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Wes Updates
Monday, 12 March 2007
Sunday Update
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Highlights
Topic: Update
Samantha and Cortnie joined me yesterday afternoon for a quick visit to see Dad. We got the laptop set up, tested the treadmill, used up the last of a roll of film, visited the weekend-depleted cafeteria, brought him a 'liquid-cookie' (caramel-flavored cappuccino), explored the fully-stocked patient/visitor kitchen, and got him a long-distance calling card.

Kelly, her two kids Jake and Jessie, and brother Warren stopped by as we were leaving. Combine all that with the multitude of phone calls, and I'm sure he had good company throughout the evening.

Warren starts his 'shots' today. He's supposed to go into the BMT clinic each morning for the next four days to get some sort of drug that 'tricks' his bone marrow into releasing extra stem-cells into his blood stream. Then, on Thursday, they'll hook him up to "The Machine" to collect what they need for the transplant. Sister Verna plans to come to the Cities then so she can be there for the Friday procedure.

So far, so good!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:55 AM CDT
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