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Wes Updates
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Gameplan, goals and options...
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
Wednesday's appointment at Merit Care was eventful, to say the least. Lots of tests, what's best, and rest. The highlight was when Dr. Gaba told him that she was at an oncology conference on Monday and Tuesday, discussed his case with her peers, and thinks that he is a good candidate for a "non-traditional, less aggressive" bone marrow transplant. She tentatively scheduled him for an Evaluation at the University of Minnesota's Transplant Center. He's still debating the pros and cons of this treatment option, but since it is only an evaluation and he might not pass their requirements anyway, he's leaning towards having the eval done.

Thursday's Discharge Meeting at PVHC went well. After hearing input from all sides, Dad decided that he's going to say there and take advantage of all the benefits/rehab through Friday the 22nd of December. He will then move back out to his Lake Lida home (YEAH!), but will be meeting with Hospice and Home Health Care between now and then to discuss options for them to help out in this transitional stage.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 2:35 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 15 December 2006 9:47 AM CST
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