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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: Confessions of a retired drama king...
Topic: Update
Effective Saturday, March 31st my address will be:

Wes Schierman
920 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

For those looking to visit, the building is known as The Argyle House. There is very limited on-street parking, but there is a BIG parking ramp straight west of the apartment building. If you do plan on stopping by, please give me a call first - mostly to make sure I'm there, but also to see if I'm "up" for visitors that day.

Wes' Cell Phone: (612) 240-3934

I will be there, according to my doctor, for the next "month or two." I might even be able to get to the lake for a weekend or two between now and then. They have weened my off IVs, so I'm totally on pills (40 per day). I'll report to the BMT clinic Saturday for the first time - my daily clinic schedule after that will be pretty much up to me. After a while, the daily visits will go to every-other day, barring any setbacks. Blood draw each day, transfusions as needed, vital checks and such will be the daily ritual at the clinic. They told me that I probably won't lose any more hair - they said it usually falls out within two weeks after the irradiation, and I haven't noticed it yet (fingers crossed!)

Verna, Al & Becky, John and the girls will be here Friday to attend meetings and help me get moved to the apartment. Joel and Dori said they'll try to stop by sometime this weekend. Warren decided not to come down this weekend.

We'll probably do an informal Birthday Celebration on Sunday early afternoon int the apartment complex meeting room, even though my 67th isn't until Monday. Feel free to stop by, but be forewarned that I may not be up to a long party and may head back to my apartment for a rest. I'm sure the rest of my family would appreciate seeing and visiting with you too!

Verna will be my 24/7 caregiver until Wednesday, April 4th, so I'll need to rely on others when she cannot be here (or needs a break).

I want to thank each and every one of you for your cards, calls, letters, visits, blog comments, prayers, and kind thoughts.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 2:17 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 28 March 2007 - 6:55 PM CDT

Name: Leland Bonnie Baumfalk

It's so good to hear that you're "coming right along". Of course our prayers continue to be with you. All the information your sons have provided is amazing. The blog is the first thing I check out.

Continued good luck! Maybe we'll see you this summer at Lida!

Wednesday, 28 March 2007 - 8:01 PM CDT

Name: Deb Bieleck

I've just been catching up on the blog. I'm so happy that things are going so well with this horrendous procedure.

We are in the midst of conferences at school. Then spring break next week. Martha Wilson is retiring at the end of the year (yay for her!), but you may already know that.

Spring is coming and I hope you keep getting stronger and healthier as the grass gets greener and the flowers start to bloom. It'll be pretty at the lake when you return!

Friday, 30 March 2007 - 5:26 AM CDT

Name: David Langseth

Friday, March 30, 2007
Dear Wes,
I seem to be having trouble getting this site to accept my comments. What do I need to do to get my comments recorded? Or are you receiving them and I do not know it? Best wishes to you from Carol and me. Please greet Verna. Happy Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Easter. Sincerely, David Langseth

Friday, 30 March 2007 - 11:55 AM CDT

Name: Tim Hammes

Hi Wes,
I am glad to hear all is going so well! Today is the first day of Spring break so have a chance to "catch up" on a few things over the next week; so checking in on you was near the top of my list! Had breakfast with Ed this morning, he said you were doing great - again, glad to hear it!
Shelly and I will get up to the lake early next week and spend Easter there. We're thankful for the rain, but hope for sunny, dry weather while we're up there. We'll "open up" for the season, though not do the dock or any outdoor things til later in April.
I will try to get over to see you in the near future... will give you some time to get comfortable and build a bit of strength. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Friday, 30 March 2007 - 8:41 PM CDT

Name: Kirsten Anderson

Wonderful news to hear that you are moving over to the apt. and might even get a chance to visit the lake some weekend. Hope everything continues on this very positive note and that this time flies for you. Take care of yourself and don't get too tired out. Love, Tom and Kirsten

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