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Wes Updates
Monday, 2 March 2009
Wes is home... finally!
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Copy of Dad's email
Topic: Update
It's nearing 4:00 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 26, & after deleting many e-mails from the last 3-4 months, I decided to let you know that I was released from Eventide Nursing Home Tuesday
afternoon, following a morning class & test on how to drive using hand-controls in a vehicle. My CRV is getting outfitted today in Fargo & sometime, somehow, it will get returned to
me here at my Lake Lida home. My first driving will be accompanied by someone else (neighbor? relative? friend?) until I'm confident to drive it to Fergus Falls, 30 miles from here
to take a second test required by Minnesota. My brother, Al, & his wife, Becky, picked me up Tuesday, took me to the local drug store to get updated medications & then to Larry's
Supermarket in Pelican Rapids for groceries, amounting to $160, which wasn't bad considering I didn't recall what I had here in my pantry, refrigerator or freezer? They stayed long
enough to get all my things inside, unpacked & put away, continuing the process Wednesday morning, when a Home-Health nurse came to sign me up for therapy & other services.
Al & Becky left about 9:00 a.m. this morning for the first leg of their trip to Arizona, planning to be gone until the second week in April, so I'm relying on help from others until then?:-(
Yes...we're getting the snowstorm that most of the Dakotas & Minnesota are experiencing, so 3 people cancelled on me today (therapist, accesories delivery & cleaning person).
It was exactly 3 months from the day I entered the nursing home that I was discharged, with an OKAY from the therapists, nurses & social worker there. I will be using the services
of Home-Health for the next 4 weeks, it appears, which invloves an occupational & physical therapist, plus a person to help with my showers, etc, so inbetween I'm managing with
either my wheelchair or my prosthetics (artificial legs), depending on my needs & abilities. I use a walker and/or cane to get around my house when I'm wearing the prosthetics, &
know my own limits or endurance, which has me transfering to the wheelchair. It was 6 weeks ago that I started walking & have progressed through using stairs & maneuvering in
& around my home...carefully, I might add. Everything is "slow 'n' go" for me, so I don't always get to the telephone "in time" or answerig the doorbell, so should you plan to visit me
here, PLEASE CALL beforehand, thank you! I won't venture "out" alone for awhile & am restricted to going to church, barber or clinic while I'm under the care of Home-Health. I'm
looking forward to spring & the absence of snow or ice, but will have several walkers "handy" to help get to the garage or into other people's vehicles when it's necessary to leave.
I've had offers of help from several people already, which includes neighbors, church friends & family members, so am grateful for the blessing of being semi-independent again.:-)
I've received a multitude of cards before, during & after the Christmas holidays, which I appreciated, but until I get addresses updated, this means of communication will have to
suffice before I mail anything resembling a holiday card/update, which may be closer to Easter, it appears? I'm still amazed at the recovery progress I've experienced since my
amputation on Nov. 18, but being pain-free again makes it all worthwhile, thanks to the prayers, professional help & God's will for me to lead a near-normal life once again. If you
choose to respond to this e-mail, try to NOT "hit" REPLY as it also returns this update to me, & I try to print the responses I receive.:-) As for OTHER kinds of e-mails, I don't have
much extra time to read the jokes, etc., so even if your intentions are to cheer me up, I'd rather get a personal reply, for now! May you also be part of HIS blessings! Love, Wes

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:08 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2009 11:10 AM CST
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