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Wes Updates
Thursday, 15 March 2007
First day of side-effects...
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
Last batch of chemo was at 10am Wednesday morning...

It's the first day he hasn't really been himself, but what can you expect when they drip poison (chemo drugs) directly into your bloodstream?

He's feeling tired, but did use the treadmill a bit this morning. No appetite, but trying to eat 'cause they tell him he's gotta keep up his strength. He's had a couple of platelet transfusions the last few days. His voice is a bit weak, so if you call he may listen more than speak. Retaining water weight, so they're pushing Lasik into him which make you have to pee every 20 minutes. The itching has started again and even though the nurses offer to rub him down with moisturizer, it doesn't seem to do the trick. Tough to get a complete night's sleep with them checking vitals and waking him for this and that. The doctors did tell him that he's doing well, and since this is supposed to be a "reduced intensity" Bone Marrow Transplant, that he might not experience all the harsh, negative side-effects of the anti-rejection drugs.

I am impressed with the care, attitude, and professionalism of the staff at this hospital. Nothing against Merit Care in Fargo, but it's like flying Jet Blue versus Northwest Gold Club. They all seem to know his personal health history and are doing everything possible not to repeat what happened before. I do have to say that their maintenance staff leaves something to be desired though: full trash bins, broken coffee maker, dirty public bathrooms, etc. Maybe they'll offer Warren a job?

They put a new sign on his door that requires anybody who comes in contact with him to wear rubber gloves, a gown, and a mask.

Tomorrow is the Total Body Irradiation which, with the chemo, is supposed to suppress his immune system enough to make the transplant take hold.

Warren is even feeling the side-effects from his shots: achy all over with only Tylenol to help. He's scheduled for a 4-6 hour stint on Friday morning to donate. He and I did get a chance to walk over to the new apartment: 3 1/2 blocks away, underground parking, security access, furnished, and nice courtyard. So if any friends or family need a place to stay prior to Dad's release from the hospital, both Verna and I will have keys and directions...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 1:09 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 March 2007 1:26 AM CDT
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Thursday, 15 March 2007 - 9:20 AM CDT

Name: Connie

Hi Wes:

My thoughts are with you during the next few days, I am glad things are going well so far. Just remember that "by smelling lemons" that will help ease the tummy. I start Chemo next month and know I will be stocking up.

Also let the nurses put lotion on for the itching. The releif is short lived, but at least it is some.

Take care and keep going strong, you have a lot of people behind you to help you through!


Thursday, 15 March 2007 - 10:47 PM CDT

Name: Carol Bjork

3/15/07, 9:45 PM.

Praying for physical and spiritual health and strength for Wes, especially, of course, but also for Warren, John and Joel & families...and the rest of the family members (all doing their part )...and of course for the faithful friends, Crystal & Shadow!

You are all an inspiration!

Prayers and hugs, Wes,

Carol Bjork

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