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Wes Updates
Friday, 15 December 2006
Baby Steps...
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
All throughout this, Wes' family has batted around the phrase "Baby Steps." Like in the movie 'What About Bob,' it is meant to remind us that it's the little things - the daily improvements, the small-scale victories, even the minor challenges - that are truly important in the big scheme of things. The impetus of setting a goal (no matter how irrational or pie-in-the-sky) and the process of reaching that goal (no matter when or by whatever means) is what keeps us going forward as human beings. It brings us pride, strengthens our discipline, and builds self-confidence. All from one little Baby Step.

Yesterday, for example, Dad drove for the first time in more than six weeks. You'll have to ask his brother Al, who sat shotgun in the minivan, about the details (and how many drinks he had to have to calm his nerves afterward), but it's yet another example of a Baby Step that seemed impossible even a week ago.

Dad's gained 4 pounds since he arrived at PVHC, now topping the scales at a whopping 164#. Not bad, considering he went from 30# heavier (when they pumped him full of fluids in ICU and he looked a lot like mini-John) to 30# lighter than usual at his Merit Care discharge. Baby Step.

If you ask me, it's all about perspective and expectations. There are those of us that fret about Dad's ability to adequately care for himself once he's discharged from PVHC. There are those that are just happy we have options for his Leukemia treatment and thankful that he'll be around. There are some that worry about Dad becoming depressed from this whole situation, not to mention his being alone over a long, blustery winter at the lake. There are others who are just plain amazed at the outpouring of blessings, miracles, prayers, and support from friends and acquaintances. There are even those that hope Dad's near-death experience will trigger him to reassess what's most important to him and might even initiate some positive changes in his old daily routines.

Truth-be-told, does it really matter?

Baby Steps...

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (other people, Leukemia, God's plan for me). The courage to change the things I can (my attitude, my health, my habits, my words, taking personal responsibility). And the courage to know the difference...

Baby Steps.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:13 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 15 December 2006 11:23 AM CST
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