexible, but we've been told that you may have trouble accessing the building before 7 am and after 9 pm. If you arrive close to meal times, I'm sure he'd appreciate the company at the dinner table. The only other times he's not available are during Physical/Occupational Therapy, exercise times, Discharge Meetings, doctor/dentist appointments, and when he's gone on an occasional Day Trip. All I ask is that if Dad starts to show signs of fatigue, please respect that his energy level isn't what it used to be. Granted, he's become good at expressing when he's worn out, so if he 'suggests' that you "go downtown and grab a bite to eat" it's probably a sign that he's had enough...

Cards and letters can still be sent to his Lake Lida home or to PVHC.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 5:32 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:32 AM CST
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