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Wes Updates
Saturday, 7 April 2007
The more things change, the more things stay the same
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
Ed Karels had been taking over as Caregiver since Verna left on Thursday. I took over this morning and will be here until Ed returns Sunday night. Looks like Joel will be here Monday, Kelly Tuesday, and Verna returns Wednesday to take another seven days.

Today we ventured out of the apartment for Dad's first non-clinic-related trip. He went into Target with me (masked up), stayed in the car while I shopped at Rainbow Foods for him, and got to listen to the beggar outside the liquor store.

Not much else new. No clinic appointment until Monday. I didn't kill him when flushing his port with Heparin. It's relaxing around here, almost quietly boring for an on-campus college apartment.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:31 PM CDT
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Saturday, 7 April 2007 - 9:18 PM CDT

Name: David Langseth

Saturday, April 07, 2007
Dear Wes,
Carol joins me in wishing you and the members of your family a Happy Easter. We are entertaining this year. Our middle daughter Lizbet and her husband Kristian Ronning and daughter Julia Sigrid will be here. Also Kristian's parents, Julian & Eileen, and Eileen's mother, Ruth Olsen. Also our godson, Ryan Tvedt, and his wife Irina. He is a graduate student at the U of Wisconsin in Madison. Again, a Happy Easter to each member of your family. Sincerely, David

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