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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 20 December 2006
Mid-week Catch-up
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
The good news is, not much new to report!

Got Gail back on her airplane Monday. Ate somewhere, took pictures. Therapy continues to go well. Biopsy results were excellent. More day trips away from PVCH. Increased independence. Trepidation about Friday. Excited to finally move back home!

As Dad so eloquently puts it: dahdada-dahdada-dah...

His bone marrow transplant evaluation at the U of M is Friday, 8am sharp. Verna is driving Wes to meet Joel in Clearwater Thursday. Joel is coordinating a drop-off-exchange with John. Wes is staying in a hotel that night to avoid rush-hour traffic. I'll be attending the 3-hour eval with him, then driving both of us back up north where we'll "check out" of PVHC on Saturday and he'll settle back into his lake home. Sounds kind of like the baton in a 440M relay at a track meet...?


Posted by blog/wesupdates at 10:05 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 20 December 2006 12:20 PM CST
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