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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Wednesday, February 13th
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: BMT Clinic Highlights
Topic: Update

Wes/Dad wants me to post, so that he doesn't have to repeat this over-n-over again...

Clinic visit went well! Described the symptoms I'm experiencing, answered doctor's questions, batted around a few theories. Those of you who got my belated Christmas letter know what I'm talking about... Doc and Kathy (Nurse Coordinator) both agreed I looked better (less purple), the rash was much better/gone in most places, and they were sympathetic to the request that 'I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired." Son John and my friend Ed Karels accompanied me - Connie (Malmquist) Vanderhulst also joined us for lunch while we waited for test results.

Blood work came back great. Vitals fine. Weight steady (sort of). Doc determined that I need a 'Minor Mouth Biospy' for him to determine once-and-for-all whether I have Chronic Graft-Versus-Host-Disease (GVHD). Told me they'd have known right away after the transplant if it was the acute version of GVHD, so good news there. Trying to schedule that test for pre-Cabo departure, but limited time available so will see...

They signed a referral for me to start Physical Therapy (PT) with Craig in Pelican Rapids. Stopped one of my perscriptions (a determining factor that I might have GVHD), re-started another (Bactrim). Talked about my diet and exercise routines. Found out I wasn't diabetic, suffering from depression, mixing the wrong medications, lacked calcium, or any of the other diagnoses people had been kicking around. They gave me the "Green Light" for a vacation to Cabo ("drink only bottled water, use sun screen, and what happens in Cabo stays in Cabo...").

My final one-year transplant follow-up visit is scheduled for mid-March. Another bone biopsy, more tests, with the ultimate goal of them saying "congrats, we don't need to see you again for another year, do the rest of your follow-ups in Fargo." If it turns out I do have GVHD, they will need to put me on limited steriod meds and I might need to have the clinic in Pelican do blood test more often, but we'll cross that bridge when/if we come to it...

All in all, feeling much better (mentally) about narrowing down whats been ailing me lately. Excited to start PT and get some strength/stamina back. Also excited to get out of Coldsville and bask in the warmth of Mexico...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 3:54 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 14 February 2008 8:15 AM CST
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