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Wes Updates
Monday, 26 March 2007
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Hospital Release Set For Friday!
Topic: Update
Dad called this morning...

The good news is that they are releasing him from the hospital this Friday!

The bad news is that they are releasing him from the hospital this Friday... and, as a family, we not totally prepared and ready for that. But we will be by then, I hope.

So, if you want to visit him this week, I suggest you do it soon. Simply check in at the Nurses Station on 4B prior to entering his room and they will give you instructions, show you where to wash and how to garb-up.

If you had "volunteered" to be one of the 24/7 care-givers, be prepared for a call from Verna Johnson (his sister) to coordinate times available, care instructions/classes, and apartment logistics.

Look for a blog posting later this week with apartment address and info about his stay there.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:12 PM CDT
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Monday, 26 March 2007 - 1:07 PM CDT

Name: Carla T

Wow...glad to hear you are doing well! I am keeping track of you. Enjoyed the pictures - your apartment looks very nice. If you get bored you can try and there is a gentleman in Norway who takes beautiful pictures most every day. They are of the area around Voss but interesting even if your relatives didn't hail from there. Say Hi to Warren if he stops by.

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