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Wes Updates
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Last Update until January 2nd
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
I talked to Dad on the phone tonight for the last time until January 2nd. My Mom and step-Dad planned an all-family western Caribbean cruise for the next 7 days that I'm taking my girls on. Dad's got Al & Becky, Pastor Jim, Bonnie Hanson, the Dahls, Barb Peterson, and many other neighbors on the beach that are there year-round to look after him, but I still had a hard time leaving him after our weekend together.

Dad says it feels really good to be home. He's trying not to get "too caught up in catching up." He's able to get around the house, take care of the cats, and do the daily tasks without too much effort. He's updating his email and address lists, and plans to send a belated Christmas letter out to everybody soon.

There's a lot of reading, paperwork, phone calls, and extra stuff to do prior to the Bone Marrow Transplant, so that is keeping him busy also.

If you get a chance over the next week, give him a call (218-863-8119) to catch up and say HI.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 10:09 PM CST
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