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Wes Updates
Saturday, 31 March 2007
Update by Cortnie Schierman
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Today's blog written by Grand Daughter, Age 12
Topic: Update
Yesterday 3-30-07 my dad, my sisters and I went to visit grandpa Wes. We had been in town after the Shrine Circus so we decided to go visit him. When we got there I got myself a Cafe Mocca, like my dad and we went to check on him. His lights where off and he was asleep so we went out to call Verna, Becky and Al. My dad had called grandpa's room on accident instead of Al's cell phone, so that woke him up. We put on the masks, gloves and the yellow robes. My sisters and I went in to the room well our dad waited outside. We chatted until Verna, Al, and Becky came. Then grandpa had to go to the meeting on how to clean his Hickman port. I went too, but my sisters stayed and kept the nurses busy. I heard that they raided the family/ pantry and that they watched Disney Channel. I went to the meeting and I learned how to clean grandpas Hickman port. We sat there while the doctor talked about the dos and don'ts. Verna got to practice on a dummy. We all got packets that told us how to do everything step by step. I did not think that the meeting was boring. I learned a lot. My dad and I left early to go get food after that I do not know what they did. We got pizza for grandpa and Verna. Then we dropped off all the stuff we had for grandpa's apartment. When grandpa got there he wanted to try out his recliner. He said it was OK. I unpacked his bathroom bags while my sisters set up his room. When my grandpa got out of the hospital I think he was happy to finally get out of the environmentally controlled room. I was happy for him.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:14 PM CDT
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Saturday, 31 March 2007 - 8:04 PM CDT

Name: Fern Brown

Good job on updating us, Cortnie, and on taking care of Grandpa Wes.

Glad to hear you have been able to go to your apartment, Wes.
Hugs and prayers to you and yours.

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