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Wes Updates
Saturday, 13 January 2007
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
I apologize for being lax in posting updates since the last time, hoping that you all can understand and empathize with my post-holiday situation.

As cousin Kelly said to me today as I tried to explain why I've been remiss in my responsibilities of this blog, "I think everybody will understand that no news is goods news."

Dad's been gaining more independence, weight, and strength over the last couple of weeks. He's driving (except when he's alone at night, when the infamous deer are active, etc.). His appetite is coming back, things are tasting better, and the protein supplements seem to be increasing muscles and tone. He's lost his butt from the weight loss, but fits into jeans he hasn't worn in years.

Dad's trying to catch up on responding to emails, cards, and letters he's received from all of you. Between updating address books, visiting on the phone, monitoring the weather reports, daily chores, weekly obligations, and taking care of the cats, there's little time left over to plan and organize for the BMT.

Medically, he's been to Fargo for a few tests (stress, heart, etc.) to determine his overall fitness for the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT). Brother Warren's donor test results came back, showing that he is a "perfect match" for the BMT. Once Verna and Al's results are in, the U of M will have the matching donor candidates come down there to determine who is the best match (based on their overall health, mental and physical).

As he puts it, "his oncologist and the BMT specialist agree that it's the right procedure because a BMT is a more permanent solution to hoping the Leukemia stays in remission." So, he's decided to proceed with it, baring any health setbacks or changes in his being considered a good candidate for the treatment.

Should everything move forward according to plan, he will be required to spend 4-6 weeks in isolation at the University of Minnesota hospital. Following that, he will need to spend an additional 100 days (+/-) near the U of M's BMT clinic for daily follow-up visits and aftercare. During this period, it is required that he have 24/7 adult supervision (to insure fevers, accidents, side-effects, etc. are dealt with immediately).

Many of you have said, "let me know if there is anything I can do to help out."

It's a lot to ask any one person to set their life on hold and spend 100 days 'babysitting' a post-BMT patient in a 2-bedroom apartment in the Twin Cities. I'm sure that, as we get nearer to that point, we'll put out an A.P.B. (all-points-bulletin) asking people if they'd be willing to back-fill or substitute as the 24/7 supervisor for a few days or a week.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:31 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 13 January 2007 9:14 PM CST
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