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Wes Updates
Sunday, 11 March 2007
Saturday Recap
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Update
Visitor recap from yesterday: Paul Johnson (sister Verna's son) from Chicago; Joel and Dori; Kelly (brother Warren's oldest daughter) and her friend Karen Stremick (who works as a nurse on 6th floor); State Representative Bud Nornes from Fergus Falls; Jim Frazee (Mabel's son) and his daughter Brooke.

Dad says now that chemo started (slight headache initially that went away), they've told him he cannot leave his room. So, he's waiting for me to show up today and get his laptop set up. Plus, he's ordered a treadmill delivered to his room to help keep active. These next few weeks might test his stircraziness (is that an actual word?)...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:55 AM CST
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Sunday, 11 March 2007 - 3:52 PM CST

Name: monte and lyla berend

Hey, Wes. So your're starting the long process. We pray for your endurance and for the process to be successful God,s hand upon you and the entire medical facility and staff. He's the healer and he uses all of this stuff to accomplish his purpose. Blessings, Love monte and lyla.

Sunday, 11 March 2007 - 10:50 PM CST

Name: Pamela Kausel

Hi Wes,

I'm glad this process is finally in motion! I'm praying for you, as I know, are so many others. Take care. I'll call you one of these days.

Pam Kausel

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