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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Easter review
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Hallelujah!
Topic: Update
Wes and I spent a very nice Easter Sunday afternoon with the Magnusons. Kelly put a great spread: Honeybaked ham, asparagus with Hollandaise sauce, caramelized carrots, cheesey potatoes, strawberry jello with homemade whipped cream, and Dad's favorite rhubarb dessert. We pilfered Jake and Jessie's candy stash, saw Rick's progress on their addition, and polished off a couple bottles of wine.

Things are going well from a BMT standpoint. He had a biopsy last Friday to determine white cell counts in the bone marrow and check for progress of the transfusion taking hold. Results of the tests will take a while, but we'll update y'all once we hear. They have cut back on a couple of his medications due to elevated readings in the liver and kidneys, but nothing to be alarmed about according to his doctors. Clinic appointments are no longer a daily ritual but rather "as deemed necessary" so he skipped the weekend, had one Monday, skipped Tuesday, has one Wednesday and Thursday... I think.

I'm thinking, even though I have no empirical data or medical evidence to support it, that he'll be sent home sooner rather than later. They'll probably give him a "weekend pass" within the next couple of weeks, followed by even less frequent clinic appointment, and eventually a permanent move back to Lake Lida.

I've got an idea! Let's start a betting pool! there has been a annual "pool" to guess the Ice-Out date on Lake Lida. So, why not do the same with Dad's ultimate release date? How about $1 per guess, winner take all? Enter your guess under the 'Post a comment' section here.

Hmmmmmm.... I'm taking May 4th.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:37 AM CDT
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