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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
T minus 12 and counting...
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: BMT timeline and schedule
Dad got a call from the BMT Center yesterday...

Turns out Al and Verna also were also donor matches, so now it's up to them to decide who is the best candidate. Paper, scissor, rock anyone?

They also informed him that his "paperwork" is complete and they'd like Dad to start his pre-screening on Monday, January 29th. The donor will also have to be down there sometime that week to get a once-over.

From what we've been told, the donor will be given a shot (or pills) that will 'trick' their bone marrow into over-production and release the needed stem cells into their bloodstream. They will then be hooked up to a "blood filter" that pulls out exactly what they need for the BMT and pump the remaining blood right back into them. This filter-via-machine process could go on for a period of several days until they have enough. Worst case scenario, they will have to sedate the donor and perform minor surgery in the pelvis area to extract the necessary volume of transfusion material.

The actual Bone Marrow Transplant is scheduled to begin on Monday February 5th. That week Dad will get two different chemotherapy drugs, three "study" drugs to reduce potential rejection of the transplant, and a full-body irradiation treatment. This 'Reduced Intensity' BMT is specifically designed for older adults (56-70) and instead of 'killing off' a patient's immune system, it is intended to just 'suppress' it instead, thus reducing some risks of a traditional BMT.

Then, they will 'transplant' the donor material and wait. There are many potential complications (20% of BMT patients die) and a host of side-effects (rejection, host-vs-donor syndrome, infection, etc.), but Dad has faith that the probable result (a cure and longer life) outweighs the risks. He's heard stories from many BMT patients who are living happy, productive lives many years after their procedure.

He will be confined to an environmentally enhanced isolation room for 4-6 weeks once the BMT starts. He cannot leave his room. No cell phones allowed. They will deliver meals to him. Family who wish to spend short visits with him must be virus and infection free. Everybody who comes in contact with him must wear a surgical mask, latex gloves, and take extra precautions.

So, other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

My suggestion is that, if you've thought about calling him, do it. After the 5th, it may be a while before he's up to par again.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 5:35 PM CST
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Thursday, 18 January 2007 - 9:35 AM CST

Name: Fern Brown

I just finished reading the update from John.

Please know you continue to be in my prayers. God Bless and HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!

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