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Wes Updates
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Where's Waldo?
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Third-person soliloquy
Topic: Update

Dad was discharged from the U of M hospital late Friday afternoon, after spending the week undergoing an assortment of tests. His team of doctors seemed a bit mystified about the cause of his digestive problems & weren't certain it was symptomatic of Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD)? He was de-hydrated, with weight loss (down 19 to 155# on Monday) & low blood-pressure. To help stabilize him he was given continuous IV infusions of saline solution at the BMT clinic before transferring him back to 4th floor (leukemia ward) in the hospital.

Tuesday throught Thursday he had a flex-sig "scope," ultra sound of his kidneys & an MRI of kidneys & bladder. Gastro-intestinal specialists studied the results of the tests, samples & vitals to determine what was causing the diarrhea, de-hydration, weight loss, fluctuating blood-pressure & loss of appetite. It wasn't until early afternoon Friday that his leukemia Oncologist announced their findings & suspicions. By then his weight was up to 160# (mostly fluids) & most "readings" close to normal, based on blood samples.

Whether GVHD was the culprit or not, the prognosis was 1) an inflammation of the lining of the bowel; 2) an infection, probably from within his system, in the colon. They wouldn't "label" it colitis, but prescribed an anti-inflammatory medication, two antibiotics, & continued use of imodium to help control the diarrhea. He was told to stay in the Twin Cities area through the weekend & report back to the BMT Clinic by 10:30 am Monday, July 16th.

He's been staying with me, son John (who is  typing this explanation for dad), in Chaska, & told me Saturday was the best he's felt in the last month! He needs to drink plenty of fluids but his appetite doesn't allow him more than small portions of food. The Dietician placed no (immediate) resrictions on his diet, but that may change Monday? He sleeps through the night & has avoided daytime naps, unlike frequent napping while hospitalized. He's optimistic his "pick-line" will get "pulled" out Monday & that he'll be free to return to his lake home after his clinic appointments that day.

Ed Karels, his friend & former teaching colleague, will drive him home & stay to help with garden chores during this mid-July height of blooms-n-weeds. He may have to return July 25 for an original appointment (scheduled back on June 20) but will definitely see a Gastro-Intestinal specialist at the University on July 31. Another flex-sig probe (similar to being obducted by aliens) is scheduled for August, so his time at home will be interrupted again. Some medications have been stopped while 4 new ones were added for a total of 18 per day, & some "activity" restrictions are still "in place."

To those who had hoped to connect with him via telephone and/or e-mail, his stamina the last 4 weeks has made even social conversation exhausting. His blood pressure was so low, together with dehydration, he "blacked out" once while still home last weekend. Be patient, he's told, as recovery will be slow, so he asks your patience, should it appear he's not "up to" normal socializing or regular activities? Although discouraged by this set-back, he knows your prayers-of-concern & well wishes have helped before, & expects God's Will should see him through these "bumps." Thank you, again!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:05 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 15 July 2007 8:51 PM CDT
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Monday, 16 July 2007 - 8:35 AM CDT

Name: "Georgie"

This is such good new! I still am praying for a complete recovery.  I hope I get a happy note from Wes at home soon. I am glad things are going so well.

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