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Wes Updates
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Mid-week news
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: By Wes through John
Topic: Update
I've been at the Days Inn University (612-623-3999) since Sunday night. Brother Warren and I drove down and followed Joel and Dori part of the way.

Monday started at 10:30 am sharp with a meeting, some tests for Warren and I, and background info from everybody involved. Warren's daughter, Kelly, joined us for dinner before he headed back to Fargo. I'm learning the shuttle schedules back-n-forth from the hotel and the complex tunnel system from building-to-building.

Tuesday was very busy. Bone density test, blood tests, irradiation test, pulmonary function test, tests with letters and acronyms I can't remember... Meetings with doctors, nurses, social worker, and aides. Moved from one hospital to another, from one clinic to another all day. Finding my way around this massive complex slowly but surely.

Can't believe how tired I am at night...

Wednesday will be another full day of tests-n-meetings too, but Thursday is free and open. Ed Karels and I plan to meet for lunch sometime that day. Friday's last meeting with the main transplant doctor is at 1:00 pm. John will attend and then drive me to Chaska to pick up his girls prior to us heading back up to the lake for the long weekend.

I don't know the actual day I need to be back to start the transplant - they are "backed up." Looks like maybe Tuesday, more likely Wednesday, or possibly Thursday.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:30 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 31 January 2007 9:42 AM CST
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