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Wes Updates
Monday, 2 April 2007
Mood:  special
Now Playing: 24/7 In-house Helper
Topic: Update
As most of you know, even though Wes is now in his on-campus apartment, he still needs help and convalescing time before he gets better and permanently cured. The doctors have told him that "the true measure of whether the BMT actually took hold and worked won't be know for at least a year..." Between now and then, he cannot dig in the dirt for gardening, he must wear a respiratory mask in public, he should not clean litter boxes, he cannot have real flowers or balloons in his apartment, he must use an electric razor, he cannot... the list goes on and on.

For the immediate future, he is staying close to the BMT clinic near the U of M so he can get to his appointments AND be close to the hospital should he need immediate medical care.

Verna has taken the lead on being his primary caregiver while he's at his apartment. This required her (along with Al, Becky, John & Cortnie) to attend a 90-minute training session on Dad's aftercare, including how to sterilize a Hickman catheter-port without giving him an embolism, what to do in case of emergency, preventative measures to limit infections, diet guidelines, etc. However, she cannot obviously be there for the next 30-60 days straight...

Thus the plea: Dad must have 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week adult supervision while at his apartment. And this Caregiver Position isn't just being there to share meals, clean up, or accompany him to clinic appointments. It requires helping him protect his Hickman prior to showering. The caregiver must also help in putting anti-coagulant into the port through a sterile syringe. There is a multi-page training booklet that the caregiver must read and understand. It's not like babysitting, it's more like an in-house home health aide.

No, I'm not trying to scare volunteers off. I'm just trying to be honest with our expectations. You can't just show up a half-hour before the last caregiver leaves - there are procedures that you need to be trained how to do correctly. You must stay overnight - and be able to check for signs of infection. You need to be free of disease and infections yourself - cleanliness is next to Godliness, right?

Dad's not over the proverbial "hump" yet (even though he THINKS he is - LOL). There are still too many opportunities for things to go wrong, but the guidance and training from the U of M staff is wonderful, so you shouldn't feel like you'll be going it alone.

Joel and Verna will be coordinating the April caregiver schedule today. For those of you who have already said "I'll help!" look for an email from Joel soon. Or just click on "post your comment" below if you want to throw your hat into the ring.

Be prepared though, Dad's been a "model" patient while he was in the hospital, but now that he's broken out of solitary confinement... the inmate is running the asylum!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 10:39 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 3 April 2007 - 11:43 AM CDT

Name: Kirsten Anderson
Home Page: http://none

Hi Wes and everyone there. I love to check in on this blog and find out how things are going. Wes, you had better mind yourself and not get too carried away running the asylum! I cannot at this time help out but if things so work out I would love to help as time allows. I have my hands full right now taking care of Tom and working at school. I have had experience in hooking up TPN and unhooking, flushing the port etc. I hope I can work it out to get you guys some help. I will keep checking the blog for more news, but it sounds like things are going well for now, as long as the big guy minds his "P's" and "Q's" Take care. Kirsten

Tuesday, 3 April 2007 - 3:31 PM CDT

Name: Cortnie Schierman

I wish I could stay with my grandpa. I learned how to clean his hickman port.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007 - 7:24 PM CDT

Name: kay johnson

Great news! I just managed to find the comment page; must be aging eyes! The blog is wonderful and provides special updates from special people. I espeically appreciated the granddaughters' updates.
Sending blessed Easter greetings, more prayers and love to you all!
My family joins me in sending this message...

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