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Wes Updates
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Still on track...
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: They're gonna spring him Friday
Topic: Update
White blood cell count is up to 2.6 as of this morning. Combine that with the neutrophyle count of 1.9 and things are looking peachy! They told him that the neutrophyle count is more of an indicator that the transfusion is taking hold and it is the factor they hold more important than white blood cell count. As long as they both continue to rise in conjunction with each other, things are good.

I will provide a blog update later this week with an address for the apartment (mail, cards, visitor instructions, etc.). He will be using his cell phone once they release him and does not plan to get a land-line in the apartment.

Look for an email from my brother, Joel, sometime over the upcoming weekend if you volunteered to be a caregiver.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 4:02 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 27 March 2007 - 7:14 PM CDT

Name: Phyllis Gilbert

Hooray! I'm so grateful that things are going well for you!

Again, thanks to the boys for keeping us updated!


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