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Wes Updates
Thursday, 22 March 2007
"How's your Dad?"
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Doing good so far...
Topic: Update
He's checking his emails.

He's getting some visitors and talking to people who call.

He's optimistic, positive, and upbeat.

His day consists of being poked and prodded by nurses (every four hours), reading the papers to stay up on current events (StarTrib, Pelican Rapids Press, etc.), checking the weather (on virtually every channel), picking apart his meals (literally and figuratively), and trying to maintain a sense of humor and independence.

Shaving and showering have become an every-other-day occurrence. Pajama pants and T-shirts are the most comfortable garb.

His is fighting a slight head cold - sinus headache, drippy nose, congestion - but they're not worried about it, unless he gets a fever.

He's at his absolute most vulnerable stage right now: white cell count non-existent (normal is 8.0, he's at 0.1), red cell and platelet transfusions are necessary as needed, doses of antibiotics dripping from bags into him, and the transfusion is trying to take hold. But his metabolic workup is good: potassium, chlorine, glucose, and other factors show that his body is performing normally.

He's not going stir-crazy... yet.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:22 AM CDT
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Friday, 23 March 2007 - 4:16 PM CDT

Name: bonnie haisman

I have been reading your blog. I want you to know that I think of you every day and am hoping for a speedy recovery. You seem to have the best attitude and a wonderful support system. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. The small group at the retiree luncheon wishes you well too. One week down and a few to go. Love, Bonnie

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